DONT' ... talk to the police!!!!... the police dont... the police dont care about the police people...

DONT' ... talk to the police!!!!... the police dont... the police dont care about the police people..POLCIE ARE BASTARDS!!!!! KILL ALL COPS.. NO cop does justice to.the people!! cops approch tou? ask to talk?..... .... ... DON'T TALK!!!

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Other urls found in this thread:

weed has ruined more lives than poeleece

All cops are JERKY SHIT

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i wish i was a cop so i could beat up op

You should have been a cop then loser

PRO-police BASTARD.!!!! YOU SAY LIES!! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! you dont understand anything...wedd.?....WHAT?? yiouthink that weed ruin more life than the KILLERS...???????/ THE RAPERS...??????????/ WOULD YOU rape and kill ...would otu ...would YOU rape and kill while under WEED???? DIDN'T THINK SO!!!!

Good thread

Your fortune: Bad Luck

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you're right

I don't think he cares tbh

I mean as long as no cops post here i don't think he cares

youre on yet another list for posting a series of words
dont worry, it will be tyme to go to "camp" soon enough

eww nigger music lole

stop turning me on

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Loser loser camp

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lole niggers hate the police because niggers always committing crimes

*turns you off*

dubs confirm...

based yuji sakai

Hello CTH

the police are jewish niggers

Tbh it's p white to me... This is what you're thinking of

what the fuck happened to niggers in music?

Dubs, woah...
In the south we've replaced racism with classism. "Nigga" now refers to the black equivalent of "white trash". Specifically,

>Tier 1
Normal white people
Normal black people
>Tier 2
Good ol boys
Good black feller
>Tier 3

This way, we have racial equality, while keeping niggas in place. Alternatively, you could call them hood rats.
Idk man, beats all that matters. All the rapper's there for is to make it not sound as repetitive as it is.

right on. and of course there's tiers above and below. scumfuck class and Superior class.

Good list.

wow racist much?

This old thing? It's just what's circulated by word of mouth, that there.

maybe kinda tho, we all have different specialized abilities based on our ancestory, so some will be smarter, or more athletic because of their genetic lineage.



>normal black people
>not tier 3

What is this leftist propaganda?

Nobody in Atlanta's racist, but everybody's classist. Now, I was on the Marta the other day and some black dude got up and started selling headphones n cologne round the gold line south bound and he was saying, "Y'all don't be shy. Don't smell hood, smell good."

...specialised abilities such as not killing our own race then blaming some OTHER race for the deaths, even though we kill them more than they kill us?

god i hate georgia so much

Lole!! yeah thats true.
so many love to blame the most successful for their plight. but hey, no one is innocent.

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dude seriously -_-

anti police thread turns into anti nigger thread...really makes me think....

Normal black people here refers to not speaking ebonics and acting accordingly. Same with normal white people and not having a country accent.

Specialized abolities such as a greater proportion of fathers who don't go to jail or abandon their kid(s)?

Specialized abilities such as the ability to spell abilities?

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>black people
>acting accordingly

And we hate you fucking carpetbagging yankees who think they know shit bout our black folk. Why, I used to have a black nurse, and she was just like a part of the family. There was a time when down in Florida they wouldn't allow colored folk on the beach and we decided, "well I guess we ain't going to that beach." Oughta try to be friendly to colored folk. Most are friendly back, y'know. But if they ain't, we lock em up! Y'know, everybody should experience prison once. It's good for you!

when u look to their home country and see what they have done with the infrastructure we built for them you understand a lot more about the root cause of their plight and poverty.

this feels wrong saying all of this on es force, so ima gonna stop even though i could sit here for three and a half hours typing an essay...


everything you've just said is retarded

honk honk
nobody mobe

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dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!
trips! wooh!
dubs! wooh!

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my child

using my yuji-sakai advised 4th and 5th amendment rights to not talk to you or allow you to search me

And that's another thang, y'all fuckin' Yanks are rude as hell! Ain't sayin thank you or you're welcome, not sayin sir and ma'am, not holdin doors for people. Why if I saw y'all comin round with that filthy attitude of y'alls boy, I'd shoot you square in the eye, lemme tell y'all!

Ya just talked to 'em, newfren

don't call me a fignewton, you bugger! i was just informing 'im that i'm using my rights. won't work if i don't say it first!!

*angsty hnnn*

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this but unironically. I took a trip to virginia in december and for the most part people were way nicer than here. That said, as a poor homosexual man of african descent, there was definitely some eye-batting. Back in the city, no one would care so long as i didn't rape their kid

Пoшли нaхyй дeбилы cpaныe

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8ch pol, lol
idk really like posting on either, but ive been to almost every pit worth looking through...



8| nOT AmuSe


will both of you newfag retards just go back to r*ddit

it sucks the dicke and swalows rhe cum

Aw, ya got me.
I am infinitely not touching 8ch.

I went there during the sonic mania leaks and it's pretty shite. Incredibly slow too. It does support mass image uploading and mp4s though. Why the hell are we still dealing with the stone age over here????

yep, called it a pit for a reason, they all succ
(not in a goode way)
i like reading some boards there, but never post kinda liek most of this site cept [s4s]

Moot left.

literally whom?

Well I'll tell you that as long as you ain't talkin' bout them hillbillies, the only problem you got is that y'all gay. Now the thang bout bein gay is that it just ain't right. Jesus don't want that for y'all. Y'all need deliverance. Now I love y'all, not by my love, but by the love given to me by the grace of God! I can feel the Lord's heart achin for his little boy to come home. I know y'all been hurt, but the lord will wash all that muck away if y'all let em!
I put a lot of time into this one, pls upvote

hiromoot? hes still here tho

okay how new are you actually?

July 13th 2018!

(seriously tho, my dad was here octtober 2003 and i was told all about this place before I ever got here))

Not mootwo, moot. Dropout moot. Chris Pool or whatever

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your dad was a traitorous piece of shit. rule 1 is don't talk about Yea Forums outside of Yea Forums. no wonder his son's a gay retard

>My dad
So Yea Forums families are a thing now.. huh

thats when i first started posting on [s4s]

ask your dad what he thinks of your posts

the dont talk about Yea Forums rule only applies in raids, we all knoe da rules

Read Them. Please.

yeah, bretty epic even though hes a bad person that hurt me and my Fa,m a LOT. i got strong and stood up to it before i left, feel bad now myself for hurting him....

stopped awhile ago as far as i know, he doesn't like anything....

Damn. i feel really bad for anyone who came here after 2015. They missed out on the peak of [s4s]. Especially any namefigs like you. You guys missed out on seeing what real namefigs were like

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lol niggers

seen the archives... so umm...

....still would have been fun!

i bet he would call you a nigger and a newfag if he saw your stupid posts

crayfishe was actually one of the worst tbqhmgm (to be quite honest my good man), he was like the precursor to all the namefigs now that just talk about themselves and their personal stories.

I didnt lurk here 2015. Damn did i really miss out?

he would but for all the wrong reasons, he would to you and almost everyone here tbh

he told me he was an "infamous name" didn't say much more other than had 3 /// i the tripcode, idc really

What's worse is that I tried to get into it all back in 2012-2013, but the good Christian boy that I was turned around after seeing porn on Yea Forums. If only man....

yeah you missed the yosho boom

Considering there was no doremi shit, yes. You really missed out.


Meanwhile i was absorbing 2015 /pol/, being a good boy and waiting until i turned 18 to post.

>missed out on seeing what real namefigs were like
Somehow this has me really curious, what kind of stuff did they do?

They didn't talk about sucking each others cocks or doing drugs lole. archive

Sounds like good times.

This is really it. I don't know what the other guy was trying to get at, but yeah. Anyway you really look at it, we had the same types of namefigs back then as we do now. Maybe not the schizo ones though, i really can't remember any of them. The rest we had though, obnoxious, anime, blogposters, the lot. The only other thing I can really think of is that a lot more of them had a set gimmick. Like they'd have a character attached to their posts or a certain thing they always posted.

I'm done. It's too late and I'm letting y'all know that so y'all don't get y'all's feelins hurt bcuz I'm just bein polite like my momma taught me. Y'all best respect y'all's momma, y'all hear? Ain't right to disrespect the woman who brought y'all into this world. I'll smack you if I catch y'all disrespectin her.

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Everything alright tovarisch?

Maybe not good times, then.

remember that youtube video where you screamed at your mom for calling the cops or whatever? shit was so funny, your parents definitely think your a nut dude

What the heck are you talking about? or are you just memeing

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Didn't nanasi start his own chan?
Listen y'all, I just don't know how people who don't know the Lord get thru thangs. Why if it weren't for the Lord, I would've killed myself.
He thinks my name is Kevin. It's actually

I'm off, enjoy this lole
Also don't forget that dating is an ungodly replacement for marriage. You should just go from being friends, to asking her father for permission to marry, and then to finally just popping the question on her. Ofc she'll say yes if daddy said yes! :Dd also, ask God if she's the one first and be expectant of his answer.

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sweet dreams lullaby

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social worklelr here, FUCK THE POILICE
I gotta work with them but if I get the chance I’m fuckin with them every step of the way the police are a corrupt insitiutuon and theY can FUCK RIGHT OFF

I forgot to mention that I used to fall into trances and start to have visions while speaking in tongues. Here's what I wrote down once after having one! Great writing, I know lole
"I saw a great towering figure above me with a light in the background. The figure looked grim and had a hooded cloak that was a shade of blue. I couldn't see it's face as there was a shadow that hid it's face.

It rose so high that I almost couldn't see the light anymore, then a being of light came towards me and made the figure fall in a dark abyss. I stared at it for a while, but looked away because I knew I shouldn't focus on the figure in it's fall.

Afterward, the being beckoned me towards the light. I came to it to find a cylinder-like tunnel pulsating with light with a light and two wings above itlike those one would see in an illustration of the ark of the covenant. I came closer and flew over it and found it had a body. And beyond it was an orb of light afar that seemed great in size."
Like really, I wish I could recall more of the details so I could write it out better, but apparently I was like 16 when I had this, so you can't really judge me for the writing.

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wizard yosho must go back in time to 999 AD to stop wizard The Spikeman
