Doomer to Bloomer thread

Doomer to Bloomer thread.

>Be me, a year n a half ago
>19, skinny but strong, good face, 7 1/2" cock, 5" diameter.
>9/10 but virgin because sent to juvy in highschool
>Attempt community for business but drop out 4 months before 20th birthday and move back in with mom
>Develop deep depression, no car, no passion, no friends
>finds 2 dif hot gfs to take out my insecurities on in the span of a year, both hate me now.
>Still smashed as many times as there are days in the year so atleast I have that
>flash fwd to now
>turns 21 at end of April
>25 minutes driving from closest friend but still no car so going outside is a no
>no income cause quit most recent job due to boss harassing about jesus +flew to dc for a week to visit a stacy I knew from highschool
>even deeper isolation insues once returned home, hello darker depression
>work ass off online due to all this free time, shit finally pays off
>moving on bday to new city to go back to school for my passion in life.
>Finally doing something with my life.
>Finally going to be Independent
>Will graduate with a bachelors in 4 years in something I love.

Despite all of this good news I still think about how far I am behind my peers, how I could've made my relationships work, and how I've missed out on so much of what should've been my youth. I spend everyday watching movies in my room fighting off urges to kill myself.

The question I ask you is: What are things I could do to not let this depression drive me to killing myself over this next month?
What does Yea Forums do to cope with isolation?

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Why the FUCK have you not joined this discord already?


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Also, only posting this for social interaction basically.

stopped reading right there. if you know that and have such self confidence you were never really a doomer, get fucked

>thinks being a doomer requires being ugly

it does sound like general depression. I had an ex with pretty severe depression and BPD. her grandparents left her a house in their will, she had a college degree, a decent job making 25 an hour, and big but saggy tits.

she wanted more than anythign to kill herself, or just live miserably and harm herself and others. dont let depression grow and take you over. who cares if you're decent loooking, educated, etc, love yourself first.

Second part, i think youre too young to be a doomer. i think you could easily turn into one during college though. while i was dating that girl, i was going on nightwalk.exe and nightdrive.exe because i wasnt coping with the fact that i was being held back by a shitty relationship. i wore the beanie, drank shitty beer, listened to the smiths, the whole meme, and this was years ago.

How'd i get out? i loved myself. i started living for me, making money for me, spending time with ym parents (who i had sort of disowned during my abusive relationship). i prioritized myself.

talk to someone. i went to CSUSJW which provided free counselors, it really helped me out.

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Becouse i don't join random shitpost servers

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Oh, and i found that this song helped me feel better, blasting it through some really good headphones while drunk. i had a good, long cry, and let her go.

congrats on deluding yourself into believing the happiness meme

She wants to make music vids for a career and she showed me this video as an example of something she'd like to create in the future when we first started dating. Life has a really good way of fucking you doesn't it user. Lmao

I am destroyer of worlds

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Same bro

>be me at 16
>anime dyed hair
>5'3 / 180lbs pumpkin child
>get home from school
>browse Yea Forums and play games until bed
>repeat 3x years
>be me at 19
>added prescribed xanax and cannabis and alcohol to my Yea Forums and gaming addiction
>never left room
>stopped hanging out with friends
>stopped speaking with people
>throw myself out 2nd story window and black out
>lose 80% motion in my shoulders and back

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>stay down goy

do whatever the fuck you want i just want you to know you're trading reality for an illusion

shit like that doesnt happen by chance bro.

>btw we also have the same penis dimensions. congrats bro.

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Even if life itself is centered around suffering, happiness would be found in taking actions to end that suffering. What makes us happiest is what brings the universe closer to unity; even if that unity is conglomeration of all matter into emptiness.

>happiness would be found in pretending you can end suffering
nice meme, good shit

Personally I stick to drugs as my route of dealing with depression/downtime. Just dont get too carried away with the harder shit. I stick to mild drugs. My current favorites are kratom and weed.

>assuming the prime mover doesn't exist and therefor subscribing to the belief of a god


>laying in bed in psychward, looking out the window at a tree
>A deep urge comes over me
>"I need to explore the world to figure out how to heal myself"
>get out of the hospital
>buy psilocybin
>feel the world speaking to me through the wind and trees, feel like my entire Personality bloomed, another urge comes over me
>keep exploring
>buy a bunch of books
>take tai chi classes
>read almost every holy book i could find
>dive into Buddhism, Daoism, and Hinduism the most
>practice mindfulness, yoga, breathing
>running and biking almost every day
>learning about myself through Psychedelics and literature
>change my entire diet
>start to go to new events, new places, challenge my fears
>create incredible groups of friends around the world

I'm not finished becoming this new person, either. I enjoy the challenge of becoming my own guardian

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idk what the fuck you just said but i can guarantee it doesnt logically follow

I guess i'll send her a postcard when I move lmao

>assuming that there wasn't a first action ever taken and that we exist in loop that could only exist if governed by a higher power therefor stating that we can only accept suffering as an infinite aspect of life

Congrats yo! You're doing it right

its not a dichotomy my dude

It is complex yes, but there is an objective truth. The point is that doomerhood can be overcome in search of this truth.

i never said doomerhood cant be overcome just that its overcome by deluding yourself.

That's assuming doomerhood isn't the delusion itself

then at best you've swapped delusions out. sounds pretty doom-y to me

As long as your main goal remains discovering, and progressing towards objective purpose, all delusions will hold the most efficient outcomes

>objective purpose
yeah ok like what

I have my own personal subscription, but for the sake of posterity, figure it out for yourself.

you cant have a personal subscription of objectivity

Some people believe in God, other people believe that they're God. Of course you can. Humans don't have the capacity to understand all things at once, so discrepancy in belief is natural. All beliefs will at one point be flawed or incomplete. My personal belief is that we must progress the universe to unity.

ok but objectivity is what it is irrespective of your personal views hence objectivity

>calling yourself a 9/10

that's the most in-denial narcisistic shit I've ever heard. You think too good of yourself to rate yourself an average of 6/7 or even a solid 8 but you can't call yourself a ten because you'd get called out "everyone has flaws" yada yada. Go suck your own cock and drop out of college again retard lanklet

Is this bait? As humans we have limited perspective on existence. We can only attempt to grasp full understanding until we evolve further.

you dont have to -be- objective to know what objectivity is. you used the word yourself, "objective purpose"

thats assuming humans hold more importance in the universe than we do. this is bait logic gl user

Projecting your insecurities on people is ugly