Ready to spend $140 to play Winder Waker and Twilight Princess on Switch?
Ready to spend $140 to play Winder Waker and Twilight Princess on Switch?
wind breaker, the game with 10 minute load times disguised as sailing and twilight princess, the game with a 9 hour tutorial. Nobody really likes these games when confronted, they just pretend they do when rattling off games to play on embarrassingly bad consoles like the gamecube and wii u.
let's see if I'm banned.
Look OP I know you're a snoy so you're used to getting butt fucked, but switch games are still $60 not $70
>Nobody really likes these games when confronted
Twilight Princess has been my favorite Zelda title since I first played it in College. No game since has dethroned it for me for a lot of reasons, one of its biggest is the art direction which I fell in love with. It's not perfect and they're are objectivly better Zelda titles available but for me it's Twilight Princess and you better believe I would buy TPHD on Switch day one if it released.
>Twilight Princess has been my favorite Zelda title since I first played it in College. No game since has dethroned it for me for a lot of reasons, one of its biggest is the art direction which I fell in love with. It's not perfect and they're are objectivly better Zelda titles available but for me it's Twilight Princess and you better believe I would buy TPHD on Switch day one if it released.
What was TP like in 2006?
Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD are already on Dolphin
Do tendies really rebuy all their games every few years..?
Where do the extra $40 come from? Switch games are $50, $60 if you're retarded.
The same as it is now? I'm not sure what you mean dude.