Okay, so after getting a little tipsy and feeling like I am normal for once in my life...

Okay, so after getting a little tipsy and feeling like I am normal for once in my life. I thought it would be interesting to ask everyone in Yea Forums what they think life's true meaning is. What motivates you to keep going, whenever life kicks you in the ground or makes you want to give up existing.

Now it can be anything as simple as wanting to care for someone, or something hedonistic like drugs and hookers, I do not care. I just want to hear what you truly believe makes life worth living. Not to make myself feel better or to look down upon you, but hopefully to understand where you come from.

If you want to insult me, think I am in some kind of high horse, by all means do so. Tell me what you truly feel. Part of me feels stupid to ask something like this but hey, I just want to see what folks think.

Regardless of what you might say or think, I still wish the best for anyone here. No matter if you are already doing well or are going through hard times, I think everyone deserves the chance they need to do better.

tl;dr Tell me what motivates you to move forward in life, regardless of your hardships. Sarcastic, caustic, or honest feedback is welcomed.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Happiness user. I just want to be happy with the rest of the time I have over here. I went through sadness, and being suicidal, but I'm tired of it now. I want to be happy. And I've found that being nice to people makes me happy, so I come on here sometimes and talk to people about their day... Makes me happy.

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Quite a commendable point of view. I wish I could feel the same, just wanting to be nice for others for the sake of it and nothing more.

But with my luck, it feels as if I need to do wrong to other people in order to feel happiness. Regardless, I want to follow the same philosophy as you do, even if it means I go through a bigger ordeal as a result. I feel no satisfaction in the misery of others.

I try not to think too much about life in general. Makes me depressed beyond myself and thinking about the universe and what it's all worth makes me suicidal.

I try to make the most of what I get and live my life according to a general code of ethics: don't cause intentional harm to others, don't think about life too much, don't ask too deep questions.

When it comes to the meaning of life, life is what you make of it. Some might say it's just drugs and hookers, but to someone else it might be starting a family and living a "mundane" life with an adequate significant other.

Tl;Dr: live like you want and die when it's all over

Kids. Kids is the answer. You're here to procreate, faggot. So get a woman, preferably from the same race, and get kids. 3 is a minimum, 5 is ideal.

My hatred for minorities

5 you must be fucking crazy faggit. I can not wait til your wife takes all your shit then bangs a tryone

Being productive and creating things gives my life a meaning

Whatever. You can spit on the old christian values all you want, but the happiest families I've seen are the white, christian families with more than three kids who live in the suburbs. They live the best lives ever. And if you disagree, well, you're a moron because you have no arguments.

Kids is the answer, but procreation is just a tiny sliver of your
responsibility. If you think it ends at just having your wife / gf
poop out a baby, you'll end up raising another absolute trash
of a human being.

Someone may have way more impact on the world by being
a role model to a bunch of kids rather than actually raising
their own.

I agree. I might not have been clear, but I thought that, for any reasonable person, having kids also implied raising them properly. Thanks for clarifying.

Every single one of your arguments are going to be based of off religion of morality both which are not definite factual evidence. The only moron here is you please consider suicide after you mid life crisis after your wife leaves you for tyrone\

Existence itself is a responsiblity to yourself, do with it what you want but be wise about it. Seems selfish, but it's fair since everyone else should take care of themselves. Don't give a shit about what other people think, it doesn't matter. Only thing that matters is what you think of yourself. Also happiness isn't the answer, that's a hedonistic perception. Rather strive for contentment with things you already have, ie be grateful. If you accept these things life becomes a lot simpler and you won't be disappointed. Contentment is achievable through self improvement and reaching new goals. Failure is always the easiest option, but go for what is right. There is always the truth, separate from your perception thereof. Find the truth and you'll be at peace.

ha. I'm rich as fuck, I have three houses and four cars. Plus I'm a Chad. Why would my wife leave me for a lowlife nigger who will rape her once then dump her in the garbage? She must be very stupid, and trust me, she isn't.

It's not necessarily mid-life crisis that drove the OP. I think he brought the issue up in a clear and conscious manner, what is the meaning of life? You digress into saying it's a mid-life crisis thing while the OP is probably just another 20-something neckbeard-to-be like most of us.

Epicurius says it's frugality. A balanced middle ground between orgies and starvation. Retire from the world and enjoy life, without falling into the trap of hedonism. Live a balanced life and you shall be happy.

I love how you have to justify your life not leaving with cars and money even though she can take all that shit with a divorce. Also imagine calling yourself a chad kek. Your wife must be stupid to be with you. Can't way til you cry about how your going to commit suicide because she stole everything from you

I was not speaking to OP your brainlet

again, why she would even attempt divorce is beyond understanding, because she knows she will lose. You need to get laid more, incel.

I'll get laid when you use your brain "Chad." Women are already favored in the courts she can win easily dumbshit.

Some of us live in conditions that don't really allow such niceties. If you are socially awkward, your social life is bound to be exhausting and probably not even worth it to boot. I know this sounds pessimistic as fuck but being pessimistic about things is a coping mechanism since I find myself in a dead-end in life. Not having friends fucking sucks, and I consider Yea Forums to be my primary source of social interaction.

Such a sad life, like most of us. So what is the meaning? To be happy regardless of your situation? Or to just not care about it too much? It's a loaded question and by looking for an answer to it you will only find yourself asking more questions.

Simple, but an elegant answer to a complex question. I don't like to think too much about it myself as well.

I don't see how getting laid would help in him understanding your point.

Regardless of whether your response is meant as a shocking remark or something true to heart, I am curious.

How does disdain to minorities make life bearable or enjoyable for you?

feeding trolls should be against the terms of use here

Don't tell him Nigger

I hate to be someone who always seem to know the answers for others, but that kind of mentality is something I do completely agree with.

Happiness is worthless at the expense of your happiness. Someone cannot be happy if they allow themselves to be miserable. I am sorry if this may offend those who feel differently, but I do not think suffering for others is the best course of action.

>she can win easily dumbshit
Well, not in 100% of the cases. She would need to invent some bullshit theory which would be easily debunked and in the end I would still win. And anyway, she loves me and i love her. Why would she want to risk losing her comfortable life as a housewife married to a banker to go fuck a crackhead nigger and end up dying from a meth overdose?

it seems that this guy has somehing against women, he seems to believe they will necessarily betray him (or in this case, that my wife will divorce from me no matter what). Getting laid more will give him more interaction with women, and he will realise that, despite women being complicated, they aren't the treacherous monsters he believes they are.

I do appreciate the concern but it is foolish for me to assume that someone can be trolling if they make a shocking statement. You are not foolish if you think so otherwise, but I would be a fool to think in my own terms.

I want to understand others, regardless whether or not I agree with their views.

Purpose. When you find something that you care about more than yourself it changes everything. Some people mentioned kids, that's certainly the most obvious answer but it's not the only answer. For me it was a stray dog I found that was almost dead. I picked her up off the side of the road and to the vet, nurtured her and brought her back, then she lived another 15 happy years and rarely left my side. I was depressed, confused and suicidal at the time and that gave me purpose. That dog depended on me for her very life and I embraced it, I wasn't going to let her down. So today she gets credit for me being alive right now. I'm not 100% sure I would have an hero'd but when she showed up in my life the thought of leaving her alone in this world was immediately gone. She passed back in 2017 and that's OK but I realized that finding something to GIVE is far more important, motivating and infinitely more satisfying than trying to figure out how to receive.

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You certainly have the IQ of a nigger. Anyway she could literally do sometyhing as simple as punching herself in the face and blame it on you therefore making an excuse for a divorce then taking your home, kids, and money. She would date a nigger as a single mom just to piss you off dumbshit

Happiness is a lot like money. Having more of it breeds disdain and discomfort, because the possibility of losing what you have weighs heavily on your shoulders. True happiness is really what you want it to be. You can force a smile or a chuckle whenever you want, and through that positive reinforcement, be happy.

In essence what I'm trying to say is your happiness is between the ears.

Yes, I concede that many people aren't as lucky as I am. In the case where having children is too much of a burden, I suggest living by the Tetrapharmakon:
1) Don't fear the gods
2) Don't fear death
3) What is painful is easily bypassed
4) What is pleasurable is easily reached

nope nothing against women just something against low IQ "Chads" who think having tons of kids is the answer to everything

Are you jealous of my wealth and of the fact that I have a waifu who loves me? Or are you just trolling the shit out of this thread?

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If I were low IQ I wouldn't be rich

I do not believe that there is an answer for a question as complex as this. If I did, then that would make me into a fool who thinks the key to happiness is in my hands.

I only want to know and understand with what other people might truly feel. And I do want to thank you for your response. It might not be easy to be honest, but I find your honesty to be refreshing from the dishonesty I see in many people.

maintaining happiness
helping others
continuing to build spiritually
work towards being the best human I can be in all aspects of my life

all other things seem to fall into place

I'm feeding a troll here but i'm bored so taking the bait regardless. You seem very frustrated and are probably a lonely failure like most of us. Have you considered a hobby like yoga or meditation? Really helped me put things into perspective at least, so I highly recommend it for you as well.

Try to weed out the misdirected view you have of women.They are people just like men, and they have their own agenda, just like anyone else. That agenda isn't always malicious, nor is it always hurtful to someone else. Believe it or not, there are good, honest people on both sexes.

Not the guy you are responding to but there are plenty of stupid rich people user.

Not true plenty of people who are stupid are really wealthy and nor am I jealous of your wealth I am perfectly comfortable middle class. What I am saying is the retarded idea that religion and procreation create happiness is absurd you are just denying the truth

I never thought about it that way. The more of having something that you think makes you happy, the more of a discomfort or burden it makes you feel. I think that money has been too much of a motivation for me personally, but I want to thank you for offering a differing perspective. I will take that to heart the next time I focus too much on wanting to find peace in material wealth.

Incorrect goes against basic human nature and no weed has a negative impact on society/youth you are probably one of those libcucks who want to legalize it

Bigass anime titties.

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>Try to weed out the misdirected view you have of women.

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And you seem to be a anti legalized fag, who wants to tell everyone how to live their life. Fook you, guy.

I see the word weed again I thought we already discussed this?

I know this might sound silly but how would you help others at a time of need?

I know that their is the usual of offering money to the homeless, maybe give good advice to friends or family, but what would be something you would do for someone that needs help?

I am tired of being cynical to other people and assume that the best course of action is to satisfy my own needs. I miss the feeling of doing something good for other people. It feels so good when I make someone's day better.

Actually I feel good for the first time after 15 years of drugs and shit. I've now fund out that it turned out really nice. So right now I want to live every day just to keep on this way


Anime titties are something I really like. Sure, that makes me a weeb or whatever someone might say. But damn is it a fine sight to see!

Go volunteer at a VA hospital. I know the vets appreciate it.

Or maybe I recognize the statistical implications it would have crime rates go up government gets more tax money huge negative impact on our youth more driving under the influence therefore accidents negative brain impacts. Before spouting some extra chromosome bullshit use your brain

Any experience required?

Sorry if it seems like a stupid question. I just want to know that this option would be good for myself and maybe other people who feel the same.

You need to pursue a career where your primary objective is helping people. Study to become a nurse or somesuch, and get paid for doing what you aspire. Helping random people is generally a bad idea because some might even take offence, thinking "i don't need help with X". This i've learned from experience, being helpful is only really helpful when the one being helped is actually asking for it.

Why would anyone intentionally waste their time and receive nothing? 0 IQ commie

Lol, whatever you have to tell yourself. I guess you don't drink alcohol then either. You sound like a boring fuck. So your facts and figures if I saw on paper, I would use it to roll me split. And I would skull fuck your mom also. Cause I got high.

Attached: fuckin dart in your neck.gif (220x134, 140K)

Nope, just a wanting to help is all that I required, b/ro.

Well, someone is a cranky edgelord. Then don't ever help anyone and they won't help you. Cool

Once again not true plenty of people will help you if you give them the perception that you are "helping" them. Again 0 IQ commie

I should have known better. People only wish to be helped if they are asking for it.

I fallen in the trap of helping others that didn't ask for it. I'm an Aspie fuck so I think this kind of subject too literally but I want to be a better listener for others. I know that not everyone is wanting help but someone to listen to nowadays.

Now I just need to find the career that suits me best in order to help those who need and ask for it.

What did you expect? It's Yea Forums after all. I'm a little surprised to see this thread has actual constructive feedback. It's refreshing to actually discuss something rather than just post porn or troll newfags. This is just the kind of thread I come on this website for. I know, i'm a faggot. Fuck you.

Oh ok, Dr. Phil. Go fuck Oprah and get yer stupid teenager rage outta here.

Somedays it feels good helping people, and not expecting anything out of it.

It sounds weird, sure. but it is a really good feeling to have. I remember how good it felt doing that with my ex, before we broke it off.

Nice trips but your still being very presumptuous in order to justify your argument. Maybe try not being a 0IQ commie

Lol. Hey, I like to bust balls just like you b/ro. It's all good to discuss a subject while calling you a fag. This is how men communicate for the most part anyway, fag. Now, go to the corner and cry more while getting the sand out yer vag. K.

You seem like a nice person though, so you have that going for you. Unlike many other users on this site. Being a little aspie myself I know exactly what you mean, social interactions are tough, and finding the right niche where helping others is appreciated is a tough cookie to crack. Keep at it though, and really consider a career in helping. A paramedic maybe? Or then study law and give affordable prices to attorney for criminals. There's limitless potential as long as you are clever enough to pass exams at school, and since you claim you're an aspie, I'm sure it would pose no problem for you.

Nurse. Paramedic. Law. Consider it my friend.

The mere fact that I exist... Won't last forever. In fact, it fades quick.


Well, I appreciate the modesty but there is nothing to make fun of if you want something more in depth than what you usually find in Yea Forums.

Porn and some trolling is good and fun every now and then, but sharing beliefs is good stuff. We might not feel the same with other people, but it helps to understand why people feel the way they do. Makes sense out of this maze that we call life.

Imagine being a samefag and calling someone else a fag. Suicide is an option you know.

Life is worth living because of the improbilities, ups and downs, feeling yourself and love.

The mind can break down everything beautiful in little parts, that seem rather meaningless. In the big picture life also is meaningless, because its just a selfsustaining system designed to survive/go on.

So after years of struggle I found peace and meaning in my life, alltough I know its rather meaningless. The art is to understand and find a balance of micro, macro and meta meaninglessness (if thats even a word) and rather get to know good people, showing no fear and living life as you want it to life. Money also helps, but shouldnt result in meaningless consumption. Rather a tool that lets you be free to do, whatever the fuck you deem necessary.

As long as you dont stop looking for your answer, you're gonna be fine.

Thanks on the trips. I usually will pull the trip 777's for some reason. Back on point! If you don't want to help someone then don't, fag. It has been proven to me in life that karma Is a real thing. So for me, I have done enough bad shit in my life for two life times. So, if in helping others, besides it being the right thing to do, it helps me to forgive me. So don't judge me fuck stick. I take bigger shits in the morning than you.

I'm too socially awkward to even get vagina, let alone digging anything out of one. I know it's not something you're supposed to take literally, but sometimes the negativity gets to me because I am a pussy faggot.

If I ever were to kys, I'd take you with me, fag.

Hangout with me for a weekend b/ro, I'll find a bitch you can go balls deep in. It's not a hard task as you believe it to be.

and a dubs right after but anyway nice try Buddah. Karma does not exist it is just something people say to make others do good things. There is no way to "prove" something like that also I am pretty sure the person who lived the longest was 113 so technically there is no way for you to do "two life times" worth of bad shit

Haha.. Well, I try to be a nice guy. I am kinda a jerk in real life. Maybe it's for the bullying I had as a kid, friends who backstabbed me for petty reasons, and my ex taking advantage of me (I wasn't a perfect bf, so part of me feels responsible for her reacting the way she did), but I can't find myself wanting to hate people.

Every time I feel like shit, I remember that there were a lot of times I felt happy being around others. Like I wasn't just some awkward alien creature trying to fit in. And that's why I want to see what makes life worth living for others.

There's a whole lot of complications with my own family and job that won't make it easy to find the happiness I want. But I intend to find it. And I wish the same for others, even if some don't believe in finding it themselves.

To each their own. I can't prove you're wrong any more then you proving I'm wrong. That fact seems to piss you off, no?

you're a faggot OP, please anhero

My purpose in life is to laugh at all the plebs and retards taking this all so serious.
>Pic related is mfw

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As long as you stay true to yourself and try to see the best in people, you can find happiness in life in some way.

It doesn't have to involve sex. It just involves in seeing what makes life worth living. I know someone people don't see the value of doing good for others, whether it is because they been hurt too much or because of genetics that make them feel that way. But I feel the same way myself, I don't really have any way of feeling sorry for others but there really is no satisfaction in hurting people that don't deserve it. Why waste time doing something that feels wrong when making others feel right is what feels best?

Nope not angry just the general spread of misinformation is bad. This is basically one of those religious debates and generally the religion side never wins due to the fact that your argument is based of nothing but emotion of feeling unlike you I can do something bad repeatedly and receive no punishment or "bad karma" simply because there is no correlation between the 2

Again, user. I really give zero fucks, what you believe. I'm not the one forcing my believes on you. We all will find out one day. Maybe none is wrong. I don't know..


I may be a complete fool, I don't deny the possibility. But causing misfortune for others for a temporary benefit of satisfaction?

That isn't my style. Still, I hope you find some peace within yourself.

Life is about choice. That is it. You get to spend every minute of every day making a choice, and the kicker is you can literally chose anything at all always. Then it presents more choices and so forth. You are choosing a timeline for yourself.

These are constructive ones

I don't have anything profound or insightful to say.

When people say or do stupid stuff, I do get a few laugh here and there. Can't deny that.

That's the point you are so misguided by your other beliefs that you refuse to see any other truths. I was debating one for my Christian friends and he even agreed but said it was because his belief was superior even when there is visible evidence against it

I agree with you

Never debate a devout christian. They are the worst to go to for information about happiness because their happiness is all based on make-believe and lies. That is not to say a religion fag cannot be happy, but that their happiness is mostly an illusion built by a governmental institution of deceit.

Wow now that you are acknowledging your own truth why were you refusing this entire time?

I sometimes truly wish I could be religious, but I'm too jaded and pessimistic to find solace in imagination. I was never religious to begin with, but as I said, it's something you can be jealous about.

Because ignorance is bliss.

Your current belief is literally based of off a religion. Why would I be jealous of a blind person?

Self-sacrifice for your people is the most noble goal to have in life. There is nothing more fulfilling than seeing your nation and family blossom, I wish to see this happen in my life time. I disdain hedonism and nihilism, it's a shallow and pointless existence.

How is that third one constructive in any way? Seems more destructive to me.


Attached: (((nihilist))).jpg (540x447, 34K)

Dude that's pretty accurate : )

Nice dubs but My current belief is only to live my life and die as happy as I can be. I was never spiritual in any way, how did you come to the conclusion that my current way of life is based of off a religion? For the record I live in Finland, not America, and my country is not overly religious to begin with.

I'm not bashing your opinion yet, there's a good chance you have a point here, you just need to elaborate on it so even a tard like me gets it. How is my current life based off from religion?

You specifically said something about Karma. Treat others good get rewarded kinda thing. This is a direct form of Buddhism

Someone had to check em

Attached: check em.png (657x624, 24K)

Life is about choice. That is it. You get to spend every minute of every day making a choice, and the kicker is you can literally chose anything at all always. Then it presents more choices and so forth. You are choosing a timeline for yourself.

Thats the problem. Im 36, and Ive never gotten even so much as a hint of a purpose. It feels like I dont belong here. Like a puzzle piece in the wrong puzzle or something. So far all Ive accomplished is being a failure, disappointment, and burden. And it genuinely feels like nothings gonna change.

Oh you have me mistaken for another poster. I never believed in Karma either. It's all between the ears and good deeds can breed bad consequences as much as bad deeds can breed good consequences. It's all RANDOM. Hold your applause.



I don't want to assume everyone in Yea Forums is the same but it's kinda funny how everyone assume you folks are devoid of any basic moral qualities.

But with the responses I am getting, I am seeing more humanity with this thread than what I might see in real life. Then again, I am socially awkward but still, this feedback really is wonderful. And yes, I know, I sound like a pussy for saying something like that but still.

I rather be called a pussy than be forced to think people are only out for themselves.

I read it as ironic comment. But yeah, forgot there are actually people that believe in pleasing others as meaningful

Did you ever set a goal for your life bro? Like getting fit for a bad example. A goal and a full calendar are what keeps you from sinking into the depressing existence that is reality.

We all grow up eventually

This, like carlin said:where do you find the time to think about suicide and things like that?? I've got shit to do!"

I'm 22. And believe me, life gets better when you try looking up in hardships. No matter how often I lose friendships or lovers, I still remember the positive feelings that I got from those experiences. If I throw that away, then I risk living my life hating how disappointed I am in how life turned out for me.

I can't tell you the solution for how life treats you, but try seeing the good in others, even if life hasn't been kind to you. People are more likely to be by your side that way, and it shows.

Maybe if we are too busy in work or our personal lives, then suicide might be in the bottom of our bucket list haha!

We are all human. It's anonymity that makes us what we are here. Most folks act completely differently on Yea Forums than in real life, and that's a good thing. This cesspool was built on the concept of free speech and I like to keep it as such, though it's not my battle to fight. I believe there is good in every person, you just have to find an outlet for everyone, and that outlet is always individually chosen, and mostly predetermined not at birth, not by your education, not by your parents or friends, but by fate. Everyone has a fate, but not everyone is fated for success.

Also, dont be narcissistic. If you believe to have found someone true and get disappointed, accept your faulty radar and that youll get fooled over and over again. Stay kind and move on to people that truly value you and do the same as you would for them.

If you think everyone is and stays an asshole around you like a reaccuring theme, newsflash: you are an asshole.

This is something I am conflicted in. While I am against fate, I do believe that one's genetics and life experience can lead someone to failure or success.

A grim reminder, but hopefully, someone's fate will be altered for the better with this thread.

I sometimes fantasize about people actually taking my advice to heart and benefiting from it, but my advice is mostly bogus so it's not like that happens often in real life.

I really wish that the problem with my lovers or friendships are due to me. If that was the case, then I would jump the second to get the help I need.

But when I see them take advantage of other people and bring down others to make themselves feel better, I dunno...

I feel like maybe I just have the bad habit of being around the wrong people. I only have one best friend and despite how well we are together to this day, I am afraid that things will go downhill.

But like how my best friend tells me, I shouldn't have anything to worry about. If he had something against me, we wouldn't be together.

Meaning of life. It’s different for everyone. The good news is ironically The Good News. By learning about the perfect life of and sacrifice. Then if you model your life after his, all things are reviled. You will know what your mission is.

If it's good advice, then people will take it to heart if they want to get better.

For those who don't, then the best we can do is hope they find their way.

At first I wanted to die, you know, get it over with. At the beginning of this month my dad passed away. And I realized that I nees to snap out of this mentality and better myself. But I just can't get any motivation to do anything with my life. Like I love my little brother but slowly my old habits are starting to come back.

But the things that help me from just ending it all is.

>my family
>my dog
>my friends
And that's it.

Thanks OP you too.

I would really like to discover something that has impacts on humanity. Even if it is very small I hope that it can change an aspect of some people's life.

Despite the pain I felt when those I was once with left me, I still feel happy knowing that I left my mark on them and better them as a result.

Don't be afraid of what't to come. Life will hurt you, it is inevitable. Accept it and learn from what experiences you went through. Only then will you find the happiness within you, to know that life isn't just based on others happiness, but also on your needs as well.

I chose to be in the physical so I could grow my soul.

Your soul is what should come first before all else.

Your soul is the very reason why your body chooses to continue living. Keep it strong.