Cohen is full of lies! Of course he's lying to save himself!
Cohen is full of lies! Of course he's lying to save himself!
Just out of curiosity how many are liberals pretending to be conservative
>Lawyer = lieing scumbag.
>Ducks = quacking
Suprised when a lawyer is a lieing scumbag criminal.
The duck is going to Suprise you too
this guy gets it
I've watched since the beginning,
Honestly just the same ole stuff, nothing HUGE coming from this shit.
Just a hyped up propaganda piece for the evening news to edit together a few seconds for a sound byte or two....
Thanx Obama
trump so scared he takes time off from his love fest with kim to tweet angry messages to his ex lover cohen.
Read this post with my voice...You're Welcome.
>trump so scared
Of what?
Who cares the Senate wont do anything to Trump anyway even if they believe Cohen which they wont because he perjured himself to the sames panel months ago.
>believes Russia cares what a bunch of neckbeard tranny lovers opinions are on the cesspool of the internet.
Youre not important enough to garner their attention you dont even vote retard.
Thats the libtard way of "winning" an argument. Just claim the other side is scared.
This man is NOT my president.
Because I'm not an American.
not for long
I know,only until 2024. Wish it was longer.
Not my President.
trump is full of lies! of course he lying to save himself!
Go back and shit this out on /pol/
Kill yourself you porn addicted fat fuck
>he's lying to save himself!
How's that? He already got sentenced.
you sound scared
You are a massive retard if you think SR is still a thing. Even his parents want conspiracy theorist like yourself to grow a brain and stop spreading the rumor.
You can offer legal testimony against someone else for another crime to have a reduced time in prison.
..nigger live troll now
fucking and?
Let's see proof or can you only read memes? Fucking goldfish brain user boomers in this thread.
Do you remember right before the DNC lawyer showing up?
The parents made a video thanking the online researchers for their help trying to figure this out?
Then the entire thing changed when Brad Bauman showed up.
Why don't police release the cameras their officers were wearing that night?
Trump is the first President in modern history to never had held elected office before becoming President (technically Eisenhower didn't either - but I think being Supreme Allied Commander during WWII and Chief of Staff of the Army following the conflict should count towards significant experience in governance and leadership). Hell, Trump's never even served as a public servant in any capacity. It's clear he sees no value in holding office and working for something greater than yourself.
It's almost like his entire drive for becoming President is just part of a larger vanity project. He wants the adulation, power, and respect of the office but fundamentally doesn't understand anything about what the role really is or the work and responsibility that's entailed. It's like he thought that being President was like being a king or just a more powerful CEO, where he could just bark orders and make deals and everyone would fall over themselves to suck his dick and praise the ground he walks on.
He doesn't value allies, the democratic process, civility, or discourse. He's deeply ignorant of the actual nuts and bolts of governance or policy - just listen to him talk about any of the policies his administration has floated out in the past two years. He speaks either in vague generalities with plenty of repetitive shallow positives "It'll be amazing, it'll be so great, the best, etc" or he just resorts to outright lies. He sees no value in working with other government agencies, they're just tools to either make him look good or be denigrated. Everything is transactional to him, with the only barometer of something or someone's value being whether or not they make him look good.
Seems he should be accused of stating the obvious...
So why not go to daddy Trump and spill the beans? certainty the president of the UNITED STATES can protect a family from the "deep state"
It makes 0 sense that his family is intimidated into not pushing this further. Come on user, use your brain.
It's just trolls, conservatives are just memes at this point.
>Let's see proof
I agree, the police department should release the camera footage.
He was apparently conscious and speaking when taken to the hospital.
Why didn't these muggers steal the thousands of dollars he had on him?
>It makes 0 sense that his family is intimidated into not pushing this further.
Yeah because this shit doesn't happen, amirite moron?
>He was apparently conscious and speaking when taken to the hospital.
Well gee, that seems like a good way to leave your murder victim when you've been fucking hired to silence somebody as a professional assassin. "Don't kill him right away, make sure he's only injured bad enough to be lucid for some considerable length of time to talk to police and medical professionals, before he dies of his wounds"
>Why didn't these muggers steal the thousands of dollars he had on him?
Why does he walk around a dangerous large city carrying thousands of dollars?
Beat it commie, & move to Venezuela while you’re at it.
It was botched. The reports say nothing about him telling the police they were trying to rob him.
They had a pistol. One in the brain, no witness. Insufficient explanation, user.
No I mean literally, suck it!
I'm happy that Trump never lies. It might be a mess if he did.
Lemme guess, you guys think Q is real too?
It's not propaganda any use conspiracy theory instead
He will start a war in 2023 and then declare a national emergency in 2024 and suspend all elections for the next 2 or three years until he's ready to step down.
>Thinking Trump will win in 2020
You poor moron.
Copypasta bait. OP is a faggot.
Seth Rich worked with the NGP Van system. In December of 2015, the wall of the NGP Van came down and it exposed Bernie and Hillary's data to each other. Instantly, Hillary & Debbie did pressers claiming that Bernie stole Hillary's data/donor list. Interestingly enough, myself and others who have never been on Hillary Clinton's campaign email list (2008 and 2016) started getting emails from her campaign after the van wall came down asking us for money! Obvious to me and others that it was Hillary's people who stole Bernie's donor list and used it to email his donors for money, used it to change his supporter's party affiliation to keep them from voting for him in their primary or caucus, used the donor list to purge his voters like we saw in his hometown of Brooklyn, NY, and used it to change addresses to make his supporters show up at the wrong precinct. SETH RICH DISCOVERED THIS ELECTION FRAUD/RIGGING. Rod Wheeler said Seth Rich, Donna Brazile, and Amy Dacey got in a heated argument at the DNC days before his murder. Makes you wonder if Seth held up his laptop to say he has all the evidence that Hillary & Debbie had stolen Bernie's donor list and were using it to disenfranchise his voters to keep his numbers down to give Hillary a fake lead during the primary? He was murdered on July 10, 2016.....the month of the Democrat's national convention! HE HAD TO GO! I wonder if Seth Rich had two laptops: one at his apartment and one for his work at the DNC. Was his work laptop the only thing stolen from his body after he was shot twice? Could be. DC Police said only the laptop at Seth's apartment was forensically scanned. SETH RICH WAS MURDERED BY THE DNC using their buddies at the FBI.....FBI claimed after Seth Rich was murdered that one of their agents had two guns stolen from his car in the vicinity where Seth was gunned down. Interesting! No ballistics available of course.
He should be scared about all the indictments he'll face when his term is over.
Him being president is probably the only thing keeping him out of jail at this point.
I don't think he's lying he's just spilling his unimpressive dirt.
I swear these liberals spout russia like conspiracy theorists spout jews. Only difference being russians don't own every major information and entertainment outlet in the US
>Roman Catholicism
Pick one.
Roman Catholics are a type of Christian.
lul, bait thread look different these days. For reals though who is watching the Testimony?
You know you have to 18 here, user
You forgot the age fields bro
I guess it says a lot that Trump hired him for over a decade and said he was a good guy... Until Cohen decided to flip on him. LOL.