>kino maps like terminal and highline
>huge array of guns, many of them effective
>rewards and achievements based on skill
>tons of game modes
>no microtransactions or in game currency
yeah, I’m thinking it’s based.
Modern Warfare 2 is the best COD
Other urls found in this thread:
Black Ops 2 is better in every way with the sole exception of streaks not being adjusted for TDM. God tier gunplay and maps. Even better, the game is balanced.
the good old days
Fun > Balance
>pedo clan tag
lmao wtf
360 kiddies
ive always enjoyed BO1 more
BO1, MW2, BO2, MW1, MW3
>the best cod
up until a few hours ago when it was confirmed the monsterverse is gonna be in warzone pacific soon
nice try user
The best cod is the one you played in 8th grade.
black ops introduced the currency system which ruined weapon upgrades. it was so cool to get x amount of kills with red dot to upgrade to holographic, and you knew that the person got tons of headshots if they had fall camo. black ops was the beginning of the end.
exactly and that’s when I played MW2. me and the boys in a party of 8 on xbox live playing search and destroy all night. this one loser would come online and it’d be awkward cuz max party size was 8 but he wanted to hang. good times.
>SPAS 12
>Model 1887
Is there a more kino set of guns in a game?
I loved MW2's SPAS-12. Some matches I would run around with Marathon, Stopping Power, and Steady Aim just using the SPAS-12 as if it were a primary.
cod 4, world at war, and mw2 were my favorites
Will IW deliver?
>quickscope montage to a dubstep deeptrack from British nobody
oh man—anybody else remember the akimbo model 1887s pre-patch? it was like a free nuke
Trash maps with lots of campers and retarded balance suck, fuck off nigger
3 is the best
>kino campaign
>kino maps
>each class has their own bonus equipment, snipers get artillery and heavy weapons get ammo boxes. they even level up during the match.
>it's a classic WW2 cod so its already better than anything else after it
this game had so many fun gimmicks. spas 12 was still OP even after some nerfs. danger close + scavenger and commando were also sick
oh man take me back
the last time any cod dev delivered was 2007
other than noob tubes i wouldnt change a thing balance wise
noob tubes werent even really the problem, it was just that one man army refilled their ammo
Greatest cod of all time, a true arcade shooter multi-player. Special ops were fun as shit, especially the snow jetski one, campaign story was jaw dropping. I hope the new cod mw2 does it justice, I remember playing this shit at netcafe with all my friends when we were 12. Greatest time of my life... take me back
not gonna lie ive played roblox phantom forces for a bit
DO NOT listen to MW3 schitzos. The multiplayer is garbage in that game and filled with Support Class spam and Dead Man's Hand.
>"But user, you can just run Flak Ja-" youtube.com
take me back
Atleast it was fun and innovative, I don't mind fuck ups like that cause gamble matches was pretty fun. I remember sitting grinding after school with sour gummy beat olabottles (frozen) calling everybody gamer words. Truly the best times of my life
Cola bottles*
i heard it was set in cartel land, fuck that shit i want ww3
maps are all shitty clusterfucks with no lines of sight
>when everything is broken
>nothing will be
only thing that ever got nerfed was model 1887
forgot how good spec ops were. this game had it all.
Is bo2 the one with the stinky rattly gun sounds?
Legitimately better than the heartbeat sensor because it's such an awful scope
You fucking console kiddie zoomers don't even know
Gun game and one in the chamber were godly, but sharpshooter and sticks & stones left a lot to be desired
Sticks and stones was funny as shit, find the squeaker and then...
this shit was also on 360 faggot, and it was less fun overall. good game, but not nearly as kino. fuck off
>not cod 2
promod fags out
>posts game that started the console kidde trend
qrd on promod?
except there's only a couple and plenty of trash ones, UMP is the only smg worth using, rpd only lmg, scar acr ak m4 only good ars.
worst balanced cod by far.
every video game is like this
Nah, gun game and sitting on the last tier or two then just torturing the squeaker with demotions was better
is modernwarfare 2 steam multiplayer playable? not the third party iw4x stuff i'm too lazy
tar was also great—I hauled ass through a lot of mlg gamebattles with that
true but im pretty sure the ump was better than all the ars in most cases
it isn't
I dunno, MW1 G3 (attached to scroll wheel on PC or an auto trigger on console) and M16 were worse and made every other assault rifle stupid to use besides the AK for extremely niche circumstances
seethe console shitters
balance is bad, unbalanced stuff helps deal with sweaty players and keeps the game interesting. among smgs, vector with rapid fire is also very good, but if your cutoff point for a good gun is the ump then no way the m4 deserves to be on this list. the rpd? I mean it is the most satisfying to use and has good iron sights but i doubt the others are worse in practice
>kino maps like terminal and highline
plenty of dogshit maps like wasteland and afghan.
>huge array of guns, many of them effective
decent array of guns, three of them too effective. some cool guns new to the fps genre at the time
>rewards and achievements based on skill
first cod to introduce the mind-numbing grind of titles, icons, etc. for player cards. you did get to know who was going to sweat with nuke cards
>tons of game modes
>no microtransactions or in game currency
COD points in black ops were great
yeah, I’m thinking it’s got its positives and negatives. iwx4 illustrates the game was fun because it was middle school with friends on a weekend, not because the actual game was GOATed.
MW3 is the perfect modern COD
ump was definitely the sweatiest gun in the game but everything was viable
So bo2 and mw3? Nope. My favorite was still mw2
So many zoom zooms in this thread