Attached: kane and dustin.png (579x767, 547K)

the big red machine kane and a child molester. neat!

Based Big Red Machine

oh shit I forgot Kane was the fucking mayor now. I was wondering why he wasn't on TV anymore earlier this week. Go fucking figure. And he's a Republican in a Republican area too, so even if he goes to Saudi Arabia to make big bucks this year he will still probably get reelected. God damn what a fucking chad

What's the political ceiling for /ourguy/ Kane?

If he had a scandal free life then probably a governor like jesse ventura

Just wait till they bring up his past of burning his brother and the countless other time of attempted murder

So, has Kane been considered a good mayor?



So, yes.

Holy smokes!!!

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It honestly makes me happy that a good guy like Kane found his place after wrestling.

Corprate kane s bso based

Kane - 7'0"
Goldust - 6'6"


Dude has his hand in his pants...

Kane is slouching a bit.

golddust looks pure dimes here
heel GM run when?

Kane is shoot 6'8, maybe 6'9 in his youth.

Based Kane and Goldust

Kane is 6'6". Dustin is 6'5" or 6'4". These are shoot 2019 numbers

Or the time he electrocuted a man's testicles. Or that girlfriend he had. Or his never quite explained obsession with torturing Pete Rose.

Is that crazy bastard wearing his Corporate Kane ring gear as a goddamn mayor? Absolutely, unabashedly, irrevocably

Attached: Completely ERECT.jpg (1280x720, 60K)

Or that time he raped Lita, hurled Snitsky into her, causing a miscarriage and some of the worst acting ever witnessed by man, and stood by and did nothing while Snitsky punted the hypothetical baby into the cheap seats.

Old man Kane is the same height as Braun Strowman. We know Strowman is shoot 6'8 from his career as a strongman.

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Based Mayor

Kane must have wore lifts, Goldust is only 6'6 and hes maybe an inch taller

hope he makes it to the senate eventually and introduces a bill to gas the jews

Attached: kane.png (1709x860, 207K)

His opponent tried using wwe against him and it didn't work


Wow, the Rock was right all along. Big red retard!

The Rock’s a republican though

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Unless it's a hell job like NYC, you have to try really, really hard to fuck up as a mayor. If people liked his election signs and see him eating at Local Dining ®™ every now and then he'll do fine.

>only 6'6"

kayfabe heights were a mistake

based big dimes kane

Based Rocky

If anything hes a centrist

>Johnson is politically ambiguous, having registered as an Independent at least once.4 But he performed at the 2000 Republican National Convention in 20005 but attended the Democratic National Convention the same year.6
>However, Johnson has been part of a wrestling-derived organization designed to increase voter turnout regardless of any partisan ideology. It’s called the Smackdown Your Vote!7 So maybe partisanship is not that important to Johnson.
>His financial contributions to society have been rather neutral and educational in nature, including a cool $1 million to the University of Miami8 and $1,000 to the Valley Education Fund in Sherman Oaks, California.9 All things considered, Johnson seems rather moderate in his views.
>He has expressed a desire to possibly pursue a career in politics and is a confirmed friend of actor and politician Arnold Schwarzenegger.

he's not a centrist he just wont put anything out in the public that will alienate people from wanting to see his movies, he's a businessman above all else

tbqh i forget he’s mayor and i live here


Big shock that Rock is a gutless retard

Attached: I'M A CENTRIST.png (640x480, 15K)

Based Kane

He's has to suck Hollywood Jew dick now and play pretend politics. At least he is successful at it unlike Nash

Attached: Nash cuck.jpg (761x598, 63K)

The Rock is a centrist in the sense that he is so afraid of offending anyone that he will never pick a side on any issue.

Attached: nash torrie.png (1240x730, 188K)

based rocky working the incels

Nash defends the act of paying black men to physically dominate you

>based rocky working the incels
>implying you have ever seen a vagina IRL

Attached: soy AEWtist.jpg (640x853, 64K)

ya seethe

ya obese and virginal

Dustin is so fucking based I had no idea he was actually Xbox heug wtf

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I unironically think he could be Governor or Senator. Either McConnel will retire; people will get sick of Rand Paul's using libertarianism as an excuse to sabotage every part of the Republican agenda; or he'll run for Governor in 2023. Maybe the based big red machine will be both a Governor and a Senator. But the rule of thumb is that meme governors are more common than meme senators.

Centrism a great career move for celebrities. You don't want to alienate people with political shit. But with centrism, both sides will think that you're on their side. (republicans are especially fond of celebrities who aren't hard left, because nearly all of them are)

Kane wears 2 inch lifts in his boots when he wrestles. That's been known since the attitude era.

Kane is only 6'8 in real life. Goldust is 6'6.