Other urls found in this thread:
>My only good game idea would reqiire learning to code
>Im literally too stupid to understand the abstract way coding works
Had the same issue with math and music theory.
I cannot wrap my head around abstract concepts that require my brain to synthesize the solutions.
How much more work is it to make a game online multiplayer?
Like lets say you wanted to make a first person shooter, making a guy who moves and shoots and working HP and damage systems and all that bullshit, how much on top of that would it take to make that into a 5v5 online game? Twice as much effort/time?
I can't because all I have so far is a moving cube
Having a 3:30 am existential crisis
What do I have to bring to this world?
For anything resembling real time, you're going to have a real bad time working with netcode to make it feel good. It's really not even practical unless you have a really large team.
If you're a solo dev, you might be better off seeing any open source multiplayer aspects and working backwards.
Man what a bummer, how large is large because I heard mordhau was made by a team of like 10 or 11 people, it had a really long development time though.
user if you have any kind of idea, you can bring it to light.
Use Game Maker Studio (1 or 2 doesn't matter which) and start following tutorials. With GMS a lot of the abstract stuff is easier to follow and you can think of everything in terms of coordinate geometry which isn't abstract at all.
I can't post my game because I still haven't changed the graphics from corgi engine default
I dropped that dream already. I'm moving towards web and app development now. Imma just enjoy games
Dude you are going to kill your self trying that. It sounds like you have no experience making games. Not to be harsh on you but when you manage to even accomplish that you will have players constantly shitting on your multi-player game cause it aint as good as rainbow six siege or call of duty. I'm not a programmer but my team discussed making multi player but we avoided cause of seeing how poorly they sell. Loads of games but the just reviews shit on the design or bugs they encounter. Good luck
I'm not even trying to make a game its just something I've wondered about before. Like, what would take more effort making a multiplayer game with relatively small amounts of content like say counter strike, or a long single player shooter with AI, scripted sequences and lots and lots of level design like say FEAR. I just find the subject interesting and rarely get an opportunity to quiz people who know anything about game development.
If you've got some serious coding chops(and I mean so serious you can write a book over it) you'd be better off making the shooter. The single player campaigns is that asset creation takes a decade and a half. If you keep your art style simple, you'd still have to go through the work of making the rest of the campaign.
Will you play my frog game?
This. Really easy to do anything that isn't in 3D. Too bad I can't draw.
Currently stuck on a fucking flashlight. I want to disable it until I pick it up, but the code for turning equipping and unequipping it overrides the trigger for picking it up, so two are spawned.
>Im literally too stupid to understand the abstract way coding works
dont even know where to start
I'm getting a lot done but haven't gotten to the point where I have anything worth showing
Is it a story driven porn game?
Look into Visual/Node Programming. The flowcharts makes things easier to follow if you don't have any programming experience.
Things like "Oh when he gets hit by a bullet, subtract 6 health, if he's 0 or less kill him" become way more clear when you can just follow some lines around.
Unreal is probably the most robust visual programming engine out there, plus its free.
Ill take a look, thanks, I can be pretty aimless so any direction helps.
Let me know what type of waifus you want in my mech game
cave story clone: two thousand twenty. i made it a video so you can hear my bro's music.
Story driven, yes
shoulda posted a picture too
I applied to a gaming job, supposedly I'm still in the process but it's taking them a while to call me to the next step and I'm starting to get a little anxious
Ok, I see where you are coming from. I have friends that are ideas guys that want to make multiplayer games and love to pitch ideas to me. Its relatively easy to build a simple multiplayer game even if you dont have knowledge as a programmer, using other peoples assets packs on either unreal or unity, but actually making a decent one that sells well or gets known is insane levels of work. Again Im not a programmer so Im going off what I know from my team. Making a co-op game is a lot more forgiving as solving issues with what happens when players disconnect or players experience lag cause one player hosts and have a bad connection. With making a multiplayer 5v5 game you will be dealing with the following dedicated servers or having a player host. Having a player hosts causes issues cause more cpu power must be reserved in order to host the game. This in tales the issues of having all players give up a portion of their cpu in case one player disconnects. If this is not done correctly who ever hosts and leaves the match will cause the match to completely disconnect. Dedicated servers brings the insane factor of money, you need to really think it though and know one day the cost is too much and will have to be shut down. Of course you can reduce the cost by limiting the amount of players. Also building and hosting your own servers is a waste of money even if this is an indie scale operation. Only do this if your intended player base is less than 300. Basically making a 5v5 shooter is a completely fucked idea as an indie developer cause of how the market works and thanks to retard kids that dont want to play anything besides triple aaa games. Anyone who tells me examples of small indie versus shooters games succeeding are one in a million. If you take a look at steam statics for indie game versus shooters you will see the player base almost always dies off after a few months. Most of them can still profit if done right and dont be scared by what I say.
Wtf change all To to For
Cool, thanks for taking the time to post
Depends on what engine you're using. Unreal and Unity has some really good in place features, but I'd say at least double all workload for features and quadruple debugging. Also good luck finding multiplayer bugs if you're a solo dev.
>t. game programmer professionally
Can anybody fucking explain to me why a light switch doesn't work with this code? What am I missing?
Yeah sure why not.
I'm making SRPG(ish) inspired by the mechanics of Magicka and elements of the base structure of X-COM + Peace Walker. You're a geomancer and mercenary who takes on quests for the local nobles and monarchy to exterminate monster infestations, necromancer cults, bandit dens, and in the lategame enemy forts during times of war.
Gameplay loop is entering procedurally generated multi-floor dungeons to complete different objectives (e.g. kill the local commander, kill all enemies present, rescue a kidnapped noble, plant a bomb to collapse the dungeon, find a stolen item) and then return to collect the rewards for each objective completed to use them to buy better gear and improve your base. You can hire generic units of 10 different classes to fight for you, hire NPCs you rescue to do specific work (e.g. rescue Al the Alchemist and offer him a job to unlock better potions), buy cosmetic improvememts purely for /comfy/ factor, and so forth.
Game takes place over the course of a year, by the tenth month a war starts and if you succeed in the missions offered relating to it your kingdom wins and you're hailed as a hero for the good end. Fail them and your kingdom loses and you're forced to flee forever across the sea to avoid arrest by the invaders for the bad end. If you ignore war missions your kingdom loses but your neutrality means you get to live in it for the neutral ending.
Combat is on grid maps with elevation/terrain/cover mecanics. You mix and match elements to cast spells that can reshape the battlefield with walls or hazards, create specialized zones of healing, or place traps. You fight entirely indirectly. Your hired mercs are the frontline fighters and its up to you to tilt the odds in their favour through your manipulation of the battlefield as their commander. Currently the elements are Rock, Water, Air, Plants, and Divine. You can modify them with Hot, Cold, Force, and Compression to change their properties.
read your ifs again user
user I don't get it
Very little progress since the weekend
Your "Action" button probably plays itslef on and off in one go, add if (on == false) and if (on == true) there
oh jesus, thanks dude I'll try it.
I'm in the process of making a top down dungeon crawler. The design is there, the coding, I'm a bit rusty. I hope to one day come to a breaking point where I can publicly show my progress.
Very Ventero Aureo on the PS2 artstyle on Wiltorg. Looks neat.
The biggest problem making multiplayer games as an indie is testing. You don’t have access to several computers and an infrastructure where you can push your built game into a server and start playing at once. So most of your testing is done by simulating clients and maybe a dedicated server in a single PC which is a nightmare for several reasons.
The code itself isn’t that much complicated unless you start dealing with edge cases like i don’t know 50+ players, MMOs and the like
Try cooperating with someone. You should be able to describe your ideas with enough precision to another person, right? That does not require abstract thinking.
They say people cannot be good at everything so let someone who's really good at certain things show their skills to the world.
It depends on a lot of things, like what engine you’re using and what features do you want. It can range from trivial to Herculean to Sisyphean. Do you just want to decrease their hp? Do you want client prediction and server mandates rollback? Do you want lag mitigation? Do you want physics? There are so many factors
does C# have any compile time metaprogramming like C++ or is it just runtime
i think it happens at jit-time but you can use that piece of shit CoreRT or something.
Only 12 station exteriors left, and I'm starting to feel the burn.