Talking to NPCs in RDR2 is garbage. Very shallow. Nothing interesting ever comes from a conversation...

Talking to NPCs in RDR2 is garbage. Very shallow. Nothing interesting ever comes from a conversation. Why did ‘journalists’ hype this shit up?

Attached: RDR2.jpg (441x216, 117K)

they're paid, you dope

Anything more complex than an NES JRPG text loop impresses these retards

This guy is blatantly lying.

Is that a real tweet? Holy shit

I'm sorry if I'm such a caricature of a gamer, but most of the time, I would talk to women and kill them then.

Because he liked that? Danny is the sort of guy very invested in this kind of minor details. Hell, game jornalists hyped the hell out of the fact you could play as V in DMC5 I thought his combat was very shallow and uninteresting. Maybe what is cool to someone else might not be as cool to you? Not every feature in a game is made to catter to your personal tastes.

Because V was fresh, the problem was that he barely does anything and isn't fleshed out as much as Nero was in DMC4. Not bad on your first playthrough but repeat runs, his lack of abilities really shows

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RockStar could sell malware that destroys your PC/Console and journos would hype up as the next 10/10. When you have money, you can make people say whatever you want apart from decent in-game dialogue apparently

His "sword" will probably catch some unnamed disease.

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It's actually quite interesting following npcs and seeing their daily lives.
They actually go places.

>Open world
>Go down a road other than the one signposted

kek fuck off Cockstar

>can't follow simple directions
>hates when a game fails you for not paying attention
>hates developer beyond reason
are you DSP?

>Open world game
>Entire point is you can go anywhere
>You can't go anywhere

You can't even talk to every NPC.

I bet DQ7 had more.

I hate having to randomly talk to NPCs to get quests. Boring as fuck


Attached: Danny the Knight.png (592x646, 204K)

You're a caricature of a human being.

So seriously tho, when is it coming to pc?

You know why journos get hyped for being able to talk to a lot of NPCs? Because the West is full of friendless cowards who live vicariously through video games instead of talking to real people
Of course nobody on Yea Forums is like that, right?