Explain to me why am I physically unable to play anything that isnt a STR build

Explain to me why am I physically unable to play anything that isnt a STR build

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you are not a weeb

you're a big dumb

Because you're mentally incredibly boring and cannot adapt to different scenarios

i have the same problem.
Try the STR talisman and catalyst with low int&faith spells for some variance.

>this is what INTcels tell themselves

>post weeb guts greatsword
>you are not a weeb

Dude what? Of course you can

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because you dont really like videogames , you just play them to pass the time and just do the bare minimum in them, you dont invest time exploring everything you are capable to do

Might be a severe attention deficit disorder, lack of any patience to hit things more than once, or just a natural tendency for the objectively gigachad route.

Dex is just STR with extra steps and no actual impact behind rinky dinky weapons.

INT is a wholly different game. I liked my INT playthrough, because rotating through your spell-list for the correct tool for the job was fun, but I was often wondering how I would've been long done with whatever I'm fighting now as my STR run.

FTH looks cool, but beyond that, felt very weak.