The main problem with Elden Ring is that it simply isn't fun. Maybe I'm just tired of the Soul's formula but I feel like the amount of unfun enemies, gank squads, and bullshit encounters you run into in elden ring far outweigh any other souls games. I've since stopped playing it but while I was I always dreaded dying because every time I did I would have to go through the slog of getting back to where I was.
Stormveil was a great area but past that I just lost the will to play, and even stormveil had its issues. Like in what world are those stupid fucking birds good enemies? They just fly around and fucking with your camera and are absolute cancer to fight. The best way to deal with any enemy in Elden Ring is to find the easiest cheese for it so that you have to interact with it as little as possible since none of them are actually fun to engage with.
I'm currently playing Jump King and while taking a large fall is super punishing I always end up coming back because I know I can do better and make it further. With Elden Ring it wasn't about doing better or getting further, it was just about how much bullshit I was willing to put up with.
The main problem with Elden Ring is that it simply isn't fun...
>I don't like this game
>Its not fun for me
>I really am not having fun
>I hate the challenges it presents
>I die too much
Why do you fags insist that every game be made for you? Find games you like, and fuck off.
>if you think a game is bad that means it's not made for you
easiest (and also stupidest) way to disregard any and all opposing arguments
Damn thats crazy
The main thing I like about Elden Ring is just fun to play, I'm nearing the end of my first playthrough and throughout the entire game I've been just thinking about what other builds I want to try out on subsequent runrs inspired by all the items and tools I find and how to make them work.
Every time I died, it felt like I played sloppy and I found ways to improve, bosses especially seem more fun and varied in this game as there is new kind of focus on spacing in this game, lot of bosses have gap closers if you get too far but at the same time they will throw you long combos if you hug them for too long in hopes of getting free hits.
It has also been interesting to discuss with other people about their experience, it really seems the game will play differently depending on my build as my friends have gone through the game with totally different builds than I did and its rare we struggled with the same bosses or enemies, something that was easy for my build was very hard for a friend who had totally different approach.
Great game.
Your arguments read like a child crying that they suck at dodge ball and therefore blame the game, where as you could just play a game you enjoy. Its not your game, its not made for every audience with fingers.
your arguments read like someone who didn't even read my arguments desu
>I don't like this game
>Its not fun for me
>I really am not having fun
>I hate the challenges it presents
>I die too much
I even summarized it for you.
try again
>I don't like this game
>Its not fun for me
>I really am not having fun
>I hate the challenges it presents
>I die too much
>why isn't this game made for me?
>why did they make a game that I wouldn't enjoy?
>If I made this game I would design it my way
>I hate that other people have creative freedom that doesn't fit my preferences
That hits the nail on the head.
Here I will give you a clear example since you are kinda stupid
Pic related is one of the many terrible enemy encounters in Elden Ring. If you get eaten by this thing's stomach you will get teleported to the Volcano Manor. First time I got eaten it was a cool/interesting experience and I escaped the manor and had fun. Upon returning to the same location to try and kill the enemy I learned something new: the "tell" for the enemy to eat you (the red mist before it rushes you) will be disregarded if the enemy's health bar reaches a certain point. So if you fight for long enough the enemy disregards how it engaged with you last time and will just insta-eat you - again teleporting you back to the Volcano Manor. Now you have to escape from the same place you already did once and go through the exact same motions instead of just being able to teleport back immediately.
Instead of just saying "git-gud" give me a reason this isn't bad enemy encounter design.
Think about it
Have a good day dude
OP about sums it up, just copy paste it for each area and theres our "10/10 goty masterpiece"
i wonder when people will realize this and stop fellating miyazaki as if he didnt master the art of ctrl+c ctrl+v
You must suck at this game. I beat that nigga first try. Git good faggot.
BASED. OP is a faggot.
I'm not a fan of souls games, but I think Elden Ring is a lot of fun. That is up until you reach the consecrated snowgrounds. After that it feels like the developers legitimately just tried to ruin the experience for the player.
Exactly, you have no point to make.
Soul's games may be difficult but they were never completely bullshit which is why regardless of skill level anyone could persevere and beat them. When people asked for an easy mode for Sekiro they were rightfully shat on because Sekiro is a fair and fun experience that can be beaten through perseverance and learning. I'm not going to say that Elden Ring can't be beaten in the same way or that there should be an easy mode for it but it is definitely a lot worse designed than all the other From Soul's games and suffers for it. Sure, the game may not be for me, but to say it is well designed is just plain wrong. Unless you can explain to me how the example I gave above isn't proof of bad design
>there should be an easy mode
>play the same game for the fifth time with another coat of painting
>isn't fun
woahh how did this happen?
You are a coomsoomer dude.
I'm not, i havent touched a souls game since 2018. Stop consuming like an american
>there should be an easy mode
lol, there it is... OP got filtered.
Anyone that says "I'm not going to say X" really means "I want to say X". otherwise they would never mention it to begin with. You're a faggot dude. Go play a game you can enjoy instead of shitting on ones you dont. Lego Starwars just got released, and its for children of ALL ages.
>so this enemy killed me and therefore the game bad
that enemy exists for the explicit purpose of sending you to that location, going back and fighting it just to fight it is kind of pointless, and the fact that you got sent AGAIN should hammer that home
it's not bad design when you're too retarded to stop hammering your head against the brick wall, the wall is doing its job you're the problem
another easy way to disregard someone's argument is to put words in their mouth and try to imply they are saying things they aren't. I don't know if all these replies are from the same person but I love how all my points are addressed by either disregarding any specifics, saying "gid gud", or trying to reword things I've said to fit your agenda.
Truly shows the brainpower of the average ER defender
People disregard your """points""" because they aren't really points, just complaints. You can call them stupid all you want to, at the end of the day, you're the one crying about a game you suck at.
>going back and fighting it just to fight it is kind of pointless
>engaging with the game is kind of pointless
LMAO. The whole point of these games is to kill enemies. The stories of Soul's games are fucking retarded who cares bullshit so if you're telling me I shouldn't be killing enemies then you're basically saying I shouldn't bother playing the game since that's basically the only worthwhile thing it has to offer. They already destroyed exploration by making it a shitty copy paste open world and now you're telling me I shouldn't bother fighting enemies? Take a step back and look at the "point" you are trying to make user
if the whole point of the game is to kill enemies and you failed to kill the enemy, it's you whose shit, not the enemy. stop complaining and win.
complaints that are backed up by an example are a valid criticism unless proven otherwise, prove me wrong. Oh wait, you wont bother, you'll just disregard this as well
I agree it's no fun allowed full of sweaty tryhards
BASED. But OP is too retarded to figure the game out so its wasted bandwidth.
You don't have any points, infact: is a perfect summary of your complaints. Shut the fuck up and go play something, anything else.
Yeah you got filtered, we get. You fucking suck dude.
shazamPosters still seething i see
I failed to kill the enemy so I went back to kill and and lo and behold the way the enemy works is completely thrown out the window and I can get insta-eaten without a tell. I have no problem killing enemies that actually well designed
>enemy behaviors change when their health is low
Eat shit stupid, observe and learn or die on the side of the dirt road, it's your choice.
>complaints that are backed up by an example are a valid criticism unless proven otherwise
You would have to be a youtube/twitch meta slave to still find ER fun. The gameplay has been solved
>observe and learn
observe what you fucktard? The tell is just completely removed from the enemy's fighting mechanics. There is nothing to observe. I did eventually go back and kill it but by that point I wasn't having fun because I was killing a shittily designed enemy. Like I pointed out before after a certain point the game becomes less about overcoming challenges and more about putting up with ever increasing amounts of bullshit
and also with bosses there is usually a point where they very obviously go through a change after their health gets past a certain threshold. Like with Godrick once you get him at about half he gets the dragon arm. This shitty enemy had none of that, it's just plain bad design
>I'm too retarded to beat this enemy so it's badly designed
How many abortions do you guys think OP's mom had before this one slipped through?
I'd guess 9.
DarkSydePhil you need to go to bed.
I did beat the enemy tho.
I that Sam Hyde?
is that the Chris Chan shirt?
I don't think the shirt itself even screams autism, but it's connection the CWC has tainted that colorscheme forever for me.
git gud
Its a good shirt. Only 29.99 at Kmart.
OP will never git gud. I found his account.
Congratulations, you have critical thinking skills and understand why this game is so poorly designed in several parts. I know that when a well received game has flaws like this people feel like "opening" other people's eyes, but in the case of Elden Ring you are basically dealing with the cultist form of video game fans and they'll ignore anything you say with the famous "git gud" or all the variations of "I'm bad so the game is bad too" or "I died so the game is bad", etc.
If it comforts you to know, yes, a large amount of players including those able to kill any boss in the game legitimately without any kind of cheese also realize all the flaws that make the game "unfun", so you're not alone.
These guys with few achievments and a lot of hours are playing truly offline. The game does not give the achievements if you complete them without being connected to the internet, I found out because when I used the mode to increase the FOV I left Steam offline and lost some achievements.
Detail: Elden Ring's FOV is terrible. Originally it is 75 degrees (horizontal) and in a game where you are almost always in open places trying to observe all sides this is simply unacceptable. To have a complete view of your surroundings you need 5 fucking screens with this field of view.
If it comes at you with the doors open you move out of the way. Isn't that common sense?
I understand that, that is the first phase of the attack and it makes sense. There is a point past that where it has no open door rush or red mist and will just, randomly, while you are attacking it, open its doors without a tell and just eat you. So good luck if you're mid swing with a large weapon. If that was what it originally did then that would be fine but that's not how it works. Essentially you are punished by reengaging with the enemy since it changes the way it attacks and can potentially send you back to the volcano manor forcing you to do over the whole (now tedious) situation again
This is the only Souls game where I actually got mad at dying besides Sekiro, but I hated Sekiro and only beat it just so I could say I did.
I had a lot of fun in the early and mid game and had the exact same thoughts as you and then when I hit late game I began to hate and despise everything about the game was designed
I quit the game after killing Maliketh. I saw a lot of people saying that it is one of the best battles in the game and I didn't like it very much because it is totally based on memorization and applying iframes to get a chance to attack once with a slow weapon.
I believe 90% of the people who loved this game are using all kinds of cheesy tactics where they don't really need to get intimate with the bullshit mechanics of this piece of crap.
Your arguement boils down to:
>This strong boss in this area has a special purpose
>When it gets low on hp it performs a quick grab
>I can't dodge so I got caught twice
Even if it had a shortened grab animation, you would have had to be standing in front of it for some time
And you'd still have an opportunity to dodge out of the way if you weren't stuck in an attack animation
So it seems like you ran up to the front of this thing and spammed r1, it punished you, and now you're complaining about it.
Haligtree felt bit of a slog for me for sure but I was running a single katana, my friends who were doing str builds with colossals breezed through because they could just stunlock everything there to death.
I did the whole section again with just a greatshield and it was easier than using katana because enemies were getting stunned from shield bashes constantly.
Friend of mine fucked maliketh up using colossals way fucking faster and with less struggle than I did with a fast weapon. If anything, watching him stream the fight, it seemed like he had the same windows to attack as I did but he was just dishing out way more damage than I ever did cus I had way lower AR and Maliketh has high resistance to slash. I think it depends more how you approach the fight more than your build.
I beat Maliketh with the parry item and adulas moonblade.
I wish I was had a fucking gun from Bloodborne just like how I fucking wish I was Wolf when fighting Malenia
The thing you don't understand is what the punishment entails. I'm fine with being punished in games but I don't like punishments that result in tedious padding.
The enemy trains you to fight against it one way and then disregards that way for a faster punish. That is fine by itself but once you add that onto the fact that it also again teleports you to the Volcano Manor forcing you to YET AGAIN go back to the site of grace just to get back to progressing through the game the design starts to fall apart. If the second time it ate you it just killed you or took out a massive amount of damage then that would probably be a lot better.
how often Maliketh decides to fucking run away plays a large part in how the fight goes
>it seemed like he had the same windows to attack as I did but he was just dishing out way more damage than I ever did cus I had way lower AR and Maliketh has high resistance to slash.
I see a lot of idiots tend to main a single weapon, then struggle when they're facing enemies resistant to that weapons damage profile. Their response to this seems to be overleveling and powering through it instead of swapping to another weapon.
Strike damage trivilaizes Crystalians and Miners
Doublehanding weapons stops your weapon from bouncing off certain enemies
Some Holy Damage upgrades will kill Skellingtons without giving them a chance to automatically respawn
Try swapping between 3-4 different weapons, you get enough upgrade mats for it
It's a encounter that only occurs if you trust Patches.
Everything Patches tell you is a trap so you should of expected it
ahahaha you can just watch some youtube guy do 100 complete run hahahah filtered biiiitch
I never even talked to patches at any point during my playthrough. If the game takes place in an open world where plenty of it is easily missable then the design needs to account for that
I hate the just use a shield, different weapon, different build, summon, parry, spirit, and so on
I beat every Souls game playing how I wanted, but this game clearly knows things are fucked considering how often you can respect
There isn't really any items or anything down in that pit but the Iron Virgin
You're the one autistically banging against that wall multiple times. I killed the thing once, but otherwise just ran around, grabbed the item or two, and peaced out.
I see some people that summon me try to slice down the little death jellies at the weeping peninsula castle, taking a few minutes to whittle down their HP and roll away for basically no souls. Did you do that too?
Oh I was swtiching weapons constantly but I just wanted to do the fight with katana, my damage was lowish but good enough cus he doesnt have that much hp.
Plus it kinda forced me to really learn the fight, I didnt mind it.
>playing Jump King
Opinion invalidated. That isn't even a game.
Is your point that you should be able to use a single weapon for the entire game?
Its unfair that the game punishes you for your own imposed limitation?
>There isn't really any items or anything down in that pit but the Iron Virgin
Okay so think about what this means. Now we have this pretty big enemy encounter (think about the how big the arena is and how telegraphed the large drop down into it is) and the reward for getting through it is literally nothing? Your point essentially brings up another big issue with the game which is that the rewards for exploring or defeating enemies are largely shit
Besides, how is a player supposed to know that in the first place if they aren't playing with a guide or haven't explored the place beforehand?
I felt the same way once I hit the capital, it went from the best souls game to some lazy bullshit to make it artificially difficult. I stopped feeling a sense of accomplishment for clearing a zone, and it felt more like I got bitch slapped for even bothering to try
Is spring break out already? This board is full of edgy 12 year olds trying to be le epic trolls
The area was a trap, if you find Patches he points you there and sniggers about it.
>reward for getting through it is literally nothing?
Ahhh, heres the problem
Its a major argument against open world games, innit? That every corner of the world doesn't have autistic levels of attention put into it, isn't packed with hidden, significant items (who cares about bolts/mushrooms/craftable stuff), other stuff. Sometimes areas are just areas.
>Besides, how is a player supposed to know that in the first place if they aren't playing with a guide or haven't explored the place beforehand?
zoom zoom level thinking. you may want a game that holds your hand more and gives you a fun, curated experience. Horizon and Ubishit games have the quest log and map icons you seem to crave.