Well, Yea Forums? Is he correct?

Well, Yea Forums? Is he correct?

Attached: file.png (1080x419, 292K)



If I take a model, copy it, and put a different texture on that copy, the mesh is still 100% the same as the original model that has the original texture. Therefore, no, he's wrong.
Hell, I wouldn't even say slightly changing the shape of the model would make it a new model, since it still has the original mesh regardless of how it got skewed.

even retards that mod skyrim(end user not makers) know better

Why are Nintendies so fucking braindead

If I were to move around a few vertices, technically it would be a new model, but legally definitely not unless I change the look of the entire model drastically, and even then if it's still recognizable then it probably wouldn't be legally okay to let's say use it in a rip-off game. I'm no lawyer, though.

Who brought them up? You're the first mention of them in this thread.

Because nintendo games are targeted at children. You shouldn't be surprised their adult fans are mentally children.
Case in point.

Textures are mapped on a model. That's why it's so easy to mod and replace them.

don't be disingenuous you little shit, you know 100% the OP image is about pokemon

You screen shot your own post and then posted it as a thread to seek validation. What a fag

Depends on what the fuck you decide to call a model. If you want to refer to geometry specifically you should just say mesh

They're mapped on a mesh. A model could be just a mesh or it could a mesh with textures on it.

If I change the topping of a chocolate cake, it's still a chocolate cake
If I change the paint job of a sedan, it's still a sedan
He's completely wrong

Mesh and model are two different things, I think that's his point.

Except textures aren't paint jobs. Imagine a sphere where all of the detail comes from a normal map. That sphere could be a shitload of different things depending on the normal map. Could be a soccer ball, could be a planet.

Yeah nah, you underestimate what you can do with a good enough paintjob

Attached: anime styled painted RX-78-2.jpg (452x678, 33K)

check out my 2 different original models

Attached: hi.png (959x592, 36K)

Holy shit user you must have spent so much time and effort making the second one

what kind of retarded shit is this?
how does anyone's brain work like this?

shills obviously

Models have uv space assigned.
Texture is separate data that is projected onto the model using uv space assignments.

They are two different things that work together.

Just because you changed the textures on it or reworked the rigging on it doesn't mean that its a new model. All you essentially did was just remove the coat of paint on it and rewired the circuits in the "car" per say. The Model is the part known as the Greyscale Model, aka the "Polygon Mesh". That's why just taking the Greyscale on someone elses Model and slapping on a new rig and texture on it won't save you from copyright. Its still there model at the end of the day, not yours.

Attached: 1475213821563.jpg (1508x886, 97K)

This is a Sword and Shield apologist post isn’t it?

>change the paint color on a car
>Now its a different car


>Models have uv space assigned.
>Texture is separate data that is projected onto the model using uv space assignments
incorrect, texture is projected onto a MESH. A mesh and a model are not the same thing. The whole package is the model, the geometry is the mesh. I know you think that's not true but it is. I know people often use "model" when talking about the mesh but technically they're wrong.

Maybe he's technically right but it's stupid fucking semantics, everyone knows what someone means when someone refers to textures or models, and what changing either entails.

>The Model is the part known as the Greyscale Model, aka the "Polygon Mesh"