When did it peak?

When did it peak?

When did it start going to shit?

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Started going to shit after Hogan and Bischoff came in.

It was always shit

It's odd. Back in 2005 when two flippy manlets like Styles and Christopher Daniels were main eventing it worked but nowadays it doesn't like with Gargano and Cole in NXT. Why is that?

Complete bullshit narrative by IWC.

TNA best rating occurred from 2009 -2011 as this data by WolfCHAD proves.

Attached: russo tna ratings.png (723x259, 27K)

Gargano and Cole suck.

because they are charisma vacuums

I think it peaked with the first run of the Main Event Mafia and it went to shit when Bischoff let Hardy wrestle against Sting at Victory Road

Anyone around knows they did the same stupid hotshot booking with no longterm, and wasted all their opportunities. Hogan's initial appearance was their biggest ratings pop ever. The fact that they never did the same or better pop than his initial appearance shows they were inept.
Last chance they had was Aces and Eights and that went nowhere.

2011 was the best ratings year on average though so that's false re: sting/hardy

2011 was a solid year but i think that was what started leading it into becoming a shit show

peak: 2006-2009
nadir:when Hogan and bischoff showed up.

2004-2008 was great
It started sucking when Hogan and Bitchoff came on but they still had some cool stuff so it was 50-50 for a year or two like Styles/Angle, Based Pope, Angle/Nigel series...

Don't pretend that Gargano and Cole have less charisma than TNA-era Daniels and AJ.

Pealed: when Angle came in
Started going to shit: When Angle had his first match

Peaked in 2005. Always had more bad than good but downhill was after signing Hogan.

Peak: early Spike TV era, 2005-2006 (until Russo came in)
Went to shit since then, people just don't remember the awful stuff from 2006-2008 so much because there were so many signings coming in. Oh, and I hate when people parrot the MUH RATINGS argument. Look at where Impact is now. The ratings didn't mean shit in the long run, especially not with those pitiful PPV buyrates.

when Hogan and his Whore of a Daughter came and shit all over it ruined the product

2005 was the peak, carried on till 2006 until after Slammiversary then it went downhill fast. I actually quite liked 2007 as a whole but the years following there were only a couple bright spots, there were more cringe than good throughout the years.

2012 was the last actual good year. YOU CANT DENY THIS

2005-2008 is best TNA

It was good in its early TV days, and even up to when Angle came in it was good for a while. Was it perfect? No. Jarrett booked himself strong a lot, and that always pissed me off. But the reason it was so good is it was different enough from WWE to actually count. 6 sided ring, a more in your face style of wrestling. Amazing up and comers that are main event WWE talent now, and so on.

It got shit the more it tried to ape WWE's "sports entertainment" style of presentation.

Weekly nwatna on PPV was based. Then TV deal ruined it

2010 debut Hogan episode with Hogan was absolute peak. People who claim it started going down hill after Hogan are full of shit - numbers proves this. Wasn't until late 2012 it went down due to taking impact on the road and losing Russo.

2009 was peak year when they were drawing 2 million viewers on Spike TV

people who claim early TNA was 2005 - 2006 was peak are clueless since they were barely doing a million viewers then

Attached: rating.jpg (513x250, 51K)

I don’t give a fuck about ratings or when they got their highest (which was still lower than most WWECW episodes)

05-08 is where it’s at. They weren’t too much WWE lite, had right amount of buzz, had fresh matchups.

Peak was probably 07-09

This, they killed real TNA and turned it into WWE-lite

t. never watched it

FACTS > subjective opinion = you lose

bullshit was TNA it WWE lite during Hogan era, another crock of horsehshit IWC narrative

at the time WWE was PG horsehsit, TNA was actually edgy, WWE scripted everything, TNA allowed performers to ad-lib, TNA used tonnes of smaller guys which WWE never did, etc, etc. etc.

WWE-lite my ass. Maybe Attitude Era light.

It was always seemingly very close to being great for about three months before turning into complete shit for three months and then turning promising again.Finally completely lost any interest in about 2012.

People who claim Justin Bieber isn't great are full of shit - numbers prove this.

Facts > Opinions

They fucking killed the x division around that time, moron.

>People who claim it started going down hill after Hogan are
fans of actual TNA that didn't want it to be a WWE copy. Just because some e-drones who wanted to see Hogan temporarily replaced the TNA fans they lost doesn't make it less of a disaster for TNA

TNA was never good though

I haven't watched it before. What's it like now?

I was a TNA super mark. Joined the army beginning of 2012. By the time I’d completed all my training and had access to my own TV, Hogan and EB had all but killed it. Glad with the product now, but man was there some dark days after Hogan and co were done.

t. never watched it

In terms of quality, 05 - 08. It declined beginning in 2010.

In terms of popularity/interest, 09 - 12. Declined in 2013. I remember reading reports on the dirtsheets in summer '13 that they were losing money at an alarming rate. People were wondering if they would even make it to BFG in October.

I was too busy........GETTING LAID

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>got rid of the six-sided ring
>got rid of separate entranceways for faces and heels
>destroyed the great tag division
>destroyed the great knockouts division
>destroyed the great x-division
>tried to turn AJ Styles, who was already super over, into 'the new Ric Flair'
>brought in ex-WWE shitters like orlando jordan, nasty boys and mr anderson to waste TV time while releasing TNA originals
>made it all about Hogan and Flair

at least you admit you never watched it

Me Anderson was based. Would have him back in a heart beat if he is still in shape.

>Joined the army beginning of 2012
>joining king nigger's army
Yikes. Why?

I remember tuning in to see the hyped up return of Sting. Then he said goodbye. I said fuck this company.

5'10 (TNA) vs 5'6 (NXT)

He never drew a single dime in WWE or TNA. When the likes of Blandy Boreton are calling you bland, you know you're in trouble

2012 Impact had no right to be good but there was a lot of great shit that year

Like everything, it peaked when based Russo was there. Most ratings, PPVs, house show crowds, etc. Same with WWF.

But let's listen to Dave "I don't release NJPW ratings" Meltzer.

At a time where WWE was giving us shit like Cena Vs Cole and Cena Vs people power, they gave us based Option C and the rise of Aries was just kino

>Blandy Boreto
ding-dong diddly go back

>Cena Vs people power
this was based

except gargano and cole can sell out arenas. tna was in a glorified bingo hall

>defending boreton

NXT is a glorified bingo hall

Aces and 8's were peak.
AJ Styles with Evil Ways theme as anti-hero, never forget.

>TNA 2006-2009 was GOAT
>TNA was GOAT when it had Russo & Cornette on the same creative team
makes you think

This. If only they could have worked together, it would have been the best of both worlds

Prime TNA was 2004-2006
Hogan era was bad but Aces and 8s was ok


They sidelined all the young talent for some geriatric Main Event Mafia v. Sting angle. Sting was still based, but Scott Hall could barely walk.

>got rid of the six-sided ring
And then nuImpact did the exact same thing and made a big deal out of what a great change it was.

>numbers proves this.
I don't give a fuck about numbers. Basing the quality of the show on ratings is peak wrestling pseud.

tna is worthless now, it's getting less views than weekly ppvs in 2002 now

>Hogan era was bad
>does record viewership in 2011
what does this simp mean by this?

He means Hogan and Bischoff completely stripped TNA of any and all personality and ran something special into the fucking ground of course.

How can the show be good if most people aren't watching it? Next you'll tell me WWE is actually good despite it's declining viewership.

>being this wrong and trying to be smug about it

2006-2008 was pure kino
had the perfect amount of good wrestling, exciting matches, Russo fuckery.

The 2010-onward stuff was cringe.

Lucha Underground didnt have 15 million viewers a week. Didnt stop it being tip top kino for 2 years.

How can you be so stupid? Answer me honestly: did you graduate high school?

Fuck off Yea Forums

draws zero pesos and half of their talent have to sue their way out of that shit show after people stopped watching in season 3.

seething because nobody watches your highschool gym backwater wankfest

hogan got a 1.5 first week against raw and then tanked the ratings.

Peaked 2005-2006.

Started going downhill, when they signed Vince Russo back in 2006.

>unironically liking Blandy Snoreton

Aces and Eights was a shit full of jobbers

>he thinks Avatar was a good movie

Again you're STILL not grasping what everyone's been saying. Peak doesn't mean highest ratings, peak means highest quality.
LUs peak was Ultima Lucha, TNAs peak was 2005-2006, WWFs was early 2001

Answer to both questions is 2011 kek

Kek. What a bitch.