black ops introduced the currency system which ruined weapon upgrades. it was so cool to get x amount of kills with red dot to upgrade to holographic, and you knew that the person got tons of headshots if they had fall camo. black ops was the beginning of the end.
Modern Warfare 2 is the best COD
exactly and that’s when I played MW2. me and the boys in a party of 8 on xbox live playing search and destroy all night. this one loser would come online and it’d be awkward cuz max party size was 8 but he wanted to hang. good times.
>SPAS 12
>Model 1887
Is there a more kino set of guns in a game?
I loved MW2's SPAS-12. Some matches I would run around with Marathon, Stopping Power, and Steady Aim just using the SPAS-12 as if it were a primary.
cod 4, world at war, and mw2 were my favorites
Will IW deliver?
>quickscope montage to a dubstep deeptrack from British nobody
oh man—anybody else remember the akimbo model 1887s pre-patch? it was like a free nuke
Trash maps with lots of campers and retarded balance suck, fuck off nigger
3 is the best
>kino campaign
>kino maps
>each class has their own bonus equipment, snipers get artillery and heavy weapons get ammo boxes. they even level up during the match.
>it's a classic WW2 cod so its already better than anything else after it