you sound like a woman, so i'ma treat you like a woman. tits or gtfo.
VTMB 2 cancelled
can the Vidya board really talk? Vidya is just as, if not more so, pozzed.
I don't understand the point of casualization since almost everyone who actually plays these games usually has some house rules where you might ignore certain mechanics for fun and simplicity. It's an entire franchise built around picking and choosing at the discretion of the G/DM.
Hell I've bought game books before just because they had cool art and fun fluff.
Brian is about as assertive as a wet rag. Cara would have given him no choice.
Is anyone really hyped for this after multiple people, including the story writer left? I'd be surprised if this doesn't turn out to be a disaster. Weird how there are so many VTM spin-off games but we still haven't got the game that people were really excited for.