Castlevania had a.... rough transition to 3D

>I own the game on N64 and have beaten it several times
That's nice but how do we know you're not lying?


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These games are honestly pretty cool. Rough, but if you can work with them, there's something there.

unironically a better CV than SotN

The dracula fight made me rage so hard due to the tiny hit box he had if you played as Reinhardt

I actually find this to be one of the few N64 games that works better on non-stock controllers, because the stick sensitivity is way too loose.

It was good. Fuck you James.

Why did you bother to beat "a big pile of garbage" multiple times?

>Castlevania 64 literally got great reviews when it released
no it didn't

I played it and didn't really get why it was so hated. It has a great dracula, memorable locations and characters, solid music and decent gameplay. The only real complaints I had was the camera but it's early 3d so that kinda is expected, I thought the tower was a little bullshit too but I played Reinhardt. Still need to finish LOD.