PhD in theoretical physics from MiT at 27

>PhD in theoretical physics from MiT at 27
How did he do itT?

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>phd at 27
Is that supposed to be impressive?

He didn't he faked his way into working at Black Mesa and as a result he caused the reality shift to happen because he had no idea what the fuck he was doing.

By getting into the right line of work and being the right man in the wrong place.

gman put him in stasis and taught him everything

i got my phd in pussyslaying when i was 21 lmao


>get your BSc at 21/22
>spend next four years as PhD

If he had a white or Asian wife he probably had to pay black guys to fuck her

>Mfw you can skip your masters in america

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How come? If you get out of HS at 16, spend 5 years finishing the university, then you get you phd in 3 years, so you should get it at 24 normally.

Gordon spent fucking about for 6 years.

>Start school at age 6
>12 grades
>Finish School at age 18
>Five years for masters
>Three for PhD
Still leaves you at 26
Besides, most PhDs take more like 4-5 years.

>You need a phd from mit to get a job as simple as "pushing a small cart into a laser"

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To be fair it was his first week on the job and the laser is actually a very fancy mass spectrometer. Knowing what actually happens and how to analyze the Data would propably be expected knowledge from him at that point


>12 grades
>4-5 years for a phd
Wow, that's a lot. The fuck do you even do for 12 years in school?

Anyway, that's still not anything out of the ordinary.
Shit thread OP.

Would you rather risk one of the experienced scientists, or the twitchy guy who can run at ridiculous speeds and wipe out small armies?

Because his thesis was called:
>Observation of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Entanglement on Supraquantum Structures by Induction Through Nonlinear Transuranic Crystal of Extremely Long Wavelength (ELW) Pulse from Mode-Locked Source Array (the behavior of large stuff {Supraquantum Structures} relative and related to each other {Entanglement} after a very short duration {Mode-Locked} "Extremely Long Wavelength Pulse" by an arrangement {Array} of crystals with an atomic number greater than 92 {Transuranic}, without coming into physical contact with the structures in question {Induction}) (essentially about the teleportation of matter through the use of extremely dense elements)

Get on his level.

The more I look at him the less I like him.
He looks like a literal soiboy with a frown.

I mean that was the whole point
hes a nerd self insert but also a superhuman soldier for whatever reason

he looks 35, so must have just studied nearly constantly like a korean

It's all the suit. But it needs a host.

That is a terrible title

>for whatever reason

>whatever reason
The powersuit

>tfw am so mich of a brainlet I didn't understand a single question from the computer science entrance test in university
>stuck wageslaving with a small brain
>tfw not even dumb enough to just be content
>mfw am so dumb I fucked up being dumb properly

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Jewish privilege

I'm tired of using braindead brutes on my videogames.

Show me more main characters with PhDs

Isaac from Dead Space.

>The fuck do you even do for 12 years in school?
memorize concepts, half of which you might even use in the real world

Huh? In what, Electrical engineering?

the suit doesnt make you handle guns like a professional and gives you combat expertise. Its only for protection

t. Barney
Go guard my door, bitch.

just like real life

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Guns aren't hard to use.

Graduating with bachelor's at 22 and a five year PhD is pretty standard. Pushing carts as a lab assistant grunt is also pretty standard post-Doc work. The only weirdness in Freeman's career is that he apparently got a teaching gig at Innsbruck before getting the Black Mesa gig.

A lot of early post-Doc work is literal grunt work.

I don't know the details that much faggot, he's a nerd engineer, is that not enough?

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no one really expects someone to have all of this right?

this sounds like a 5/10 woman on tinder explaining her standards for men who want to date her. ridiculous.

You can become a university lecturer/pre-tenure professor without having graduated, provided you're ABD, which usually just means you've defended your dissertation proposal and finished your comprehensive examination

I'm European and most maths and physics PhDs I've met didn't do a master's

yeah right you try reloading the shotgun while running and jumping at 25mph

>theoretical degree in physics at 27
How did he do it?

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>Did good at chemistry in school
>Go to uni, got into a chemical engineering course
>One year in, realise the advertising was bullshit
>"...this isn't chemistry in the slightest, it's just classical with some stuff about pipes"
>Less and less interested
>Medical problems and waning motivation fail at the end of 2nd year
>Spend 2 years trying to get jobs while volunteering and on unemployment (turns out having no degree OR work experience was a bad idea)
>Currently in software dev apprenticeship because always been good with computers and understanding programming
Getting into the workplace is the hardest part, no matter what field you plan on doing

Ridiculous expectations like this and that one deep sea submarine engineer one are because they have a specific job in mind and are holding it open for them. However there could be a miniscule chance that someone of the same caliber could just waltz into the scene

>specific job in mind
I'm a big dumb

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i too think that Freeman's Mind is canon

I'm about to finish my masters at 23. Could pull off PhD at 27. What's so strange about it?

Don't make me do this

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How do I get this model?

you at least get paid during your PhD studies, right?

Sounds like a low bar. In my country you need a doctorate degree minum, and several published articles on your field to teach at a college level. High school though, you only need a masters

doctorate students are slaves throughout their research and end up doing bitch work afterwards too until they make a name for themselves

in fact, the only reason Screamin' Freeman worked at Black Mesa was because he was mentored by Kleiner, who got him in

>also a superhuman soldier for whatever reason
HECU will fuck you up in a straight fight.

>he doesn't have his legs always bending while he hops allowing him to go at a comfortable land speed of 200mph
lol are you fucking retarded or something?

Most doctors don't become a doctor until 28+. Regardless of easier degree like physics, or not.

He's not a Jew, the only fucking Jew in Half life is Breen.

>white people (and a based black dude) doing the actual work
>jew traitor shit doing the "administration"
checks out

I’ve wasted my youth

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Are you retarded?
>Graduate at 18
>Bachelor's at 22
>PhD at 26
This is by no means impossible, and in fact there are people who have done it faster by graduating high school earlier in their lives or taking on more College credits to complete their bachelor's degree a year earlier and stuff like that.

So you're saying Kleiner isn't a chosen?
>based black dude doing actual work
LMAO! Back to the_donald, boomer.

Youth is wasted on the young

He's the same kind of brain that knew how to utilize weapons + the HEV suit to their fullest and survive both Black Mesa and the Combine. G-Man's reality-bending employers hired him out of everybody for a reason.

it was freeman's first week at black mesa, it makes sense that he'd be given shitty grunt work


>Knowledge and skill with a variety of weaponry, up to and including adapting to alien technology
>Massive autist; high intellect and completely mute
>Focuses what he doesn't use on social skills into physical prowess
>Completely unphased by apocalyptic scenario; if anything, was made for it
Oh god
He's a /k/ommando

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I'm submitting my PhD now and I'm only 26.

Yes, Kleiner may sound Jewish but it's origin has nothing to do with Jews. Its German for 'little-man' as far as I know. Some Jews may share this name for obvious reasons, but its not exclusively Jewish.

Yes, we know. "Ashkenazi" literally means German.

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yeah, being just dumb enough to understand that you'll never be smart is suffering

Of course they don't, they just want to show that they made an "effort" to hire somebody before they apply for H-1B visas so they can bring in poos to do it dirt cheap.

Started university when I was 17.

Sure Buddy.

t. retard who couldn't skip a year

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Considering it now takes people 6 years to finish undergrad, I imagine most mouth beeathers would be impressed. I'm 27 and finishing mine

I graduated with my undergrad and masters at 20, so if I accepted my college's offer to start a PhD, I might have mate it at 27 easily.

Finished undergrad at 23 and was immediately encouraged to get a masters . Which I would be finishing right about now. If I started my PhD as soon as I got my masters I'd be finishing it by the time I'm 28. Its not that impressive.

My thesis assessor would kick me out of the facility if I had a title that long on my paper.

Could you prevent the resonance Cascade? You'd have to slay the combines pussy

All he did was push the fucking cart into place, any failure in procedure was on the scientists in the other room.

yes, you get paid peanuts.

I would use a robot.

Why use a robot when the new guy is cheaper?

He’s a little Mary Sue for nerds

The equivalent would be an unstopped teenaged fighter in an anime

>Needs the suit to not die
>Only good at combat because he had training like once, probably.
Most of it is natural survival instinct and insane luck.

>I love you sweetheart
>Close your eyes honey, don't look
Welp that's a good days work dont you think? Time to make hats and to start projects that go nowhere.

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Yes just like in the anime’s where 10 year old boys wreck old men despite being physically and technically incapable of doing so

In this case we have 27 year old super genius who can shoot like a god

Not all of that, but a lot.

Thing is once you get a job, your education and degree no longer matter. What does is your skills, experience, and carts.

Then you play job leapfrog every 1-2 years until you get one that doesn’t totally suck and where you can run up the ladder.

>How did he do itT?
Very carefully.

>Character from shitty game
>is written bad
I dunno, you tell me OP

Good high schools in America won’t let you skip a year because then their test scores tank because the smart kids can’t raise the average anymore.

Then with those shitty grades the government gives you less money.