Name one (1) thing wrong with pic related that isn't Epic Games, Randy or Denuvo

Name one (1) thing wrong with pic related that isn't Epic Games, Randy or Denuvo.

(If you're poor please don't post ITT)

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's boring just like all Memelands games

There's no _____zerker class

if I didn't enjoy the 2nd and the 3rd looks just like it why would I enjoy it?

The optimization.

Straight up can't achieve 144 fps on high end graphics cards even at very low settings. I've also seen a lot of frame skipping on pc AND console. It's a poorly optimized mess and the sad thing is the game itself is actually somewhat fun.

Tbh i dont get ppl complaining xD, i bought it today runs really well and its fun, not like much changed from bl2 soo, i think its yikes that people expected the game to be 20 euros or what not lol

Didn't buy it.
Won't buy it.

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honestly i like the jokes :3 i dont think its as bad as everyone says *most likely trolls) so i wish people would just shut up about it

The game is so bad even console-peasants hate it.

Just read their reviews if you're so curious.

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Is this bait? I'm tard I can't tell

This. Gunner is close I guess, but the Bezerker and Gunzerker are untouchable.

the writing
specifically the games ham-fisted attempt to make the twins a satire of e-celebs. It's so fucking on the nose its unbearable

It's perfection.

Probably the real reason why Borderlands 3 is Epic exclusive is because of Steam. The Epic Games Store has changed the whole EGS app to make Denuvo even more secure. Steam on the other hand had probably laughed at Gearbox when they demanded that the Steam app has to be changed for Denuvo.

Now that the new EGS app and Denuvo 3.0 are there, pirates will probably never play Borderlands 3 (until the Steam version will be released and the same flaws with Steam will be used to simple ignore Denuvo and "crack" the game).

Gearbox would be smart to just never release Borderlands 3 on Steam. Why even bother with the few Steam customers when the real reason most people want BL3 on Steam is simply because they want the game to be cracked and pirate it.

it uses a malware as copyright protection

No im not baiting

>100 points have been added to your social credit
>you are now eligable for a loan on a larger fishing shack


If you think about it we have social credits in the West too except you can only lose points.

Yeah, fuck steam for not allowing games to run on a virtual machine and streaming your data to who knows where.

How dare they not let Chang have all of your information.

Can't find much to do now that the main story is over. Maybe it's just me but I remember the other games having a lot more easter egg bosses, ala Skagzilla. Can't seem to find anything quite as notable in this game yet.

All of the bad reviews are just bitching about EGS
>mfw i just play it on console

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no dinosaurs

Name one thing wrong that isn't these 3 things that are wrong. It's like you already decided you didn't wanna have a discussion. Aside from that the game is a literal cringe factory.

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Because those 3 things aren't actual flaws, it's just Yea Forums's retardation, Epic is the same shit as every other launcher, Randy is a random noname & Denuvo is irrelevant since it gets cracked over and over again.

Published by 2K, so there will be microtransactions as well as a ton of DLC, but only a few of them will be mediocre.

Oh please tell me you're referring to that debunked picture of the game having 8 copies uploading a minor amount of data that he mathed poorly to determine it was 2MB/Sec.

If so, you're a fucking idiot. That streaming was literally for streaming, it was to the twitch plugin and it was closer to 200k/sec than 2MB.

>console-retards bitch about EGS

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Did you even read them?

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Apparently that's fake.

Shit humor
Shit optimization
Shit gameplay
>Why even bother with the few Steam customers when the real reason most people want BL3 on Steam is simply because they want the game to be cracked and pirate it.
Shit fanbase

>thinking that this is real

It's overpriced for an incomplete game

Bitch, I play modded MC with 10 fps and don't have a problem with it

Why is Yea Forums so cringe and hates any game that isn't on Steam?

it would still be a shitty unoptimized mess

Because it's a rush release with BAZILLIONS OF BUGS not


Name one (1) thing wrong with eating pic related that isn't the taste, sanitary issues or social stigma

You can't just invalidate arguments by inb4-ing them.

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There's no crack.


The writing.

It feels like a bunch of "How do you do fellow kids":

Whether or not this is real isn't really the point.

If someone told you this happens in the next Souls game you'd immediately know they were lying.

If someone says this about Borderlands you can't be sure if it's true without checking another source.

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I'm really enjoying it. My only issue is the lack of good guns. I've been stuck on the same one for 3 hours now.

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>I'm really enjoying it.


Sorry there, sport!
I'm too busying playing Kinolands 3 to read your small, insignificant opinion, and really really, reallllyy worthless comment.
I mean asbolutely meaningless, it doesn't mean anything to me or anyone, that pointless.

>Is there anything right with this game?

NOT ENOUGH AMMO FUCK why the fuck am I constantly running out? This wasn't a problem in BL2

literally just press start wtf

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I mean all of those arguments are out of the window if instead of buying it like a cuck you just wait for a crack and download
inb4 some retard thinks it can't be cracked

It could be worse.

At least you're not Anthony Burch.

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they most of the females ugly for whatever reason
that stupid kid that's with maya is by far the worst character in this franchise


How do people play shooters with vertical splitscreen? FOV is fucked in that mode.

You don't need FOV when you're playing on console because these players are shit and they can't tell the difference between playing well and playing like garbage.

the performance is ass even on a high end PC with lots of hitching and frame drops

the map and waypoint system also still sucks

all in all i'm liking it but they definitely phoned it in on a lot of aspects of the game

Well its got a keylogger and the humor will be outdated a year after release.

it's outdated minutes into playing

I find the classes lackluster compared to 1 and 2. Granted I haven't played or seen anyone play as Zane. How is he?

killed maya

Ice T isn't in the game more

Shitty reddit humor

>If you're poor don't post in this thread
As opposed to the normalfags with money who shit up modern gaming for the rest of us?

I'm loving it. But I loved the first 2. Don't come into these games expecting great writing or story. But the gameplay is great, the shooting is much better than 2, there is tons of QOL improvements across the board, and it has a nice timeless art style. It needs some serious bug fixes and optimization though.

Keep in mind, most negative comments are from people who havent even played the game. Disregard these posts as they are completely meaningless.
>pic related

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>You are no longer required to upload 2mbs of data when playing borderlands 3

The humor is shit but I just watch youtube while I play. The guns are refreshing and the skill trees are more interesting. Feels like more of the same which is what I wanted, honestly. I consider this a $60 DLC

okay randy

Pretty fun, my friend and I are both playing him. The holo tree is pretty good once you have enough points for the synergy to kick in, though it’s fairly lackluster in boss fights because of relying on on-kill effects, aside from the final skill effectively doubling your damage output while your clone is up.

if it was on steam the reviews would either be mixed or mostly negative

It runs like garbage.

Those are the PC reviews. The picture is of PS4 reviews.

And you don't need to own a PS4 to leave reviews on the PS4 version

No big deal, but I've had at least five different events fail to trigger correctly resulting in me having to reload the game. Never lost more than 30 seconds to it because there always seems to be a convenient checkpoint though.

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Yeah because those are the sycophants that are going to agree with OP.

Can't play Tina

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Not cracked yet.

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>they don't want to add new characters to be playable
>instead they wanna give you another skill tree

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I'm glad shes actually cute in game

wait, really? all 4 same heroes forever?

>Name one (1) thing wrong with pic related that isn't Epic Games, Randy or Denuvo.

If reviews are right, it's basically Borderlands 2.5 for $59.99. No thanks. not for that price.

Shitty fucking writing which relies upon zoomer tier use of memes.

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this game is everything wrong with the medium


I bet it still relevant

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>Name one (1) thing wrong with pic related that isn't Epic Games, Randy or Denuvo.

Can't play as Tina

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How the hell do people enjoy this on console? I hear the xbox one x can stay around 60 but I'm playing base PS4 which is JUST tier.

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Is she still voiced by ashly burch

Personally I prefer Microsoft as a console. It's just overall more reliable than anything else if it's not PC.

According to IMDB she is

FL4K is pretty fucking based. We can all agree he's the new best vault hunter?


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It's literally just most bl2 with a fresh coat of paint. Now retards might believe that makes a good sequel, but that's why they're retards to begin with.

I actually think 3's writing isn't as annoying as 2/TPS. Still not great, though.

Its buggy as fuck

go fuck yourself

Ahhhh, oh! You're still here buddy?
Don't stay up on Yea Forums to late! Your mom and dad we'll get worried!!
If I was your parent, I wouldn't let you be up this late and posting to a big boy site like 4channel.

>they actually made a character more annoying than Tiny Tina

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>people got excited over her prerelease
>then maya's death happened

being passive-aggressive does not make you cool, randy

Im poor and will play it after all the dlc is out and its cracked.
Suck my penis

>mfw she starts blaming Lilith

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LOL I Just baited you so hard!
Your opinion doesn't actually matter!
Welcome to the big leagues kid!

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is this guy a gearbox storywriter?

are you ok

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Fucking every character is BADASS WOMYN and some loser guy. But what did I expect I'm playing trannylands

Maya's death.
>gets stomped by the calypso twins, even though she is practically a god
>goes out like a little bitch
>everyone's sad for like 5 minutes and then even her apprentice is like "m'kay, shit happens lmao"
Feel bad for anyone that mained Maya. Also the jokes are fucking bad.
>every 5 minute there's a mustache joke (seriously, what's the obsession with mustaches?)
>every 5 minutes a character uses a dead meme that stopped being funny years ago
>dude poop xD

>blames Lilith for something she didn't actually cause
>instead of all the other things

Yeah, the humour is an all-time low for the franchise, which is saying something

The funny thing is anyone who is currently playing this game is a certified cuck. Either you're playing the console version that you paid full price for (LOL) or you actually used the Epic Fag Store and caved like a little bitch while also paying full price. Admitting you're playing this game right now is like saying you've sucked cock before, no matter how you rationalize it you're still a faggot.

>b-but the humor's not for you so you can't judge it
>g-game's not supposed to be serious

The same thing that's wrong with the first 2, it's boring as fuck. Seriously I have no idea why the series got so popular.

>Admitting you're playing this game right now is like saying you've sucked cock before, no matter how you rationalize it you're still a faggot.

but still not Anthony Burch

It's shit.

It either hooks you right away or it doesn't. Also, when the franchise first appeared there were no loot shooters at all and there still aren't any quite like it. Destiny is similar but has too much pseudo-MMO bullshit.

>no gaige
>no krieg
>no axton
>no salvador

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>>dude poop xD
They actually had a gun that is covered in shit called the Porta-Pooper 5000.
The joke is literally that it shoots poop.

The voiceacting, writing, optimization, twitch pandering that isn't useable for normal consumers and the sole fact that they literally barely added anything.

I ain't uploadin shit to those servers bitch. not even for one god damn second. no sir.

Here's something you may not know. I don't want companies to be sent anything unless I expressly allow it. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

>single-player loot shooter that has nothing beyond reddit writing as a selling point in the most oversaturated genre right now.

It’s Reddit Comedy: The Game and if the previous 500 hours of BL “humor” didn’t do it for you then there’s no cure for the problems you have

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>surprised an art hoe is annoying
Scott Pilgrim vs the World Ruined a whale generation of women

>tfw the funniest Borderlands game has nothing to do with Gearbox or the mainline series

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Its not FPS; hobby-grade coop campaign; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports;

>multi-mode competitive e-sports
what e-sports is there

meanwhile people who are having issues with bl3 go to steam forums of bl2 to ask for help
what a joke

Performance on consoles seems to be dogshit. They withheld reviews on those versions because of that.

I feel really bad for console players, it will probably get patched within a year from now but it's still really disappointing to see.

not even reddit, it is a graveyard of old memes and jokes with extra pickle ricks

>Its poorly optimized on consoles, everytime I open my echo, the game feels like it's about to crash
>Writting is somehow worse than TPS

>nothing but retards crying that the ps4 sucks
plebs filtered

>Lilith is the BAD ASS boss
>Ellie is the BAD ASS with no filter
>Maya is another BAS ASS siren dojo masta
>some brat but she'll probably be BAD ASS by the end of the game
>Moxie is BAD ASS and wants me to shoot the dick of a MYCOLOGIST
>Atlas CEO is a soiboi and captain underpants is a character
>no masculine or BAD ASS male characters

I just made it to Jakobsland and the antagonist in charge is already referenced to be a BAD-BITCH woman.

Am I just an incel?

An extremely small minority of Yea Forums actually bought it, thats why you cant find screenshots, webms, or discussions of its mechanics.

Also forgot about the BAD ASS Atlas commander whose VA makes my ears bleed

The dialogue.

I have seen very little bits of it and I can already tell the rest of the game is incredibly unfunny, retarded, and annoying.

1. Terrible story, horrible writing. Somehow worse than what Burch managed.
2. Gunplay is absolutely mediocre. It was actually a shock how little they improved it from BL2.
3. It looks like shit. The art style wore out its welcome in BL1 already.

I'd wager a lot of people here bought it but they're ashamed to admit it.

Unfixed gamebreaking bugs. Also Epic Games, Randy and Denuvo.

>a lot of people here bought it but they're ashamed to admit it
not possible, people who bought borderlands 3 have no sense of shame

You make a good point.

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it has actual paid viral marketers making threads

that's not real, is it?

I dont know about the gun, but there is a Rick and Morty reference in case of an enemy in the game. Wouldn't be surprised if this was a drop.

It is.

it doesn't have the paint job shown in that twitter pic, not nearly as egregious

1. Maybe, idk I don't play it for it's storyline
2. Gunplay is fine, maliwan is cool, cov weapons are cool, secondary skills on weapons is cool and the gun sounds are amazing.
3. This is just a dumb complaint. The only time games have switched art styles are reimaginings of a past game or a DISTANT "sequel" of another (ie. Team fortress)

Shit opinion, shit gripes. Obvious Destiny fan boy get out

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It's unoptimzed, runs at an unstable framerate and low resolution

I think that was just for illustration

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loot shooters are shit and you are shit

Looks to me like you're the one with the shit opinion considering you're outright stating that you don't care about the story. If you don't care then your opinion doesn't matter. You fucking shill. Someone having a different idea of what they want in a game doesn't mean they have a shitty opinion. Shitty opinions are voiced by people who put no fucking thought into those opinions. Which is you. Trying to dismiss his opinions like he's a fan of a different game exposes your insecurity about your own opinions.

Maybe if you put some god damned thought into your own opinions they would end up being worth something. ESL.

You're not an incel, user, you're just aware that we're living in the age of unfiltered female empowerment

I don’t play wokeshit and they’ve doubled down so no money for you BL3

>don't judge the game because of denuvo
Why not? This shit is why I have shit framerates. Why punish players who gave you money?

>no one from that game shows up
>rhys and vaughn are completely different and might as well be different characters

The humor does nothing for me and I don't like 2K

Ending is underwhelming as fuck

Imagine being Anthony Burch and getting booted out of working on Borderlands, then watching as your sister still sticks around as a VA

>that isn't Epic Games, Randy or Denuvo.
No, that's about it. Everything else is subjective but these three objectively fuck with the game as a whole.

My friends ruined Borderlands for me.
All of them had played the game x amount of times. It just ended up them rushing everything there was.
new city?
Quick, rush in and activate 10 cut scenes! Quickly we gotta go!

The humor is still 12 year olds high fiving poop joke memes, the menus just straight up fucking suck, and the gameplay loop is getting stagnant even if it's still not terrible. I'm having fun but mostly because I like the space cowboy ambient music while I pop heads off.

stale gameplay
poor story
insufferable dialogue

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Hasn't been cracked yet

Honestly it's pretty okay for a free game

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Been playing on xb1 and I love it

Because they are crybabies you didn’t know?

Yea Forums hates any game that isn't Dark Souls or Bloodborne.

Upgrade your storage at marcus’ shop

>upset people are having fun with friends
Cope more

how would you have made it better?

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Don't kill Maya
Feature more of B2 cast
Make Tina playable from the start

idk who she is but SHIT spoilers..........


Make Tales matter

bullet sponge enemies. i cant stand it. doubt ill get past the third world because i cant stand having purple weapons my level and i have to empty all my ammunition just to clear 1 fucking encounter. why is this a thing? why are my weapons doing the same fucking damage as level 3 weapons? seriously, fuck bullet sponge enemies.

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>he doesn’t choose to sail the cosmos looting ancient vaults with a harem of single women

It is odd how every male protag is missing with the exception of Zero.

The villians. Holy shit are they hot garbage

Brick and Mordecai appears

Felt like a cheap imitation of Handsome Jack without any of the charm

Why wouldn't you want those cutscenes over asap?

outdated core mechanics and the loot system aside from the uninteresting setting

>watch some footage to see what the fuzz is all about
>player glides around the map like nothing has any weight at all
>possibly the worst implementation of cell-shaded look I have ever seen in a game
>huge guns have no kickback whatsoever
>enemies just stand there and let themselves get shot, pose no threat at all
>rarely do you ever see your health go down
>enemy heads pop in the ugliest splatter effect
>gameplay boils down to walking in front of an enemy, holding down the fire button, watch numbers appear as his health bar depletes and looting whatever he leaves behind
>all while some obnoxious cunt blabbers in your ears
Am I crazy here? People cream themselves over playing THIS? For the third time even. I am stunned. Are people really this devoid of taste? They must be. Holy shit.

>doesn't know a main character from second game
>worried about spoilers concerning them in the third installment

Are you actually retarded?

I don’t understand any of these complaints, I haven’t had any performance issues playing it on my ps4 pro set to resolution mode. The worst is just the occasional loading lag when playing with three friends and opening the inventory menu.

Are you actually retarded?

Are you actually retarded?


Moze is just a Zerker but actually balanced instead of dogshit like Brick or disgustingly overpowered like Sal.

>brick is dogshit

You take that back right now

>disgustingly overpowered like Sal.
steamrolling through BL2 as Sal was too much fun

Who is the edgy weeb class?
None of the new character look as fun as zer0 to me.

i-is this game worth playing solo?

I don't have any friends

I miss Helena Pierce.She was actually a pretty decent leader and her no-nonsense attitude was completely justified. Killing her off in an audiolog off screen was a cunt fucking move. Hell, even Commandant Steele was pretty entertaining and seemed competent enough. It feels like 10 years ago it was a completely different era with different rules for writing female characters.

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Moze is an Axton / Roland replacement. She's the soldier of the group.


They haven't advertised how you can kill "NOGs" in this game.

I was playing it today and I enjoy it. The sidequests seem to have gotten a bit more love than usual. However, Second Wind has always been a crutch for Gearbox to avoid proper balancing. Death is inconsequential because they shower you in trash mobs. There's no reason to use cover or evade shots like a proper shooter because, not only does everyone have way too much health for a shooter, but it's so rare not to get a second wind.
The player characters this time are fucking ugly, but Zane is fucking based, so it's not that bad. The guns actually feel good to use, which made me so happy after BL2 and the Pre-Sequel. The chance to occasionally ragdoll enemies is really satisfying. I'm in the minority here, but I really do think the writing is better without Burch.

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how much does one get paid to shill this? asking for my wifes son.

Her action skill is functionally far more similar to the Zerkers than the soldiers. It gives you a big survivability boost like Brick's and ALSO lets you dual wield weapons like Sal, except now it's only the mech's weapons you can dual wield so you can't do any grog nozzle/DPUH shenanigans like Sal could.

>Commandant Steele was pretty entertaining and seemed competent enough
Until they ruined her character posthumously.

cant wait to pirate it, play 15min and uinstall

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Shit framerate issues.

>they literally killed her off because they didn't want a straight men to wacky borderlands humor and wanted to ground it with tragedy instead
fuck you randy

the optimization

Borderland 2 was boring. I'm not looking forward for more

lol did any of you guys find the big chungus reference

the shit-tier gameplay

so far i just have a minor complaint. i dont like when you open up a loot stash that all of the ammo and money instantly flies to you. ive got a decade of muscle memory that it screws with

Salvador was a braindead waaay overtuned class that made everything in the game soloable and trivial.

Bulletsponges part 3.

gotta thank Sony for indoctrinating 2 generations of gaymers to hate objectively good gameplay

Third game with no couch co-op support for PC. May not even be able to hack it in this time around.

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i was watching a buddy stream it, and theres a fucking multipart mission about getting some bitch coffee. she refuses tof ucking help you, unless you get her coffee. it has to be a special kind, but of course you gotta kill something to get the coffee maker working, then you need to kill someone else because lul ecofriendly, bring your own cup.

that shit is fucking stupid.

>all posts defending borderlands are ignored as if they were made by actual shills
>in Yea Forums
All you delusional schizos need to start medication for your psychosis. There are no shills in Yea Forums. This place is an incel-infested shithole, no company would be here when reddit and facebook exists. Just face it, people are having fun, pirates, poorfags and steamcucks are getting BLOWN THE FUCK OUT and there is absolutely nothing they can ever do about it, while badasses enjoy Gearbox's new epic game. Your seething and coping will never ever take their fun away. Ever. Get BTFO, shut the fuck up and take your goddamn pills.

>y-y-ou need to play games for the story user!! T-troll!! TROLL!!
Cope harder. The game is fine, his gripes are shit and irrelevant and you're a faggot trying to white knight him.

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> too busying playing Chinolands 3
>lurking on Yea Forums

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that was a sidequest, you dont have to do it but the levels are nice

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It’s ALL this level of Reddit dude

She was always cute !

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>the game is fine
looter shooter games are all the same shit in general and literally rely on big numbers going up to attract people


The coffee mission is actually one of the better ones. It didn't rely on any meme references so it didn't feel dated and the barista bot was genuinely funny.

if there is already so much wrong with it with these three things, why should you even buy it to find out more intimate things wrong with it?

i stopped taking anything seriously with it when a robot named AMBER LAMPS was running around the map waving its arms around and yelling

Then don't fucking play it you retard go shill your onions of war story mode for babbys game on a thread of your own


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You mean it's. Robots can't have gender.

>how dare people shit on a game on MY THREAD

banned for dehumanization


I would argue that Zane is the soldier replacement

Ok shill

>seething degenerate that can't deal with people having a good time on something they don't like
How miserable are you???

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SJW shit.

It was outdated during development

the ui is pretty buggy

99% bitching about muh split screen co-op. What is this, the fucking nineties? Get another console poorfags.

it lacks clarity too, the UI in 2 was really nice because everything popped. i feel like i have to dig around through menus to get valuable information that used to be readily available

same honestly, i liked the old skill trees a lot more too

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It's not human though

Fucking BADASS, my fellow Borderlander!

sure it was a reference to a meme, but a based and redpilled meme

>I suck ching chong corporate dick-desu

Tell that to the mods at the Gearbox forum

Learn to count. That's 160KB, not 2MB.
It's not like that's that much less suspicious.

I'm not going to make an account for a game I'm not going to play just to get in an internet argument about whether or not robots are human.

And you shouldn't.

The simple fact that 2k only sent out review copies to websites that had a positive coverage of their E3 says a lot about their confidence in the product.
They made a shit game and wanted to ensure a good day 1 metacritic.

I mean it lives up to it's name.

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Take your meds.

>Look at my chadlander over there. Isn't he the greatest?
Chadlanders report!!

Is this real or fake?

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Big if true

are you ok

Not sure but i could see it happening. Might be a batch sync problem on 2k side idk

Lilith's live action actress' eyes are really offputting.

Well it makes me think this is why they wouldn’t give me a refund before 14 days of release

Handsome Jack did nothing wrong

Sjw propaganda

Someone once mentioned that Epic doesn't have a way to check what keys they've activated and deactivate them, so this corroborates that if true.

>streamers with $5K setups are struggling to clear 60FPS+ in regular settings
wow! is borderlands 3 the crysis of this generation's benchmarking game standard?

Surprised you can smell anything with that inferior nose you got, chap!

>builds the only city worth a fuck in Pandora
>retard mongoloid Pandorans say fuck that, I'd rather be stuck as a giant anarchic shit wasteland for eternity

Even though I am enjoying it (despite seething degenerates calling me SHILL) I do have my gripes with it
1. The dialogue is really cringey and I wince every time I hear something that is cringey, which a lot
2. The input lag is shitty even though I've been adapting to it. I'd really just like to not have that problem at all
3. The menu is buggy as shit and just frustrating to go through
4. Is the dune buggy supposed to be hard to control? Because it's shit. I can't really tell because that one wheeled vehicle is a lot better to drive
5. Kilavolt is a faggot and making the whole floor electrified is a dumb mechanic with no counter play besides:
>get a shield that's resistant to shock and jump like a million times to mitigate damage.

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so you support exclusivity by alienating games to a single store

Doesn't really improve on previous iterations in any meaningful way. Not sure it even tried to.

my xbox one runs the game better than most PC videos ive seen, really funny

You can thank Lilith for turning him into an insane fucker.

>retards whining over not being able to pirate it


>my passive-aggressive posts will surely burrow deep into haters
Get out Randy.

money has no value past ammo upgrades, death doesnt matter

its 30

>> 478058895
I have a big evil plan to buy BL3 on EGS and then make refund after 30 mins (because of lags, crashes and etc.) but i am afraid, that something can gone really wrong.

same as 1 then. 2 money was completely useless since eridium payed for the SDU

30 fps

Oh so so sooo wrong, good buddy.
You think i'm Randy but I'm actually a hot blooded American. I worked hard to afford this game, unlike you who is most likely in their mom's basement this very moment hahaha.
But keep saying im randy, I love watching idiots stumble over themselves.

>I not played gam, but gam bad because it not got loot boxes like my fav gam fortnoots xd

>You think i'm Randy but I'm actually a hot blooded American
Randy is American.

They have rick and memey in the game

You know Randy and Tim are best buds right

"turd hunter"

im sure it does senpai lmao

there is a one punch man reference on that map too. i was driving myself nuts farming him, wanted his legendary shotgun

Based and Red pilled, fuck randy but his bl3 is a good game no lying there, only thing wrong with it imo is no option to turn off weapon blur and resolution mode on ps4 Pro being 25fps and the performance mode being like 40fps with drops, that's all what kills it slightly for me

It's shit.

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Nice try nigger but Boredomlands is zoomercore

you fucking dumbass

You made your bait too obvious.

>You think i'm Randy but I'm actually a hot blooded American
And so is Randy Pitchford, so that means absolutely nothing you dimwit.

Reddit humor.

and thats a problem theyve had 3 games to fix it in dumbass


Seething, cope.

>Boredomlands is zoomercore
more like teenagercore

they made playing a fucking mecha pilot a fucking bore
not even Overwatch fucked that up

i kinda have to agree. im level 19 so i dont want to restart, but the action skill feels so lame. i wish i picked the robot or the siren.

holy shit, you actually are ESL? It gets more obvious when you're angry.

Attached: 1566073150089.png (314x438, 227K) and mercy were the only good thing about overwatch

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Bad grammar is common among EGS shills.

1. Runs very poorly even on high end systems.
2. Enemies are spongier than ever.
3. It's not funny.
4. Tyreen's voice actress is fucking atrocious, which makes sense since she's not a voice actress, she's just Gearbox's social media manager.

>Tyreen's voice actress is fucking atrocious, which makes sense since she's not a voice actress, she's just Gearbox's social media manager.
>social media manager
No wonder she's a streamer ingame.

I can’t vertical split screen with my GF while we play. I didn’t buy on launch and will wait until this shit gets a mega patch

enemies are less spongy than in 2, you are either not aiming for a crit or are using bad guns

>y-yo-your grammar sucks! Shill! SHILL!!
Seething to the max, stay miserable kiddos

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nah he's right, even low level mobs take forever with crits, shotguns are all pathetic

you sound terribly lonely. I'm sorry.

Normal grunts are taking like 4-5 headshots with a level appropriate Jakob's sniper.

It was just an observation. You should try not to be so obviously tilted.
Tilted means "upset".

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Please don't fall for obvious bait.

So they finally fixed the awful weapons designs? The shotgun in the gameplay looks good i guess

just imagine being anthony burch

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>Epicchads using Steamcuck's forum to fix their own problems

that's based as fuck

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Get an actual job

I guess I have to wait a week lol

- graphics dont look significantly different from bl2
- writing is even worse than in bl2
- enemies and their voice lines are worse than in bl2
- lilith, zero and gunzerker > anything in bl3
- less content than bl2

so it has probably been some time you played bl2 with your friends, just play that again and wait 2 years until bl3 is feature complete, non-exclusive and dirt-cheap on your favorite game store

this game is run by pistols, im destroying everything except for heavies with one clip from my pistols

the ledge climb is inconsistent at best, if you're not dead on to the wall it won't work, and even then sometimes it just won't work because it's not a specially marked wall
some of the optional things like typhon logs or clap pieces are put in really dickish places especially the one in voracious canopy holy fucking shit how the fuck do i even get up there
they dialed up the bullshit even more on some of the bosses, you got things like rampager or geniviv that are just a complete clusterfuck to that begins to feel more like a shoddy bullethell than an FPS game
still having tons of fun though, loving my vladofs even more this time around thanks to the secondary modes, combined with moze it's like i'm using S&S roland all over again but better in almost every way

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fuck off chinese randy you nigger faggot and remember the tiananmen massacre 1989

Prob the best game of the entire series and def goty. The only problem so far are the huge fps drops and lags but they'll fix it soon.

I've been having fun with Zane in coop, and his OIRISH is funnier than 80% of the writing.
Who's the best character to try out for solo?

im playing moze solo, and her right tree is all tank stats and fire damage buffs. im able to tank hits and dish out dual damage types because my crits do fire damage.

It's another unneeded sequel.

This game is perfect, you haters can go fuck yourselves.

We got:
1. Non-binary Robot, like fuck yeah for representing us, fuck the CISscum
2. Representation of non-standard relationships... there's a lot of gay couples!

The next step will hopefully be about free children sexual autodetermination and consent, I can already feel this will be a major plotline in BL4... if it won't be, we'll simply boycott the bigot product.

The humour is zany and incredible and has been this series' staple! Go claptrap! ahah!

tldr: trump voters should stay AWAY FROM THIS GEM

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Zane’s abilities all suck dick

They killed Maya. Do I need to say something more to say? Fuck Randy and his shitbox gaemdevelop office, fucking magician.

It's really fucking sad that you typed out this post instead of just ignoring representation fags

said the bigot incel

If you installed the game you agreed to it my man.
Read the EULA

I can't play it because it doesn't fucking run. I'm not talking about low FPS but constant full stop stutters whenever something more than a single skag runs across the screen. When I got to the maliwan city I just couldn't keep playing. Yes, my computer is a bit old and dusted but it runs games much more epic than this fine if not perfect, and I'm not one to complain about some frame drops. This is just broken.

>first character i played in BL1 dies in BL2
>first character i played in BL2 dies in BL3

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it's because of the denuvo spyware senpai

>no splitscreen
OH NONONONOO i was going to get this to play with my bro but guess randy aint getting my money

it's shit

It lacks vertical splitscreen, which previous entries in the series had. It doesn't really make sense to lack vertical split in the era of widescreen televisions since horizontal split means that the huds are squished on the top and bottom of the screen. It's not only unreadable but frankly just wasted visual real estate.

The moment you install this "game" you no longer have control of your computer system. It is proprietary, encrypted, runs in a VM with arbitrary opcodes decided at runtime by phoning home and is already confirmed to have many spyware like behaviours. This is by definition: malware.

It's not actually in the EULA lmao

so there is split screen but its horizontal?

>Lagspikes from menus
>Generally low framerates
>Small text

damn shame

>name one thing but don't use Denuvo, something that directly hurts the game experience

It's the videogame equivalent of a shitty cartoon

small text is definitely killing it for me. my tv is a little far from the couch and i have issues reading stats when guns are on the ground

>Stand in line at the gamestore to buy Spider-Man for PS4 and Ultimate Alliance 3 to boomer it out with my friends
>In front of me is a fat dude with a neckbeard giggling to himself
>Behind him is some Zoe Quinn looking teen girl with an Undertale shirt and an entire workshop worth of steel rings in her face
>Behind them is some dude in a NY cap with a landscaped beard
>Fat dude makes autistic overly loud and robotic smalltalk about Borderlands 3 while the guy behind the counter is just trying to be nice
>Zoe Quinn tries to get out of there as fast as possible
>Cap dude mumbles to himself and the guy behind the counter just leads the whole sale

What the fuck is wrong with zoomers, I thought you guys were supposed to be less retarded than us?

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>the executable is 600MB

>epic games
>Raunchy PitchFraud
Into the trash it goes.

it literally includes a VM, a fucking VM

The game will be significantly improved once Denuvo gets removed since the game is already cracked.

crackwatch is still showing uncracked, but i expect it by next weekend

>already cracked
is it?

Mode IS the 'zerker class. That being said, is Salvador in BL3?

Keep dreaming

i already got it on my xbox, my PC is getting on in the years and cant run this one. just being realistic since this is a very high profile release

Why does she look like a young justin bieber?

The Borderlands games are a weird.

They're not exactly 'fun' unless you're with friends, if you play them alone you just have a strange compulsion to complete quests and level your character up.

>or Denuvo.
Can't replay the game in 10 years if the servers are down.

They'll patch it out at that point

>They'll patch it out at that point
Most devs don't, even after it's cracked.

RAGE 2 did it day one because they didnt implement it right lmao
bethesda is my favorite developer to watch nowadays

Zero bug testing before launch.

I dislike diablo esque games

You can play it offline, subhuman

Retard, do you even know what denuvo is?

The ending is disappointing for the build up. The sacrifices made by the characters in the story didn't match up to the ending, in which Lilith kills herself to save everyone
There was no emotion with the ending, didn't seem like anyone really cared in terms of characters feeling threatened. Even when Tyreen gets back up, they just stand there and don't seem even like they're awake. They don't dodge, move or anything. It feels extremely out of character when Lilith was screaming about Roland or struggling with Jack.
That's not even mentioning the boss itself that has about 3-4 movies in total, 1 in which it spams over and over. Its a bullet sponge and nothing else.
That's not mentioning the vault itself, which is one of the most bullshit parts overall.

is it just me or does she look like an amerimutt


Diablo style games are genuinely awful and haven't evolved since Diablo 2.

It's the same exact boring unfunny shit as the last two games, and on console it looks like absolute fucking AIDS. A friend gifted it to me on xtoaster and the shit looks like it's in 480p.

It's a valid argument. Halo got the same backlash when Halo 5 came out and to add salt to the wound you couldn't even do local play with another Xbox until a patch dropped down the line.Official tournaments had to be canceled because they couldn't get an Internet connection working. Yet people are still hyped for Halo Infinite despite the sacrifice. iirc it was so the game can run smoothly because splitscreen takes up way too much resources for couch co-op, which honestly has become a niche set up with online multiplayer being easily accessible.

I remember playing BL1 and BL2 splitscreen with my brother but these days I know we aren't gonna waste time trying to plan around each other's schedules to play.

Lmao what data is it sending? It's not happening to me. The fucking idiot is probably using some other service like Twitch that's tied to BL3. He's acting like it's his job to stream this garbage, too. If he was any popular in the first place he'd be able to buy a better connection with that streaming revenue.

Attached: What data.png (768x192, 24K)

stream drones are literally dmged, randy finally made them crazy

This. Steam drones are deranged


>Epic Games

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Gore and Blood . Unlike 1 or 2 here the blood vanishes in less than 1 second . No new Technology anymore with liquids like in 2 . No satisfaction killing bulletsponges like in any of the First two games. Its just not fun shooting stuff in this game . No aftermath. Lowest effort of a game.

so is this fake or not?
could you launch game without epic at all once you've done this?

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There are a couple of games you can launch without Epic, same thing as Steam.


Right now optimization is trash

You still bought it

Pretty lame since my favorite characters in 2 were the DLC ones.

No you're just noticing a pattern.

Yeah I'm only like level 20 and it feels pretty bad. It'd be one thing for enemies to be tough to kill but be few in number but that's not the case. Having hordes of enemies that each require a stream of headshots to kill with a purple gun just makes me want to sprint past fights and just hit quest objectives.

I realize that eventually I'll find just that right legendary class mod or weapon and just shred enemies with zero effort but the difficulty shouldn't tuned to be so tedious without them.

Yeah, what's up with that? Seems to bug out like half the time I try and go into my menu to do shit. Wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't going into my menu all the damn time to manage inventory or skills, my map or whatever else.

Flak has been pretty good. My friend plays Zane but I haven't heard him talk much but the robot actually makes me laugh once in a while since he is being serious while the rest of the writing is cringe memes.


>Representation of non-standard relationships... there's a lot of gay couples!
I know this is a shitpost but its funny that there's people out there that really think this is a good thing. Nothing about the Borderlands universe is "good". It's a complete shithole where if you aren't living under the thumb of a massive corporation you're living somewhere where psycho cannibals are the majority of the population. The universe has hit an incredible low and degenerated to just about the worst state imaginable. The rampant faggotry seems to be more of a symptom of the state of the universe rather than some symbol of tolerance for the future.

>That's not mentioning the vault itself, which is one of the most bullshit parts overall.
I'm not at the end of this game but I've played 1 and 2 the vaults are pretty much always the most bullshit part. You find some treasure chests, fight a boss, and then nothing happens because the game ends. Any potential change in the world from opening the vault won't make itself known until the next game.

>No new Technology anymore with liquids like in 2
This upsets me more than it should. No liquid stuff, none of the stuff like the cloth physics and bullets and shit. Why is it such a step backwards in this regard when its so many years later? IF anything it should be easier to do.

Guy who actually plays BL3 here. The menus are clunkier than ever. While you can fast travel from anywhere, the game's map will instantly snap to one of the points when you're even thinking about pressing up on the map screen.

The shops are worse than ever, as you have to scroll by one by one and look through each item, they aren't even sorted by rarity like the previous games.

For some reason we STILL can't skip cutscenes, not even the opening one, which 2 allowed you to do.

There is a staunch lack of vendors around the map. I know you can fast travel from everywhere now, but is it really all that hard to allow us to easily sell off trash/restock on ammo right before the boss?

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Tim hasn't delivered my copy that he paid for yet

>Kiwi farms hates Epic Games Store

I think I made the right choice supporting EGS

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The menu issue is honestly the biggest valid problem with the game. The whole UI is a huge step down from BL2 / TPS.

The map doesn't have a non-rotating option (The minimap does, so why doesn't the zone map?), cursor snaps to fast travel points, doesn't remember your zoom level, you can't cycle through quests on the map screen, quests don't mention the actual map they take place goes on.

Even navigating the equipment menu is clunky - especially onc eyou unlock all of the slots.



40 fps

It ran very poorly and inconsistently, the UI is horrible and Sanctuary III is a pain in the ass to navigate compared to Sanctuary II. The villains were underutilized and took far too long to flesh out, as the campaign is severely backloaded.


Dude, MMO's exist as a popular genre. Borderlands is high octane action in comparison.

idk, but denuvo making it run like trash is honestly enough of a reason for me to not buy it

Because it is on egs in a forced exclusion for literally no reason at all. Also they are using keyloggers which is grounds for being sued for.

Attached: bl3 using keylogger.png (743x635, 327K)

>Can't strip guns for parts or break them down into materials for better items
>After the uprising of part adjustment in so many many modern shooters.
You know they do this just so that they can have their "80 grorillian guns" not ring hollow as people just rush towards the best guns.

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I swear to fucking god if cunts like you get a fucking crafting system into Borderlands I'm going full jihad on some bitch.

so does that mean you support chris-chan, dsp and other crazies