Devil May Cry

How is it that DMC3 is still the best when it comes to story and atmosphere?

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I think it was a time where developers weren't too influenced by Internet feedback and were just doing things they thought were cool.

All the pandering in DMC5 disgusted me. Like literal fanfic plot of endless fanservice.

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Pretty much this:
>forced references to all previous games, including literal boss cameos from DMC1 because we need to remind player this is legit DMC game, not DmC2 or another reboot
>Dante and Vergil are now forced to be absurdly equal even though it has been explicitly confirmed in previous games that Dante is stronger now thanks to his humanity
>plot is just a lazy rehash of 3 plot - giant demon/tower tree threatens the city because of Vergil with heavy themes of family and even a side plot of a character (Lady/Nero) coming to terms of having an evil daddy (Arkham/Vergil) though the latter "warms up" because that's what this tryhard fanbase wants - Vergil being le funny try hard dork and actually being goofball deep inside
>Dante is even more WAHOO CRAZY PIZZA MAN than ever before, funny how the game like DMC3, which started this, had more moments of Dante being serious and emotional than anything after it

DMC3 felt way more genuine somehow even though that game also was an "apology" in a way. It was the same team as DMC2 who just tried to make things right this time.

So did they fuck like horny teenagers after the events of DMC3?

Yes but its not like any of the others try.
Nope, that's 1. 3 is second in atmosphere but you can tell they were already wanting to get away from spooky haunted place.

Because 80% of the story was ripped straight from Demon City Shinjuku with the most minor of changes.

>>Dante is even more WAHOO CRAZY PIZZA MAN than ever before, funny how the game like DMC3, which started this, had more moments of Dante being serious and emotional than anything after it
Genuinely retarded

For me, the lack of organs in the music and the piss poor execution of the orchestral soundtrack made the game feel a lot more soulless, no choir nor organ, no memorable melodies.
The serious tone cutscenes also didn't do it for me, the old DMCs were anime serious like this but dmc5 is like Hollywood serious which is just boring

What do you mean Hollywood? Nero running up the hill and restoring his arm because family and shit is one of most anime stuff out there.

It's hard to explain but it's about the feel of it, maybe it's the artstyle but when DMC3 stuff happens, it feels like I'm watching an anime, it's serious for the characters inside but entertaining for the viewer, while DMC5 seems to want you to take it seriously as well and to me it doesn't do it, I also really dislike zoomer Nero now that you mentioned it

>bright colours= anime

DMC3 was literally made with the intention of resembling Hollywood B-movies.

So what? It gives me different vibes something got wrong, also I liked DMC1's plot and atmosphere better anyway, if DMC1 had 5's gameplay and Vergil (not zombie) and Lady in there instead of tr*ss it would be the perfect DMC for me
only way I can describe it better is dmc5 gives me capeshit vibes instead

You could've at least be more subtle, spic. Fuck off taco

I like both DMC3 and DMC5's stories

no sorry dante is a virgin

good morning sir!

Good morning

The series is on sale right now on steam. Is it worth it? How well does it run?

The only one that might not perform well is DMC5 and that's only if you're on a genuinely low-end rig.

HD Collection is a good collection, though it loses out on some visual effects. Nothing major but when you see the things lost, you'll see they are inferior. Aside from that, they run well and play well plus have mods. 4/4SE was always a great port a decade or so ago so its still great today. SE is the way to go obviously, more content. 5 also runs well because of the RE engine. A 1060 can run 1080p 60FPS no problem for example. 5 has shit loads of content, the Vergil DLC as well as mods to give you even more.

Never liked the whole Vorgil's bastard son thing even if it was obvious as shit in DMC4.

What about Dmc5 for pc vs ps5 with special edition. Are the improvements for ps5 noteworthy

For DMC4SE you would want to disable some visual effects in the ini that makes the game uglier and run worse.

The only thing the PS5 version over is Raytracing and official Legendary Dark Knight difficulty, which increases enemy spawns by a large amount.
However, there is a Legendary Dark Knight mod for PC that is arguably even better than the official version because it removes the engine's built-in RAM restrictions on enemy spawns and allows you to personally customise the number of enemy spawns, allowing even more enemies than the official version.

>better character writing
>better story
>better atmosphere
>great music (Devils Never Cry will always be the definitive theme for the series)
>has the best moment in the whole series

>better gameplay
>better bosses
>wider moveset
>best iteration of vergil (in terms of gameplay)
>a few great stand out tracks (Devil Trigger, Bury the Light)

3 and 5 do different things better than each other but I think they'll always be the same in terms of overall quality. Im gonna remember DMC3 more cause of its story but I'm gonna replay DMC5 more cause of its gameplay.

The problem with the mod is M07 just chucks in a boss Vergil at the end.

Subhuman is growning on me, fits boomer Dante really well 2bh

DMC1 is better. Gothic kino that will never be revisited.

>it has been explicitly confirmed in previous games that Dante is stronger now thanks to his humanity
Can you refresh my memory what these confirmations are?

DMC3 and 4 made it obvious with the latter outright having Dante spell it out to Agnus. In 1 Dante can't even beat a Mundus at a fraction of his power and needs Trish's help.

In those I remember Dante talking philosophically. Like his humanity made him a stronger person, and that was the push which put him above Vergil. That's how I interpreted it.
I haven't played 5 yet so I'm not sure if there's another reason why Dante doesn't just flat-out win

Didn't Vergil eat the super saiyan fruit in 5?

He also explicitly regained touch with his own humanity so it even still falls in line with humanity = power, if you want to take that extremely literally.

>better character writing
Ehhhh. Lady was a raging bitch, Vergil was a static character, Arkham was a cartoon villain, and the only one that properly developed and even felt slightly human was Dante.

Nero was a mistake. Style switching was a mistake. Nerfed styles felt awful in 4 and 5 and having four buttons changing the function of one button is retarded control scheme and they never figured out how to improve it in ten fucking years. DMC5 felt cringy like the old grandpa Dante who still tries to be le funny le cuhrayzee like the young Dante but it just doesn't work.
Still a good game, don't get me wrong, but clearly not on the level of DMC3. That game was lightning in a bottle and Itsuno never topped himself.

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Should I get the DMC collection for PC or emulate the PS2 versions? Asking for a friend.

No Jester, no good.

Yes, when Dante fights Urizen he talks about the same stuff there too. I think he explicitly says that Urizen threw away his humanity.

This guy gets it. Nothing could outdo Mallet Island in the DMC series.
And while I do enjoy DMC3, it being more comedic does detract a bit from the atmosphere

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>I haven't played 5 yet so I'm not sure if there's another reason why Dante doesn't just flat-out win
He flat-out wins against Urizen who is Vergil's demonic power without Humanity, but is equal to reformed Vergil who has gained back his humanity.
This exchange from the Urizen fight says it all
>Urizen: How... How are you so powerful!? You never lost anything!
>Dante: It's not about loss... Strength is a choice. Fighting like hell to protect what's important. You threw away everything you ever had... No wonder you have no true power!

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Shut the fuck up, it's not a Marvel movie. Retard.

I dunno, but DMCV was such wasted potential that basically rehashed 3's plot. It would have been WAY better if Mundus returned like the trailers implied and ate the fruit, then Dante and Vergil meet again to take him down or something. Just would have been a nice send offbecause who knows if they'll ever make another game.

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>Character development is exclusive to Marvel according to some anonymous retard
Also, a lot of what I said, like static characters and cartoon villains with no depth can be easily applied to Marvel, so I'm not sure why you thought this was some sort of dunk.

Yeah, that sounds fine to me

Hey idiot, complaining that a character is "static" is a non-critique. A lot of greatest literature in the world has "static" characters. It's simply how those characters are portrayed that matters. Truth is that despite their "static" roles, Vergil left a greater impression in DMC3 than he ever could in the soap opera boredom mess that was DMC5. Some of the greatest characters in literature are "static" and to judge a story on how much it characters changes from X to Y is brainlet warning of the highest order.

>It would have been WAY better if Mundus returned
But then people would call it a rehash of 1


>It would have been WAY better if Mundus returned like the trailers implied and ate the fruit, then Dante and Vergil meet again to take him down or something.
That's being saved for DMC6 plot, 5 was for Vergil to return and stop being autistic, and Dante and Nero to get power ups.

because DMC5 gives way to too much melodrama and fanservice
there isn't that much difference between anime and hollywood anymore, but DMC5 and most modern productions are way too self-aware of what they are and what they are trying to be which makes it feel less authentic

Not really. One of the cliffhangers was him even saying he'd return one day.

i kinda dislike how they've dropped devil arms having different DT looks with dmc4

Who knows if they'll even make one. Guess we'll see.

You are also aware that some of the greatest literary works also have characters undergoing change? You know, stuff like the hero's journey. Static characters aren't inherently bad, but the acting like they are peak literature is retarded, and you should neck yourself for it, you mongoloid. Also, Vergil left an impact for several reason beyond his character. Such as his ever evolving boss fights, which challenged the player.

nostalgiafags are the worst

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And Dante saying that he'll leave that to his son. It's certainly not happened in his lifetime.

wow, this artist's stuff is great

What went wrong?

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Nothing. She's cute for a 40 something year old hag.

Yes, but the implication was still that he'd come back eventually. Besides, things could easily be written that Mundus does it earlier somehow.

So we're agreement then that "static" is not an objectively negative trait in stories? I'm just really tired of "everyone is just misunderstood" stories that has plagued modern narratives hard now. And by the way, I actually disagree that Vergil didn't evolve in DMC3. You can tell there's some sense of brotherly love between Dante and Vergil in their final scene together.

emulating archetypal "static" characters is something many genres intentionally do. it's how you build up a story
what you're saying is that some characters may not be fleshed out (which is an irrelevant critique depending on the context) and that they need to have an arc of some sort.
Which Dante fucking does, so does Lady, Vergil is SUPPOSED to be an archetype that's what makes the whole story work and even he has his own little arc throughout the story
you genuinely don't know shit you mouth breather

Unbelievably bases

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>Which Dante fucking does
And I even said he does, you illiterate faggot


based* fuck me

exactly you said basically nothing at all with your first statement. you might as well say that an 'RPG' is too epic or that a comedy is "too funny"
Arkham is a shit villain but Vergil is the secondary villain and basically your entire criticism was retarded

>You can tell there's some sense of brotherly love between Dante and Vergil in their final scene together.
That doesn't really constitute for development, as much as it's peeling a small layer that was hidden previously. Yeah it's somewhat nice, but it's not really peak fiction, and I'm not sure why people pretend otherwise. I've even seen some call DMC3's plot "Shakespearean", which couldn't be further from the truth.

Too much Vergil pandering.
DMC3 had well spread out attention to all 3 chars but 5 was all over the place. Dialogue / Cutscenes from DMC3 is much more memorable as well, I can remember almost every line with 100% accuracy but DMC5 didn't as many great lines and cutscenes.
DMC5 cutscenes were a little too realistic compared to DMC3's over the top, the only exception being Nero's opening scene.

Of course they did. There's no way they go through their respective emotional journeys, reunite at the end when it's all done, then kill another 100+ demons and NOT fuck each other stupid afterwards when sexual and emotional tension is at it's highest.

I never said it was peak fiction. I will however say it is the PERFECT storytelling for this kind of game. They perfectly nailed the needed depth, the snappy dialogue and memorable action so the story just makes the gameplay more meaningful. It's very rare for a game to have story and gameplay match up so well. Metal Gear Revengeance is another one where devs just accept the gameplay is bat shit insane and they went and made the story like that too. Instead of contradicting one another (DMC5, Uncharted) they complement each other and make the other part even better.

Also Shakespearean is a pretty broad term and can be applied to almost any literature with some sort of ironic tragedy involved.

It's literally the opposite, DMC3 was made trying to please DMC1 fans, and DMC5 is the game Itsuno and the team had the most creative control.

You can literally go and read the 3142 artbook where the DMC3 devs talk about how worried they were that Vergil was going to be badly received overseas because he's too weeb, and also how Ikeno was very proud of Arkham/Jester because he felt he was a very "western" villain.

They originally considered making DMC5 a Dante only game due to western audiences, but a younger jap on the dev team said Nero was his favorite DMC character so they decided to keep him as well. V also almost ended up cut but Itsuno fought to keep him in.

This argument's getting crazy

How does DMC5's story contradict the gameplay?


You have got to be retarded. The "atmosphere" in that game sucks compared to 1. The whatevergru doesn't even feel like a real place, nor does the progression through the levels feel immersive. You constantly feel like you are going through "video game levels" instead of a real place. Somehow it still manages to be the second best.

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according to your logic the quality of writing can be measured by how much a character changes or how much their backstory is expanded upon throughout a story
which couldn't further from the truth

a story is a compromise of a whole bunch of different elements. and people love mysterious MCs, archetypes and cliches if they are executed well
your criticisms are so insubstantial you can't even properly define what DMC is good at or what it's liked for which is stylish, cliche, action romp. you are unironically braindead pseud hipster huh