So for first time now I have something the merchant wants (traps)...

So for first time now I have something the merchant wants (traps). Why does the "trade" button still not light up at all?

What am I missing? Do I need to have ALL the items listed as their wanted before it works?

Attached: underrail.jpg (2560x1440, 652K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Press "auto". If that red/green bar at the bottom is in the red it means you're not giving them enough for what you're requesting.

look at the bar above trade. you need to move the marker to the middle/green side by offering more items of value/cash. the lockpicks are worth more than your traps.

Thanks. Even when it was in the green the TRADE button never lit up so I was confused.

So when does the trade button work then?

>hopper trap
Means actual Traps(Bear traps ect.) that can be used against NPCs

Does anyone here know if gloves work with unarmed feats?

I put in some Throwing Nets and it clearly goes to the green, but trade button still does not lit up. If I just use AUTO it suggests giving him Credits.

What am I missing here? Why does he reject it even though it is in the green?

unarmed and fist weapons are referenced separately in feat descriptions. if both are mentioned then yes. if only unarmed is mentioned, no.
he doesn't want any nets. the nets should have a red X through them indicating that. you can only offer him batteries or credits. money can always be used to make up the difference.

Got it thanks. Indeed it has the red X.

Stealth and grenades, the game

only shitters rely on grenades for every build

God damnit then my whole build is fucked

zone on zoner

When the bar is even in the middle.

>Find this
>I'm suddenly invincible
Feels like cheating almost.

Attached: underrail_armor.jpg (312x615, 73K)

What's the best SMG frame? Neo luger is obviously the best for pistols.

It's less not wanting crafting, and more point constraints. As I said, I really want to check out pickpocket and traps seem a good backup for groups, which ties up 30 points I'd otherwise slap into Mechanics and Tailoring.

I mean, is high dodge/evasion reliable enough to carry me through group fights? If so, yeah, I might just drop the traps.
On the other hand detecting them is another issue.

I actually can kill this guy in one turn with a silenced SMG and not summon everyone else on the map with gunshot noises from sniper rifle. Can you say that about your weapon of choice?

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I think that it's not worth it at all, they're only a nuisance in Depot A but by know you probably know where all the traps are. You can deal with groups just fine with a taser, cheap shots and fancy footwork

I wanted a silenced weapon until I realized it was 5mm only. Don't get it because suppressors exists for 9mm in real life.

Eh, fair enough. Goodbye traps, hello mercantile I guess.
I mean that or tailoring, I don't know, can you get decent tabi and knives from a merchant?

Attached: Untitled.png (1366x749, 1013K)

you need to put everything into dodge/evasion to make it viable
feats, siphoner armor and tabis, very high agi, and chucking down hopper steaks

Get both, non-negotiable, stop leveling pickpocket at around 50

Yeah that's sad. But there is a feat that will give me +1 damage per character level, up to 20. I want to get it, I do 5 shots auto plus 2 normal shots per turn, that's 140 more damage, and that's even before scaling.

Defend this garbage.
It has been millennia now that video games exist and they still use the completely outdated, mundane and nonsensical system of dealing out arbitrary point at the start of the game before you even know how everything works.
The only "RPG" that does it right with character creation is NEO scavenger.

Attached: underrail.jpg (639x361, 41K)

hey there again

I like it.

wtf noone told me that the black sea expedition has a time limit

its true, skill based systems are shit. ideally a game would have dozens of tested and balanced classes to pick from.
in this way, when one becomes stuck in the game the question becomes an immersive "how do i solve this problem?' and not a metagaming "did i make a bad build?"

unfortunately people often believe going in the exact opposite direction of what they want is the way to get there, and when it doesn't work they must only go even further.
In this case they believe some abstract 'freedom of choice' is making the game more role playing and immersive. But there is no such thing as choice, or freedom. They are forced to optimize, min/max, and consider the mechanics of the game, and will have to 'freely choose' the only sensible option available to them. Thus the illusion of choice becomes a constraint all the while believing they are free.

>muh balance

Hey hey people. Dedicated rpg hater here.

Finding the solution to the problem, in this case, optimization of a build, is a fun activity by itself.

You're a funny guy, user.
Still, I did read there are no real pickpocket targets past a certain point, so not leveling it past a certain point was already the idea.

Here's the question then: I need Dex for the knifing and Agi for the dodging, so what should be the endpoints for both?

I really do not enjoy adding a number to a stat and substracting from another one and checking on an online guide how that plays out over the entire game and then checking where to find base stat boosting items so I can get all the perks.
That's basically cheating and counter intuitive.
I shouldn't be forced to look up spoilers to play the game.

You don't look it up, you play normally and find out how mechanics work in your playthrough. You can complete the game on normal difficulty without minmaxing.

7 agi for fancy footwork, 10 if you started with 10.
18 dex if possible
infused greater siphoner tabis and infused rathound leather armor

I agree with this only for your last point, where you don't know what skills or stats do until you've already set them. Stats starting at 5 instead of 3 doesn't help either. All this could be solved with a re-spec option somewhere.

you aren't forced to do that, you're just a sperg.

can someone tell me how the fuck I get to the Abandoned Warehouse from Rail Crossing to disable the walkers

That is also cheating. A game should always require a single playthrough, and if you fuck up and get into a tight spot a way to dig out of there and keep going.
>Point points in whatever the fuck without looking
>cant do shit
Your point was?

Go to the train screen, go east

10 agi, else in dex
or you can go full autism with 13 agi and eventually pick expert sprint

>Your point was?
you aren't very bright.

Talk to the electrician in town, he'll give you a solution


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>That is also cheating. A game should always require a single playthrough, and if you fuck up and get into a tight spot a way to dig out of there and keep going.
You tried to pretend you had an objective view at start, but now those are just your hot opinions. A game should always let you win no matter how much you fuck up? Please.

Is it this thing? I discovered it somewhere in that area but never found a use for it.

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>first time playing
>chose hard cause i aint no goofy goober
>restart about 20 characters
>grow wiser with every restart
>study feats
>study skills
>finally have a plan for the perfect sword guy with some psi utility
>first time reaching depot A
>prepare for the worst after reading these threads
>blast and slice and dice those green and gangster niggers to bits
>save file corrupted mid depot A
>oh well time for a restart and make a gunXsword build
>try loading one more time
>it loads game without issues
>already changed my mind and decide to delete save files
>start working on a swordXgun character
>literally impossible to make it work
>need too many skills and feats
>have to sacrifice the good shit to make a hybrid
>pure pistol is boring
>pure sword is boring
every fucking time i play a game with a complex character builder it ends up like this
why can't i just enjoy the fucking game because i really fucking like it
i just need TWO more stat points to make the build work but i literally can't take them off of anywhere

pls guise, is 7 PER enough for a pistol build? can i lower it from 9 and never touch PER ever again since i want to put everything in DEX for more shots and higher crit with the sword?

oh m fucking god I went to the one just west of it and got lost and ended up in fucking Core City (never been there before)

>have to sacrifice specialty for utility
radical concept. yes, 7 is enough. wear goggles and eat perception food.



So, I'm trying to go for a psi-punch approach. I know I'll need Dex 8 for Lightning Punches/Combo, Agi 8 for Fancy Footwork/Uncanny Dodge, and Wil 7 for Force User to get full use from Force Emission; what else should I keep in mind?
I mean skillwise it seems straightforward, since it's mainly Melee, Dodge, Evasion and Psychokinesis. Perhaps with some Temporal Manipulation as well, as I keep seeing people singing its praises.

There was one such a game that pulled it off perfectly.
You take a mission and if you fail it the consequences happen ( example: The lord you were supposed to protect dies and now the faction is weaker, -rep, less pay on following missions etc.), and you move on to the next day.
There were very specific missions on which you could die, but it always told you beforehand so you could prepare.

Attached: shinobido.jpg (1280x720, 141K)

Hot opinions. Don't expect people to agree with you on this.

keep in mind to max dexterity. you want to do as many attacks as possible

Bit tight on stats. Do I need the Int 7 for Tailor/Skinner for light armor purposes, or is that not quite vital? Because it's impossible to have that while still doing Dex 10, Agi 7 and Will 7.

Sorry, I naturally meant Clothier. And also, Agi 8.

no, it's a meme, why will at 7?

Would I be able to sustain a throwing build the whole game trough with only crafting? I kinda want to make a molotov chucking pyromaniac with metathermics for the fire shield.

You want to pump up DEX more because fists are classified as "light weapons" and get their AP cost reduced by high DEX. More attacks per turn means you'll trigger Force Emission and Telekinetic Proxy more often.
The lowest possible AP cost is 4, and to get there you need 12 DEX (7AP cost), Lightning Punches feat (-2AP cost) and wear Tabi Boots (-1AP cost).

For the psi part. Force User requires Will 7, and it reduces the per-blow cost of Force Projection while also giving the panic button of longer Force Field. The stronger TK Punch is just gravy.

10dex, 9agi, 7will, 5int

12 dex is the last breakpoint for unarmed
Are you going with 3 str?

Seems reasonable. Why 9Agi/5Int specifically?

Probably, unless there is a noticeable drawback from it - emission will give a solid boost in damage by itself, and there really isn't much I need to haul around in that build.
Plus if it gets annoying I can always pick up Pack Rathound.

I've been considering doing an unarmed/psi run but I don't know if corporeal projection turns STR into a valuable stat, probably not.

You don't want str just dex for unarmed

need 5int for expose weakness. you can bump agi to 10 along the way and pick blitz

should I bump STR past 9 if I'm AR

no, there's no need

so Perception then?

How high skills do I need for the base game? i know 135 effective skill in hack/lockpick is enough and with a high dex you get it relatively early. But what about crafting, pockpockets, persuade?

yea, as high as you can

According to the wiki Strength itself gives 5% bonus per point above 5, thus a maximum effect is raising base unarmed from 8-13 to 10-16 at Level 30, before the skill adjustment that is, so the effect is a BIT greater overall but not amazingly so.
Meanwhile Projection gives the same for TK damage, which for Force Emission at effecetive skill level of 200 would mean going from 25-50 to 31-62.
So no, on paper at least it doesn't seem like a meaningful enough difference, especially considering unarmed seems to work better with Dex/Agi.

Seems to me like Corporeal Projection is designed in mind for Hammer Wizards or something.

Assuming that all parts are of level 160 quality, this is the effective crafting skill required.

ass: mech 153
flash: mech 5, chem 40
energy shield: elec 166
grenade V: mech 10, chem 112
leather armor: tail 128
leather armor w/ pad: tail 141
leather armor w/ coat: tail 141
leather armor w/ pad/coat: tail 154
leather boots: tail 128
leather striders: tail 128, mech 141
magn grenade: chem 40, tail 10
machete: mech 128
machete w/ energy: mech 128, elec 176
machete w/ taser: mech 128, elec 154
metal armor w/ 4 plates: mech 167, tail 128
metal armor w/ 4 plates/regen: mech 167, tail 128, elec 83, bio 83
metal helm: mech 128, tail 128
metal striders: mech 141, tail 128
napalm: chem 60, tail 10
sarah michelle gellar: mech 128
shot: mech 128
psi head: elec 128, bio 44
seeker gogs: mech 76, elec 128
seeker nvg: mech 76, elec 145
shotgun: mech 128
shotgun, combat: mech 153
ski mask: tail 128
smart gogs: mech 51, elec 147
smart nvg: mech 51, elec 164
sniper: mech 153
sniper w/ anat: mech 153, elec 25
sniper w/ smart: mech 153, elec 128
spear: mech 128
spear w/ energy: mech 128, elect 176
spear w/ taser: mech 128, elec 156
tabi: tail 128
tac: tail 128, mech 96
tac w: ssteel: tail 128, mech 128
tac w/ coat: tail 141, mech 96
tac w/ psi: tail 128, mech 96, bio 32
tac w/ coat/psi: tail 141, mech 96, bio 32

Again, all equipment was made with quality 160 parts for reference. Don't forget, you can get a +15% to crafting skills with crafting benches in your house. Some parts don't go that high, like leather, or psi carapaces only going to 100~. So you'll need way less skill points invested

what about the natural STR bonus for unarmed attacks on top of it?

>sarah michelle gellar

>make light armor speedy gun build
>intention is on being a dodge/evasion based glass cannon
>dump str
>can't afford decent assault rifles or anything like them until depot A
>turns out I don't meet the STR requirements for anything but smgs and pistols apparently
Did I fuck up or are pistols and SMGS still good enough?

So, for the psi-unarmed build. Melee, Dodge, Evasion, Psychokinesis, Temporal Manipulation just for the hell of it... what else? Currently it seems like the best option is just Tailoring, Lockpicking and Hacking, unless any of the other crafting skills hold much of use.

if you can get spec ops feat you're fine
you'll also need expertise

They're good enough
TM at 70, I'd dump hacking in favor or lockpicking and tailoring, some bio for headbands (fuck balaclavas)

you'll see along the way. maybe mercantile.
electronics is also useful, for shields if not anything else

Is something bad going to happen after I pull that switch?

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Already counted in the first part. At let's just say 10 Strength at level 30 (theoretical, it'd be a bit higher) the effective maxed Melee would give a 269% damage, which does multiply rather than add to the strength bonus as it does with normal weapons. So that 10-16 would become 27-43, as compared to the base of 21-35. So there's a difference at that point, certainly, especially after adding the Force Emission into it, but that comes at the cost of another stat by necessity, which has further implications than just damage.

A shame really, I really wanted to use wrestling at least once in my life

They have no other choice.
Save scumming is not difficulty.
Checkpoint is just save scumming automated.
Losing and going from there is the only way to punish a player for being bad.

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>They have no other choice.
Maybe in your wild imagination.

Well, for now I'm going with 15 in Hacking, Lockpicking and Tailoring, but I'll keep the first two lower later just to keep them in increments of 5 and roughly equal to expected difficulty and dip those points into elec/bio for headbands. I'll keep in mind the note about the TM breakpoint, thanks.

Well, you could always do it anyway. The fact it's worse on paper than Dex/Agi approach means little.
With Heavyweight, you could also make a Wrestling build with heavy armor.

why do I keep finding blue/purple everything else that's not my build (assault rifles)? when do I get a really sweet AR

follow east platform on tracks to the south of rail crossing. enter the first fenced area to your west.

during early core city questing you can get 2

Prove to me objectively how the 2 other systems are better than the third one?
Do you, may be, enjoy starring at loading screens every time you die with no consequences like a filthy casual?

So Bio 44
Chem 112
Elec 166
No idea on Mechanical since Stealth and molotovs. 96?


>Prove to me objectively
Me? I think it was you who came with your wild theories. I don't want to convince you of anything, you want to convince people in this thread that underrail is wrong.

Where do I go after I fuck up the Black Crawlers?

>set up a choke point
>spend a few turns fighting dudes coming through the doorway
>once they're nice and clumped up, LoC + Enrage
>hide in a closet
>suddenly start heading the sounds of an electrified hammer just smashing the shit out of everything
>wait a few turns
>combat ends
>Balor walks in the room with like 5% HP
>easily kill him
>walk out to find this scene
The poor bastard must have slaughtered at least half of these men. His own men. Thought Control is scary.

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have you killed THE Black Crawler?

All this talk about unarmed convinced me to give it a shot. What starting feats do I get. Nimble and Sprint?

thanks user, I'll be sure to grab that next level

Uhh, I dunno. Gorsky just said to come back after they set up.

It is wrong.
It has been a 100 years of video games now
and they choose to copy everything bad from year 1.

>my opinion is proof!
3 int

then just use the lightest smg possible and you'll be bursting 5 times per round
also smart googles, for that special attack bonus

I've seen people claim Expertise is real good on unarmed since the base damage is low, but I'll leave it to people more autistic about the game than me to confirm or deny.

Any veterans here with the insight if a dodge/evasion/traps/temporal/sword build is viable in the end game or for the expedition expansion content on hard mode? Can I kill the last boss with a sword on hard? Do you have a good build for it that I could copy?

Not sure if it is as necessary any more, now that Unarmed damage has been reworked to scale with level and strength. It definitely doesn't hurt though.

smart goggles dont work anymore with burst


they're still strong, burst with smart goggles was too stupid

Im stuck at the upstairs part of the military base from Dudes quest, I dont have a hard save and the only option I have is to fight, can anyone give any tips?

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Go on a prove to me how Neo Scavengers system of knowing what you get is inferior to Average rpgs system of "read a recipe online or be stuck on one single quest forever because your perception lacks 1 point"

Either learn how burden of proof works and come back, or just depart entirely.

Disguise yourself.

>I dont have a hard save
You have tons of save slots

>go into loveshack with hot girl
>finally gonna get laid before I inevitably die to crawlers or some shit
>she starts taking her clothes off
>"Trap detected" appears above her head

Attached: sweating.gif (299x225, 91K)

I got the disguise and thought that its fullproff, so I just quicksaved around, didnt realize later that the disguise works like once, and that my last save is at fucking crossing

take a soldier uniform from the locker
when that wont work anymore
take an officer uniform, he's in the bathroom

starting an 8/9/10 STR/CON/PER build. i want to have some dialogue options. Is 4 will with points into persuasion enough to convince some people?

even with uniform you need to avoid them a bit

Speaking of Dude is there different rifts? Can you find them without guides?

Which bathroom? On what floor?

You literally asked me to prove the same thing few posts above. user please stop with 3 int posts.

Yes. If you have 20 PER IRL.
>sniper without snipe
kinda silly

assault rifle tin can?
you'll have shitton of skill points, drop will to 3


Play as a hammer wizard

Attached: Boom goes the cultist.jpg (1024x768, 237K)

kill yourself faggot

Cease this faggotry, this run is done. At least start a new meme

on first floor. kill him in the stall and take his uniform
then go to the second floor to get a keycard

>starting a game over is cheating
You have a dumbfuck definition of "cheating", you know.

The memes I got on this new one aint that impressive sadly.

It really doesn't because I already have proven it.

Try harder, be creative

Crafting or Dodge/Evasion for PSI monk?


Both. But you really only need tailoring and later elec with some bio for kinetics headbands.
Unless by 'PSI' you mean more than just psychokinesis with some TM, at which point why?

why be silent when my combat shotgun just shreds througn everyone?

I'm trying hard, but nothing really worthy of a screenscap sadly.
At most, I find amusing how you can shank a Sentry Bot to their death with Expose Weakness and a shock knife, but besides that nothing much.

>can't layer 3 psi bug shells into metal armor
understandable but kinda lame desu fampai

psi knifer is the best build there is
hopefully you went 3 10 10 3 3 5 6

Thank you user, saved me a restart

Anyone? I don't want to invest time again just to restart from scratch. There are only so many times that I can restart before I drop it.

Metathermics for burning monk of fuckery? Fire armour etc? What about stealth? I was thinking 10Dex/Will 8 Agi. Or 10 DEX/AGI and 8 Will Pump Melee dodge/Evasion, stealth, hacking, electronics, tailor, TC, Psych.
At lvl 1 Expertise but then I have a hard time choosing between hit and run and sprint. And I'm guessing psychosis is the way to go? Or don't I need to bother with psi-feats at all?

>The memes I got on this new one aint that impressive sadly.
You get called a faggot basically every time you post. What do you think is impressive about what you're doing now? You were the sperg kid who thought any attention is good attention and you must not have aged out of that mentality.

Sell this game to me anons, I like isometric RPGs like classic Fallouts or Arcanum
From what I read here, it has many options to play as, is this game idiotproof? Are all stats and skills useful, or are there preferred builds? How long is it if I like to explore every corner I can?
Also I heard it has two levelling systems, which one is better?

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Yes to all.

Kind of, just stealth, pick pocketing and pure thought control
It's the polar opposite of my hammer wizard run, and while it's completely busting my balls on certain aspects, I'm also having fun

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It is not idiotproof at all
There are viable and nonviable builds but all stats can be useful depending on your build
Plenty long since there is much to explore and the game moves rather slowly
Oddity is the better system especially if you like to explore a lot

Well, uh... okay. That's not a very convincing reply, but I suppose that I can give it another go after I obtain some more meta knowledge and plan ahead...

>is this game idiotproof
It's possible to fuck up your characrter so hard that you can't continue even on normal, but you really have to be an idiot to do that.
All stats are useful, as for skills, maybe pickpocketing is not too much, and Persuasion/Intimidation doesn't seem to be too useful.
Classic is better.

>is this game idiotproof?
not really, people get filtered all the time
pic related
>Are all stats and skills useful, or are there preferred builds?
in their own way, yeah
but some are better for different builds of course
a psi monk doesn't really need perception or mechanics, for example
>How long is it if I like to explore every corner I can?
fairly long
>Also I heard it has two levelling systems, which one is better?
Oddity rewards collecting things called Oddity
Classic is just like fallout or arcanum
If you want to explore stealthily, Oddity
If you wanna kick ass and take names on the beaten path, Classic

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it's viable, depends on how much dodge evasion do you. if you put everything into it, you should be fine.
with traps you can cheese everything.

>tfw playing once with one build on easy without expansion
>then will play on hard with expansion 2 years from now

Who /extremelyhighIQ/ here?

Where did the hammer wizard touched you, user

Expertise isn't quite needed anymore due to unarmed scaling naturally with level. Last time I made that I just went with Nimble and Sprint for starters.
As for psi-feats, the only two particularly synergizing with unarmed are Force User (as it makes Emission more efficient) and Psycho-Temporal Acceleration (as it boosts the haste power), the rest is more hybrid rather than full synergy, so it depends entirely on what you want to do. If you intend on using powers for damage? Yeah, Psychosis/Psionic Mania are the go-to, Tranquility is harder to use on a non-pure psion due to the max health requirement.
However, Psychosis doesn't apply to passives like Force Emission, so it's only for direct powers.

Did you export that guy and just play him over and over again?

why is there no int food?

How important is it to take Snooper if you go 3 Perception?

>at Tchort boss
>tired from all the bullshit scavenger hunt shit that I had to do
>realize I have to do that mutagen puzzle shit if I want to soften up the boss because my character can't really take it on right now

I can blow up the mutagen tanks easily but fuck me I really hate Deep Caverns. At least let me leave so I can do other side quests and not be stuck here until I kill the boss.

I wish you could toggle tab instead of holding it.

you don't take that feat ever.
you can find those few secrets on your next run. it's not like you'll be robbed from half the lore coz of 3 perception.

My AR tincan is starting to bore me. Any suggestions what to play next? best melee weapon?

why'd they have to nerf my burst smg build

Not exacly
Played blind in normal, got my ass handed on DC, restarted
Then I played again after the expansion dropped in Dominating

unarmed, no joke.

How to get the keycard wihout alerting the officers? Dont have enough lockpick for the door on the far right.

Joke's on you, even autismal builds have Snooper occasionally. Even they can recognize the value in accessing some of the hidden areas. Why can't you?

Go for the opposite
Light armoured psi monk

are the boxing gloves a good weapon

i went through vents

Yeah. Its one of those design customs in video games that are bad but developers keep doing it because they lack the proper analytical power to understand why its bad, because they are developers approaching the situation from 'what is possible' and not players approaching the situation from 'what is optimal'

>is this game idiotproof?
No, though you shouldn't struggle too much on easy or normal even if you aren't very good.

>Are all stats and skills useful
Yes, but that doesn't mean they are useful in any and all combination.

>How long is it if I like to explore every corner I can?
120-150 hours with DLC.

To where, every exit vent I have is either useless or right infront of an officer?

Should I even take hit-and-run on unarmed? It feels like if I need to go fast for a while or swooce between enemies, Sprint will take care of it.

do you need high agi to go through? i cant remember

>work up 2000 charons to fix the drill
Tell me I can skip this. I literally cant fix it myself because im down by 7 points.

Attached: 1518467949055.gif (540x448, 1.01M)

There is a per check for the second set of vents, but none of those go directly into the office. At best you can go to the office on the other side.

Not worth burning coins for that, come back later and do it yourself

doesnt that guy moves out of office every now and then

I don't think it's all that great if you intend on taking Fancy Footwork, but if that's wrong someone can correct me.

Where do I go then?
I quite litterally cannot go to the railroad crossing because of the raiders standing right in front of it toss insta-kill grenades from miles away.

level 24 feat
what do

Attached: Untitled.jpg (332x428, 42K)

can't you cheese them to a corner with dynamite/grenade?

I don't think so, at least I've never seen him leave his desk. It's the office below the one with card that does have a guy who comes and goes.

How to cheese? I didnt get the agi check and the hallway always has atleast 1 officer looking out, the only other way is to lockpick from the halway on the right(which I dont have) or to fight, the vents all go into the offices with officers and not the one with the keycard

What quests you have done?
What quests you didnt do yet?

Did you do the Core city factions yet?

How's opportunist with unarmed/fist weapon? Seems like it has very few stun options (Dirty Kick for 1/2 turns, Combo for 1 and Expert Unarmed at fuckin' 26 giving a slight chance for any hit to stun)

Actually got the per check but that does nothing

Any good throwing knife builds? Poison and throwing knives is something I always wanted to do. 10 Dexterity, 10 Agility and 8 Intelligence start and keep pumping Dex for better throwing. Throwing/stealth/Dodge/Evasion/Pickpocket/Lockpick/Tailor/Chemist/Biology/Mechanics? I guess Starting out with Chemist and tailor and later start putting points into Bio and mech also. Does Expertise work with throwing knives? If not Nimble/Burglar? Otherwise Nimble/Expertise.

Is 10 WIL and LoC worth it? I mean, you're missing out on 18 DEX (most attacks), 7 agi (Footwork) and weaponsmith (5% crit). None of these matter if you're doing this for RP reasons

Crafting Tier List

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you're going the wrong way, you ducked into a side area. take the train to rail crossing, follow the train tracks.

Where the hell can I find an ancient rathound? I lost the pelt from the king's place and arena is fucky so I wasn't able to grab that one either.

he lost it lmao
in a bar fight with the locals

>Is 10 WIL and LoC worth it?
Yes, very much so, I want to see if I can basically escape an angry mob with LoC + Neurovisual disruption, to test out my theory that TC has best synergy with stealth

While I do it for 'RP reasons', I'm also trying to see how I can optimize this, you just reminded me about Footwork can also be used for knifes (I just used it once for my psi monk), so I will eventually put agi to 7

So far it's hard but rewarding, the hardest aspect of this is dropping my tin can mentality and force myself to do Stealth
The good side is, pick pocketing solves the supply issues at the start of the game

What do you need it for?

what is a useful crafting skill depends entirely on your build
except for electronics, every build will need it for making a good shield emitter

>Everything else
I used the lame 70TM +40 Psychokinetics for "utility" (i.e., cheating) and hard was very very easy

That means you're trying to sell something they don't want, or you're selling more items than they want

>mfw dumped electronics for biology because I overestimated how useful it would be
I-It's not that bad, r-right?

>chemistry, tailoring and biology are useless
>he's never made custom fire grenades or the ridiculous shit you can do with chemistry
>he's never done a psi run where you're hopped up on free healing and drugs the whole time
Tailoring might be shit though.

adrenaline all day erry day
once you get crawler caltrops you'll be grateful for it

>Tailoring might be shit though
not if you're doing light armor/evasion
also free stealth levels never hurt anyone

I'm rolling a Tranqulity build, and I must admit it was the best decision I ever made.
3 CON doesnt matter much when you're very fast and stealthy, as long you are full HP, you will be able to land 3 Neural Overloads instead of 2, which just so happen to be enough to reliably kill psi beetles that made my life a nightmare on my past runs
Sadly, Styg nerfed Meditation and Neurology, so I'm not entirely convinced about going big psi pool

Biology is god tier for making drugs
You'd be suprised how much you can get out of rathounds alone

60 chemistry is all you need to make every non exploding grenade and bullets, its useful unless you are doing pure psi
50 biology is very useful for everyone, 100 and 130 are also useful breakpoints

pure psi builds have the extra feats though

Really? I thought tailoring was only really useful for making big dick tier assault armor.
How useful is Evasion anyways? I assume for Stealth runs it's useful for if you get caught

How do you end up reading "GAP" as "totally useless"
Chemistry is the worst of the bunch, only one build cares to level it up past certain thresholds and plasma grenades are arguably better than chemistry grenades.

>Throw mollie at bad guy
>It lands on my feet and burns me
This is my punishment for trying to do 0 throwing skill

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When you make armour with aluminised cloth, that becomes a non-issue, relatively anyway.

For assault rifle metal armor, do i go 6 dex and 3 agility for grenadier or 3 dex and 6 agility for sprint?


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So, I'm playing for the first time, should I play in Dominating? What's the acceptable non-babbys difficulty?
Also, oddity or classic?

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If you're going 60 Chemistry you might as well go 69 because then you get the second best tier of explosive grenades, and you'll want them solely because the crafting materials for hand nades are stocked by multiple merchants in large quantities. Finding napalm is much more difficult while magnesium nades compete with flashbangs in terms of crafting materials. Only grenade left after 69 is the final tier of explosive grenades, but that needs whopping 112 which is a much bigger jump.

this was viable on dominating, and its not even that great a build

Attached: Siphoner Man.png (1056x886, 374K)

Evasion reduces AoE damage, and increases the chance that ranged attacks miss
Trying a run with it and dodge right now, haven't been struggling too hard compared to my tin can run

By whom, randos on the internet?


Then you have your pick between babby, casual, and tryhard. No winning.

>So, I'm playing for the first time
Normal if you're green at cRPG's
If you have a functioning brain and feel daring, try Hard

Dominating it's in a whole other new level, let it be for now

Also, Oddity


Does suspicion disapear with time?

You mean pick pocketing? Yeah it does, you just need to dick around do something else in the meanwhile

Play normal the first time, hard on subsequent ones. The game doesn't exactly handhold you and it's difficult even then unless you're already familiar with optimal build options and know where to get extra EXP early on. Oddity is the game's intended EXP mode and it doesn't let you grind: instead of kills you get EXP solely from completing quests and finding collectibles.

reminder that only kinetic energy weapons are correct
humans have been throwing rocks at things since the beginning. We will continue to throw rocks at things till the end. Slings, guns, cannons, rail guns, mass drivers. One day we will throw entire planets around, but in the end its all just different kinds of rocks.

Chemicals are for propelling kinetic impactors only.

It's not perfect but it has its uses
Doesn't have the same satisfying feedback you get from the clangs of massive damage resist a tin can gives, but it still must be doing something.

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Bet you think the oogas who thought fire was a stupid idea were right too.

Interesting. Would you recommend Decapitate? I tried it at one point, but found it to be rather... well... pointless? I thought I'd simply trap enemies and flurry them down, with expose weakness for tankier things. Any reason why your temp. manip. is maxed? Shouldn't 55 be enough or is there another benefit to it? Also, why max strength over dex? Oh and is high mechanics necessary for crafting machetes or can I get away with something that I can find in game? Thanks.

decapitate is nice for when you're flurry still costs a lot or when its on cooldown; its not vital
temp manip scales with over half of the powers, but mainly precognition (your dodge/evasion one)
str over dex cuz I didnt know better at the time; 7 str is fine
well, the katana is the best sword period, but you dont get it until after you finish the expedition main quest, and even then only if you make the right actions
I could craft my own machetes with around 85-90 crafting skill/6 int/underpie/hypercerebrix

>me and the boys ambush some zoner wearing a fanny pack
>he pulls a handful of pills out of the pack and crams them all into his mouth
>he starts vibrating, his muscles swell up and rip his clothes apart, looks like his ribs and skull protrude from his skin and his eyes start glowing
>pulls a laser pistol out and zones out 3 of my boys right there
>get in close to try to carve him up with my knife but his skin is harder than diamonds
>he crushes my skull with his bear hands

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Give me a build to play other than sledgehammer/psi

Okay, thank you. I'll give it another go later tonight. Hopefully I don't screw up again this time. I kinda wanna include a social skill because I don't plan on replaying the game more than once and I want to get the most out of my experience, but I'm not sure if that's possible without gimping myself.

For other builds you might wanna ask others, I'm still trying to feel other builds in Dominating
Dickass thief gal, stealth, pick pocket and thot control
Hoplite, no psi
Psi monk
Nimble can hammerer, no psi
Berserker hammerer, with psychokinesis and TM

dodge/evasion are expensive
you could give up chemistry, upper level bio, and even the highest bit of mechanics and rely on midgame swords, so you can max out persuasion

Foundry will be stained in the contaminated blood of Bladelings.

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Nimble can is a can with nimble+bw training + supersteel?

TiChrome at first, then SS
See how much reduce AP and how much it changes hammer play, although I'm worried it synergizes badly with Juggernauth and Heavy weight

Sell me on this game Yea Forums. I've been stalking these threads and this game seems interesting but I'm a bit hesitant to actually buy it? As a certified dumbass can I beat this game without going full optimization autism?

so what are the benefits to joining either Protectorate or Free Drones

they will say no, but they are lying to you
unless you play on normal or somthing then sure
but if you do that you disgust me

On easy, most likely, however dont be surprised if you get branded for it
On normal you should be fine

Anyway to make Underrail run at 4K?
Max res is something like 1440p.

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On normal you'll be fine as long as you specialize in few things. Jack of all trades just doesn't work.

It begins.

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just play normal first bruh

Daily reminder that Broderick is husbando material

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long cooldowns fucc your boipucci

>no goofy goober
>using psi hacks
psi is for casuals

I feel like I need to invest in guns for this psi build just because I've been getting so fucking many and I'm obviously going to get tons of awesome ones


he can die pretty quickly and then you can swim back

Hey hey people

>helen killer

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please fucking tell me something
how do you deal with multiple enemies when you don't use grenades as a sword guy?

you don't

Damn, that's a top tier name right there. Didn't even notice.

Yeah, it's a feature I had the misfortune to learn

Attached: (Record Scratch) Now you might be asking yourself, how did I get in this situation.jpg (1024x768, 206K)

>look up if there's a mod to display AP costs and my total AP in numbers
>just find people wanting mods to straight up cheat in the game

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about to start underrail for the first time, any tips?

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The best way to learn is to play.

What's the best way to keep Edgar alive when attacking the rathound king?
He dies everytime like turn 2-3


Unless you're a psi user you want Throwing as secondary weapon skill for grenades' AoE and crowd control capabilities.

>tin can
>plenty of skill points for anything you would want
>psi mage
>plenty of skill points for anything you would want
>standard sneakthief
>hope you didnt want to craft anything :^)

fucking developers

>googling game mechanics that i don't understand
>find some guy explaining them in detail
>"and i also HIGHLY suggest you to use cheat engine to remove carry weight since running back and forth for grenades and traps isn't challenging lol"

On easy mode you can do whatever... almost. On normal it's pretty hard for a complete beginner. Hard requires meta knowledge and on dominating you need to have completed the game already and know exactly what you're doing. That said, you need to specialize in one field. You cannot be a jack of all trades, master of none, unless you cheat. In which case, why bother asking for advice, right? Here's a pretty cool FAQ with some spoilers.

we all tried

to go there alone

seriously, turn one and he's at 22 hp and bleeding, while next to two rathounds and the rathound king
do I just have to try and power through this solo, is fighting with edgar just some kinda trick meant to fuck over newer players who don't know he's shit?

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is there any reason not to take the psi pill as a sword user?
the 25% to hp means nothing and the utility it offers is great
and i will have 5WILL and 6INT for sword feats anyway

there are no builds that do not benefit from psi and thats really shit
dont take it, boycott shitty developers and their cave magic bias

I said it before, and I'll say it again: Shared point pools between combat and non-combat skills are a mistake. There is literally no benefit to it.

Still, it is what it is. You can finish the game without crafting unless you're running DOMINATING anyway, and if you are, for what purpose?

go alone, throw a gas grenade at his feet, wait, loot him and go home

>Psilets are still mad

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your words brought a tear to my eye
dropping psi and putting points into dex for grenades and throwing knives

Stop spamming this bullshit every thread.
Also your screenshot names are garbage.

Daily reminder that inventory limits in RPGs are fucking retarded and all the game developers should take the Risenpill.

Incorrect. There is very little that psi offers a seasoned war criminal.
Unless we're talking Temporal Manipulation, but that one's fucking cancer and shouldn't exist. If I see one more goddamn build that has it JUST BECAUSE LMAO...

whatever al fabet

well, there are many options

if you take some psychokinesis, get electrokinesis and premeditation
a taser
thats three stuns/roots in one turn if necessary, regardless they dont share a cooldown
also imprint if you invested some more

stasis and forcefield are great for getting out of danger

One thing I would often do is get pumped full of drugs, use contraction on myself, spent an entire turn building up flurry and killing people, then use premeditation + stasis out in the open
enemies will swarm up on you while their drugs use up duration
you come out two turns later with all your buffs up and can just blend the whole fucking group

< see that ring of enemies?

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Cry me a river.

how does risen do it? unlimited?


-damage increases 50% as quickly with item quality/psi skills
-items sold are worth 10% their regular price, quest rewards 25% of normal
-carrying capacity reduced by 50%
-can't drop items from your inventory for free (can still drop equipped weapons for free)
-grenade cooldowns +1 turn
-w2c does 90% damage
-high efficiency energy converters nerfed to regenerating x% of energy lost to damage, at y% per round
-toxic gas simply deals bio damage each round/if moved through; no damage multiplication
-using psi abilities from 1 school will increase the action point cost of psi abilities from other schools
-many psi abilities must hit vs evasion now (or reduced by it), use psi skill at 70% for THC
-forcefield functions as an energy shield against ranged attacks, has a certain amount of hp against melee attacks before failing (dependent on skill)
-all npc's have 30% greater detection & trap detection (bosses have 50% greater)
-bear traps dont function if they deal no damage, stronger enemies have shorter durations, and spotted traps use your traps skill vs their dodge
-some enemies will have black dragon throwing knives/crossbow bolts, and such traps can also be found
-randomized traps/locations
-randomized enemy placement
-npc's that spot traps or corpses will turn orange, holler, and search the map (and pull alarms, if any)
-if spotted, all hostile npc's on that map will never turn back to green; yellow minimum
-npc's will not enter dangerous terrain (such as gas, fire, or traps) unless they have a clear path to you
-most hostile npc's, if they can't attack you on their current turn, will instead head for cover or distance
-if you are seen entering stealth in a controlled or partially controlled map, npc's will turn hostile
-gladiators past master exploder have improved builds with more feats, especially carnifex

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Oh boy here we go again


I can carry 30 different weapons, but not 50? fuck this retarded nonsensical archaic shit


-carrry capacity is 0
-no weapons in game
-on hit kills you
-you cant move
-you cant attack

just play dominating already

Six calls you a little man every time you die.

>-you cant move
>-you cant attack

Literally every single PB game had the same unlimited inventory. Risen is neither their first, nor their latest, it's a weird as fuck game to pick as your example.

>spent hours upon hours scraping together my measly 11k charons on DOMINATING
>mfw contemplating sacrificing 9k for super steel, just for infused tabis

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How do I get to rail crossing from here?

Attached: underrail map.png (1920x1080, 661K)

Seems like a lot of work when you can just use the noise to round them up and kill them all in a single shot.

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Save and wait until the stock comes out, if you have less than 130 quality, reload.

fuck you retard I've only played their Risen games

learn to think for yourself


You way overshot it dude.
You're meant to take one north and one west. Where the lunatics are.

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You gonna need infused cave hopper tabis and infused cave hopper leather armour, and sprint, for Dominating Deep caverns
Hope you also bring 130 lockpicking too

I've infiltrated lesser-yugoslavians but where the fuck do I turn for some oil? Can't go to control because I'm a measly soldier and can't go into the warehouse because I need the right card. Also you can't stealth kill anyone, doesn't matter if you crushed his brain with your very mind they know.

How much Will do I need to pass all Will checks in the game? I want to make a pure psi character but max it out at 14 instead of 18.

I've been doing fine without sprint so far, I'm pure PSI

How does one end up only playing the weakest of the PB series?

you have become psi-minded

in the bathroom theres an officer sometimes. kill him and take his uniform, then go upstairs to geta keycard

while we're at PB, anyone tried ELEX? is it good? i love eurojank

Yeah I accidentally wondered into core city looking for it

>can't go into the warehouse because I need the right card
Can you hack it? Slav military base takes less than 2 minutes when you can just hack that gate.

If you enjoy PB games, you will also enjoy Elex

What is this

Attached: C8SHS01.jpg (1920x1080, 336K)

But everyone is psychic in glorious slovaki underground? I kill the officer and everyone turns on me.

No, how much do you need to hack it?
I tried hacking a monitor, didn't work.

It's pure unadulterated PB, with all the good and bad that implies. Go for it.

no way if you kill him in the bathroom.

Killing that officer in the bathroom shouldn't turn the base hostile. Killing anyone else does though.

>how much do you need to hack it?

Dont dismiss my advice if you never went to DC.

Dont reply to this faggot, he spams this shit in every thread. Imagine hating a game so much that you purposefully go into every thread and paste this shit.

We're living rent free.

I've beaten the game like 4 times on Normal, but this is my first character on DOMINATING, so I know what DC is like. I'm sure the amount of enemies is ludicrous on DOMINATING though.

Not really. Tchortlings breed like crazy, and Arke got some more Industrials, but the difficulty jump from Hard to DOMINATING is not as noticeable in DC as in, say, Emporion.

>Zoners scream how they're going to "zone you out"
The slang in this game is just too funny.
Jon the beautiful is a pretty based guy though.

The 'Creeping Dread' debuff stacks way, WAY faster in Dominating
Without Sprint, infused cave hopper leather tabis and leather armour, I would have a terrible time down there

I actually skipped Hard and went straight to DOMINATING, so every encounter is just an insane amount more enemies in comparison.
Ah, I can see why user was suggesting Sprint then.

I dunno, but I got fucked up and left it for later

>I actually skipped Hard and went straight to DOMINATING
You're fucking derailed, Jack

Came upon that too. Just sneaked around because I didn't want to kill cats, they go aggro

They are summoning Styg for the next upcoming DLC

>knife fag
>expose weakness on robot
>*tink tink* attack noises but critting for 60

Didn't we all do that though? Technically.

Just killed them after 15 tries, if any of them got to move once I died

how are people alive underground

where does the oxygen come from

where does the light come from

humans breathe out carbon dioxide which contains oxygen so we can breathe that back

there's plenty of water down there, so plankton does the job.

Filtered air from the surface.

>softlocked behind a agility check and a lockpicking check 15 points too high
God fuck
I already got locked into this mission by dudino dragging me all across crawler country.

I don't hate underrail. I'm just trying to raise awareness every way possible until this way of thinking becomes common place enough to maybe get more games without the dumb attribute systems.
It takes 2 minutes out of my day, is entertaining, and there's a slight chance that it might improve the rpg genre to the point where it isn't pure garbage anymore, but something playable.

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>First playthrough on normal
>Struggle in depot, but manage somehow
>Reroll on hard with my trapper build slightly optimized
>Get devastated in the depot
>Get down on game mechanics, craft nades, optimize gear for an hour
>Dominate the underground part and demolish the mutants after a few restarts
It feels amazing to finally git gud at this game. Although I don't want to know what other "slightly adjusted" encounters are when some of the turrets in the depot were replaced with double barrel auto-cannon variants shredding out 400 damage each.

Oh my sweet summer child
You have no idea what's waiting for ye

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He's right.

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Where'd this guy go after the Faceless attack the Protectorate?

>try to do build with any gun at all
>maxed PER
>maxed gun skill
>less than 70% hit chance even with illuminated target
it's like they want me to take the psi pill

So Temporal Manipulation can actually make you practically immortal in the setting, right? I mean your first mentor grew a beard through sheer will.


Attached: mac flamethrower.png (800x333, 474K)

Oh I'm already feeling it.
>Huh, what's a kamikaze bot?
>This bot wasn't here on norm-
>Oh, so that's what it does

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So I got a quest to deliver a package, got it and returned to place where I meet that guy last play through but he isn't there, after clearing the tunnel.
What now?

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whats the mercantile/biology? check for setting up the deal between dude and quinton

He fucks off after he you return him the package
He tells you that, that he's leaving and you should trade if you need it before he books it

Throwing+enrage? Enrage, let them battle it out, throw molotovs/grenades before they kill themselves so you get the xp, finish of what remains with throwingknives.

Ok boys, want to make a Assault Rifle + Shotgun build but I only tried the gmae once and only made it to Core City and then quit because fucked up my build a month or so ago

So what would the most optimal AR+Shotty build look like? Heavy armor yes/no?
What traits?

I know it's pretty generic but I don't want to find out I fucked up midway through the game

>>less than 70% hit chance even with illuminated target
I have a 85-95% chance with ambush at 120 Gun and just 10 PER, max range of an energy gun.
The problem is missing frozen/stunned targets because le 95% chance.
Ethan isn't immortal, if your MC has high enough PER/INT he comments on how the ripples in the water gave away Ethan's age since his hands shake like those of an old man, it's probably just a cosmetic thing like altering appearances but not biological functions, or it's just bad writing on Styg's part.

>throw molotovs/grenades before they kill themselves so you get the xp
lmao classicfags

Damn. Old guy still pulls thots though.

Dont you get a lot less xp in the long run on oddity? Could do oddity otherwise

I can' give him package cause he is not there.
He did not spawn. Does he move somewhere else after I get drill part?


Huh... that's odd.
It's a quest you're supposed to do at the very start

I'm not sure really, after doing the outposts

>AR AND Shotgun
No. Pick one. You'll fuck your feats up if you pick shotgun and AR feats.

Would pick shotguns but then I'm fucked for long range, I assume

AR with a sidearm smg then? Or what could work with AR for close range? Feels like most of the game WAS close range.

Or maybe just go Shotgun and have some movement, but then I can't go heavy armor can I?

Actually speaking of the dude, whats the fastest way to him that doesn't involve 50 crawlers?

How do I start the foundry questline?

This is probably a dumb question but is it basically impossible to win in a straight fight in most of this?

Trying to fight the Rathound King basically boiled down to me putting shitloads of bear traps, caltrops and throwing grenades. Can a melee build actually survive him and his pets?

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close the side door before you start

Which stat should I max for AR build?

str too if going full tin can

Yes but implies being a big boy
And lots of metal
And a huge ass hammer

Attached: Boom goes the ratto.jpg (1024x768, 202K)

So what's the implication here?
Was Dude at one point an actual oculite? Did he just sell them the tech? Oculus database doesn't even have a file on him. And just how many kinds of cybernetic animals did he create?

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he said melee
not melee psi

dude is old biocorp

What exactly am I looking for in the nexus of technology? I scoured the place and haven't found anything of note.

As I thought
>tin can
Eh, I was planing on using riot armor with some stealth.

It still applies, you can still bash the everloving shit outta of the rathound king and his pets.
Again, you only need a huge ass hammer, lots of STR and 95% mechanical DR, but it's not something everybody are willing to do

How big is the difficulty gap between normal and hard? What about hard and dominating?

what to do with the piggies now that Balor is gone?

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Befriend them and make them your pets
Hug the piggies

>bring electroshock pistol to arena monster fights
>ricochet "accidentally" murders the other challengers
>loot their shit in plain sight of the entire televised underrail
ha ha whoops how did that happen? accidents, amirite

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>Normal to hard
Considerable, but manageable
Shit spiral's out of control
You need to know exacly what you're doing

No shit, that's not the point. The interesting thing here is that he invented tech that's an Oculus staple, and did it fairly recently.

I always open the gate and door so they at least have a chance

>fairly recently

You can also loot actual gladiators if you kill them with enough AP to loot them.
I like the idea of on air, there's a solid half minute of awkward silence the commentators try and fill in as i'm going through this guys pockets and then stripping him.

too had to burn, sorry.

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Always remenber to lookt the Ancient Rathound, and loot Zap's shit

It's his old Rig room, but it's not that old. Even the barkeep still remembers him.

You heartless bastard

well it should be fairly obvious he's had contact with the oculus because there's a rift there

but beyond that what if dude is also a time traveler? He's not fucked like abram and ezra and he uses the same thing six does who transcends time

Locusts are the spawn of the devil
Who the hell thought they were a good idea?

how do you burst fire with shotguns

I love this game so much

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You need to get combat shotguns, they're the only ones that can.

I just teamed up with a bunch of rathound alphas to kill a scorpion monstrosity.

Make sure to unequipt the regalia before entering Camp Hathor

of course of course, if things get tight on AP i usually pop an adrenaline for the sole purpose of looting
the whole underrail is waiting to see scumbaggery of this caliber, can't disappoint them.

I mean, it's not impossible, but there isn't any proof for actual time travel existing in the Underrail universe yet. So I'm thinking in plain old linear time progression, unless there's a real good reason to consider time travel shenanigans.

Now the Rig itself was only built after New Biocorp's death. So it's more likely that Dude created cyber spawns and sold/gave it to Oculus at some point in the past 15 or so years.

1. How much dex should I take?

2. How much perception do I need?

3. I need 6 agility for spec ops right, should I take any more after that?

4. Is 7 int enough for crafting?

5. Should I take gun nut for more damage?

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Do I want to maximize DR% or DT on my metal armor?

six says he transcends time he views things as events rather than time which implies he exists outside of time

Whats a regalia? I was making my way towards the rathound kings base and I decided to use my frag mines to clear away the rathound alpha pack but the initial explosion seemed to have aggro'd what ever the fuck that was as well. Those rathounds all swarmed it and actually got some hits in but they eventually all died. Then the thing ran towards me and got caught on my quick tinkered bear trap and then ate a 300 damage electro pistol crit. This game needs monster taming.

Both are good
60 Mech DT will protect you from almost all bullets (except armor piercing ones), but more importantly, it will completely nullify Knifefag's crippling strikes
95% will protect you from anything that deal ass whopping amounts of damage
Then keep increasing DT if possible

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depends on the gun; check AP costs and find an optimal number

you dont need int

optimally, you'd max dex/per at 1st level, get at least 6 agi, final two points are up to you

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How does that happen? You can't sell the key card.

walk to junkyard, take the ferry back

you don't need the keycard to leave but you need the keycard to get in
i'm sure you can piece together what happened to this retard

You're an idiot
However there's another way
You can go through the caves, to the south of Old jonas is, reach the mushroom cove, go east, once you found the abandoned outpost, go north, you will find Junkyard, go north then east, you will find a dock controled by the Black Eels, you can ask Captain Broderick to give you a lift to SGS if you have charons
If you dont have charons, you can exchance SGS credits for charons on that exact place, with a guy called Colton
If you dont have charons nor SGS credits, then it's reload time

>1. How much dex should I take?
Think you want 16 Dex (through stat increases and buffs) so you can get 4 rounds of burst. I'm seeing someone mention 14 with a Jaguar could work too.

>2. How much perception do I need?
Think someone in a previous thread said 8?

>3. I need 6 agility for spec ops right, should I take any more after that?
Can't imagine more than 6 since most of those feats at 7+ are evasion-based.

>4. Is 7 int enough for crafting?
Yes, that gets you all the crafting feats you might want.

>5. Should I take gun nut for more damage?
If you're going for 7 int then absolutely.

You can go to the junkyard and take a boat back to the sgs side entrance.

He only implies that he looks at time from a different perspective, not that he transcended it.To me it looks like his self-contained events still follow each other in linear progression, they just come with a whole bunch of other metaphysical rules. But it's very unlikely that he can travel through them, at least not backward.

I was coming back after getting the keycard to that giant door in the GMS and dropped my card with the spare keys and left then remembered i didnt sell my spare guns and you can guess what happened.

black sea is wicked because every enemy is obnoxious

How are you making such high quality armor holy shit

Im so fucking sick and tired of save scumming because I miss four 80% hit chance shots in a row. I'm walking my ass into psionics and taking that damn pill because this is retarded.

leonie after a certain foundry quest

Turn the piggies into leather, they will hug you forever

Based Sseth funding Underrail 2

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>Locus of control

A joy greater than a well placed molotov

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Right but even then. Like what type of metals are we talking about here? I assume you're stacking Tungsten plates?

>you dont need int
I like crafting though and want the feats.
Going SMG build because people said it's light on required feats so I want to get all the crafting ones.

Think it's worth taking the pill for access to forcefield or Psycho-temporal Contraction?

8 per seems kinda low but if i'm just spraying I guess that makes sense.

q140+ tungsten plates in every available slot

>stuggle to fight ironhead encampment
>barely beat them by putting two lines worth of bear traps on one of the chokepoints to my location, throwing burrower poison caltrops everywhere, and tossing an incendiary at the other entrance
>still barely make it through by the skin of my teeth
>realize I had my shield off the whole time
I'm retarded

I'm pretty impressed. It's been a consistent 1600+ for a full week. That means the people who watch his reviews and try the games he recommends actually do want to play them.

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What's the difference between combat shotguns and normal shotguns?

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Is it worth investing in electronics just to get a taser? Free stun sounds nice.

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7 is good enough, you're gonna be spraying from close range

4 +140 Quality Tungsten plates
Make Leonie your gf for this
Extra kisses and hugs for heavy metal


A taser can be the difference between you living and dying
So make your guess

these fuckers are stuck on top of a pile of bodies, how do I force them to fuck off so I can get my loot?

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even a shit quality taser does what it's supposed to do, which is stun. you don't need to invest much.

Combat shotguns typically have way lower damage, better bursts and better ammo capacity.

Combat shotguns have lower damage but can burst fire. I don't remember which one, but one of the craftable combat shotgun types also adds one extra shell to burst fire and it stacks with Full-Auto feat so you can fire 5 shells in one burst.

Daily reminder that allies and neutral NPCs will -NOT- aggro if they step into your caltrops

Always get Sure Step

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>Nexus of technology tech vault puzzle
>The answer is randomized

I wish I wasn't a brainlet

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what do I wear on my dodge evasion should I wear something with no armor penalty or something low like 5% 10%

take nimble and keep it under 15% ya doof
siphoner leather is good shit early/midgame

Tasers are like a more expensive, more effective flashbang. Absolutely use it if you hate getting your nuts kicked until you die by some stealthy asshole with a knife.

>Haven't played this game since release, before the game even had difficulty settings
>Playing oddity
>Open old save

>Rifle Build

Looks like I took 6 dex for grenadier and point shot.
Also took the pill and have 35 points in each psi power.
Looks like I was only force field from the hotbar.
I also have every single crafting feat.

Rate my build.
This made it to core city by lvl 12

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You take Nimble and wear infused siphoner for the D/E bonus.

I'm playing this game blind and fucking savescumming like there's no tomorrow.

git gud

how do I detect traps if I have shit perception?

you are expected to savescum and approach every fight with foreknowledge
because its a shit game design

step on them

by increasing your trapping skills

Burrowers and mutated dogs can be dealt with pretty easily, FUCK death stalkers though. Especially if you have shit throwing and can't reliably hit squares 4-5 away from you.


Motion tracking goggles boost your detection like crazy

they all quiver in fear in the presence of the mighty bear trap

thankfully i got it good in the throwing department and why the fuck i haven't thought of using molotovs sooner, they're fucking good and i kept using frag grenades like a retard.

>Rate my build.
It makes sense for a beginning player. I also started with an assault rifle/psi hybrid that looked pretty similar, though with Agility instead of Dexterity.
>every single crafting feat
But why?

I'm honestly surprised Styg never gave Death Stalkers Escape Artist.

where can I buy those

Shotguns vs SMG's?

>Both not accurate at long range and good up close
>Both have a lot of attacks
>Both don't have move/shoot penalties
>SMG's burn money while shotguns are ammo efficient
>SMG's need useless dex while shotguns are str, allowing you to use better armor

Shotguns seem flat out better SMG's.
Why would you pick SMG over shotgun?

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At Junkyard

>SMG's need useless dex while shotguns are str
lmao do you play classic

you wouldnt

Any electronics vendor can sell either the goggles themselves (expensive, not worth it unless you've got shit craft skills) or the components to craft it. If you're crafting, make sure you invest in adding Night Vision to it.

>But why?
I didn't know the game had a level cap, and I thought those perks would let me craft better stuff, that I could sell, for more money.

>Better to get these perks early so I'l have a ton of money from crafting
>I also took snooping

SMGs benefit from AP reduction scaling from Dexterity, there's a unique SMG chambered in .44, and the special round for that calibre is .44 explosive.

I'll let you work it out for yourself.

Brainlet here - For spears:

STR 9 (muh damage)
DEX 6 (muh spear throw and grenadier)
AGI 5 (muh sure step)
CON 6 (More health is better I guess)
PER 3 (Doesn't seem necessary although I'm going to be fucked by traps and crawlers)
WILL 3 (Unga no need will)
INT 7 (Crafting feels required for this fucking game)

Should I just take the point from con and put it into str? I have no idea what I'm doing.

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>More inventory
>Better armor

>Throwing weapons
>That's it

>But you get more attacks!
1 shotgun attack is already equal to a SMG burst.

>Limiting yourself to a single weapon you can't customize or upgrade
If other craftable SMG's could fire .44 I would be with you on that.

Take a point out of STR and put it into perception.

11 Strenght if you want to use Hoplite
6 Agility for Sprint
7 Agility for fancy footwork
Dex for escape artist

The tommygun is fucking trash even with 44. explosive rounds.

stupid ssethnigger?
which one is it? who knows

This is my armor. Say something nice about it.

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str 10
dex 6
agi 6 (sprint)
con 7 (juggernaut, conditioning)
per 3
will 3
int 5 (cheap shots)

str 11 for iron grip
dex 7 for escape artist
int 6 for weaponsmith

how good is fragmented chaos?

It'll give you a very good reason to stock up on Electronic repair kits.

No worries user, we all go through that stage where we realise we're neglecting some throwable/utility/consumable. In retrospect I just love Underrail's introduction/prologue more and more for how it teaches you to ignore bad habits you learned in other games and actually use tools and the environment in smart ways.

Molotovs are legitimately the best throwable in the game imo, cheap and plentiful, easy to craft, great for area denial, great for detecting traps, does enough damage to kill critters and 'spawn' objects (like burrower eggs), has a good chance of inflicting panic... they're amazing.
If you're the same user who was complaining about Death Stalkers, then either stock up on a million bear traps or a million flares.

do you have galvanic boots/helmet for that sweet 100%?

>he's never made a build focused around a single weapon/concept before
No fun allowed
SMGs also get other benefits, one frame can be silenced and they get a feat which cuts the AP cost of Burst, which gets pretty insane with Dexterity AP reduction.

It's hardly optimal, sure, but it's fun.

10/10, I'll bet Coil Spiders hate you

Never played this game, gonna start a blind playthrough on normal with no guidance whatsoever

How fucked am I?

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you'll be fine, if a stat has the weapon you want try to max it out.

>with no guidance whatsoever
Unless you have a functional brain, you will hit a wall face first
Do not be afraid to ask for guidance

If you're a retard like 90% of this board and don't read tooltips/tutorials/feat and stat descriptions decently fucked, otherwise you'll figure it out.

Fine until depot A, then fucked.

ignore this guy, as going in blind you won't even know what stat is for you until it's already too late and you've already allocated all your points


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That's surprisingly reasonable, user. Sadly, you didn't yet know that with high enough skills you could simply buy items outright from traders, assemble them right on the desk in front of them, and sell the resulting item back for sweet, sweet profit.

I also took Snooping on my first character... with my already literally maximised Perception
Luckily I had a thread open chatting to anons while I went through the tutorial and they set me right

bullshit, every build is viable as long as it's specialized.

i'm taking that trick. FUCK THESE BUGS

Honestly force field is worth -25% hp alone. Best util in the game

That's right, jack!
Burn those fucking burrowers
Burn all those fucking burrowers

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>all stats and skills clearly explain what they do
>b-but how do I know which stats to choose?

>every build is viable
>except quality builds
>oh, and you'll start to really feel how much your build sucks around or shortly after Depot A, with no hope of turning it around

how will they know how to specialize properly if they've never played

>every build is viable
Now show me that Throwing Knife build of yours.

my first build got to level 12-13 before I realized it wasn't viable because I hadn't been min maxing it properly

>all these ssethfags that haven't even finished the game yet talking about how builds are not viable on normal

Ideally, by having some capacity for independent thought.

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Try getting through the game without crafting, Psi, or throwing
any build that lacks these would easily be nonviable

underrail threads are great at revealing how fucking stupid and bad at games Yea Forums is

>man chunks you with a grenade
>hmmm maybe I should try that

You just wait till you lurk in a RTS thread

there was a guy on the forums who ironmanned the game on hard with a throwing knife build

that's the wrong way to play this game tho lmao
>see enemy do something that works for them, or see a missed opportunity for another skill
>start investing into it way too late for it to ever be of use to you
>takes points away from other skills
ye sure
you and I both know he's gonna have to abandon his first game because all the lessons it teaches him will be irrelevant for the build he's made by the time he learns them

>Try getting through the game without crafting, Psi, or throwing
I completed the game for the first time without any of that, blind. On Oddity difficulty, at that (I wanted enough points for Hacking, Lockpicking, and Persuade). "Suboptimal" does not mean "nonviable".

It's not really that hard, user. It doesn't take a genius to realise that any of those might be incredibly useful, any more than it does to realise that a build focusing on crossbows or melee weapons might take a bit more work than specialising in 'guns'.

You legitimately don't think you could get through the game just by loading up on Perception, Constitution and Strength and grabbing an assault rifle/sniper rifle combo?

>that's the wrong way to play this game tho lmao
have you even beaten this game yet
you sound like some stupid ssethbabby that can't think for themselves and repeats everything they hear on here from players that play on harder difficulties

not without savescumming to shit
and even then, if you think larger groups of enemies aren't gonna fuck you, you're sorely mistaken

projecting much? lmao

It's not going to come easily to a first-timer that heavily min-maxing into 2-3 stats built using only one or two types of weapon is not only a very good idea, but practically necessary to keep the post-Depot game from being even more of a reload-fest than usual. Same with feats and planning skillsets around armor penalty.

>game literally tells you to specialise in at least one combat skill and its associated stat
Are you actually, honestly suggesting that reading feat descriptions and planning your build for them - in a turn-based rpg - is difficult?
>planning skillsets around armour penalty
Only required for about half/two-thirds of the builds.

>Are you actually, honestly suggesting that reading feat descriptions and planning your build for them - in a turn-based rpg - is difficult?
there's a lot of feats in the game
are you suggesting they read about every single one?
or that they only read the ones they meet the reqs for?
because that'll just fuck anyone planning their build for their first game, given they don't even know what feats they could have or should have gotten
>Only required for about half/two-thirds of the builds.
how are they going to know what those builds are as brand new inexperienced players?