I wore something stupid today and everyone kept calling me a faggot and i want to cry about it but i’m not allowed to...

i wore something stupid today and everyone kept calling me a faggot and i want to cry about it but i’m not allowed to cry because of the household and society in general :0(

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Own it. Don't let them dictate your fashion sense.

Your fortune: Bad Luck


Hang in there, user! Remember that everyone will forget about this in a few days and soon you will laugh about it.

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user what did you wear? I am curious. I promise I wont be rude to you.

Hope you feel better soon (*ノ・ω・)

I reccomend you stop caring about what pthers think and do whatever maeks u happy

dubs woo
how can i forget and laugh at myself what am i? the clown? the big funny that is to be laughed at never taken or loved just laughed?
i still think you’re nice

i recommend dicc up ass

People that say this are so retarded. Yes, let's all just walk outside with naked anime girls on out shirts and go around screaming about how yosho needs to go back in time!!!! You SHOULD care about what others think

>screaming about how yosho needs to go back in time!!!!
unironicaly if i saw anyone doing this i would buy them a beer

high-waisted sailor pants and a collared shirt tucked in
which i’ve woren before but for some reason even the assistant principal (mr.asshole) laughed at me

ids ok tto cry fren... wut ddo dose bullyz nno about u? nothink, fren. dey dond nno anythink sso pls dond led dem get chu down.
life is happy n nice but sometiems id cam b bury sade or mean. we hab dose ruff tiems sso dat da happe tiems cam b happer...
r*de n l*wd dubs! wooh!

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Yes. One day in the future you will think "i am the clown" and then you will LOLE...you will LOLE really hard. Just like Yuji Sakai!

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i miss yuji
i want junk food but i’m afraid to gain weight

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That guy is rude as fu best you can do is supress the memory but even then it'll come back in the future and make you cringe hard

>it's okay to cry
Maybe if you're a fucking girl. Honestly if you're a dude and you're crying over anything other than the death of a close person, you're fucking gay. Even then, you should restrain your tears for as long as possible and preferably cry in a private are. Men are supposed to be strong and in charge of their emotions, not little twinks crying when they get bullied. Idiots like you are the reason this generation is so fucking pathetic.

What's wrong about that?

Imagine cringing at old memories instead of laughing at them. Like seriously, what's done is done, just laugh and move on. Life's a lot bigger..

its ok to be touched OP
crying takes the sad out of you

not as big as your mom

can I get a heyo?


keepign ur heart close'd... keepign urslelf unfeelign... cam maek u rly depress'd.... ids ok tto feel. ids ok tto hab emotions... id cam hlelp push u 4ward...

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That doesnt sound too bad fren. maybe they're just trying to get you sad by saying mean things. Dont let them get you down fren.

That isnt very nice. people are different and some people get sad easier. If you're as strong as you sound in your post then maybe you should apologise to op for being rude.

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Eh, crying is not bad in and of itself, but it does signal lack of control over emotions, which is bad under stressful situations.
Fun fact, estrogen makes you more emotional and less capable of controlling your emotions, so if you're a dude who cries over every little thing then that means you probably have too much estrogen and not enough testosterone. Exercise and adding more meat to your meals should fix that up, or roids.

why would you do that to yourself? are you actually gay?

You have two options:
- Keep wearing what you like and try to endure other peoples reactions up to the point where you wore your unusual clothing for so long that others just stop caring about it because it developed to be your new standard.
- Wear clothes that are considered "normal" by society's current standard and only wear the "unusual" clothing around those who you trust, friends and / or family. You make it easier for yourself in general society, but you're still able to be your actual self in situations where it matters the most.

It really doesn't matter if you have to put on a mask when dealing with society.

Whatever, have fun crying in hell cause that's where you're going, you fucking queers.

the last time i wore them wasn’t as bad and
-i like your pants, said a very cute girl, they’re high-waisted like mine we’ twinning.

Dude...a girl telling you that you dress like her isn't really something to be proud about

dude she thinks you're gay

Why in the BLOODY hell would you wear high-waisted pants? Like seriously if you were regular pants, even regular sailor pants, you'd probably have looked like a real chad

and where would you end up if you keep acting so r*de to everyone? I insist that you should apologise for being so r*de

But perhaps its because you're sad and bitter deep down inside? and u hide your sadness by bullying people? If so then be nice to others and u wont feel so sad and bitter

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this isn’t my first-“they girl thinks i’m gay”-rodeo

Are you into crossdressing?
Are you "effeminate"?
That's very obviously female clothing. If you wonder why people made fun of you then you are either autistic or you're lying about not knowing why you were made fun of

Why in the world should I apologize? I haven't done anything wrong. I'm the only damn person in this thread that's actually trying to help this kid. If he follows your guys' tips he'll end up killing himself by the end of the fucking year.

i was wearing actual sailor attire that i’ve dressed in that manner before i’m just astonished by how different everyone reacted this time which was accompanied by an excessive amount of vitriol
maybe everyone is acting this way because that girl got hit by a train monday?


Okay, I get it now. Very funny, lad, very funny. Hope you're getting a real giggle out of this thread.

that’s actually my plan, user, i understand your points that you’re sharing and even agree with them
i think most people are too “inside-the-box” to think of your perspective

Telling someone not to cry is not really good advice. Emotions are emotions and they can't really be helped.
Rather you should investigate what causes him to cry so easily and fix that problem. Shaming him for not being a "real man" is gonna do fuck all to stop him from crying all the time. This is the kind of behavior that causes people to commit suicide

feel when you wanted to cry for weeks but still cant. . . .

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No one gets strong simply by being told to be strong, just like how plants dont grow by being told to grow. The refusal to accept one's emotions through repression may very likely result in anger issues and personality problems later down the road.

But i do think i understand you sentiment now, in that op needs to not let things like this get to him. But to not cry when you really want to is like trying to remedy a fever by submerging the sick in an ice bath. You cure the symptom but not the illness.

It is better to build up character and resistance to other's criticism through support for people that can be trusted and by simply participating in society, building one's own confidence, and to be able to express emotions without becoming controlled by it.

deres nnothink inside da box about treatign peoplels liek peoplels.
deres nothink wrogn wif thingign logiclely... fren pls dond k*ll urslelf...

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God you guys are a bunch of fucking faggots. I seriously fear for your children. Little timmy comes home one day crying that his classmates didn't let him use the glue, pops tells him it's okay and they cry together. 15 years later, timmy's grown but he can't do a damn thing. Guy's so emotionally babied he's gonna break over everything and pops is gonna kiss him and tell him it's okay..what a joke

I have a friend who is obsessed with this stupid board and she convinced me to try browsing it.
I've been lurking Yea Forums for two days now. This will be my first and last post.

Yea Forums is the most cancerous board in all of Yea Forums. Yea Forums is even worse than Yea Forums or Yea Forums. I mean those boards are cancerous, but there is a shred of actual content here or there. I've probed Yea Forums all the way through and its pure cancer. You maggots pride yourself on OC and quality, and there is none. It's nothing but spam, dubschecking, and some fucked up namefag roleplay. I know you're going to say 'its ironic', but it's not. Maybe a couple of people are posting this shit ironically, but the majority of the posts are sincere. You can tell by how buttmad they get at the slightest criticism.

How can anyone be amused by dubs? It's a fucking number! It's like an infant amused by shaking a rattle. Grow the fuck up.

I'm not going to bother with the fucking weebs. You know how disgusting you are.

The only OC I've seen in the past 2 days is horribly drawn, horribly thought out ms paint crap. The rest are pictures taken off tumblr and given a stupid name. 'lol it says walruse, but it's a seal' Thats lame shit, and it stopped being funny when I was 10.

I'm done now. You can start spamming your ascii 'art', and disregard everything I've said. Don't worry, I know exactly where is. I'm not going there though, I'm going to a board with actual content, something you simpletons wouldn't understand

OP are you planning to be a sailor when you get out of school or something?

not nice at all. pls go as you wish. This is a nice board

Were you beaten as a child

lier this isn’t your first post
but you’re very scary~

dubs and yes. When I acted up or acted out of role, I got beat. Normal stuff and I plan to do the same with my children. Honestly I can't imagine not beating your kids, do you want them to grow up animals?

the problem is

If your father didn't hold you down and shit in your mouth every time you cried after age 4 you will never be a man

if by sailor you mean guy who swallows cum then yes, op is most certainly planning on being a sailor

this thread sucks
OP is a fucking faggot

It's a fucking joke thread but it ended up baiting the wrong people so now it's just a stupid debate between sissies and some retard.

Fair warning if you do in this day and age you'll likely be arrested and your children taken away by the CPS

do that*

As said, refusing to accept one's emotions can lead to problems down the road. I don't think anyone's making the argument that crying all the time is ok, but rather that crying by itself is not wrong. It is not the crying that is wrong, but rather the issues that make the person prone to crying that is wrong.
As I said in a previous post, the best course of action is to remedy whatever causes him to cry so much, little Timmy cries easily because he is a kid, the problem sort of fixes itself as he grows up. Telling little Timmy to not cry because that is wrong is useless, he can't, he is just a child.
Study after study has shown that beating your child has little to no effect on correcting behavior, it essentially just teach them to not do whatever beahvior you are trying to correct, while you're around. It also makes the child more violent overall and more prone to anger.

imagine actually believing any of this


>it essentially just teach them to not do whatever beahvior you are trying to correct, while you're around. It also makes the child more violent overall and more prone to anger.
can confirm

My dad forced me to eat his shit four times a week and broke my legs seven times and now I run the Italian Navy

so.. uh... u're gay now?

The problem is that most parents don't know balance. Obviously you can't go around twisting your son's balls every time he does something wrong or he'll fucking snap. But if you do it maybe 3-4 times a week, it's fine. Let's 'im know that what he's doing is wrong and he needs to fix that but doesn't make him into a psychopath set on killing you

Did anybody here's dad j*ck him off as a kid? Sounds weird but he told me it was in my best interest and he was actually right. It turned me off the idea of homosexuality and adult relationships. I'm a happy heterosexual with no interest in dating someone older than me and it's all thanks to my old man waxing my dolphin a couple times!

this is like the definition of Stockholm syndrome

are you saying his dad is swiss

i thought da definition ob Stockholm syndrome wuz the

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strange doubles


>It also makes the child more violent overall and more prone to anger.
Funny how this is demonstrated by that one guy in this thread LOLE

what's really funny is how the one angry guy happened to be the only guy with any sense...

copy pasta

What I meant by that is that teaching a kid not to cry doesnt resolve the issue, he will still feel the need to cry, but he won't since you told him not to. I understand that I didn't convey the message correctly. My fault. I stand corrected, you could make a child not cry by telling him/her not to, but it will not advisable to do so.
I don't think you should ever twists your son's balls, it might damage them and make him infertile. Of course I know it's a metaphor for simply beating your child. As I said in a previous post, it is not really effective in correcting behavior. Punishment usually is a weak form of behaviro corection, it might stop temporarily, but it is not long lasting.
Why do you think most dogs are taught via treats and petting? Because simply beating them is not effective for long lasting behavior and has the side effect of making the dog prone to violence and anger.
Punishment is alright if you want the child to stop the behavior immediately, but do realize this can increase violent behabior in the future and that it will not teach them about correcting their behavior. Why not just explaint to the child why their behavior is wrong? If they can't understand with clear direct language then they can't understand with corporal punishment.

t. angry guy

but what about the drug addiction user?

I notice all the errors in writing this.
I should proof read more often.
It might stop the behavior temporarily*
Not effective for long lasting behavior correction*
Lots of typos
I should go to sleep

good night i love you