>level splits into two paths
>accidentally go the right way first
Level splits into two paths
>go the wrong way
Hmm, this seems pretty long, maybe I went the intended path, let me try the other
>Walk all the way back only to realize I was already on the alternate path
Every time user
I fucking hate this.
Just go the route that isn't lit first.
Many times developers light up the path forward.
>level splits into two paths
>accidentally go the right way first
>it's a point of no return and the other path had a key sidequest item, unique gear set piece or vital information
>go one route
>"fuck this is long, this must be the progression route. I'll double back and go the other way and there'll probably be items and shit"
>the second route is longer than the first
>"what the fuck? well whatever I'll just keep going and see where it takes me:
>story progression
>can no longer turn back
>google it and find out the place you stopped and turned back at on the other route was right in front of a dead end with a treasure chest
Credit is due to Wolfenstein 2
>Hold E to Exit Level
Why don't games just do that?
I think some devs oppose "meta" things and indicators like that because "muh immersion".
I see no downsides to clearly defined points of no return.
dead space had a nice immersive guide to which way is the mission way. granted that only works with sci-fi stuff.
Thats literally the point of this thread you fucking idiots
>game has collection counter
>have 3 of 5
>go down path while not paying attention
>get collectible number 5
>try to backtrack
>level splits into two paths
>pick one
>it goes on for ages
>okay this must have been the correct path, time to double back
>go down the other one
>it goes on for ages
>eventually meets up with a room at the end of the first path
>they were both correct
What did he mean by this
>game has a large variety of ways you can finish missions/quests to unlock content, character interactions or just finish certain challenges
>you're having fun with the game and you're glad there's a neat method of increasing repetition value
>but deep down you're growing increasingly worried because your backlog keeps expanding
I wish I wasn't fucking retarded
>think nothing of it and never bother to explore them because they're both correct
>find out years later that of the paths have a hidden entrance to a bonus area
>single player game has achievements for the tacked-on multiplayer mode
>servers shut down long ago
>He doesn’t immediately go to DuckDuckGo to look up what both paths lead to
everytime man.
>Go back all the way back in case I think im on the right path
I think developers should start signalling the way better to satisfy we autists
>level splits in two
>Go one path
>Shit's too long must be the main path
>Walk all the way back to the alternate path
>It's just a short dead end
>walk down one path
>the path is rather long, probably the main path
>go back and go down the other path
>halfway through think the first path was actually the main path and go back
>the first path was the dead end
>but there's a good item at the dead end, it will be really useful in a pinch
>never use it
>Can't tell which path is the critical path
>Collectables in no return areas
>Go the wrong way
>Its just a dead end becauseits the path you'll leave the building from
>Fucking finally, the way forward
Jedi Outcast was terrible about this