Official announcement and apology video from paradox is scheduled to go live April 11th. RIP.
VTMB 2 cancelled
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Do you have a single fact to back that up
Who still is hype for this? There's no way it wasn't going to be hot garbage the way Paracocks has been going lately
Good. I don't see how it could do anything except kill the franchise.
i hope someone leaks the music, the song that plays in the club was really good and basically the only thing i was looking forward to from this trashfire
First believable leak ive seen. Cant wait to see bloodlines shitters crying
thank god. it would've been pozzed.
those niggers are going to have to issue a full refund on top of it too, aren't they?
fuck swede-malis
Oh yeah, this is gonna open a can of worms in places like Australia. Still based they sued Valve and gave us refunds. Wouldn’t be surprised if they sel this cursed IP soon.
I actually belive it lmao
Well, it basically cancelled anyways, they just never outright said it
Wouldn't even be surprised. WoD is a cursed franchise. I think Redemption was the only game that wasn't broken or garbage on release and was actually delivered.
>3 canned Werewolf games
>including Heart of Gaia that looked amazing back then
>WoD mmo dead and forgotten
>multiple other canceled games like Mage the Ascension
>most released WoD games are shovelvare from bargain bin
>Bloodlines is a classic, but release was a disaster
wouldn't be surprised
pozzed shit is always doomed to fail miserably
This, the game probably never even moved devs. No one is touching this cursed shit.
what a shitshow this was, from start to finish. the more info we got the less i was excited for this game.
what a shame
and nothing of value was lost
>next gen
>Vampires are cursed
>Franchise is cursed
It's like poetry, they rhyme
This trailer was so fucky and weird. I remember DuskGolems sister was working on the game or something and he said the whole trailer was outsourced to another company in some backwards ass shogwater country using source engine. Tbh I believe it because it looks like a completely different engine to the other gameplay.
why was it cancelled?
Btw im talking about the dancing parts only and you can even tell just from this vid
did you look at the game
Who cares
Its pretty fucking obvious why user
I was really dreading the release threads so this is great.
good, they deserved it and the game looked like pozzed garbage
good, modern devs could never make a game as daring as VTMB again
you would end up with absolutely soulless NPC slop like the new Saints Row
Not surprising after they fired the entire original dev team
I better not see a single fucking person on v buy that new saints pozzed trash
What happened???
The directors were a married couple, and the dude cheated on his wife to sleep with homewrecker Cara Ellison (who was the games lead writer)
When his wife found out, they got a divorce and obviously the game fell apart because it lost both directors and lead writer all in one blow. This is also why the game seemed to fall apart for no reason despite having hype and funding. It was all going fine until this internal drama happened. Cara Ellison being a slut got the game shut down and everyone involved lost work.
This is all 100% true and an open secret in game journalist circles. Obviously the mainstream press will never report it. Screencap this post.
why is tabletop rpgs so infected with those fuckers?
Lack of gatekeeping
The people originally making TTRPGs are all nerds who are weak to social attacks
They have absolutely no defense against bad actors infiltrating their teams and coopting their games
nerds are too weak to fight back when these mentally ill freaks show up and begin their crybully tactics
That makes a LOT of sense to why the reasonings were so hush hush and brian looks like the kinda sex pest who would cheat. I genuinely believe you.
t. user in a high position who sees people fired for pety shit all year long.
Because after you hit a certain saturation you have to start looking for niche markets to pander to.
Marlboro used to be the ladies cigarette. Chicks loved smoking Marlboro, and the executives said "Thats nice and all... but how do we get dudes to smoke these too?" They slapped a cowboy on the billboards, and a pack of reds became synonymous with macho-badass.
>left in 2020
>no reason given
Was Hunter the Reckoning part of WoD as well? That was pretty fun. Never got to play the sequel.
Can I have source to it officially being canceled or no?
>the game seemed to fall apart for no reason
user there were red flags all over production long before it was cancelled.
Are you part of the games press? Is OPs leak real?
mixed feelings. on the one had i think women were a mistake, especially having them involved in gaming like this. on the other hand one woman being a slut prevented this piece of shit from getting released. much to think about.
Blame the casualization of TTRPGs like online campaigns on youtube with faggots and normalfags
Its literally stage 3 of that "outsiders ruin hobbies" meme
>someone wanted to fuck this
i havent seen a pussy in 5 years, but god damn, even i have some standards
>Wouldn’t be surprised if they sel this cursed IP soon
Sad to be honest. Here's hoping if a V6 gets made, all the pozzed shit 5 introduced is fully removed.
Lots of reports of the couple being fired out of nowhere with no explanation. Checks out.
To be fair he didnt say it prevented release just that the 3 main heads got caught up in a scandal that honestly would play out like it has so far.
this is fake but is this supposed to make me sad? lmao
Don't worry guys. After making it, I will become multi millionaire and one of the games my studio will make will be VTMB 2.
GamerGator 2.0
I wish this was real.
>Cara Ellison being a slut got the game shut down and everyone involved lost work.
Wait a minute, I hate women as much as anybody but where is the blame on the complete bitch of a man who cheated on his wife? Adultery should result in beheading no matter if it was a man or woman
Have you seen what brian looks like, im surprised he even managed that.
holy shit
>Slandering Mitsoda for your shitty larp
eat 20 spiked dicks. That man was a passionate treasure and is quoted as having no idea why he was fired.
all i can see is a soijak in that image
How gullible are you? Of course he’s not going to publicly admit to adultery and costing a lot of people their jobs.
>quoted as having no idea why he was fired
are you 10 years old?
>source? i made it up
provide source or begone thot
Matt Mercer singlehandedly killed TTRPGs
You’re actually a moron user, kys.
>getting hype for video games
>current year
Whoever does this is retarded
actual mong lmfao
you sound like a woman, so i'ma treat you like a woman. tits or gtfo.
can the Vidya board really talk? Vidya is just as, if not more so, pozzed.
I don't understand the point of casualization since almost everyone who actually plays these games usually has some house rules where you might ignore certain mechanics for fun and simplicity. It's an entire franchise built around picking and choosing at the discretion of the G/DM.
Hell I've bought game books before just because they had cool art and fun fluff.
Brian is about as assertive as a wet rag. Cara would have given him no choice.
Is anyone really hyped for this after multiple people, including the story writer left? I'd be surprised if this doesn't turn out to be a disaster. Weird how there are so many VTM spin-off games but we still haven't got the game that people were really excited for.