Hello Yea Forums

Hello Yea Forums

I've got a job interview at a hardware store tomorrow, and I just bought these shoes. Do you think they're too formal?

Attached: 1CuKLQP.jpg (1280x868, 77K)

i hope this is a joke, you look like a bad video game render.

why the fuck are you wearing bricks

holy shit

1998 called, they want their shoes back.

Man, I didn't know being a square required you to wear rectangular shoes.

>Hello Yea Forums
>I've got a job interview at a hardware store tomorrow, and I just bought these shoes. Do you think they're too formal?
Looks like baby coffins

make me chuckle. thanks!

Looks like your wearing two dry black board erasers for shoes.

Looks like you just kicked a fucking anvil.

Lost. Have some tits.

Attached: 7FEDC844-266F-4025-ADD8-8328B048C240.jpg (486x631, 22K)

Shit's weird

you look like a fucking duck. go return these shoes and look at an online ad for a dress store like macys or nicer (macys is on the shit end, most of you faggots think its good but its no where near real fashion) look at the shoes those men are wearing and go buy some decent fucking shoes.

if u bought these thinking they were going to be ok for the interview, there probably isnt any hope for you. just die already. you're a fatass b tard with no taste.

Tell Jacques Cousteau I said hello.

lost, gg

No one cares what kind of shoes you wear. Honestly. Those shoes are ugly af tho.

I don't know, but seems that u are a flat-earthist!

Now for the post where I take the op at face value.
It's a hardware store user, showing up in dress shoes instead of work shoes is indeed too formal.

Did the person who gave you the interview tell you "be there or be square" or something?

dress for the job you want faglord. workshoes

what if the interviewer asks you to kill a cockroach on the "corner" of round place, you won't get the job. Get rid of this shit NOW.

The 80s called they want their p h o n e s Back

Phones in the 80's had curly cords and analogue buttons, none of them had cameras.
Heck phones with cameras in them didn't come out until the late 90's.


They are too rectangular


>Anonymous 02/21/19(Thu)14:40:08 No.793235207▶

what are you? frankenstein?
get some proper shoes you fucking freak

I got it upon a second glance and you whooshing at me, his joke was bad.
Most 80's phones were rounder than his shoes and off-white.


I can't tell if you're interviewing to be a part of The Blue Man Group or a rescue diver.

Literally the first time for over a 10 years I legitimately laughed on Yea Forums

Wasn't talking about camera quality I was talking about how his shoe is a brick

Yeah, I got that after metaphorically jamming my own shoe into my mouth and replying to you like that.

Best thread on Yea Forums in years.

They are ugly as fuck. And look as if they are not wide enough.

You look swag as fuck don't listen to these uncultured fags

bwahah theyre so weird... any other option, user?

Stale pasta is stale. How do I image search?

These neckbeards don't know fashion. Those are hot af. Plus they give you easily-accessible storage for commonly purchased hardware store items, such as nails, screws, bits, tape measures, screwdrivers, hammers, drills, sanders, miters, tool boxes, band saws, and ladders.

This, hardware store you wear the shoes you would be wearing at work, like boots

Attached: white-people-wear-these.jpg (500x498, 200K)

Yo Donald

The duck

Looks great.

They're a little square...


when you're finished with your interview, could you stop by my house and flip my pancakes?

Attached: ss (2019-02-21 at 20.00.27).jpg (1892x974, 438K)

Attached: 1384266960639.jpg (687x1000, 79K)

Attached: square-toe-shoes[1].jpg (780x967, 80K)

It's hip to be square.

I was gonna say is OP traveling back in time for his interview

Don't worry, you won't pass the drug test anyway. You had to be high as fuck when you bought those.