>have an itch to play adventure game
>remember its 90% empty hard to explore landscapes with shitty enemies and loot scattered on the overworld
>maybe like 2 or 3 quests that are more than [get item] or [kill bad guy]
every single time
I just dont understand this genre
"no game will ever give you this feel"
uh oh someone didnt play Elden KINO
Play outer wilds
Play old games that aren't open world, then.
Like Hype: Time Quest gave me all the feelings in that image, and it's not even big, just very well crafted.
Also its combat fucking rocks holy shit. Seriously, I can't believe how good it was. You have a shield but not in practice, it's just a second health bar, and you defend instead with extremely agile backsteps and side dodges that makes even souls feel like shit.
God, I fell in love with Hype all over again when I replayed it last month.
I'm waiting for the obligatory retard to refute this with bullshit reasoning like every ER related post.
>modern open world meme
lol suck on my fucking balls please.
>It's a Playmobil game
Is it actually good or are you yanking my chain?
Hes trolling bud.
elden ring gives every single feel in this image.
elden ring hits every problem in the OP
>no game will ever give you this feel
>literally one of the images is trine
kill yourself nigger
it's about giving EVERY feel in the pic, not just one of them you stupid dope
Elden Ring gave me this feel as did Sea of Thieves (with my friends as my fellow crew).
The feeling of adventure comes when the game is willing to let the player get completely lost in the game world with no easy way back to safety.
Older JRPGs kinda had this feeling when you ventured far from towns and the battles started getting harder, you didn't have many consumables left and if your party wiped you would be booted back to the main menu where you could load the last save that was ages ago in the last town. It got really tense at times and it was great.
PS1 FF games also had some of the best overworlds that made you feel like you were actually traveling long distances on this fantasy planet.
sorry, resource burners are some of the worst offenders in the bad adventure genre. im looking to play a game about visual storytelling, intuition, decision making, and overcoming the adversity of my environment, not simulate the shittiest survival game mechanics.
Fear not modern games are made for retards like you.
Do it OP. Also Zelda OoT and MM
Dragons dogma came close because it at the very least had the set up phase were you wonder how much to take and long your supplies will need to last, how you’re going to get back, will you be in the road at night, ect.
>elden ring
Oh look an interesting castle on the horizon I wonder what awaits me
>trash adds and a boss
Oh look an enchanted lake
>trash adds and elite enemy
A cave, I better be carful
>trash then boss
There isn’t a sense of wonder and exploration when everything you find is just another fight
i felt this in skyrim, i cried when it did.
I did distinctly remember a tabletop feeling the first time i played dogma when I was a kid. reminds me of when game manuals would come with note pages and the aesthetic was like some simulation of what your character would be using as a journal. Looking back, recording stuff was a pain in the ass compared to just looking stuff up now, but it seemed so engaging back then.
Unuronically play Genshin Impact. It has a lot of exploring and adventuring, and combat isn't a huge focus. There's plenty of quests that are hidden, require talking to NPCs and solving mysteries,or just finding shit to solve a puzzle.
Hell, one of my favourite side quests came when I randomly found a fortune paper slip in a random enemy's pocket which led me on a spy vs spy conspiracy between Russian agents vs ninjas
>self motivated quests lines
based stuff. I liked in skyrim where your Mc will be inspired to create his own quests and ambitions just based on rumors or books or evesdropping instead of the standard quest formula
The inventory management is a pain in the ass but it really does add to the feeling of being on an actual adventure. That moment of relief when you find a little friendly village out in the sticks that you can offload some loot and stick back up, taking not of where it is on the map because of the limited fast travel. I love that sort of thing.
All the good content in elden ring were dungeons.
>Raya Lucaria
>Haligtree (shit enemies)
I don't know why they just don't make cool skyboxes of other zones you are walking to from other dungeons.
Their formula was correct, why do anything else.
I enjoyed elements of the open world well enough but open worlds need friendly NPCs that are actually living in the world, not even necessarily to the degree of an elder scrolls game but far more than elden ring had. It’s strange as well, from even had this sort of thing in a way in armoured core. Take a certain mission route or spare someone and they might show up to help you during a mission and give you a fresh perspective on things mid fight instead of giving you a lore dump as you stand there.
yeah, fantasy books give me that feel but video games do not
Honestly the worlds are not empty enough, and the distances not intimidating enough to give feels like that.
Elden ring is just widening every hallway and field by 10x and then calling it an open world game.
Which I don't necessarily think as a bad thing, it just revert back to really big dungeon crawling.
empty long spaces are pseudo loading screens desu. They serve the same purpose of breaking up content and slowing your exhaustion over the gameplay. Unless you have a mechanic like the movement system in Just cause or the overworld movement like mount and blade, vast empty spaces are total mood killers.
Yes but all of the vibes given by those pictures is literally just the idea or intimidation of the distance you are going to have to go and the level of untraversed shit layed out in front of you.
Which, honestly, Elden ring does somewhat of a good job at a couple points, but it's still not wide enough and the render distance not far enough to truly convey that.
>real paintings look fantastic
>be blessed with modern technology
>all we get is fake flat soulless league of legends slash genshin impact muddy diarrhea "art"
Zanzibart extends to that game's lazy environments and designs
Meh. It's not a bad game, but in terms of character bonding, the characters simply talking at you and you basically have binary choices in response takes a lot of the character away (including character interaction). Say what you will about Dragon Age Inquisition, at least it gave you more options in regards to talking with your teammates. For instance, I'm playing Hades and the character interactions REALLY make me like the characters (including that of Zagreus who is a "simple" protagonist). My least favorite character is probably Hypnos, but it's still impressive how many characters I genuinely enjoy from that game, and how surprisingly good the dialog is especially in capturing a diverse range of personalities without becoming flanderized. Elden Ring's characters aren't bad. It's just because of how limited my interactions are with them that we just miss out on so much interesting character interactions.
Also, I think that thematically, Elden Ring really isn't LOTR in regards to tone. From Software's games really don't have that same soul of "objective good needing to be fought for against evil" and instead they usually like to surround their storytelling in confusing ambiguity and asking the player if what they see is good for existence. The lack of context for a lot of their storytelling is also a bit of a wall to get over.
It's also a bit hard to get the "spirit of Tolkien" right because the real hero of the story is usually not the strongest fighter, but a regular guy just going through an adventure.
>Say what you will about Dragon Age Inquisition, at least it gave you more options in regards to talking with your teammates
we just discovered that the worst wrpg is still better than the best jrpg
It would have honestly been better if you started out with the full unknown map so you would know that tree you were looking at was encompassed already and you are indeed going to walk over there.
Then you are also walking up and instead of down so you can never look across the untraversed landscape like you do in those pictures, you are always looking at a hill or mountain.
Then you're also pushed through choke points like limgrave indicating it is still going to be very linear in the end instead of running at a 50 mile away object through an open field.
The best parts in the game are just looking at the erdtree, looking at Raya Lucaria, looking down into Leyndell and looking down from castle sol.
Elden ring is the start of something great, and it deserves to be some sort of "ocarina of time" staple game, but we have a bit further to go.
never really liked painted aesthetics anyways. Hated that shit in demon slayer and never got the fascination with okami/okamiden art. It just looks like it should have been still frames or flip books, but it feels wrong when its animated like a video game is.
You forgot the completely worthless loot.
Elden ring is a shit ass open world meme. I dont care about a game that masquerades as adventure and roleplaying when its 99% combat or everything else you do is related to improving your combat and all your downtime is spent searching for more combat. The fact that people saw such a shallow and generic open world game as the best adventure game in decades makes me sick to my stomach. You people are getting too caught up in the image of OP instead of the topic being the inability of vidya to act as a simulator or an immersive media for an adventure in a fantasy world.
>"maybe like 2 or 3 quests that are more than [get item] or [kill bad guy]"
elden ring is [kill bad guy] but you are unironically unprompted to do so for the vast majority of your play time. If your goal for the simulation aspect of adventure is the most boring murder hobo DnD sesh imaginable then sure, elden ring is a fantastic adventure.
two of those pics are literally out of the dragon's dogma artbook.
dragons dogma comes close
What you want only exists in a setting where there's a GM directly and continuously in control of the flow of things. You can't get it from video games.
I get what you are saying, but surely the quest designs could be better. The most entertaining missions in any RPG are always the open ended ones where you have to go on a long chain of smaller quests and make decisions based on what you know and the challenge isnt killing someone but figuring out what your character would do in that situation. Stuff like espionage, bodyguard duty for immoral parties, acting as the middle man or arbitrator between two feuding classes, etc. I guess this is becoming more RPG talk than adventure.
I hate to admit it, but the closest I got to this feeling was Assassin's Creed Origins.
>Highlander screenshot top-right
Fucking based meme
i love clancy brown very much
Until games reach photo realism with insanely massive worlds with incredible draw distances no game will give you the feel of those images.
if you thought the point of those pictures was draw distance then you are a fantasy-let.
Because nobody has made an open world game where the objective is simply making it from A to B, finding shit along the way.
what do you want? a feefees party simulator?
1. The fact is that the player actually shouldn't just head straight to the big landmark in the distance, they should instead search out shitty caves and camps and "level up" until they feel confident. So the journey that is evoked at the views is taken away and replaced with aimless grid exploration of the land.
2. There is enough distance... if the game was entirely on-foot and the world was actually designed to be fun on-foot.
walking simulator
did you not read the OP? its the first 6 words retard-chan
You expect the game in the original image to be a linear retro game???
dragon's dogma is hidden kino with a very strong filter for the first 30 minutes of the game
listen well. modern open world meme means its soulless padded garbage that follows a formula that i just cant stand to play and matches almost perfectly my complaints in OP. i could keep telling you why modern open world is bad, but whats the point? I expect a satisfying adventure thats all the satisfying points you remember fondly in fantasy media, but the reality is most games are either railroaded content disguised as adventures or genuinely empty soulless open worlds that are 90% boredom and maybe 1% the fantastical moments you imagine them being when you get the itch for the genre.
Wow user... You are so freaking smart...........
>lazy environments and designs
What did user mean by this?
Is he upset there isn't a bull to prep every 20 meters? The game is packed to the gills with content. What an absolute mindless, vacuous complaint. It's absolutely baffling that morons like this can manage to complete the captcha.
I have a difficult time envisioning what you expect out of a game if you think "open world" games are empty, soulless and 90% boredom.
If it's not bright, flashing lights and blaring music and PRESS X TO NOT DIE every second, do you fall into a panic over the "lack of soul"?
Holy fuck, dude. If anything, open world games are too dense -- moving 20 seconds in any direction in "open country" you run into a dude that's trying to kill you.
Might and Magic 6 did for me
I cant tell if you are baiting or not. do you legitimately believe open world which is just enormous filler space between actual content for no fucking reason is an adventure? how have you been on Yea Forums this long and still think open world is anything but a marketing tactic used by shit games. I have been perfectly clear this entire thread but retards like you think its so clever to say "well what game do you want?!?!?" If you genuinely believe what im lacking is press x to not die when theres already genres for that, theres no point in continuing the discussion. Try rereading the OP then try reading this before asking again your retard question of how i would design a genre im clearly expressing doesn't translate well from media to vidya.