I think he keeps one championship belt in the bedroom that he wears while he fucks Sable. Which one? Idk
Taker Refers To Himself As The Deadman In New Video
Jordan Jackson
Julian Morales
Where can I find more bleached art like this my friend?
Charles Butler
Thomas Collins
Taker with the Eminem gimmick when
Jordan Reed
how much do you think taketty charged for that?
Jonathan Hughes
Taker and Bret are good friends though
Aiden Fisher
Dwayne the Rock, Miz and Jericho have their fake fighting championships hanging on their walls
Carson Reyes
Ric Flair doesnt
Robert Robinson
you don't get them for free, you have to pay for a replica
Jayden Taylor
Because all of his accomplishments litterally couldn't fit in his house