Is this about accurate? Why is it like this?

Is this about accurate? Why is it like this?

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Average IQ in japan: 108
Average IQ in Muttland when you exclude east asians: 86

Das y niggah

What does the X axis represent?

The average American doesn't know what e^x is or why it's meaningful

American games are more of a hump. They blow their load in the first quarter because they know most people won't finish the game. Japanese games reward you for sticking with them.

You don't even know how to make a graph you flat earth retard.

western indie games are top tier but AAA games are all shit now, i don't think i'll ever buy a AAA western game again.

The range of videogame qualities. So the absolute best game from each country is to the right and the worst is to the left

Its nothing to do with IQ. Germany minus shitskin immigrants has comparable IQ levels and pumps out jank, and South Korea has higher average IQ levels than Japan and creates dogshit P2W MMOtrash. Also Japans average IQ is more like 104. Finally the people interested in game design will generally be the more intelligent, nerdy and/or high IQ segment of the population in the first place. Western videogames are lower in quality than Japanese ones because of woke shit, arrogance and diversity hires not because the West is not smart enough - high tier westerners have superior brains to high tier asians.

Typical American response

the average iq is 100. by definition. and only america uses it.


Attached: usa_japan_games.png (1270x882, 68.41K)

Americans can't comprehend a graph where x doesn't represent time. Figures

nips don't have anything that comes close to dwarf fortress or aurora 4x, so that graph is automatically wrong

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fixed your pic

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>the people interested in game design will generally be the more intelligent, nerdy and/or high IQ segment of the population in the first place.
that's not true at all with modern (by which i mean post gen X) video games. they appeal to some of the dumbest segments of western society. poor whites and niggers are the most devout consumers of video games in the west. despite the industry's success, rewards for developers have shrunk to the point where most of them aren't even classified as employees anymore. there are no diversity hires, there are only lowest bidders. this is what happens when a worker allows their consumer mindset to overlap their financial self-interest and they want to be part of the industry at any cost. how this differs in japan, for example, is that video games are often the fallback industry for creatives there. most japs in this field actually want to be manga artists, but competition in that field is so great that most of them will work in video games because it's the better paying option for them. the work is more professional because it's more of a job to them and doesn't overlap as a personal hobby like it does for western developers. they work to a standard rather than to their personal tastes. the fact that westerners ruin their games with woke shit is only a symptom of the fact that they are unable to separate their role in creating a viable product for market from the personal messaging they want to leave in it. the social contract or balance of power in any industry is that the worse the working conditions are, the more power that workers have to do what they want. you can see this in the current worker revolt across all low-paying jobs where wages have not kept up with inflation. the game industry has just been doing it for 20 years, and are more advanced than any other industry in trading creative control for lower pay.

The fact that mutts prefer shit like wow doesn't mean Korean MMOs are bad. In fact they were always superior.

Japanese value creativity over profit which leads to a greater variety of games which increases the chance of quality games. An example of this is how Japan will keep a niche series alive that barely makes a profit just to maintain IPs and keep creatives satisfied/employed whereas Activision can make millions on a new Crash Bandicoot game and still consider it to 'not meet expectations' then bench it because the $ return on developer hours is better if they just put them all on CoD. It's the same reason a single manga outsells the entire comic book industry, the comic book industry focus groups a character and plot then hires people to bring it to life, the manga industry lets any weird fuck get published and allows anything with readers to live.

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>Japanese value creativity over profit
lol yeah those uh Square games are just full of "creativity"

>the manga industry lets any weird fuck get published and allows anything with readers to live.
I wish the manga industry would stop consuming my favorite cunny artists.

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that crossover point must've been 1999

Compared to a majority of Western games? Absolutely. Just look at the artsyle and gameplay of Octopath style games and at the state of XIV compared to other MMO's, shit gameplay but critically acclaimed.

They actively tried killing good western games, death to japigs like Squareshitnex

>Good Western games
You mean indie games?

>Almost killed Hitman
>Buried Deus Ex
>Utterly butchered Thief
Garbage company, glad they are getting bombarded with flops

Do you really want western weirdos working on vidya? If we already are fed up with political nonsense with people like you're proposing would be x10 worse from every spectrum.

>Its nothing to do with IQ.

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Sure, I'd let those weirdos create what they want if it meant we can have WoW with big titty elves again instead of censored trash. Prudishness helps no one

nah you are giving too much credit to se in regards to shitman
ioi did the series in themselves just fine

financial resources

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It's not accurate at all, IMO. Japanese games have always been better than western games since the NES days, there was never some jump where they skyrocketed into the stratosphere either. Also, I think some western developers have mostly caught up in some aspects too.

As for why Japanese games have always been better I think the reasons are simple and obvious: western developers focus mostly on graphics, storytelling/preaching a message, and generally trying to be "like a movie", while Japanese developers focus almost entirely on the intricacies of gameplay right down to the framedata. They make games fun to play first and then slap on a story, while western developers tend to write a game first and then try design a game around that. No in every case, of course. But in general this is how it's always looked to me. The time and genre when/where this was the most obvious was the 90's and with fighting games.

you will never be japanese
you will always be a disgusting foreigner never welcome to japan

For what its worth, jap devs try to make a game their customers will buy.

Western devs are still too busy playing it safe and milking cashcows with DLC seasonpass garbage, or microtransactions. So its only rarely a good western game hits the market these days, while the western shit games still blow out the profits.

Intelligence of the player

should be going down for America. Look, I can admit that early in the PS2 and PS3/360 era American games did have a level of quality and polish to them, but the modern American games are poorly made crap that more often than not violate consumer rights.

Desu desu kawaii grorious Nippon steel etc

>trump wins
>causes absolutely no change in american games at all
yeah this doesn't work schizo

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>Japanese value creativity over profit
Only a weeb who's never set foot in Japan would say something so naive

best american game is zombie panic source, co-op horror, free on steam

>Japanese value creativity over profit
o my sweet summer child

>implying american games now are better than the 00s
1998-2006 was the absolute peak of American vidya

japan has always pumped out a disproportionate amount of quality games simply because of the prevalent otaku culture there. if games are escapism, it makes sense that the ones who would make the best games would be the biggest escapists.

Japanese games: Smooth foundation, fully fleshed out mechanics, buggy as fuck and never fixed

Western vidya: Not fully tested, janky mechanics, games are buggy at first but they receive patches and corrections eventually . Support for game lasts longer.

Actually yes. If each product is allowed to be more isolated in what the developers want to do with it, its content and who it appeals to.
In other words, I welcome more woke trash if it allows me to ignore it and enjoy more non-woke products. Basically, I want entertainment to be more segmented.

I know racial segregation (and any other type of segregation) is considered a bad thing in the real world but I believe it increases quality in the entertainment space. My evidence is simply: american entertainment VS japanese entertainment.

>creativity over profit
>release same fucking shit over and over again
>even japanese gachashit is just f/go clones while chinkshit gachas innovate and get more revenue
japanese boomers are to blame.

I'd say it's the other way around. Western games (European games take this to the extreme) tend to be either utter, completely unplayable jank, or utmost glory that completely revolutionises the genre.
Japanese games tend to be more homogeneous, they all use similar controls, similar forms of input, similar menus, similar visuals, similar perspective during gameplay, etc. they are much less eager to experiment.

The graph to represent this would be more something like this, with blue being Japanese and green being the west.

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Someone who actually gets it

Korean MMOs are among the worst trash on the market at any given time, only the most subhuman bugmen like them

Almost as dumb as this graph

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What's on the x axis?

x axis?

>x axis needs to represet something

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You have not labeled either axis so yeah sure let's say it is.

>muh labels

fucking amerimongs

I'd say it's almost accurate - there should be a second inflection point on the blue graph. Out of my top 25 maybe 5 games are Japanese, but my top 3 is all jap shit. Similarly, the most vile games I've had the misfortune to play were also nipponese
Agreed that Japan has way more average games

x, can't you read?

OP here

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give me some examples of what videogames to include and i'll plot them on the graph where they belong for future threads

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