More beastiality.
Dead or Alive
Hey, like, le shut up.
Kokoro, what does the scouter say about Kasumi's power level?
>regain the reputation it has lost
What reputation?
Release a new game that doesn't look like the remaster of a last-gen game.
Stop trying to please everyone and focus on the people who actually enjoy these gamea.
That is just fundamentally wrong.
The UFC games have already perfected the whole skin texture/indentation mechanics, and they did the slowmo-facepunch first, too.
Anyway, that's not gonna help either.
she is over 9000 degree, way too hot
>better waifu graphics won't increase the popularity of the series
and who the fuck actually plays ufc games. nigger what are you doing
Well Mr. Sun if we all played what you played the world would be so much better