>released less than a minute ago
>any feedback is huge
>released less than a minute ago
>any feedback is huge
Don't quit your day job yet...
Like the second one better.
Your voice is too flat sometimes and there is no echo on it. The guitar sounds great in most places, but the voice needs some Echo. And don’t be afraid to let it out. I think you’re onto something with this echo-y guitar in the lead riff sounds cool.
what was the second one?
yeah i was mostly dicking around on the guitar, i might chop out the solo, just leave the main riff and the verse and chorus. as for the voice being shit, yeah i don't know what the fuck i'm doing. i don't even want to sing i just want to play guitar but nobody wants to hear just guitar and nobdy wants to be in a band with me
man fuck hobbies i guess
Bit scratchy in the middle. Progress can be made.
You have some good guitar skills. Where are you from.
like the noodling around?
I’m bookmarking your main site, I am going to pull down some tunes and throw some lyrics, sometime soon. Online collaboration. We’ll make bank.