How do we fix Spy, the worst class in TF2?

How do we fix Spy, the worst class in TF2?

Attached: 1452637538836.png (250x229, 69K)

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Reminder that a lot of proposed changes for the disguise kit would only effect in longer spy checking, which already is boring to begin with

>random crits are a good game mechan-

Attached: random crits.webm (418x240, 1.43M)

Revert dead ringer to release state and give us the saharan spy set perk which gives no dead ringer decloak
Boom. Spy is now the 2nd worst class in game instead of 1st place.

it hasn't even been posted yet

git gud dane

Remove him from the game.

my sides

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By removing random crits and nerfing sniper.

A good start.

Other than this, remove x-ray vision on spawn.
Improve the disguise kit to allow the Spy to pretend to attack + reload (more easily; I know he can reload once already).
Allow the Spy to toggle moving at Spy's walking speed or the speed of a slower disguise.

Give Spy a grappling hook in his sapper slot for more generalist gameplay. Having a slot entirely dedicated to countering Engi is borderline useless on certain game modes, or simply when there are no Engis on the other team.

Attached: 1452637538836.png (1280x720, 408K)

make it so that disguised spies don't collide with the enemy team

this with quickly draining cloak that drops your disguise when it runs out would be good

Spy's main role is to shut down engineers and their senteies

Isn't that the point of spy checking in the first place? To disrupt the enemy's operation? Making it longer and more annoying would make it all the better for Spy.

But it wouldn't make it more fun to play, which is the point of video games in the first place.

He can do more than that, and that's why giving him tools to remain relevant when his main role isn't available is a good idea.

Speaking of fun

Attached: Harvest_1c370e_7115389.jpg (1200x868, 125K)

Put three snipers with glowing hats and gold rifles on the roof and we have a deal.

get good at spy and using the stock revolver and using shitty clutches like the dead ringer or spycicle and tickstab everyone and make them seethe hard

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You literally can not save TF2 at this point. It's full of nothing but faggot shit skins that do not speak english, and other braindead retard zoomers that do nothing but blast mumble rap shit in another tab so they can not hear anything in-game. Not to mention you have broken weapons the devs refuse to fix, and Auto-Balancing and matchmaking in general is in actual Hell.

You know how the sapper only interacts with engie?
I'd like some way for it to also interact with other classes. Right now Spy just has an item slot dedicated to engie.

Attached: Sapper.png (250x209, 58K)

Attached: Gunslinger on Harvest.jpg (600x338, 27K)

10% damage reduction from all sources when disguised

>mfw 695 days since Jungle Inferno

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That's shit and will lead to overwatch tier unfun gimmicks. There's nothing you can do that isn't something like hacking health packs or giving your team wallhacks, or something useless like playing sounds.
Although a spy deployable that plays the dead ringer decloak sound would be hilarious

which weapons are broken again?

Attached: [006271].png (500x461, 43K)

sticky jumper
for some strange reason, I can't place more than two stickies down at once!

Your favorite ones.

Make a knife that stabs while looking at someone's face.
Specifically their face. Not an angle like backstabs, you really gotta like jam that knife in their nose, and on face stab they get a wicked bad nose bleed and have to ask medic for some toilet paper to shove up there.

>faggot shit skins that do not speak english
How hard is it for amerifats to learn a different language? Christ.

>It's unfun because I said so
>Instantly thinks of something fun
Wow, you're an idiot savant.
You could also do something dumb like leaving behind a dummy spy that copies you disguise and stands still were you left it. Or putting it on the point to increase the cap rate if you're on blue or halt the cap if you're on red.

Why would you learn Spanish? Are you that much of a cuck that you learn such an ugly language just to understand Latinos shit talking you in video games? also obsessed or 3rd world monkey

It would be shitpost tier fun, not good fun. It'd be like giving the engineer the ability to teleport into the enemy spawn with the eureka effect.

I approve of a sapper that lets you send out fake spies

>durrrr me no like different language than me language

A class who's extremely ultra mega hard counter is to literally just spin your mouse cannot be "fixed".

>Implying that giving the spy more ways to distract and confuse the enemy team isn't a good idea
It fits his role and playstyle perfectly. Right now he is just a worse sniper and I don't see any way of changing that. Making him more focused on spreading confusion, and disrupting the enemy team would be perfect.

We don't. Fuck spies and fuck spy mains.

Remove the razorback, add a grace period where going invis immediately after a stab won't get you targeted by sentries, speed up decloak time and reduce random spread for all revolvers slightly.

Make the dummy spies show up on the respawn xray vision and it'd be great
>herd f2ps into the wrong area of the map
>waste good player's time by making them go the long way to kill a fake spy
>then backstab them because the xray was bait

>Remove the razorback
Always funny how spy mains say the razorback doesn't impede them at all, yet at the same time they cry for it to be removed.
>add a grace period where going invis immediately after a stab won't get you targeted by sentries
you already have that, it's called sentry turn speed. Good spies can stab engies and sap sentries without getting shot, even if they whiff the backstab

>can't understand somebody speaking in a foreign language
That's when you use that weakness as a strength to talk over them relentlessly, and make them angry with no effort.

Attached: double d.jpg (640x482, 42K)

>Make the sapper so you can place it were you stand.
>After 3 seconds it gets destoryed and makes a deadringer noice.
>Plop it down behind the enemy.
>Walk infront of them.
>They hear the noice and turn around.
>Backstab them.
Sounds dope.

>Always funny how spy mains say the razorback doesn't impede them at all, yet at the same time they cry for it to be removed.
Razorback was a retarded addition from the start; fucks with the class counters too much in exchange for a secondary whose role as a close quarters weapon can still be fulfilled by his primary. Only reason not to run it 100% of the time is that you can equip the even more busted Jarate instead.
>you already have that, it's called sentry turn speed. Good spies can stab engies and sap sentries without getting shot, even if they whiff the backstab
It's less about the engineer and more about the sniper their sentry is watching. It's near impossible to sap and stab an engineer who has two functioning brain cells and/or any teammates nearby, which is why it's extra fucked that the two classes that you're supposed to counter can work together to completely deny your ability to make important picks as long as they're near each other.

Sap the tele or use your revolver. Revolver can destroy engy buildings really quickly if you don't get fucked by RNG, and it can put decent pressure on the engy and even sniper at a range.
The real problem is when the engy is set up in an area where a lot of his team is hanging out. It makes sense you can't make any plays when there are several players in the area, spy shouldn't be an unstoppable agent


Remove spy's cooldown after using his knife and make it work like 2007 where you could cloak or take out the dead ringer at any time
Something like this

Attached: spy.jpg (618x339, 28K)

Enable friendly fire.