be me

> be me
> suffer from suicidal depression (now on a fuckton of meds)
> find escape in playing the piano
> played violin at young age, the transition to piano was easier than expected
> be fucked in the head, currently asocial
> want to compose and produce classical music
> no money to buy FL Studio (shit be expensive, like 300$)
> not sure what to do with drafts

What does Yea Forums think of the below linked drafts? Good enough to keep writing piano music?
Tips on ways to get a discount or something for music software? (three different styles written by me)

Attached: piano.jpg (225x225, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

OP here, everything is recorded on an old electric piano that barely works, got it really cheap (aprox. 50 EUR), so sorry for the weird sound quality.

I want to transition to recording through midi + FL Studio, as the piano has midi-connections


So you already know the solution to this

So fuck off and solve it then

Or are you just a lying fake bitch?

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Given that I spent 3 months in closed psychiatric care for battling this apparent flaw, and promised my younger brother not to give up prematurely (9 years younger)...

I could at least try not to an hero in the foreseeable future. Worth a shot, and music is nice.

think it sounds decent OP, sounds like you hesitate a little though.

Yeah, listening to it I realize it isn't perfect, but I am working on calming down so that they do not feel rushed, and better flow.

Thank you, user.

Yes, of course

There's always an excuse, isn't there? Always an obstacle between oneself and the truth

But surely -you- are the exception

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Forgot to mention that the recordings were for myself, and originally not meant to be shared, but I cannot sleep - and opinions are welcome. Not sure what to do if they are not pleasing, so honestly is key.

/ OP

Exception in what regard? The fact that I am writing this sure is a sign of something going in the right direction. There are probably other threads where you can try to push someone over the edge; good luck with that.

>no money to buy FL studio

pirate that shit user

can always start a little slower and speed your way up. for processing software, have you tried anything free yet, like ableton?

That third track is really lovely, OP. Keep it up.

LMMS*, not ableton

why buy a license when tpb is open for free 24/7?

consider buying a license if/when it becomes a profession and you get paid for writing stuff

Never heard of LMMS, I will google it! FL Studio is what I am used to do, and very nice with their mobile app so you can change things on the road. But I did not realize that the PC version was so damn expensive (compared to the android version)

The thought has of course crossed my mind, but updates and such always become a struggle.

Thank you for your kind words! The third one is probably the closest thing to a finished piece

But if I plan to release my pieces when they are ready, wouldn't that be problematic with a pirated version?

I don't have any such goal here

But I am curious as to why you have decided that you family and friends deserve to live with your endless burden, and how there must be something in that for them. To be clear, what do return to them that makes you worthwhile? Or to anyone?

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I do not consider myself a burden, besides that people apparently worry about me - but I have no contact with people anymore. I hang out online, with people like you.

I bought a keyboard recently because I'm trying to get back into music as well. Cost me nearly a month's paycheck at my shitty job. I was never formally trained but I also want to get into composing amid a shit ton of nasty things that happened to me in life in the past few years. I relate to a lot of what you're going through, OP.

Much love man. Too bad this hobby is not too friendly on a really thin budget. I sometimes go to piano showrooms and play, as you can if you ask nice enough. Much recommended

Hard to record there though

>I do not consider myself a burden

They never do, do they?

>people apparently worry about me

Wouldn't it be such a failing on their part? They might have to admit fault. You know how people love to do that

>but I have no contact with people anymore. I hang out online, with people like you.


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This is actually pretty good user. I would say that I hope you become successful in music.

You are a good performer and the music is pleasant to listen to.
I enjoyed the 2nd piece in particular because of my personal appreciation for those kinds of lively medieval/folk sounding motifs played in minor key with a classical piano sound.

The 1st composition has a really familiar and predictable descending chord progression that sounds quite overused and not very original. I think it's in a few famous pop/rock songs from the past century (can't remember the exact ones right now). The pattern in the right hand reminds me of the Medievil video game OST, but doesn't do anything interesting with that simple progression IMO; there's not a clear relationship between what the two hands are playing.

The 3rd composition sounds like a typical anime OST, and actually sounds quite familiar. It also didn't do much for me in terms of originality, but by itself is quite expressive and immersive.

It would help to know what kind of "classical" music you're aiming to compose and for what purpose exactly. Based on what I've heard so far I think you could make a living selling stock soundtracks and OSTs for things like movies, games, etc.
But yeah, the style reminds me of Ludovio Einaudi, if that's what you're going for.

Track 1: uninspired, Basic chord progressions with boring arpeggio. It sounds like an emo kid just discovered classical music. My biggest problem with it is your chord phrasing - you try too hard to be unique and as a result you lose your own voice as your progression sounds like it’s not saying anything at all.

Track 2: I actually really like your progressions, but it feels like a collection of 2-3 good ideas that you’ve slapped together in a haphazard order without regard to the final product. You need to flesh this out, think about the mood you’re communicating, and either 1) finish this frantic run-on sentence of a progression with a logical conclusion, or 2) intersperse some slower, softer bits

track 3) this is by far the best track here. It’s obviously what you’ve put the most thought into and it shows. Criticisms: i think your bass notes are a little too wacky in movement 1. I think movement 1 could also use a light sprinkling of major-scale high notes. Movement 2 needs a little more organization of ideas.

Thank you.

Not really going for anything to be honest, I just play what I hear in my head when I am not at the piano. The three pieces were the only ones I had access to at the time of posting, there are probably 20-30 more where does came from

thank you for your constructive criticism, I will keep what you wrote in mind for the future

I agree with you on all counts, and as you said: the third is probably the closest one to a finished piece - the other two are just randomly recorded for reference

Thank you very much for what you wrote, and I will see what I can do about the bass notes on the third piece!

How would one start with selling stock soundtracks and OSTs? That could possibly be exactly what I would want to do further on

Best Regards,

Avoidance and complacency feel good, don't they?

Or at least they don't feel bad. At the moment. That's probably about as good as it gets though, isn't it?

Attached: prtl.jpg (416x700, 60K)

To clarify and specify my point with regards to piece number 3: you started off well with the soft, mellow minor sound at the beginning, but then at around 0:45 you transition into those energetic, accented major chords (I assume for variety). Up until then the piece was quite promising and had a nice, dynamic melody, but as soon as this happened it immediately lost its appeal, and for me it actually shattered the mood/tone you set at the beginning, replacing it with an easy and much more simple repetitive and cliche pattern. It was at this point that it began to sound definitively like a generic anime OST. You lost the melody and replaced it with chords, essentially.
However, thankfully you brought it back later and I especially enjoyed the slow, meditative parts in the 2nd third of the piece at 2:30 and 2:50.

Another point: your piano music, especially the second and third pieces, remind me of some piano work by Eluvium (if you've ever heard of him - he mostly does electronic stuff). Please listen to the short piece below and tell me what you think. I would especially like to hear your thoughts about how he manages to create variety in the piece while maintaining the same tone/mood throughout the whole thing.

And here's the entire album if you're interested:
Perhaps it might be instructive and aid in your development.

I'm not familiar with that, I'm afraid, so you'll have to start with a google search.
Search "sell soundtracks online".

Just for reference, the three recorded things are playful improvisation to see what could be and should not be. I completely agree with you about the transition into those energetic things, and I also like the 2nd third of the piece (but that was never "written", it was just me improvising)

The improvisation is heavier in track 1 and 2, pretty much full on, but track 3 has a lot of it too.

Never heard of Eluvium before, but those links are instant bookmarks. He can serve as great inspiration, and mechanical goal (in terms of playing).

Given that I am self taught, while transferring as much from my violin experience as possible, I sometimes get stuck in finger movement, but I try to avoid that by playing new types of pieces every few days.

Once again, thanks a lot!

Download a torrent. I use the 300$ version but never paid for it

sounds good OP
i love hearing peoples paino drafts

i think track 1 is my fav btw

Yeah, seems like either that or finding myself a cougar that'd like to become my sugar mama

Thank you!

These are great, user, keep going.
Really enjoyed listening to all of them.

I know nothing about music, but I teach visual art, and when I see a student's early drawings I'm never like, "this is good enough to keep going" It's more like, you put in the time for any craft and you will become highly skilled at it and produce work that will be totally different than anyone else's. So if you enjoy it, and you find it easy to learn, keep going. Can't you just pirate FL studio? Is there still a torrent board on this site?

I sadly need to go to bed now, early doctors appointment tomorrow (CET). Thank you so much for your messages Yea Forums, and I wish you all the best

(If anyone wanna continue talking I guess soundcloud's messaging system is good enough)

Good night/evening/morning people, stay dope!

I guess I can find a torrent if I look for one, but I am worried about updates, and plugins not working as they should

Also, thank you for your kind words - put a big smile on my face

I just followed you