Anyone here still playing Runescape?

Anyone here still playing Runescape?

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no but im still playing with your mums clit

No I grew up

Give me more runescape (RS2) memes.

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I found the last league pretty boring after playing it for a tiny bit. It was fun for making a 10hp account, but the magic in osrs and rs3 is pretty much gone at this point for me. Even adding in new bosses and stuff doesn't really attract me back to either of them.

Maybe if they add something thats worth a damn i'll come back.

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Only thing I’m interested in is pet hunting but it’s such a grind fest I get burnt out every few months

yes but the original, not the private server one

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I stopped when updates fell into a cycle of
>new boss with BIS gear
>alt or temp gamemodes that barely matter
>new skilling content but it has awful or nerfed XP rates to tiptoe around purists and maxies
Really made the game stale.

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Ever since HDOS released I got back into it.

There is no official original server unless you mean RS3

Quit and sold the accounts. To this day i am genuinely surprised brazil and or russians havent hacked me for anything.

I don't think I've ever seen such a direct example of reddit ruining a game


Kek this

Is Reddit the reason why they keep adding more unnecessary bosses and refusing to give new skilling stuff good XP or worthwhile shit? If so I agree

Not my runescape.

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You have to be at least 30 if you played classic at the time of release

yes, the original

>community is mute
>GE killed player interaction
>restarting from lvl 3 sucks ass
>terrible updates
>still no run energy update so you have to stock pots or grind up to 60 agility

>eoC ruined 3
>microtransactions, bloated UI and game engine runs like ass
>invention, divination, and late game suck ass
>jurassic park land is fuckhuge and worthless
>jagex thinks adding another Pfft will somehow make the game fun again and not jsut another AFK zone

wuts the point

Bring back beta classic pre members.

i was gonna go make a mage pure for no reason but then i remembered i need to make money to use magic so i just stopped caring

i wish i spent my early 20s on anything but this shit

Can't grind like I used to be able to and my main is stuck forever in RS3. I've tried more than once to get back into it but the game feels like I'm playing a single player RPG with a bunch of NPC's going through the motions. People rarely chat and activities are equally silent save for mind goblin jokes or political posting from 12 year olds with milquetoast opinions. I really adore the world and quests but fuck me man di I hate grinding for five months straight just to get a 99. People say "play casually" but it would take that same amount of time just to have a feasible skill for mid-game activities.
I wish we could get a 5x or 10x exp server. I'd play private servers with this option but they always die or have a population that's less than 1k players.

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pre-GE trading was dogshit where it was just bots standing around Falador park or people trying to scam each other.
The reason player interaction died is because in the modern day people would rather talk to those they know on discord and other private voice or text channels than to strangers. This is why no one talks to each other in other MMOs as well.

My issue with private realms is they always have a group of guys that can do whatever they want with unlimited resources granted by the admin and it spoils the mood.

>pre-GE trading was dogshit where it was just bots standing around Falador park or people trying to scam each other.
good, infinitely better than the GE and what it does to the game design
>The reason player interaction died is because in the modern day people would rather talk to those they know on discord and other private voice or text channels than to strangers. This is why no one talks to each other in other MMOs as well.
then they shouldn't play MMOs

>just bots standing around Falador park or people trying to scam each other.
as opposed to the GE, where there are advertising and dice game bots on every world

I have 99 mining and woodcutting, I quit after 99 mining

Sovl overload

You do realize people back in the day talked to each other plenty even after the GE was implemented, right? And then when OSRS came out even before the GE was readded no one talked because everyone was on Discord at that point.
The GE was never the reason player chat died. You fags with your obsessed boogeyman need to let it go.
>then they shouldn't play MMOs
While I miss MMO interaction most people play MMO for the grind or "le epin raids" more than anything nowadays and you're in the minority. it's why I stopped playing.

Those are both pretty damn grindy unless you autistically exploit tic methods. How long did it take?

I unironically started playing RuneScape when it looked like this. It was the first online game I had ever played (unless you count neopets) I remember trying to talk to “man” thinking he was a player. I’m 30 years old

the GE is the reason every city on the map is a ghost town and people only congregate(without chatting of course) at resource spots. Varrock, the main fucking city in the game, is a ghsot town. Catherby, the big fishing spot that people stacked like 15 players high on in RS's hayday, is now a ghost town, because nobody wants to fish when they can just buy it instantaneously off the GE, because bots flooded the market with lobs, swordies, tuna, rockfish, you name it and drove prices down

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I afked it at redwoods and motherlode mine
I got it playing off and on the past few years
I remember calculating my xp/h towards the end and I think 92-99 was like 150 hours so each one, with woodcutting being slightly faster was somewhere between 200-300 hours

RS1/C died long ago

you're either deluded or didn't actually play Runescape before OSRS. Back in the day most people didn't care about optimization so the world was more alive since you had more people just doing whatever and doing random trades on the road.
As soon as OSRS got its footing and everyone was playing for optimization the only places alive outside of resource spots were Varrock West Bank and Falador, because people were just optimizing trade NPCing instead.
People like you who falsely think the GE is responsible for all the game's problems are exactly why OSRS never actually got fixed

Dayum. I remember grinding out 99fm in like 6 days at Wintertodt. I barely played for a month after getting it.

I was palying RS back in 2004 and 05 getting disconnected when my dad had to use the phone. I was in catherby during the 2007 superbowl talking to random strangers and shitposting with them before Yea Forums was even a thing. I jumepd right on board the OSRS train because I thought itd finally be a return to tradition. Trading post sucked ass but it forced people to converse for trade out of convenience and it felt alive again. The only people optimizing trading NPC's was in W2 fally, where people spammed the world login screen trying to get in. It fucking worked for 5 goddamn years before people decided they wanted instant gratification and everything now instead of actually working for anything themselves. Now look at the world: rares are worthless the next day because the GE is flooded with tiems, jagex has to implement sales tax and buybacks because theres too much in the market, and whips and BGS's crashed to like 1m

>The GE was never the reason player chat died.
I never said it was, I said it fucked the game design
I played OSRS until the GE came out and I know nobody talked except to buy things because that's just what people are like in online games now

yeah, I was going for 99 fishing at tempoross after, it really wasn't my thing even though it was about equally afk and would have been half the time with the xp rates there, I burned out at 160 something kc

yeah, the cc to play with other Yea Forums idiots is 'os'

I am 30 years old and I was like 10 years old when it released, didn't start playing until 2003 though when I was 12

Runescape would probably be the greatest game ever if it had actual combat or gameplay. The atmosphere, aesthetic and economy are peak comfy.

It took barely any time at all for OSRS to have a normalized list of trade prices that everyone used. It was no different to the GE other than supply but even pre-GE people had bot farms to gather resources so they can sit around on their real account selling them.


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What in the fuck is this Runescape?

the better one

From that screenshot it looks like a cheap WoW clone. And from the population compared to old school, it seems people agree.

OSfags are fucking monkey brained niggers

runescape 3 objectively looks like shit and not in a good nostalgic way like 07 version

youre talking shit about a game youve never played
not very high iq

You mean the original runescape. But again, it's not only me that agrees.
>old school
>shitty gross looking neo runeacape

It looks like shit. You can barely see the player character nor the enemy he's fighting. There's shit all over the screen, and that bonus exp thing tells me...
Yup, just Googled it. It had micro transactions and a lottery system to boost experience. Trash.

not very high iq

It's no big secret to anyone that OS has a very large bot population. I remember the bot nuke day that happened in RS2, OS does not have the code that made the bot nuke program function ported over because Jagex would have had to rewrite it for the older framework. Whenever Jewgex manually does mass bannings of bots on OS numbers always drop to the same level or barely above. You faggots have been parroting this for years. It still is still not an argument.
Looks like I'm not wrong.

looks like youre not very high iq

>Yup, just Googled it. It had micro transactions and a lottery system to boost experience
I have never purchased a single treasure hunter key in my life. All of the bonus XP I have is from the free rolls they give you. They are actually fairly generous with they keys so it's far more efficient just to spend 15 minutes doing daily challenges and getting like 5 rolls a day when a pack of 10 keys is like $5. Only super whales buy non-cosmetic micros and the bonus XP they would give if you spent money is still random and incredibly inefficent.

any osrs players know an ironman who goes by Rod? i think his main is Zhandaly or something like that, he usually has his name set as something like Reliable Rod, Desire Rod, Iron Rod etc.

he is legit a massive creep and i have some insane screenshots of his conversations. he used to be very big with known pedo osrs player ViiVii, but they had a falling out over vii not being able to stop talking about nazi stuff in game.

haha yeah bro I know that person and care about your stupid personal drama

i purposely botted on my main and got banned so i had an excuse to quit. everytime i was away from the game i felt guilty for not making progress. anytime i was playing another game, i was thinking i should be afking something. just couldnt do it anymore. legit a second job.

No, Reddit are the ones that started pushing easyscape mentally and porting of RS2 content. Wasn't too bad early on, but alas, people like you sadly became a majority in 2017.

Is this thread auto saging? Good. Runescape is shit.

How far do i play quest wise until the quests stop being good?
>T.stats after 1 month

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i'm serious i'm talking straight up illegal levels of creepiness, rod is legit a poisonous person. he is currently in the ironman clan Stand Alone i believe

>You can barely see the player character nor the enemy he's fighting.
He's runecrafting, which is not a combat activity. Also, you can adjust the camera, which I understand is a baffling concept.
>There's shit all over the screen
The UI is pretty much 100% customizable, this guy's UI is retarded but it's far from the game's fault.
>MTX shit
Yeah RS3 sucks for that, but it's fixable by playing an Ironman, which actually makes the game suck significantly less

Stop being a whiny faggot.

Ritual of the Majharrat

I have a maxed combat account and almost 2k total and honestly, seeing people in this late 20s still playing this game just makes me sad.

For the last 10 years I've played on-and-off, all I've done is bot my account, do a few quests here and there, and pk.

Spending countless hours skilling is just depressing and only an autist could do that for so long at this age.

don't worry user I'm putting my best redditors on the case

Wait wut, he's runecrafting? You can't even see the fucking altar. So that tall thing is

>doesnt know about runespan
goddamn how new can you be

I quit the literal moment my main got moved to RS3. I had played since classic.

runespan came out before rs3, and nobody got "moved" into it. youre not fooling anyone with your newfag ways