Why is this game so bad?
The combat is dull. The environments are sterile. The plot is super predictable. The dialogue is shit.
Why is this game touted as some masterpiece. It can't JUST be because 2B's ass, right?
Why is this game so bad?
It is a great ass tho
Quit this game in route C because the combat was so bad. 9S hacking mini game was cool though.
Play the game and find out
I feel like this game let down a group of people who bought it because of Platinum and then got a story focused game with weak combat
this is the cause of all the relentless and overblown shitposting about this game since its release
I agree threads on this game fully consist of people arguing
Honestly, the only reason this game interests me is because of all the /ss/ r34 I've seen.
Yoko Taro's literally a hack
>I didn't like this game
>HAHA WOW! I bet this guy didn't even know you have to restart to play the full game what a scrub amirite!?
I hate the fanbase more than anything, they act like every single tidbit about the game is some sort of advanced secret knowledge. The game literally tells you to restart after you finish it the first time, you dumb niggers aren't geniuses for figuring that out.
I bought it because it was a Platinum game, a Taro memegame, and a NieR game all in one. It managed to disappoint on all of those fronts.
If it ended at weak combat, I'd be fine. FFXV has weak combat, but I still enjoy it because a lot of stuff around it sits well with me. NA is so effing dull and suffers from a lot of open world fads. The plot doesn't save it at all.
>so bad
>super predictable
Holy motherload of buzzwords
I still prefer the original
I can't understand people who don't.
Found the polygontaku writer! Maybe it needs a journalist difficulty mode too
What is predictable about the plot?
>humanity actually being extinct and the robots building a shuttle to explore the stars while we play most of the game as the dude was predictable
At least be honest with your criticism user, the ass triggered you and so you don't like the game.
What are you talking about? The game is great.
It already has one. There's a mode where combat literally plays itself
Help me out here, Kirby.
Literally every Platinum game in the last ten years has had that
>Quit this game in route C because the combat was so bad. 9S hacking mini game was cool though.
I didn't enjoy the games combat much either, but I thought the exact opposite. The last hour of Route C actually starting functioning like a real action game; you have access to everything and the pacing of enemies and environments is a lot better/unique. I have no idea why the entire game wasn't like that, and I wouldn't say that last portion makes up for the other 10-20 hours of nonsense, but it was at least passable gameplay.
As for 9S hacking, I thought it was incredibly intrusive. Bullet Hell minigames are fine, but not as a combat mechanic. I mean, it's a nice diversion for already dull combat, but I gotta imagine players would vehemently hate it if fighting enemies were more interesting, as it would completely disrupt the flow of combat in a normal action game.
Humanity being extinct is not a plot twist, it is a result of the ending of the first game
Isn't automata like the second or third highest-rated game this year?
You've gotten too comfortable with the taste of shit.
>players would vehemently hate it if fighting enemies were more interesting
Honestly why do people like you play videogames? Why do you insist on playing something that nudges your brain cells if precisely that is what bothers you about videogames? Its really annoying to read posts like this because its like you’re taking common sense and making it sound like a bad thing in order to enforce someone else’s shitty opinion.
You just don't get it maaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnn
most weeb games are trash. this isnt new
It came out 2 and a half years ago
>play through game
Nice ass. Memorable music. Underwhelming story.
>begin second playthrough
Nonsensical version where 9S leads 2B around. Three times the shitty bullet hell. Hacking. Uninstall. This cannot continue.
I liked it. Playing Nier made me question what video games even are, what they are potentially capable of as a medium.
How did you extrapolate such a rant from someone calling a mini-game mechanic intrusive?
>Playing Nier made me question what video games even are, what they are potentially capable of as a medium.
Reading lines like this one makes me laugh. I mean I know this board is full of brainlets but come on there should be some limit to how retarded people can get.
>It can't JUST be because 2B's ass, right?
I think you severely underestimate how much cute 2D girls carry a game.
full brainlet
Pretty much. It was fun to see the chimpout from retards expecting a pure Platnium game and getting a Taro game instead.
its a shit game. babbys first edgy jrpg/japanese arpg. casuals bought it. like they did p5.
also western trash is worse than it, and plenty of casuals get weebpilled
He's right though. The Nier games are of the precious few that truly exploit their medium to tell their stories.
Worthless reply from a fat teenage weeb.
top kek
I didn't realize you were being specific about the GOTY version
Maybe if you actually played it, user, then you'd find out.
play Metal Gear Rising instead, a far better game in Platinum' library.
wheres western garbage
And that's fine, I don't think anyone would complain about that. But if you wanna make gameplay a vehicle to tell your story, wouldn't you want the gameplay itself to be more than just serviceable? It's just adding insult to the narrative when you have to slog from one cutscene to the next. Crippling gameplay and/or bland mechanics for the sake of story does not sound like a successful utilization of the medium. Even more damning is that there's a VN segment in the game anyway, so it's pretty far from being well-planned, let alone a masterpiece like some would claim.
Not saying a perfect fusion of intertwining story and gameplay can't exist, but N:A's attempt has plenty of set-backs and clearly favored sacrificing one over the other.
Because it's squarenix. That's more important than her ass for faggots. Their brand loyalty is worse than Nintendies sometimes
I'm glad you didn't talk shit about the music, I'd have had to beat your arse if you did.
The game is a sad display of mediocrity. Mediocre combat, mediocre shmup sections, mediocre graphics etc. And lastly the snoozefest of a plot that has literally nothing interesting going for it especially if you played any other Taro game. You have to a special brand of retard to think it's groundbreaking or even good.
What are you looking for?
It’s literally the best game of the generation so far.
music is the only good thing in the game
everything else is garbage
people only pretend to like the game because of the sex appeal of the main characters
>music is the only good thing in the game
It's bland new-age shit man, not unlike something you'd find on a new-age online radio. People that praise these game literally so narrow in their perspective that they see derivative bland shit as something good.
>a special brand of retard
A weeb in other words. People who love Nier Automata are the same thirsty virgins who thought Tales of Berseria wasn't absolute cringey trash.
>Anthem 3.4
i totally forgot this game. literally nobody talks about it anymore even as a meme.
>Crippling gameplay and/or bland mechanics for the sake of story does not sound like a successful utilization of the medium
It is though. Not all feedback needs to be positive dopamine rushes.
That's the thing though. Gameplay doesn't mean anything.
Everything you think gameplay should be is based on a system of rules and expectations that you've experienced before, but there's no meaning in that system, it simply exists and you take it for granted.
If no one ever challenged the idea of what gameplay means..every game would be WoW
Correctly so. It's not even a bad game. It's just a mediocre and forgettable one.
>Not all feedback needs to be positive dopamine rushes.
Based retard, according to you the shit plot excuses the abysmal gameplay? Nice utilization of the medium you've got there you sure you'd don't just want to watch a movie about your waifubot?
>Gameplay doesn't mean anything.
It means whether it's fun or not. If it's not fun it can fuck off.
Fun doesn't mean anything.
Everything you think fun should be is based on a system of rules and expectations that you've experienced before, but there's no meaning in that system, it simply exists and you take it for granted.
Desert Bus must the greatest game in existence according to your definition of fun.
He's clearly a robot who only likes nier because it has lots of robots.
I wish this fucking game never exploded in popularity. Nier/Drakengard threads are insufferably bad now
>it was a Platinum game, a Taro memegame, and a NieR game all in one. It managed to disappoint on all of those fronts.
Sums it up well.
What do people who like Automata think of Rain World? I’m curious. Because that’s the game I would say uses the medium of video ganes fully, eschewing fun at times to convey really profound existential ideas. I think Automata is some interesting ideas in an very bland wrapper.
If the counter-argument is only gonna be that art is subjective, I'm not sure how that's really defending the game. Although, I still find Nier highly suspect to be called "great" even as an Avant Garde piece, simply because those kinds of specifications can be applied to a LOT of games. So, it's not like it wouldn't have competition in either case.
Obviously, it's an attempt to make Nier exempt from any real criticism by being "different", but that's still not gonna stop most people from looking at it objectively, as a game.
That is a poorly formed argument, friend. A desperate non-equivalent strawman. Someone else posted a chart that seems to show automata tied as the highest-rated game this year.
Better get busy telling all those people how much fun they're not having.
I liked both games a lot
You have to make a Drakengard thread with an obscure topic image to actually get a decent thread going nowadays
Literally just autistic screaming through a keyboard.
Lots of games do this. They just don't have 2B's ass.
>really profound existential ideas
Like what? Being a sexy robot in a sprawling, empty world with little detail or purpose?
Japs are some of the biggest pseudo-intellectuals in the industry. They've been doing the same shit in multiple entertainment mediums for the past four or five decades. Nier Automata is a fine example of just how repetitive and creatively bankrupt they've become.
You're a cool guy.
do you understand the meaning
I’m talking about Rain World. Automata is about purposelessness, although it doesn’t do a whole lot for me.
You're out of your element, zoomie.
Holy fuck!
The game is okay but it's popularity is undeniably due to waifufags and ass. If you took that out of the equation it would have been forgotten long ago. I just can't take a game that relies on sex appeal for it's success seriously.
Also, A2 >>>>>> 2B
Learn to read first.
This better be a troll
You know, I always wondered…
Assuming you didn’t immediately die, what would you do, as the only living human in the world of Nier Automata?
Could you even survive? There’s things that want to kill you all over the place, and who knows how the androids will react to you.
I'd make sexslaves out of Yorha, of course.
Androids are programmed to serve humans they can't say no to you if you are a real human.
>Thinking anyone played Gestalt
Well it is true that the vast majority of Automata players never touched Gestalt, so I guess I can't expect them to know that.
Underrated shitpost.
People keep calling it weak, but what's wrong with the combat? If you think it's too easy, play on hard.
>Why is this game touted as some masterpiece.
Because it's fun.
The combat still blows on hard. It isn’t numbers, it’s the core mechanics.
Are you going to explain or just go UNGA BUNGA BAD GAME
Speaking broadly without detail, there's lack of weapon variety, shallow attack/ability/string options, overpowered dodge, poor itemization, repetitive enemies who slowly gain new attacks (if at all) but still lack any threat, most chips are boring and the few exciting ones feel like they should be innate abilities, pointless leveling mechanic that exists only to stonewall specific field enemies, bad pacing in boss encounters and many lack interesting mechanics. I'd say the worst is just the lack of any real flow to combat, as you can browbeat most things with nearly mindless dodging, shooting and occasionally smacking with a melee attack. It plays like a C Grade action title that clings to only to the bare essentials of the genre, but still manages to muck some things up.
And yes, it is on the easy side, and difficulty toggles do nothing to abate this issue. Enemies and layout are still exactly the same, difficulty only adjust your damage taken. On Hard mode, this is non-issue since you can just equip an overpowered Healing chip or spam the countless healing items. Very Hard at least negates that infinite healing, but still doesn't make enemies themselves more difficult other than focusing on how abusive the dodge button in. In other words, it doesn't really help the pace of combat at all and just promotes you to use utterly boring and risk-free tactics to win.