Can you show me proof of his this so called Christian motivated extremism?
I don't know anything about this guy, please explain how Christianity plays a role in this.
So Christopher Paul Hasson
false flag by the left to mask the jussie smollet and covington catholic hoax
>So you tell me how is that Ironic
You just told other user that made a comment that he was essentially posting paranoia/fear propaganda which is exactly what you're doing.
Cool cherrypicking though without a single bit of context except, "Hurr Durr he was a Christian man".
I mean... I'm an American, obviously Christian extremism is a thing.
I'm not worried about it now but as soon as we have an economic crash, we'll see government impose strict laws that these extremists will fight, it's then that domestic terrorism (whether Christian or Separatist or some other doctrine) will become a true problem. But for the most part terrorism of any kind is totally overblown. Way more likely to die from falling down the stairs.
>obviously Christian extremism is a thing.
How is it a thing?
But it isn't 50%, that is a figure made up by specific groups of people to scare people into their way of thought.
It is only remote villages etc that do honor killings, and that isn't just Islam who does honor killings btw. Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism etc have their stains of honor killings too.
Also there is no country that has that amount of the population willing to kill their own and foreigners due to religious beliefs either, that again is another lie made by those groups mentioned above.
Well maybe North Koreans have a deep hate against the US to this day, due to propaganda being piled into their heads for decades, same can be said for people who think other religious groups are bad for the last 2 decades of lies and propaganda too.
As for gays being murdered, this hints more at the fact you are trying to talk about Islam for sure, anyone in Iran who killed someone gay was executed themselves, because a small handful of people took it upon themselves to kill someone else.
Boko Haram operates well due to the fact in African countries like Nigeria etc corruption exists in huge amounts, and there is very little security. And Boko Haram isn't a huge organisation with hundreds of thousands, maybe a couple of thousand if lucky.
Same with IS in Syria, their numbers have dwindled so much the "brides" that are in the news recently trying to go home again are being denied that, because in Syria IS has been close to defeated, but IS isn't completely defeated because they still have a few thousand in Iraq, Lebanon, etc.
My advice to you, do not believe the shit you read or hear from specific sources, if you do ask them for their proof of their claims I guarantee you they will block you, or attack you, because how dare you ask such a thing.
Also you may forget that you had the Davidinians, the Jonestown people (who had to leave the US), KKK (A protestant group of extremists who still operate), God's Army who have been involved in the US
You forgot 'muh false flag'.
Its crazy how people believe what they want to believe regardless of facts, every time there is an incident rightfags WANT it to be a muslim so badly it makes no fucking sense.
Both the left AND right do this shit and your retarded if you think otherwise.
They recovered his notes, where he was enamoured by Breivik who seen himself as a Knight of God (You can read his manuscript for that). And he had christian paranelia all around his home.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out he was a deep Christian who used Christian beliefs to further his own agenda.
>obviously Christian extremism is a thing