Marinefag here - 1142 Oorah!

Marinefag here - 1142 Oorah!

I have a question for all of you pussies - how come you don't enlist and serve your country?

Having a career and a cause sure beats masturbating yourself blind in your moms basement.

Something to think about you fucking faggots.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Oh look, another faggot

serving your country ? only beta cucks serve. I serve no one faggot. I am free

Leaf here, getting in the army is a bit harder for us.

>POG bitch
>Calling anyone else a pussy

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Because I'm a pussy

>Having a career and a cause sure beats masturbating yourself blind in your moms basement.

Better than masturbating myself blind in the barracks with a bunch of other fucking male faggots watching ike you guys.

That's because you guys have actual standards. We just take any old redneck bitch to be our bullet sponge jarheads.

>tl;dr OP is a jarhead faggot

I want to reenlist in the Canadian armed forces reserve, but taking two months of from my actual job for summer training isn't that easy

Shut the fuck up you stupid pog boot fuck you haven't done shit except play dress up.

Tried, but i lost a finger at work and now the military wont take me

>a fucking boot ass wire crimper
Jesus fucking christ get the fuck off here or get the fuck out of my Corps.
Advertising the Corps on Yea Forums is NOT. GOOD. People should only learn about one or the other separately, because a lot of people in the corps use Yea Forums and really, really shouldn't be posting their military affiliation. COMSEC/OPSEC FAGGOT SHUT UP AND NETWORK IN PERSON

pick one


Hump a SAW through 12k of jungle hills every month and come back.

post your wife's tits sir

I'm not enlisting because I'm going to be an officer and not a cocksucker

Ex 11b combat vet here. Maybe you should understand it's a fucking volunteer force tough guy. You choose to serve you country yes. You also choose to die in combat if need be so others of the country don't have too. Maybe you should understand there is a lot more to your fucking job then your fucking ego kid. 0311 or shut the fuck up. 3 deployments under my belt what about you? Seriously shut the fuck up and stop embarrassing the beloved Core. You don't have the right attitude. Check it your ego will get you no where.


dying for a faggot like frump you are beyond retarded..

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Masturbating in mother's basement is preferable to getting shot in the face in Afghanistan.

This came of a little like the "what the fuck did you just" pasta but he's right, check your ego. People have different roles in society, even in the army you could not be a combatant if there weren't other military men whose role is to serve the combatants

You people need to understand if war is happening people are going and if it wasn't for the "retarded faggots" there will be a draft and you will go. It's doesn't matter what president. Be thankful

Because to be honest I much rather watch men like you die beside me in combat. Then men who put others before themselves. Even to their own death.

796726924 (You) #
Because to be honest I much rather watch men like you die beside me in combat. Then men who put others before themselves. Even to their own death.

>You people need to understand if war is happening people are going and if it wasn't for the "retarded faggots" there will be a draft and you will go. It's doesn't matter what president. Be thankful
then enjoy dying or having PTSD for a country that doesn't give a fuck about you
>So you panhandle at a freeway entrance, and "The President" is the name of your cardboard box?

Die for israel Goyim!

ITT how to spot the boot. Deploy, make some rank, build a bit of salt, then come back.

I tried joining the (royal) marines, but i cant because my left ear is basically useless and i fail the medical.

>Because to be honest I much rather watch men like you die beside me in combat. Then men who put others before themselves. Even to their own death.
WTF..fucking crackheads..

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because I don't want to be a mindless tool of the bourgeoisie fighting some rich punk's proxy war for "freedom"(oil) in sandnigger territory


Negative. I went on 3 deployments. 2 Iraq one Afghan. I don't have problems what so ever. If I did that is completely fine with me. I would've gladly been physically mangled, mentality damaged, or killed. So others wouldn't have too. I would gladly bear the burden. So people like you wouldn't have too. That's the deference between me and you people.

People like you are such fucking weasels

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Do you watch Jocko's podcast by any chance? Gained a whole new level of respect for vets, so even tho i'm not from the US i admire your service

ok welfare queen

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just goes to show how stupid you are. you're not fighting to keep us free you dumbass.

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Because I'd rather finish law school and help sort out problems on our own land without serving the fucked up military industrial complex, see ya in 10 years when you're fighting your insurance for not covering diseases your time in the service caused.


Bruh you must have brain damage, cuz that was a complete 180

1. Got other interests

2. Blessed with a high IQ

3. Not willing to make myself a sacrificial puppet like you

I don't want to be some welfare dependent useless cunt. I want to contribute to society, not come back to the civilian world expecting everything to be handed to me while drunkenly bitching my life away blaming PTSD like some snowflake.

I'm not thankfull for the person who does my taxes or flips my burger. It's their job to do that, just like it's the job of every person who has willing enlisted.

The country has been taken over by special interests. Not every one that enlists is automatically a hero or a patriot.

If you were smart you would've been a merc and made real money. Go fight for for the oil and drug peddlers. I'll stay right where I am. Thanks.


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I thank you for that but no need for it. I didn't do it for some boating. I did it for the better of the world. It's funny because I've said more about my feelings of war on here. Then to anyone of everyone known. Even my family. Besides other vets I've served with. If little bitch that posted this bothered me and I needed to correct him

Cos I don't want to be screamed at by some sexually confused 21 year old lance corporal cos my bed isn't made right

yea but no one gives a fuck and POTUS insults you

Truly the stupidest way to join the military.
If you're going to waste your life fighting endless wars for other people's interests, at least get some respect and decent pay while you're doing it.

You have got me confused with the poster boy. I'm a real 3 deployment infantrymen. I saw his dumb ass post and need to correct him.

>not 0311

Drop, pussy, and push. 50, then reply. If not dubs, 50 moar. Lather, rinse, repeat, POG. GO!

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I make way more money in a year than you will in 4 or 5. That's why. I'd rather do what I want, when I want. You go ahead and get yourself blown up, bootlicker.

ThAnK yOu FoR yOuR sErViCe

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I did, thank you very much. 1A251, USAF.


>how come you don't enlist and serve your country?
I'm disabled. Good enough for you?

I understand that. If there wasn't people willing to volunteer. Then there will be a military draft or mandatory service time. In which if that happens you could be picked randomly. Protection and warfare will and always happen. If it was for the "volunteer force". You could be them regardless of what you think or feel. So be thankful there are people who have the that mentality that I believe everyone in this country should have.

Yes he does but I served the people of this country and the men with me. I could care fucking lesson what the president thinks or says. I did it for the people so someone other then me would have to die. I wanted that to be me not anyone else. War will happen and I much rather the pain and hurt be on me. Then anyone else. I am a patriot not for the county but for the people that make this country.

I went to college and became an engineer instead. I briefly considered the military for free college, but I have major problems with arbitrary authority and knew I wouldn't do well in that environment.

Yeah for little bitch

>I have a question for all of you pussies - how come you don't enlist and serve your country?


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For real fuck this dude

imagine LARPing as a faggot dudebro nationalist

Or become a nurse/doctor and save people's lives instead of taking them :)

>how come you don't enlist and serve your country?
because i get paid twice as much and dont have to die for a country that doesnt give a shit about me

I am thinking about joining, but I am not old enough. I'll be 17 on May 12th and I asked my mom if she would let me enlist. She said no.

Very true. I'm sorry but there is people in this world that just need some killing.

inb4 ban

fucking kek, sure man sign up for the jew army... get paid few sheckels and fuck up your life permanently lol- best idea EVER

Your to young bro. Think about it awhile go in if you choose around 20

Your mom will always say no but it's your life.

top kek, CAF will take ANYONE, i repeat ANYONE, they are so desperate they kept calling me for 3 years after i let them know i regularly use drugs, it was officer positions too... its fucking pathetic

Don't go right away. Wait a couple years and figure something out. Make sure you ACTUALLY want to go.

You're wrong.

No thanks. I have more than 3 brain cells.

why are you gay?

I wanted to and tried. Had bad asthma in HS, even though I had perfect vision and could pass all the math tests to be an aviator.

So I went into computers instead.

>how come you arent a mindless body for an imperial country for only $20k a year?

So. You believe the world would be a better place if there's no war? It would be a great place yes but it's not realistic. There are terrible person in this world and its before if there just not here anymore.

1812 here. Semper Fi, brother.

Fuck the military. I gave those mother fuckers 6 years only to come home and to be unable to sleep without the lights on for a year. 80% of my time was sitting around and testing tank equipment and doing nothing if there was no equipment to test.

If any of you are considering joining; don't.

Fellow leaf here wondering myself to join up or not 20s have flashed past me now looking to do shit in my 30s feel like it's too late.

OP If your government had a foreign legion or some shit I'd join in a heart beat.

Do know the CF can be picky but come now can't be that fucking hard to get in infantry other roles are a bitch to I heard.

>there will be a draft

thanks for honest opinion user, sorry to hear about your condition.

>Do know the CF can be picky
they are far from picky, go ahead and go and have your amplitude tests done, see how many people will be doing them with you. go check it for yourself. they are def not picky

Didn't enlist, but I was conscripted for the 1 year service. Only about 10-20 % gets enlisted so it's kind of a choice still. Still in the Home Guard as a corporal, but only have about 4-5 days of training each year now. Service was nice, I think more people should serve.

I'm over it now, but where I was stationed, we pretty much slept with our weapon and with those bright white lights on. Eventually, you start getting used to it. I had to gradually go back to sleeping in the dark. If lights go off at camp, prepare for some deep shit.

The terrible people are the leaders. You're just killing their hapless dupes.

Yeah unless the world breaks out in a 10 year WW3 type of total war then yeah sure a draft otherwise two superpowers will be done major fighting in a year tops.

terrible people are the ones that your leaders don;t approve user... its all fucking propaganda.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

You're right, it's not realistic. We should kill ourselves and end the human race. The ultimate selfless act.

POG boot

>join military
>promises of careers and education and other bullshit stuff just to get you to enlist
>you are now the governments ass puppet
>train to kill people
>get called to a "conflict"
>fight towel heads and sand niggers
>"I got your back bro, ill die for my country"
>get killed
>government ships your dead body home in a box
>family lost someone
>government geeks going and doesnt give a shit about you dying
>war goes on
>more people die
>more people enlist to take their place
>they die
>cycle continues


yeah no thanks... im not dying just to further the US's bullshit politics and wars. you stupid people go do that, while the rest of us have jobs and make money and have families, and the ones that do survuve have constant problems with PTSD and all sorts of other mental shit.

so, go ahead bendover and let uncle sam shove his cock up your asshole and ream you until you bleed.

fucking sheep.

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Wow. Testing tank equipment and doing nothing fucked you up that much?

>having a career

if by career you mean being a homeless drug addict with PTSD then I guess that makes sense... but doesnt explain why it would be a good choice.

this, whenever there is a job offer that gives you way too many perks you know something is fucking wrong.

Sure bud. It happened in with the Vietnam War. Your not special.

Its incredibly disrespectful to steal valor. You should kys

>government geeks going

KEEPS going. fuck my typing

What a LGBT faggot

that's kinda what i was saying. anyone that follows trumps orders is a hapless dupe.

Because I'm Muslim and I don't want to join an imperial machine that kills other Muslims

anyone that follows any type of orders really... hence psychedelics carry the same punishment as fucking heroin. gov does not want you to think for yourself.

and it's not about me. there are enough people in the military with voluntary enrollment. wars today are won by air power. there's much less need for cannon fodder.

Have you ever eaten bacon?


Dude shut up. Really.... You couldn't sleep for awhile. Sounds terrible.

For shit other than Infantry or whats the navy equivalent boatswan or non post secondary req MOS yeah I'd have to see this in Person user.

I saw my fair share of fucked up things that was enough to scar you a little bit.

Seeing gore threads here don't bother me as much as seeing it in front of me.

I'm pretty sure you don't know what those two terms mean.

Sadly, no. Turkey bacon, yeah, but everybody says it's a poor substitute

It's not just that. The loud nosies, the constant anxiety, the nightmares were a big part of it too. Do you not realize that not getting decent sleep every night fucks you up?

I don't see you enlisting, hmm?

>serve your country

More like serve Israel and Saudi Arabia.

I'm a liberal and not a nationalist, I believe in open borders, USA does not need any protection.

Man, I was in reserves when I was 18, and got out, but now at 32 I actually miss it, I am very strongly considering re-enlisting, but taking the time off from my main job for reserve training is difficult. You'll have a far better mindset towards it now than you would when you're younger, yet still you8n enough to get into killer shape.

lol I served in the Marines. I couldn't wait to get the fuck out. You act like you're having a great time, but I know you hate it.

Enjoy not having a life or any sort of freedom! I'm gonna go immerse myself in the real world, you can keep looking at that depressing marine architecture.

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I was applying for Airforce. It was pathetic, unorganized and overall mess... they need people all the time... my step-bro got into airforce with failing grades in math from HS no higher education asthma and bunch of allergies... he is a tech, i would get a captain with my graduate degree

I live in the highest ranked country in the world (HDI) and I was conscripted into the army. We still have conscription and like Israel we also now conscript chicks as well. The crazy thing is that girls actually do a good job. Not as strong physically, but handles the mental part of it better. And hey, girls in uniform are cute

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Typical Muslim always defending the other shitstains no matter how guilty they may be

where are her tits?

Armyfag here. I tried to join the Marines, but I couldn't eat enough crayons.

You were probably too fat to even complete the 3 mile run.

fuck you. i'm not muslim. and i don't want to kill anyone either.

can't wait till the western world wakes up and wipes you fuckers off the face of the Earth.

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behind the bikini

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i got nigger tits than that

Interesting how that shit gets ingrained in you. I had a buddy who deployed in the Iraq invasion and he never takes the same route to and from a destination. He also hated driving under overpasses because he was used to looking for RPGs.

Typical offended Muslim.

Pigs are filthy, dirty animals. not fit for human consumption.

nice try recruiter

dont do it guys i joined and fucking hate it

Sure dude. So the group that I helped kill in Iraq. That were kidnapping small boys raping them and beheading them because there family wouldnt fight for them. Or killing an entire family for not giving them food. Or killing mens family if they refuse to fight. Or killing an entire town of innocent people because they refused to farm popi plants for heroin to fund the terrorist groups. You are clueless. It's not your fault though. The U.S. does shelter it's citizens. We have it so good and y'all don't even know.

Nice trips. Can't argue with that

well niggers do usually have more nigger tits.

You've been bombing tiny, backwards little Afghanistan for 18 years, and still haven't won.

I'd say the pussies are the Americans.

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Mhm. It's more than just "not being able to sleep." Non-veterans don't understand how fucked you are when you're discharged.

Playing call of duty in your suburban basement doesn't count, bro

Go eat crayons somewhere else

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>A young boy sees a Marine wearing his dress uniform in a restaurant.
>"Wow, are you a real live Marine?" the boy asks.
>"I sure am, kid," replies the Marine. "Here, I'll even let you wear my hat."
>The Marine lets the boy try on his hat, and the boy runs to the restroom to look into the mirror.
>As the boy glances at his reflection, an Army paratrooper with a red beret walks in. "Wow!" says the boy. "Are you a real live Army paratrooper?"
>"Yes, I am," answers the paratrooper. "Why? You wanna suck my dick?"
>"Oh no," says the boy. "I only borrowed this hat."

Not to mention he’s a peacetime POG national defense warrior sitting around with his thumb up his ass sponging tax payer dollars

I really want to be at air force (FAM) but im just too fat

Yeah I can’t imagine. And then there the physical shit too. My cousin was an army airborne medic and almost deployed but he fucked his back up during a practice jump. He never once deployed and just has a perpetually fucked up back now.

I am a westerner too, dumbass. And the way I see it, the West is sleepwalking right off a cliff.

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shut the fuck up POG
shut the fuck up POG
shut the fuck up POG

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>I really want
>im just too fat

Choose one

I have a career, make way more than you and won't have PTSD afterwards.

Also America is a shit country, why would you risk your life for some old white fucks?

But say there was no volunteer force? What would happen? I send it early scroll up. My spell check on my fun sabotaged me from time to time.

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You just proved you don't have any idea what the fuck you are talking about.

I'm a 3 deployment ex infantryman. 2 Iraq 1 Afghan. Stop it.

Don't need to enlist to kill sandniggers, Can do that right here in the good ole USA

Shhhhh...let's watch

hmm lets see, I live in the US, they say we are free, cant even grow weed or own fully automatics, want to send people to shitty never ending wars doing security for people I dont care about and big corporations, very high suicide rate and ;lots of soldiers with all kinds of mental disorders, get the fuck out of here faggot


That's wonderful. What are you trying to prove? You want a cookie or something? I'm not allowed to have some sort of negative problem post-military service because you were deployed more? Suck my ass.

you've probably never even seen real combat. I did when I enlisted back then.

Honestly, most people who join the army or marines are people who lack a direction for their future so they join the military thinking they can turn it into a career.

Sure dude. You people are ridicules

>you people are ridicules


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Small tits and a small mp7, but still a nice bod and a cute face. And a girl that has served is always a higher tier than some bitch that hasn't done shit for her nation.

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Yeah sure bud. You know exactly what I'm getting at stop dude.

Only reason newfags join the military nowadays is because their parents are poorfags who can't afford to send their kid to college.

Hey faggot you proud of killing babies for politicians you give no fucks about you?

Marinefag, Army! Hooah!


Clearly to dumb to do anything else

What weapon did you fags have? Here's mine. An '07 made HK 416. Was more or less brand new when I got it. Brilliant weapon.

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I never killed anything that didn't deserve some killing and that's the truth. Nope worries there. So shit up you fucking bitch seriously. Ooooo poor you! I can't fucking sleep because the lights are off ;(. I know your type. You were kicked put weren't you.

Fuck off you corporate stooge. Halliburton does not thank you for your service.

Hope your legs get blown off fuckface

When your diet consists of crayons, words are hard.

Wrong person, but nice try. I'm not the same guy

>not being us army 68 series

>almost as cancer as signal

so you are a cocksucker, better known as bootlickers, that's some lack of self respect right there

Sounds like bullshit, you sure killed or raped some children there, knowing how you act here maybe you think they deserved it for being born in the wrong country.

Been there done that its not what its cracked up to be and you know if faggot

I could literally work at subway and be better than you

I would never kill because I was told to. My choice, not a politicians or a generals.

Literally what the kite runner was about


But not *TOO* dumb for spelling, obviously.

>1. I'm not allowed to.
>2. I have psychological problems
>3. It pays more to become a cop or fireman
>4. Why would I sign a contract that says I have no rights?

God Bless

They tried to recruit me, but realized that I had asthma, and gave up.

I have served my country you fucking speed bump
.. go report back to your navy command

Hey Oorah !! Then how the fuck do you find yourself here you dumb shit... If you were anything more than a high school dropout you be doing something useful with yourself..

the armed forces is full of sadists, bullies and sociopaths who waste the time and faith those around them. everyone I have met from the forces says "don't do it!" and "once you're on base they have you for life, don't show up to anything". i wonder at the health of an army that has to have recruiters fool people into serving.

i would do it if you guys weren't such a pathetic shitshow of human misery, not to mention them trying to fuck you out of pay all the time and the VA being an absolute joke. when this country respects it's veterans again I would consider becoming one.

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Sorry but that's an ignorant comment. michaeljackaonignorant.jpg I got my college degree thanks to the military. I made life long friends. You get out what you put in.

Because I don't feel like fighting oil war to feed the 1% of people. And line there pockets with gold.

Lol, I'm going to you crayon eater

Honestly you going all depress over what someone told you, good I am glad you didn't join.

I have to deal with retard privates in this current 18-20 year old age group and you universally suck. Sure there are a couple that don't but a majority of this demographic are bitches. Think about that.

>I was a bully and got my way with the other bullies

sorry but I've just heard too many stories about what you people are actually like.

meanwhile >non-judicial punishments

like the guy who was AWOL for a couple days being beaten and stuffed into a metal drum for two days, as I recall the guy died of a heart attack when they beat him again because he wouldn't stop screaming inside the drum

gee I wonder how it got that extreme, could it be the army attracts and is filled with literal sub-human sociopaths with broken frontal lobes?

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Yeah ok. None of those things ever happened. You are childish grow up

This story not only reads like total bullshit, it probably is.

The brain thing, yeah cool whatever.

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Bold eagle program was the greatest thing I did

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Because I have a career where I make stuff instead running around and cuddling dudes

Was going to go, actually all sighed up.
Then they told me.

Your knees are shot.
Your eyes are bad.

You can't do anything you want to. I wasn't going to tolerate the ribbing from getting off the runs.

So did a fuck you and washed out.

I'm in the navy. I still want to die

Enjoy being a slave to the government the rest of your life and dying in some shitty proxy war. So brave.

Because when I was 18 Bush was starting wars over BS. I'm not risking death for American oligarchs.

Cause you're in the navy. Navy fag.

Be nice to me. I'm not homosexual

Yeah getting dicked down on the daily sounds pretty shitty.
At least the green-weenie is a figurative statement and not a real thing.

Oh yeah, bombing 20% terrorist assholes and 80% people who are nothing but bystanders sure would make me feel like serving my country. Most of my family has been in the military. They all disagree with your rhetoric and absolutely despise soldier worship


It is beautiful to watch the parts fly tho

It's not our fault that your own goverment has declared war on its own people user. You've made your country weak and by default ripe for the taking, what the fuck did you think would happen? We didn't storm in, you idiots invited us with open arms.
The only "right" you have to your land is dictated by your ability to defend it against invasion you pussy.

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Your motivation is disgusting.

Femanon here, just started seeing a former USMC logistics officer who was deployed to Kuwait and a few other countries. What is the likelihood he has ptsd?

>Deployed to Kuwait

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Show pusy deer.

Was about to come in here and call op a pog boot fuck but all mein niggers already done it

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0 pussy sat in an air conditioned office while the men youll soon want taking turns on you were actually working in the heat

0311 here. Eat shit pog.
You're the reason noone respects the military

i failed the iq test

as much as i'd love to be handed a wooden gun and ordered to charge a machine gun nest, i'll pass

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Active /r9k/ server, no normalfags allowed:

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