DONT' ... talk to the police!!!!... the police dont... the police dont care about the police people...

social worklelr here, FUCK THE POILICE
I gotta work with them but if I get the chance I’m fuckin with them every step of the way the police are a corrupt insitiutuon and theY can FUCK RIGHT OFF

I forgot to mention that I used to fall into trances and start to have visions while speaking in tongues. Here's what I wrote down once after having one! Great writing, I know lole
"I saw a great towering figure above me with a light in the background. The figure looked grim and had a hooded cloak that was a shade of blue. I couldn't see it's face as there was a shadow that hid it's face.

It rose so high that I almost couldn't see the light anymore, then a being of light came towards me and made the figure fall in a dark abyss. I stared at it for a while, but looked away because I knew I shouldn't focus on the figure in it's fall.

Afterward, the being beckoned me towards the light. I came to it to find a cylinder-like tunnel pulsating with light with a light and two wings above itlike those one would see in an illustration of the ark of the covenant. I came closer and flew over it and found it had a body. And beyond it was an orb of light afar that seemed great in size."
Like really, I wish I could recall more of the details so I could write it out better, but apparently I was like 16 when I had this, so you can't really judge me for the writing.

Attached: wizard yosho.png (240x240, 1K)

wizard yosho must go back in time to 999 AD to stop wizard The Spikeman
