Hello Yea Forums

Lost. Have some tits.

Attached: 7FEDC844-266F-4025-ADD8-8328B048C240.jpg (486x631, 22K)

Shit's weird

you look like a fucking duck. go return these shoes and look at an online ad for a dress store like macys or nicer (macys is on the shit end, most of you faggots think its good but its no where near real fashion) look at the shoes those men are wearing and go buy some decent fucking shoes.

if u bought these thinking they were going to be ok for the interview, there probably isnt any hope for you. just die already. you're a fatass b tard with no taste.

Tell Jacques Cousteau I said hello.

lost, gg

No one cares what kind of shoes you wear. Honestly. Those shoes are ugly af tho.

I don't know, but seems that u are a flat-earthist!

Now for the post where I take the op at face value.
It's a hardware store user, showing up in dress shoes instead of work shoes is indeed too formal.

Did the person who gave you the interview tell you "be there or be square" or something?

dress for the job you want faglord. workshoes