U.S. Navy Receives Unexpected Letter From Eric Bischoff

This is a big fucking deal.


Not reading all that waffle

Not bass. Not even trout.

bro give me a summary. i aint reading all that

Eric Bischoff nearly provoked a Somali pirate gang he has joined into executing him and 5 American hostages, by offering terms for a ransom. Eric claims that if he went further and further in making compromises, the ship would be destroyed, and it would make people hate America's military, just like in pro wrestling. Eric adds that if Captain Wajaale wanted to make people feel instead of think, he should've executed him, and thus he would've done his job and it would've been right up his alley. This makes people in the U.S. wonder if he's also a hostage.



So is this the new thing here? Anytime someone posts something you don’t like you accuse them of being from /wooo? TEDX Bischoff posting has been going ham on here for weeks. /wooo only got shut down a few days ago... kinda makes me wonder who’s working who?
