2004-2006 was a great time in video games. Going into Gamestop and just seeing all the weird shit coming out was great and a lot of it was on gamecube.
Ran in one time and bought Donkey Konga on a whim. Shit was mad fun.
2004-2006 was a great time in video games. Going into Gamestop and just seeing all the weird shit coming out was great and a lot of it was on gamecube.
Ran in one time and bought Donkey Konga on a whim. Shit was mad fun.
people pretend the 3DS is some god console but really when you step back and look at it, all it had was some of the worst pokemon, fire emblem, zelda, mario and wario games to date.
>b-but the third party was so good! monster hunter!
the vita btfo the third party support the 3ds would get in its lifetime in two years. but nobody bought it so who cares. bravely default is fucking horrendous.
Hal Labs GC Mother 3
>>marketed almost entirely towards children outside re4
RE4, REmake, RE0, Eternal Darkness, MGS The Twin Snakes, Geist. All of them made with Nintendo's backing and marketed by them as Gamecube's games for the adult crowd. Nintendo made a push for that kind of thing, which they had not done once neither in the NES or SNES eras
I did play elebits and I enjoyed it fwiwifwf, you're still a fucking nutter my friend