Anyone here still playing Runescape?

I have a maxed combat account and almost 2k total and honestly, seeing people in this late 20s still playing this game just makes me sad.

For the last 10 years I've played on-and-off, all I've done is bot my account, do a few quests here and there, and pk.

Spending countless hours skilling is just depressing and only an autist could do that for so long at this age.

don't worry user I'm putting my best redditors on the case

Wait wut, he's runecrafting? You can't even see the fucking altar. So that tall thing is

>doesnt know about runespan
goddamn how new can you be

I quit the literal moment my main got moved to RS3. I had played since classic.

runespan came out before rs3, and nobody got "moved" into it. youre not fooling anyone with your newfag ways