trump so scared he takes time off from his love fest with kim to tweet angry messages to his ex lover cohen.
Cohen is full of lies! Of course he's lying to save himself!
Samuel Lopez
Dylan Scott
Read this post with my voice...You're Welcome.
Jonathan Powell
>trump so scared
Of what?
Kayden Rodriguez
Who cares the Senate wont do anything to Trump anyway even if they believe Cohen which they wont because he perjured himself to the sames panel months ago.
Brody Cooper
>believes Russia cares what a bunch of neckbeard tranny lovers opinions are on the cesspool of the internet.
Youre not important enough to garner their attention you dont even vote retard.
Adrian Foster
Thats the libtard way of "winning" an argument. Just claim the other side is scared.
Austin Murphy
This man is NOT my president.
Because I'm not an American.
Ryder Harris
not for long
Lucas Robinson
I know,only until 2024. Wish it was longer.
Sebastian Allen
Not my President.