>no game will ever give you this feel
>literally one of the images is trine
kill yourself nigger
I just dont understand this genre
it's about giving EVERY feel in the pic, not just one of them you stupid dope
Elden Ring gave me this feel as did Sea of Thieves (with my friends as my fellow crew).
The feeling of adventure comes when the game is willing to let the player get completely lost in the game world with no easy way back to safety.
Older JRPGs kinda had this feeling when you ventured far from towns and the battles started getting harder, you didn't have many consumables left and if your party wiped you would be booted back to the main menu where you could load the last save that was ages ago in the last town. It got really tense at times and it was great.
PS1 FF games also had some of the best overworlds that made you feel like you were actually traveling long distances on this fantasy planet.
sorry, resource burners are some of the worst offenders in the bad adventure genre. im looking to play a game about visual storytelling, intuition, decision making, and overcoming the adversity of my environment, not simulate the shittiest survival game mechanics.
Fear not modern games are made for retards like you.
Do it OP. Also Zelda OoT and MM
Dragons dogma came close because it at the very least had the set up phase were you wonder how much to take and long your supplies will need to last, how you’re going to get back, will you be in the road at night, ect.