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Pic Related: This is one of the thousands of compelling stills taken in NYC on September 11th 2001. While there are others more iconic, recognizable, or dramatic, this one has to be one of my favorites for the understated brutality which becomes apparent after a deep study. The detritus of a recently deceased national naivety intermingled with the bits and pieces of what were once people.
In the same vein, a random shot taken dangerously close to Ground Zero. I've been meaning to find this exact spot and do a pic-within-pic comparison. I have a scant handful of these types of shots, and i find them to be rare treasures.
anyone have a good collection of images from this day in nyc? an imgur album or something like it would be great
Leo Jones
This one could win awards for its depth of chroma, its backstory, and its general composition. Alas, it is merely one of literal millions of snapshots of the ill fated Rebel Alliance in Syria. What a moment in time. Ah well, down the memory hole it goes.
i have failed you. I have so many more but i cannot find them... very strange and now im perplexed as to where they all went.
here is a very intense gif. i think it speaks for itself. as i am sure you all already know (but i'll say it anyway because a teacher cannot change his shorts), but the true memetic power of gifs is the repetition. Take any gif and watch it for as long as you can. The image series will metamorphose into something wholly different than what it started as. You, too, shall change with the images, never again to be the an0n you arrived as.