Why can't developers ever get matchmaking right?
Why can't developers ever get matchmaking right?
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Because they add matchmaking instead of a proper server browser.
Nice facebook meme, you newfag piece of shit.
Because they are retarded. This shit has been solved decades ago by chess nerds.
All matchmaking is inherentlyn intentionally flawed.
I think plenty of games have decent matchmaking, but it depends on what you're playing the game for. only applies if you want to constantly face people of similar competency, which is going to be a turn-off to those who want non-serious gameplay, or those who want an extra challenge.
There's also the issue of more variables than chess, especially once you throw more than 2 players and 1 class into a game. For example, someone can main one class and up their rank, only to be royally BTFO if the use a different class under matchmaking.
There are plenty of PC games that have both. Looking at TF2 commentary on Youtube (what else am I supposed to go by), you definitely have people of various skill using both matchmaking and custom servers.
Ofcourse it has server browsers, it came out in 2007.
Also MMR hell isn't real.
matchmaking works as intended, you just suck
Server browsers have largely been getting phased out in general, and a lot of newer stuff doesn't have that function at all. Having both would only work if you could set your server to opt-out of matchmaking since having people who press the shiny "play now" button and can land in literally any server defeats the fucking point of having a server browser in the first place. I don't remember if TF2 worked like that or not.
What do you mean? I think you just vastly overestimate the average playerbase
Good players or even above average/decent players make up only like 10% of the total population. The rest 90% are casuals or noobs who rent the game or are just trying it before dropping it. That is why it seems you get paired with retards all the time vs the other team which more often than not is just group who have their teams premade.