Monster Hunter

>Rajang is coming october 10th
>DLC roadmap soon

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Other urls found in this thread: Scimitar II

Whose fucking idea was it to put Blackveil Vall Hazaks sleeping area in a tiny ass space.

When does the next stream start?

I just a had a dream where I saw some Iceborne footage and was completely blown away by it, thinking to myself "wow, MH really did get better after all!"

An asshole's. Seriously once he starts leaving the effluvial puddles around there you're basically locked out of that spot and forced to try and kite him away just to fight.

I'm already forgotten

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>just unceremoniously dies and never shows up again despite the fact that it's hinted that a fully grown Xeno is black dragon tier
What the fuck were they thinking?

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I think if World and Iceborne have shown us anything it's that the devs need to give up on the story shit because they are really, really bad at it.

Who's the dumbshit who thought releasing the game for PC players 4 months later was a good idea?


>it's hinted that a fully grown Xeno is black dragon tier

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They realised that Base World was awful and tried to simply forget about it's mistakes like Zorah and Xeno

No one can beat ruiner nerg, deal with it boomers

It's perfectly fine, MH was never a game for plot/story in the first place. It's just a little addition to give the world something more.

That's where you're wrong

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waited forever for the fucking blizzard at night and the fuckers appeared at the camp, but the wingdrakes aren't there and there's no way to quick travel up there.

You can only get up there with Wingdrakes. It’s inaccessible if they’re not around, ie if you killed them or it’s a blizzard.

I tried to be humane and capture it.

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But the requirement for the fucking photo is a blizzard, what the fuck

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>raped by researchers
>put into the arena to fight for the amusement of others
This kulu knew what it was doing, you monster.

>no The Witcher G-rank collab
Fuck. Manticore Armor would have been great and the mission was pretty comfy.
I'd take it any day over more HZD

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>Devote a sizeable portion of your resources just to Zorah Magdaros
>It's so bad you end up quietly killing it in shame
How did they fuck up so badly?

fuken ell

Rajang Calvo

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i kek'd

I want my Mafumofu layered, Ryozo.

What weapon should I main in FU?

Whatever you find the most fun. They're all perfectly workable.

NuKirin is a fucking beast, what the fuck
I was breezing through Low Rank and this horned piece of shit nearly wipes meñ

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Why not add a jukebox to the Gathering Hub and your house where you can play the classic hub themes?

Predict the DLC roadmap faggots

>October 10th - Rajang
>Nov/Dec - MR Kulve Taroth
>late Jan/Feb - Xeno Gva, arch tempered elders begin to release
>Spring - Kaiser Behemoth

Anyone here unlocked the final tier of Zinogre Longswords? I'm missing a ??? bone-like material. I'm guessing it's a T4 Guiding Lands bone, but don't know which area to focus.

Also, post elemental LS builds? Are we meta yet?


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Copper Blangango Destructor shits on every World LS.

Id like another Witcher collab just to see Geralt interact with the characters and environment, i know MonHun prioritizes gameplay over story, but thosr little moments of Geralt talking with the characters revealed more lore pieces and made me feel more connected to the charactera that any other thing in the game.

Also Bloodborne collab > HZD collab, do it Ryozo, you madman

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So basically nothing? That sounds accurate.

>turns trap into a bomb

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If it's an exclusivity thing cooked up by sony cash then why are xbros not suffering along with pc?

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Does Gaijinhunter beat Velkhana too?

>Master rank A.Leshen

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Xbro here, the port is pretty bad. I doubt World 2 is even coming to Xbox.

By making it the most boring fight because normie westerners would think it's cool. I have plenty of friends who think that zorah is great and I don't understand why

if there is one single thing I hope they don't do from the original, it's locking best in slot gear behind partying, I'm solo only and while I could do KT it was several times longer than if it was done in a party.

Monster Hunter can have story, that's not the issue. 4U had a story, but it also out of the way most of the time and you're not given constant reminders to do story missions whenever you come back from an optional hunt. World puts it too in your face and tries to play it up with set piece fights like Zorah, Nerg, and Xeno when the reality is that none of them is all that impressive because literally no time is spent on them save the foremost monster which got a siege fight to rival fucking Shen Gaoren. What made Gore and Sharagu stand out and the eventual pay off feel so rewarding was the fact it was not only the same monster throughout but you saw first hand the damage and influence it was having on the world around you, even in the G Rank expansion. Zorah's being in the New World does change monster behavior somewhat, but not on the same scale and it can be argued the fact the commission chased it off did more to the influence on the ecosystem than if they let it sit there and explode in Recess.

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>tfw pcfag
>ps4 base col motore jet al posto della ventola

Like most seige monsters, its neat once, but if you ever have to farm it for gear/event tickets it gets old fast.

PC sales probably would have severely eaten into Playstation sales if both versions had been released at the same time. The same can't be said for Xbox sales.

Quit while you still can. There WILL be a Kulve Taroth grind.


Slugger on impact weapons, yes or no?

Is Zorah's carcass you can find on Guiding Lands Rotten Vale section came from the same Zorah we fought on the story?

Single player? Yes.
Multiplayer? No.

KO in multi is fixed for iceborne.

Maybe? Something that big would take a lot of time to decompose

Pretty sure it's meant to be, especially considering the fact that the guiding lands' icon looks like Zorah's hump and they don't mention any other Zorahs coming to the New World
Plus it's a convenient explanation for why the Guiding Lands has all this strange energy in all its materials

Why do the majority of devs/publishers do this? Money. Console games just sell more units, that's a fact, so to take advantage you release on consoles first and purposely delay the PC version so you can get the PC crowd and double-dippers.

See Rockstar.

as I said, I can do it, it's just absurdly annoying, the game is good enough and I'm not shit so I can play with non-BiS gear if I have to anyway.

Also explains why all the MR zorah shit is minable in the guideing lands.

The fact that custom upgrades are now a thing tells me they'll try something else, especially considering how they've completely overhauled how augmenting your weapon works

>raped by researchers
Nah that'd the rathian that one researcher was obsessed with before his colleague had enough of his weird scaly shit. That's why I killed her rather than captured her when I got the quest. Better she dies fighting rather than lives doped up in a fuck dungeon.

It's 100% RNG, that's it.

Of course it isn't, you dumdums. The one in the Guiding Lands is fucking old. Ours will only form a similar island in the next thousand years.

No thank you

Except when the cats offer to help you.
What I don't understand is the point of showing the numbers saying in which order you WERE SUPPOSED to press them after you do. It's already fucking too late, and it only confuses people thinking it's the order for the next round.

Why can't japs make some actual minigames instead of the usual gachashit

Okay so I've done this shit twice. Is it even worth doing honestly. I know you can get celestial wyvern prints, but is that it

I mean at the end of the day they're basically saying Zorah is fucking dead, and thank god for that

You also get exclusive decos for your house and tickets for that sweet Clockwork armor with trash skills.

You mash face buttons like an ape and get rewarded with Celestial prints

No, I'm serious. I tried doing that after I read your post. I have no idea how this minigame even works.

They had to make room for Lao.

>Not going full mad bomber and planting mega barrel bombs around the map while wearing clockwork armor

>implying every good looking armor doesn't have trash skills

That shits annoying me. These end game armors look cool as fuck, but only a few of them have good skills.

I've gotten the lights, but what else does it give besides that?

>be PCfag
>get bored of AT vaal
>proceed to go catch some rare pets
>run around hopping between rotten vale and elders recess for well over an hour trying to get a bristly crate
>one finally spawns in elders recess in the lava area
>as I get close to catch it fucking pickle pops out of the ground
>it scared the damn thing off
>it immediately wandered off to go harass everything it could find
>well over an hour of effort wasted because of an asshole

>World takes a few steps in the right direction
>still deeply flawed but it sells like hotcakes because consumers take it on good faith that the game and the series will continue improving
>Iceborne dashes all those hopes, confirms World was a fluke, and returns the series to the fucking dark ages
>sells like shit

should've tried at least a little, japs

What bothers me the most is that we have to wait for an AT elder to come out just so we can unlock the steam layered set.

Did your shitposting containment thread finally get deleted?

Wtf is this

Does rajang have cool armour or weapons?

>you have to farm AT Master Lunastra to unlock the layered


we have multiple generals up again?

The GS is a kanabo if you're into that. Fem waist has a cute tail. Other than that - no.

nah, a competent writer can make a good story out of the premise. You don't even have to be a particularly excellent writer, just competent.

How did people get past the Slay Velk mission, this fuckers AoE bullshit is missing chromosomes.

It actually did

I prefer my MH with no story thanks. 4u was too much story for me.

Nah someone is making threads with the 250k sales pic and all the shitposters go there like a moth to a flame, you should have seen it, and magically this thread had zero shitposting.

We all know who that is.

There was always story though, like the massive retardation that is fatalis.

Velk is pretty easy once you're able to stay close to her without getting hit, she has a lot of openings like when she does her ice beams or whenever she's flying since you can basically get free clutch claw attacks. Her ice armor also breaks pretty easily and if you get 3 of them you get a free knockdown

Just SOS and bring misery to other shitters. The fight is a total crapshoot.

Velkhana is a contender for the worst fight in the series. It's that bad.

Hot monkey dick in acton:

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Is the Rajang update coming with furious Rajang?

That better be a small one.

Monke footage

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I do. I want my MonHun to have Shadowbringers tier story.

PC release date when?
I need to file my vacation papers before everyone leaves for the New Year's holidays.

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>inb4 modular kulve weapons where you have to farm handle blade and hilt separately

>Boot up game
>Thrown in Astera

>played world on ps4 launch
>loved the game
>bought again for PC
>could change between M+KB and controller
>60 fps
>grinded even harder, loved it
>tried to go back to ps4
>shit tier framerate, resolution drops, long loadings, have to fucking pay plus to play w/ friends
>iceborne looks fantastic
>PC is late again
>don't want to buy on PS4 again
>can't stop thinking about this game and how much I want to play

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No specific date, so just book off all of January just to be safe

They've been at this since 4U, Capcom devs are just retards and the localization team never helps as they've been doing 'LuL sO ZANY' dialogue since Tri.
But World's story is perfectly fine and normal, all things considered. 4U had an even worse snowflake feeling.

In awe at the speed of this lad.

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It honestly was pretty ok in the beta.

That involves capcom ever having competent writers, which has never been why they are popular.

Like 30 seconds of talking to villagers is fine. Repeated shitty cutscenes are not.
Ok, I hope you never get your way as a ps2chad.

Boring siege monsters have been a part of MH for over a decade. It was the game's entry into HR like Jhen Mohran was for Tri/3U

What if it's January 31st and I waste my vacation too soon?

I'd say 4U and World are just about equal in terms of special snowflake hunters. 4U you're just a hire that gets caught up in other people's problems. With World you're part of a literal fleet yet somehow every single problem gets pushed onto you and the Handler and nobody else..

You'd have a point if the story wasn't 100% mandatory.

Fair enough.

Until the fuckeer breathes straight down in a 30 yard ring around itself

>shoots kamehamehas and literally goes super saiyan
Between shit like this and even more digimon tier designs like Zinogre, Brachydios and Glavenus, I'm glad this game isn't doing great.

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I played since the first Monster Hunter, you can fuck off.

That's because he has signifigantly less health and you fight him in the elder's recess, which has better areas to fight him in. Oh, and he also does less damage.

You must be 18+ to use this site.

I was thinking that too, so book off all of February as well
I'm sure you've got enough holiday accumulated for 2 whole months of nothing

Are you retarded rajang has been stupid shit since it's inception.

endure brother

So did I, that level of story is fine. Give me some dialogue. Don't give me forced cutscenes. It doesn't fit.
If it's all in dialogue I'm fine with it.

Funny story actually

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>Kulve Taroth
Hopefully they abandon this cancer forever.

I fucking hate how often you have to go to astera, why did they even make seliana if they just want you to do stairs all day.

The moveset is still the same and it's not a bad one. The differences in damage and health can be accounted for with better gear and a good build.

In World you at least are already an experienced hunter.
In 4U you start as a naked literal who wanting to become one that begins his career by saving a city without even wearinf armor and then ends the game beating the 4 best hunters in the entire world and saves the planet from the magical zombie apocalypse.

But it is doing great

>b-but it's always been shit!
So what, you fucking mong? It's still shit.

Jhen wasn't even that bad. This is coming from someone who had to farm him alone.

Clutch Claw the Cortos and they will come down and let you hook on to them by pressing Circle (whilst not locked on, or you will just hit them with claw again). You can do this even if they're hostile. This works with any Wingdrakes.

Once you get Boaboa Unity to Level 6, you will be able to warp up there without needing to use the hook.

Also if you're trying to take a picture of the naked Boaboa, it will run away if it notices you, so don't waste time with your camera.

Pretty sure I was able to get up there during a Blizzard. If not, then the other way is to just boost their Unity until the warp unlocks.

You only have to watch them once, calm down.

Yup like I said, retarded shit that's apparently also proto Frontier shit.

I never bothered making custom meals. Is it worth it? Anyone have any good recipes?

>realism pigs

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>He grabs the hunter and runs off with them to fist them in a dark corner

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This doesn't explain the fact that they wanted to catch PC up to console content months ago, yet still couldn't release Iceborne around the same time on PC. Capcom just sucks at PC dev, there are no excuses.

>Join SOS quests for acid glav
>If it's an assignment you automatically get put into Astera despite not being the host

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>Jhen wasn't even that bad
can you explain to me why you think bad siege monster is worse than other bad siege monster? They are all equal flavors of shit except Lao Shan Lung who is one tier lower.

Any solid info about speedrun weapon tiers?

You get to eat for the most important food skill in the game, moxie. Also felyne bombardier is mandatory for gunlance mains.

G Rank armors are pretty cool, but if they keep with the trend of givin monsters their HR armors you can say goodbye.

The weapon designs are cool tho

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>I'm glad this game isn't doing great.
>Over 13M sold
Hmmm, it must be doing bad.

First, I'd like to ask you to define what a siege fight is.

I don't know why people expect realism from a series about punching dinosaurs with oversized weapons.

>Also felyne bombardier is mandatory for gunlance mains.
What do you eat for it?

I love returning monsters making returns but they really do feel out of place in World. Just put this monkey next to Anjath and its really weird.

you get the bones from T2 tempered monsters in the guiding lands, areas need to be at least level 5 for them to spawn

Not realism, but there are things that fit the world and things that don't. Of course that standard has changed over time. But put Zin in MH1 and he would stick out like a sore thumb.

Okay yeah I forgot about the opening entirely. 4U definitely does give a bigger hero complex. Honestly though I did like it when I was just some shmo taksed with protecting a village, but it turns out to be something much bigger. It why I enjoy Freedom Unite, Portable 3rd, and Tri U so much because that's literally what happens in those games. It's basic, but then I always felt Monster Hunter doesn't need much of a plot or reasoning.

Depends on your tastes.

If you like the ogre/onmyoji look then the second gen armors are good.
If you like looking like looking like chinese isekai trash then 4th gen is good.

>2 months
Bruh, I'm not living in Sweden or wherever you get 2 months worth of vacation days. I only get a month a year, and I'm saving ~2 weeks this year for Iceborne in January. And I can't take days off in credit.

Honestly the only monsters that felt like they went too far was the jet rathalos and the weird bug that makes a mech for himself.

That's one angry monkey.

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Because once it's on PC and you have your sales, the content doesn't need to be staggered anymore.

>m*le armor

Big monsters who don't actually attack you and are just punching bags/cannonball targets.

Iceborne sold 13M? Source?

Go to your ingrediants and press.....whatever minus and back is for your dualshock 4 is and go find the food bracket that has moxie. You must eat 6 food items in that bracket and pop a voucher to get bombardier.

You may have noticed that you don't have all the food unlocked. To unlock more food, go out into the maps and find those map specific gathering nodes(there are several different kinds on each map). Each "node" one has three different things you can gather: a common, and uncommon, and a rare that may or may not appear under certain conditions shown on the world map.

>the fact that they wanted to catch PC up to console content months ago
Tsk tsk tsk, user. Fact? Wanted? They just SAID they wanted to do that.

It's never worth it unless you have a Meal Voucher active. If you do have a Meal Voucher active, you should take advantage of them.

Just look up some guides. Some buffs like Blackbelt, Bombadier and Sharpshooter are extremely good, whilst others are more useless than they look. Moxie is also pretty good since it's like a ghetto insurance if you don't know what else to pick.
If you're doing a Gathering expedition, you can get Alcohol that increases RP and respawns gathering points quicker.
Some of the new buffs in Iceborne are good, too. You get shit like free Aqua Mobility and even buffs to make finding Endemic life easier if you want to finish those quests.

It won't hurt you to put some time aside and make some custom meals. Just keep in mind that Defense Boost is completely worthless at all levels, so always make Attack meals your default for each skill combination. Elemental Resistance is good but very situational so if you need it, it's better to just make those manually.

Isn't that just Guts?
It only triggers once every ten minutes if you were to go back each time to eat for it and get lucky enough to have it trigger.
I'd rather invest in other skills.


World sales alone. Far too early to see sales for Iceborne. However already on 250k sales on opening week.

>being a faggot

Same. Monster Hunter just seems to have peaked at 3rd gen if you'd ask me.
Weapon movesets seemed to have finally matured then while in 4 most of them felt like the devs just beating around the bush for random gimmicks or moves to see if it'd stick. Monster designs and base power levels (the top tier ones always get some silly entries) got a bit too flashy and the endgame just embraced infinite RNG grind outside of monster materials. Gen sped that up and despite all the dumb platform warriors and falseflags, World inherits a lot of features from it.
Couple that with few new monsters that are not easy fodder for new players or elder dragons with gimmicks and I'm just not very excited for MH anymore.

>Wasting your food buffs on moxie
If you're new to the series sure, either moxie or insurance, but you should be aiming for more beneficial skills like lucky cat and carver.

If you can't see the difference then that's on you I guess.

I would be so pissed

>put Zin in MH1 and he would stick out like a sore thumb.
Because he'd be the only good fight in the whole game?

Valstrax doesn't really feel too insane plus the fight and theme are 10/10 hell I'd argue that Stygian Zinogre seems more over the top. Course none of the mainline monsters compare to frontier designs.

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Worldbabs ruined this series

Fuck off, gen one monsters are great. goddamn tribabs. My nostalgia matters and yours doesn't.

So Jhen, monoblos Jhen, Shen, Lao, low rank Caedeus, and Zorah.

Well, the Jhens don't force you to wait for them to move from point A to point B, so that puts them far above the rest.

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You can dodge between the ice waves from that

Did they give him fucking animation canceling this time?

Zinogre has more grounded explanation to his powers than Kirin.

Now that your DLC flopped and the game is dead, will you trade in your PS4 for a switch and join your bros on GU?
Or will you languish in your decision and double down, claiming the husk is good?
World is not the hill you want to die on. Come join the true hunters.

>T.tranny hunter

If you're not a gunner, don't need to sharpen, and don't need stamina, then really isn't much else that's worthwhile at the Canteen. Medic is alright when combined with Knockdown resistance, and it's basically the only option against DoT assholes, but otherwise Moxie is an easy brainless option provided you carry Max Potions (and why would you not).

So I’m starting to understand how the Guiding Lands work, but I’ve still got a question I can’t figure out. When you’ve got analysed tracks, what determines the monster you lure out? I got Zinogre from my first Fanged Wyvern lure and Great Jagras from my second. Does it just randomly select from a pool of them or will I get stronger Fanged Wyverns the higher the Region Level or what?

It's about the aesthetics dude. Everything got too bright in gen 3.

Nope GU is shit and i'd rather go play tri.

>The Iceborne WYVERN
>Objective: Slay a Velkhana
What did they mean by this?

Is it better to just not make full sets as you play mr and just use clown suit shit until youve finished? Or not upgrade the armor at all? Or will the newer monsters just dumpster my ass with mexi-damage since it isnt upgraded?

It feels weird making new armor when I dont have all of them unlocked yet since I might not have the best pieces to use for say, a long sword critical hit build.

>Course none of the mainline monsters compare to frontier designs.
The Handler can compare, in terms of ugliness.

Attached: MHW-Handler_Render_001.png (360x752, 298K)

Of course he does. The real question is: Will you actually GET any of them, or will we get more bone weapons with bits glued to 'em?

>Rajang coming October 10th
Please be true. Is it true?

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I'm like partially geared for MHW endgame, I have armor pieces and a decent weapon, but barely any decos and my charm is only level two.

Am I safe to play through IB at thos point? I'm at viper tobi but it just seems to take so long to kill (I'm currently a bowfag, I have the tobi bow upgraded to the first IB rank).

Already 2%? Impressive.

Deviljho got all his weapons plus new ones with no bone and ore reskin shit so I assume Rajang will be the same.


>Course none of the mainline monsters compare to frontier designs.
If you're typing that while bringing up GU you're just wrong. Base dates four are already garishly-colored and/or filled with spikes and fins while deviants are genuinely frontier territory in concept, looks and moves.

You bring it for 140 GQs and AT fights that end up one shotting you anyway. I outright booted anyone from my 4U lobbies if they purposely ate for anything besides moxie.

Nigga, you can eat for attack AND have moxie in World. There is no reason not to have the skill unless you don't have vouchers to burn. The other food skills don't even compare.

kiss me and I'll tell you

Even if you unironically think Jhens are fun fights or somehow better than the other brainless punching bags they aren't "FAR" above the rest. They're still 20+ minute wastes of time.


I decided to pick up the base game for PC after playing the PS4 version. It helps a lot that I've got other friends playing on PC now, and that I know at least one of them is going to play iceborne with me when it lands on PC.

Jho got all his didn't he? Lunastra is in a fucking weird place because Teo stole her only unique weapons anyways, and she never had anything designed for her outside of frontier.

The Wii had to make up for the lack of graphical fidelity by making the monsters pop more.

Yes. He was announced before the game was put to be the first DLC monster and today at TGS they announced it’ll be on October 10.

ima firin my lazor XD

Reminder that the thing the airship saw wasn't the guiding lands. They saw a new tower.

You take 20 minutes to kill Jhen? What kind of shitter are you?

It doesn't really matter provided you have enough Decos, you just want decent enough skills. The main reason to have MR armor is the defense values, otherwise everyone would just rock AT and Drachen armours (not that has stopped anyone doing that)

If it's got shit like Health Boost, Critical Eye, WeX already on it then it's fine and you can make it work. I'm still using full Odogaron armour because it looks cool and has skills that aren't entirely useless, and that's all you need.

the worst offense is the forced walking scene. The only problem with the cutscenes is that it should skippable

Holy shit you weren't joking it's real!!!

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do you have any evidence to back up that claim

>GU is shit
GU is beautifully designed on a superior console you fucking cretin.

Zinogre is Portable 3rd though. Tri was the last time the first and second gen artists were involved before the main monhun artist left.

>What kind of shitter are you?
The kind who doesn't farm shitty monsters for bad weapons.

Just starting playing Iceborne and I have a question, are the streamstones you get from the tempered high rank elder dragons useless now? Like I’m guessing you can’t use them to augment rare level 10, 11, or 12 weapons?

>provided you have enough decos

And like that MR's endgame has been shafted by Thicc Jagras and tempered Lavasioth. No, I don't want lv 4 decos that require xboxhueg slots. Give me my fucking ironwall jewels.

Yup sometimes good shit happens user.

Some of the Deviants sure but there's honestly nothing wrong with the fated 4 design wise.

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>Superior console

Good fucking lord. People like you make me wish Double Cross never got localized.

Nope it's shit m8, your dumb shit is borderline Frontier shittery and should feel bad.

Why would you want to play the single worst game in the series?
I would have preferred they just stick with FU graphics desu.
Yeah but even in 4u I had to watch the dalamadur and gog intro dozens of times because people wouldn't fucking skip.

>Everything takes ages to kill now
It's pretty much necessary to trap them as soon as possible just to alleviate the tedium. I'm assuming getting better weapons helps somewhat? Still stuck with my high rank shit.

Welcome to G-Rank.

Yes, augmenting MR weapons doesn't happen until Iceborne's endgame and is a completely different system, so just turn any streamstones you own into decos at the melder

Glav is salvagable, but Mizu is fucking stupid with a neat gimmick. Gammoth is boring as shit oversized popo trash. Astalos is literally one of the worst designed monsters in the franchise.

The green bird is the only one thats bad. The rest are fine.


Hallowed Jhen had fantastic armor though. It was absolutely worth your time if you didn't have an edgemaster charm for honed blade mix or a spirit charm for lucent. Miralis, for lucent weapon sets, also required a diablos hardhorn which pissed off a lot of people. It was by far the easiest endgame set to farm and many people didn't even need to kill him for it.

New weapons will obviously help kill things faster, and HR armour will help somewhat since the endgame shit tends to have great skills compared to the early MR armour, but it can only carry you so far before you start getting two-shot by everything

>Astalos is literally one of the worst designed monsters in the franchise
It's not far off from any other flying wyvern design aside from having clear wings.

Guard is very common in Level 4 jewels relative to the pool before. This is honestly better.

YOU'RE shit. rajang is tight as fuck fag

4U, 3U, and FU did not have 20 minute hunts with half decent gear.

What about needing the augments to get through the beginning of MR?

First of all, you're both idiots.
Monster hunter is a nintendo based franchise now with GU. It being on the switch and the primary game people play indicates that.

Secondly, how is switch not the superior console? portable, graphics are amazing (ironically better than sonyshit and microshit at their own game) smooth controls and a better experience.

Glav has trash colors and filled with giant spikes.
Astalos' wings are fucking stupid, it's a vertebrate with bug wings. A very stupid chimera.
Mizu is overdesigned but this style existed in P3rd with Amatsu and Zinogre though.
Gammoth is fine outside of red and blue fur.

Plus, the designs in general mostly outlandish when you compare them to every title that came before. With the tamest monster being as silly as rajang.

Not farming a shitty boring monster to make a min max set. I do the urgent solo so I don't have to stick around to help other people do it and then I never fight him again. Vangis armor is good enough for me. Don't like it? Eat shit.

Depends on your tastes. To some people even that's not going too far and to others Xeno'Jiiva or Glavenus are already way too much.

Ya know what's better than a guard/X 4 charm? A guard 1 charm that only takes up a small slot.

Nope, it's shit.

>not far off
How many flying wyverns are neon electric green glowing spikes with a lightsaber horn? Cause you can only find that shit in Frontier.

>female Nerg armor doesn't look like shit anymore
How does he do it?

I actually really like 4th gen’s additions to the overall roster. It felt like more effort than I’d ever expect from them especially when they adding in two entirely new species and gave us our first big bug fight not a Queen Vespoid on top of being 2v1. Honestly that’s what I want more of, expansions on the species that have almost nothing and more hunts not in the hunter’s favor. It’s what makes Queen so hectic a fight, you get get rid of the subordinate unless you kill him, but that wastes time so you’re better off forcing her to abuse him or kill her as fast as possible while dealing with the male in spurts. There’s some monster potential they’re not bothering with in World because the skeletons are reportedly too complex and that just disappoints me. Hopefully with MH6 they’ll get bolder and bring us some fresher blood than the newcomers in Gen 5.

You forgot SA hunters getting lightsabers too. Gen was so bad.

>be bad
>blame "bad" monster


Fucking Sand Barioth is better than Vangis. user, you are bad at the easiest monster hunter.

I'd say it's best to get rid of them straight away so you can get used to not having them for another 200 hours, whenever you upgrade an augmented weapon into MR rarity it removes the augment and you really want better weapons if you want to carve through MR monsters' high health pools

But the content is being staggered again, probably going to be as long as it took for the initial PC version to release
They also did catch the content up a few months ago, if you didn't know. There is no reason why PC has to wait this long for Iceborne other than Capcom not giving a fuck as usual.

Playing a bit of FU because why not, is there an easy to get armor set that last me for all of low rank like the jaggi armor in 3u?


Attached: Ishvala.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

Sony shill detected. Enjoy your dead world.

>All these "facts"

Jesus christ, just start posting a grotesque Valstrax model or some shit. You are literally on the same level as Steveposters now.

What does the armour for MR nerg look like anyway? Can't seem to find pics of it anywhere.

>"monster has bad gear"
>no it doesn't. here's why"
>"waaaaaaaaa minmax"

Was it autism?

Do you mind posting? I've looked everywhere and I've not been able to find it anywhere.

When you were still progressing they sure as hell could, your memories are clouded by endgame hunts.

Except there are barely any Level 1 slots in Beta armour.

You know whats better than all of those? Ironwall/Handicraft.

>They also did catch the content up a few months ago
Yeah, PC did "caught up" to consoles. At the point when there WAS NO more new content coming out for the console version.
The appreciation fest launching on PC at the same time as consoles is the proof that the PC content updates getting delayed for months isn't due to some technical limitations, but a deliberate decision.

>got fucking beat up by the hunter
>then beat up by a rock
>showed up to kill steal because the rock got distracted by the hunter before it could be killed by a rock
Nergigante is a bitch lmao

The shogun centaur meme is real. Maybe you can settle for Yian kut ku's set though.

Yes, the power of the Switch

Attached: Switch_000.jpg (1920x1080, 654K)

post nergi porn

4U designs still were mostly good but I prefer 3rd gen ones.
I loved nerscy but s. queen wasn't very good. Fight-wise it was a tigrex: charging, spinning in place and the 'roar' aoe replaced by a stink bomb. Seltas jumping on top of it was a nice little touch but not too relevant since it always missed the shots and fell out with ease. I also really didn't like how it was designed to actually not resemble a bug at all but instead a mechanical, tanklike being, made more obvious in the armor. After the absolute shark jump that was Athlal though I don't see them as such a bad monster anymore.
And this might be me but I considered the crabs as bug fights. Even if 4U only had hermitaur.

>Noooo you can't use armor you think looks cool and has good armor skills you have to min max

>Noooo you can't just beat a boring siege monster once for the urgent and never fight him again you have to farm him for an armor set that's marginally better than the one you have

Kek you're the same faggots that did hame runs in 4U and abuse valor HBG in GU I take it. Can't have fun fighting what you want and wearing armor you think looks cool, all about muh armor skills and muh dps.
1 minute in

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>Neon electric green
It's only that colour when it's charged, otherwise it's mostly dull green and brown. Even then it's not like there aren't neon/bright green animals in real life, in fact they're pretty common.
>glowing spikes
Again, only when it's charged, and it doesn't have anywhere near enough randomly placed spikes to come even close to Frontier's offenders.
>with a lightsaber horn
Pretty sure only Boltreaver has that.

Attached: MHGen-Astalos_Render_001.png (1136x830, 724K)

homo lmao

Tier 2 monsters took me less than 15 minutes when I got to G2 in 4U.

It is a fact Switch is the fastest selling console. It is a fact its primary userbase is on Switch. These aren't opinions, little man. Either debate or get the fuck outta here.

Thats all I need to say bitch.
And all the other exclusives.

Where does the gaijinhunter meme comes from? Dude makes alright guides

They've said they put priority on skeletons they can get more use out of which makes sense
Most of the bugs and crabs animations can only really be used for similar bugs and crabs, less multipurpose than "big quadraped" like fanged wyverns

is this supposed to be a plus?

Good god, I just can't watch anymore.
Ever since GU got localized and gorged everyone on its bloated roster, people literally can't accept anything other than that. It's sickening.

Looks pretty good

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Why the FUCK does Luna's armor look so good holy shit

Winning is fun, nigger.

I finally fought Namielle, was pretty blown away. I’ve always loved deep sea shit, so his aesthetic is really pleasing. His sets are fucking awesome too, but I have three questions
>is there anything weak enough to water to justify using his weapons
>is his set bonus good
>who the fuck came up with that naruto ass hat for the beta set

>He can't win without 8+ armor skills in a game that already gives western players 50 defense for free
Good for you, user! I'm happy you finally reached the point where you could win!

You know how it be.

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I mean the fact that pretty much every elder in world uses the Kushala skeleton and they manage to stay as mostly distinct fights shows that they're really trying to get the most bang for their buck

People have had fun using Element CB with his set bonus, so it has some application.

It's possible that Element builds may end up being 2-Rime and 2-Tentacle for stacking those buffs.

Are you saying that Barioth Z looks worse than Vangis? You are bad at monster hunter and have taste to match.


>Kulve Taroth again
This would break me into cheating. I feel like I could get more satisfaction and results from a real money-taking slot than Taroth grind

Smash rocks.
You are just as I suspected - a sony shill.
Big round of applause for you, buddy. You just outed yourself to the entirety of Yea Forums.


It's why I've always liked the kaiser set, but holy shit Luna got upgraded compared to second gen.

About the DLC roadmap
When are they going to drop it?

Yes, the same game that also requires only one skill to do well, attack up large.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

You may hate me for this anons, but I actually unironically like World's story and characters. I actually think it's pretty entertaining and fun and perfect for a game like Monster Hunter.
Also, will we ever get a FULLY GROWN XENO? I want to fight that shit
Also, lore question, is Xeno the offspring of the dragon who became the sapphire star?

Probably closer to Rajang.

Go, I hate the dresses. Cutefags are the true blight.

user, YOU are the sapphire star

>Gives me Kaiser X
>Doesn't give me Teostra Del Sol

But it's not cute.

There is no fully grown xeno. That wasn't a baby. It was just retarded because it just came out of its cocoon.
Localization sucks in almost every language except the Asian ones because they all pretty much speak variations of Chinese anyways.

Post yfw
>activate melody
>Attack up XL
>Defense up XL
>Negate stamina use L
Kick in

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It was shit anyway. The real crime is no Cera Cymmetry.

Interesting finding familiar World stuff in the concept books from way back. They really are finally making their dream game with World.

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I-I don't get it

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That's what I'm saying. When they're actively developing an expansion for both console and PC that's going to come out roughly a year after the initial PC release, but they "can't" release it at the same time as consoles, even though the content was caught up, it's clearly intentional that they just didn't care to develop the expansion for PC at the same time. Even though it was likely well within their means to do so.

I'm Xeno's mom?

where does the meme he is using the Kushala frame come from? It shares absolutely nothing with EDs. Even the run animation is the one Rajang had in 4U

>Still no Diablos horn on a stick lance
MH6 better fix the absolute fucking state of the weapon models

Of course you don't, Handler. You're retarded.

That's what people start calling you after you slay Nergigante.

You are The Last of Us. Metroid Prime. Some kind of Suicide Squad.

>finding familiar World stuff
I don't think I'm following you. IG has been in the series for a while.

>Teostra Del Sol

Attached: 1567517724392.jpg (960x540, 59K)

You are a true Monster Hunter World: Iceborne™!

>Fulgore Anji's armor skills are boring ass
>Obsidian doggo's armor skills are straight shit

Attached: 1561937245996.jpg (584x448, 91K)

I see, thanks for enlightening me user.

Vangis gave razor sharp which is good, and the G rank version gave sharpness +1. Yes that's literally all you need to do well in a MH game. Are you going to argue otherwise?

Fujioka hates you and says you'll be a fashion hunter or fucking look stupid.

the real crime no one seems to be talking about is no tigrex cb

The Handler I really cute but she's still second to the Marm because I share her monster lust.

You also needed a charm with at least one point in sharpness to negate blunt edge. This made it a pain in the ass to build around.

How is Barioth Z better than Vangis X

Tigrex weapons are the most underwhelming in the game
>No purple sharpness
>high raw but not high enough
>bad affinity

A counter-intuitive mentality to the core premise of the game. If good looking armor has bad skills, then there's no reason to farm for it, which means less player retention. I'll just take my Valkana skill set and be done with spending any more time at the blacksmith.

but it looks cool

Attached: cb.png (1920x1080, 3.82M)

>Everything i dont like is sony
Why are nintendofags so mad at everything?

What are the chances of this nigga making it?
>those bells

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Pussy magnet coat and rapier. This is not up for debate.

Esurient Z trashes both


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Glad to see Blacvk Diablos armor is back to being stupid good considering how fucked Master BD is. Feels right. High rank BD was easy and had an armorset that was dick. This now feels more like Tri Ultimate where Black Diablos armor was rad.

Sorry. I meant that in a way that World doubled down on the whole "insect companions" idea with the scoutflies too, so I associated it more with World than 4.

You can replace the waist with the G rank ceadeus or Peco waist and be good to go.

>not denying it
Guilty. Just leave the thread dude, you already lost by being a sony shill.

It's a shame they made it look ugly af

0 as of now, save wizard is working again and there are no fatalis items on sight

0 unless if Black and Crimson makes it in, then it's 100%
But let's be real, they're awful fights.

They absolutely nailed Jang's personality with the new attacks. The only thing I don't like is how they got rid of multi-Blanka balls which they gave the attack equivalent to Zinogre for some reason

I require red and black first, then old white can come along too.

I don't like this. Where's my Astera GH Lass?

Careful, user. Don't wanna bring up mixed sets or you'll trigger his autism.

After a lot of the shit in World? They're great fights by comparison.

Most of the armors aren't all that great to look at.

scrub question:
I haven't gotten very far in Iceborne yet, but I know my old base game gear ain't gonna carry me forever.
Any tips on what new weapons/armor I should try aiming for if I use Lance and Hammer?

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In the GOOD guild hall. There is no shame in going about your business there.

Getting through this horrible story is boring me to tears. Just let me hunt.

>implying Seliana's gathering hub isn't peak comfy

acid glav.

Yea but Diablos G has always looked good. Capcom dun goofed.

Stay mad in your obsession

I go to the guild hall to pick up a job, not a bath house.

You are part of the reason Iceborne is delayed on PC because you double dipped like a retard.

>Fanservice expansion
>Destroys half the returning weapon designs

Attached: brachydios longsword.png (507x771, 414K)

At least they didn't get BONED

4U Crimson G was a great fight. Shut your mouth.

I don't think Iceborne's OST is great, but it's still insane how much better it is than World. Did they change composers?

why does the longsword look like a greatsword?

For someone new? Banbaro is extremely easy to farm and has some helpful skills for you like Mushroomancer and Health.

I'm glad they added Brachy, but I wish they didn't with those models, utterly destroyed them.

So, they've added crown sizes for all endemic life now, right? Do you have to get crown sizes of the super rare shit like the Tsuchinoko, Bristly Crake, etc for the trophy? Because I don't see how that's possible.

50% to be exact.

Ryozo snapped his fingers and erased half the weapon models.

I hope some brave soul questions them about this shit in an interview or something.

>helpful skills for you like Mushroomancer
Are you high or just trolling?

The Guild Hall doesn't even have basic conveniences like access to the farm or Argosy, making you have to go to Astera proper to use them, thus it is heavily flawed and not worth using.

No. You only need to catch any one animal of crown size for either trophy.

Imagine playing this game on consoles, everyone in this thread is a shit eater. Other than me of course :)

Finally found it.
Do you think there's hope they'll use this design in Iceborne?

Attached: rajang female armor concept.png (300x837, 434K)

Dude, how'd he get that person all the way up there? Must have been crazy tiring having to climb all the way up there, while dragging a choking struggling human being.

Are any of narga's weapons worth using?

Mushmancer is great for new players. he's not wrong.

This is why you play on PC

The crowns are just for monsters as usual.

You will need to get gold crown endemic life for some quests, but there are daily food skills that help with that.

>look like a greatsword?
You what? That's a toothpick compared to a real GS

pretty much every returning weapon I had an attachment to weren't BONED and even I still feel bad

>all these nincels hating on the weapon designs and the story

lol grow up

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If you never played it on a console you're a fucking newfag. I played MH on console before you were born.

Having said that I also own a pc. I just don't feel like playing MH with the pc audience.

heavy bowgun

Shit skills offensive wise but it makes you unkillable with how fast one chugs mandragoras (max pots)
I have a mushroomancer wide range set to give multi teams a headstart of mandragora/para/nitro/toadstool for a hunt-long atk/def/stam cap/hp cap/dash juice which i then switch to a real set back at camp

No, they're still garbage.

>you criticize my game? You're a nintendofag
Hello, Capcom.

the concept of Gore for female is the best shit. It is straight-up Berserkers

>>you criticize my game? You're a nintendofag
but this actually the case half the time. you can tell when they say shit like 4U is the peak of the series.

Cry more, cuck

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Fuck no.
I get that the Fatalis trio are this boomer-core monsters that the devs and fans constantly wank as the best shit ever, but leaving aside siege Elders like Lao or Zorah they are the most boring Elder Dragons to fight.
Their moveset is just your basic monster moveset but with the damage inflated to biblical proportions.

>Are you high or just trolling?
Potions, Immunizer, Demondrug, Armorskin, Max Potions, Dash Juice, and more. Having just 10 max potions that are instant, let alone the buffs etc. It's crazy helpful.

interdasting. I'll have to take a look

Moxie only matters if you plan on dying at least once a hunt.

I can unironically tell you're gay, like, takes it in the ass gay and not "internet gay" by the way you type and the images you use.



>hating based david bowie
sorry but you are the gay nincel and also a zoomer

>tfw Brachy's CB
>No Teo GS
>No Glav GS
>those Brachy dual blades
>the Brachy LS
>No Teo CB
Why Capcom, why make Palico gear instead of weapons.
A-at least Ruiner Nergigante and Savage Jho weapons look god-tier.

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Keep seething, loser

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>Tigrex set with mushroomancer
Sure you won't kill anything quickly, but nothing will kill you

Hot Rajang monkey dick make Taimanin Asagi body become sensitive 3000 times

I haven't seen Ruiner Jho weapons anywhere yet, do you have a link to a video showcasing them or something?

This for me as well. Truly suffering.
>zoomers don't know the series started on playstation

I'm not a "nintendofag" I prefer nintenbro.
I'm also not mad at world, I pity its players when GU is so much better.

How similar is 3U and 4U to FU in terms of gameplay?

>Brachy weapons are the coolest in the old gens
>Gets the worst treatment out of all returning monsters
I love World but christ the Brachy weapons make me feel a bit ill

I'd prefer new players to not die, instead of wasting my time.

Do you mean Ruiner Nergigante or Savage Jho weapons? I don't have a video, but Ruiner Nergi weapons are just straight improvements from regular Nergi designs and look pretty great, and Savage Jho looks so fucking sick with the flaming black and red aura coming off.

That's why I'm glad I see so many randoms with the tigrex set on, they've already healed to full health before I even get a dust of life out

I carted twice and by the grace of God my palico managed to knock it over, I got the final killing blow as it was getting up. That fight was insane, seems like itd be fun for range, but with a SA it was a nightmare.

I meant Ruiner Nerg. Brain fart.
People have been saying that Nerg weapons got two unique designs, but I haven't seen the supposed new ones. I hope CB looks better than a fucking broom this time.

I'm in a similar predicament. I think World is the most fun I've had with a MH in terms of pure gameplay, but at the same time it's so painful seeing how Capcom completely and utterly shits on one of the best parts of these games, seeing the motherfucking gear after you slay a monster.
>tfw seeing the Brachy maracas and SA instead of the real DB's and SA.

>I'm not a "nintendofag" I prefer nintenbro

Attached: 0963378.png (268x325, 87K)

The CB gets rid of the broom but gets the iron base sword instead for the upgrade

The Ruiner Nerg CB is not a broom like regular Nerg.

Attached: file.png (215x199, 34K)

Yeah good thing iceborne did the right thing in the end . Musou games are down that alley , you can leave my franchise alone and fuck off

Kinda ironic how mainline reskins the Kushala skeleton better than Frontier.

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As much as I love World, I really hope this makes Capcom actually put in some effort into 6th gen. The fact that weapons are still fucked over in the expansion, which they should've used to fix the biggest flaw in World, is fucking damning.
They really made Palico shit instead of actual weapons, so sad.

It's not base iron blade, but it looks like it could be a blade borrowed from Barioth weapons, which have those jagged edges.

These single player G rank hunts feel like doing multiplayer G rank hunts solo in the older games.

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Seltas Queen herself isn’t much, but I still respect the kind of fight they were going for. It reminds me why I enjoy the series, the possibility of new ways to hunt. It’s why I can never say no to swimming despite its issues. It brought another dimension to monsters we never seen, one where they’re in their element and couldn’t be flashed out the sky or didn’t have any disadvantages. It brings me satisfaction knowing I bested something in its own playing field and it’s something I want the series to expand on more. It’s why I love Kecja Wacha as a concept and fight. Once it angers it cuts off two ways to temporarily stop it and if it’s in a place with a canopy then it becomes more of a threat. Yeah Kecha itself is a pushover, but a monster that trips up the way a hunter has to fight it is good in my book instead of monster just angrier and attack harder.

>Local researcher found with monster rape dungeon.

>tfw Azure Rath and Brachydios wont stop fighting each other
Thank you for the free damage but just let me hunt in peace

Attached: 1510138720163.gif (480x358, 1.16M)

Is the Ruiner Nerg fight really just slightly faster nerg?

>Silver and Gold get a new flaming head mode that won't go away
Fuck this fight

>charging, spinning in place
That's half the monster roster right there, not just Tigrex.

With a bunch of new moves.

>October Rajang
>Nov/Dec Matured Xeno
>Jan Arch tempered Extremoth (Ultimate)
>Spring Autonomous Blade Liger crossover

Attached: 10406_zoids.jpg (1680x1050, 642K)

Yup, really shit fight. No idea why it's locked behind MR100.

What an ugly bird

is unga bunga setup still as effective as it was in the base game?

Attached: unga_build.jpg (1920x1080, 416K)

Dung them.

What mods?


Offensive guard with LS eh? As expected of a waifu shitter.

>tfw wants a set exactly like these but can't fit focus anywhere on it
>no mag cap up deco
>no focus deco

You are mistaken
Japs fucking love siege monsters

Elemental builds are better than raw builds now, other than that yes.

Did they add a layered Chakra Waist in IB or something?

not my build, just saved the picture. I'd probably try to build this around a Lance or something

>Be ancient dragon killing murder monster
>Get your head bashed until you die by a giant harp
The absolute state of Niggergante

I don't know what that is, but that top and waist are part of the bathing layered set

What's a good general-use hunting horn in Iceborne?
I just wanna go online and play the music of my people

Have we seen Rajang weapons in screenshots and footage yet? I'm really worried they gave his weapons the Lunastra treatment.

Get teostras rarity 11 one, play it like a hammer that shits blast damage, I guess keeping divine protection up for your low IQ team mates

They are keeping the tradition they started with Mark of a Hero, let them fight

I did. Azure keeps coming back like 30 seconds later or Brachy just leaves and goes to the same area

>play game
>have shit gear
>hunt 3 monsters
>turns out every mr monster takes 30 minutes to kill solo and can oneshot me
>literally nobody responds to distress signal
what was the purpose of this expansion, why make a game you cant even play

Attached: 1513180255049.png (706x412, 278K)

Git gud I soloed the first 3 monsters with a fucking hunting horny

time to nut up or shut up gayboy

what weapon you using?

Is it too late to get in to World?


>you can use drachen / HR set all the way until the end of Iceborne

Nice """MR""", what a shit expansion.

Attached: 15666238392120.jpg (1920x1080, 492K)

>too late to play a single player game.

>you can decide not to use any armor and hunt every single monster all the way until the end of Iceborne
Nice """"MR"""", what a shit expansion.

Attached: file.png (750x1000, 214K)

I guess you're done now, may as well trade in the game or get a refund.

What do you mean? I have 300 hours in the game and I've only seen one slowdown

Attached: 1477572048011.jpg (713x1175, 282K)

>Head bashed in by a giant harp
>Not bagpipe shoved handle deep into his ass and then explosively tooted

When the monster ONLY has those that's those two. And tigrex is faster and more fun I'm that regard.

>no transmog

Better wait for PC version.

My FPS tanks whenever I'm connecting

Drachitter detected

So what's the Kirin cutscene from

So now in Iceborne what's the best way to farm for decos? Tier 2 tempered still?

I am, not because of transmog but because I have an ariginal ps4 and not even a ssd in it and the loading times and fps drops are just killing me.

Unironically geologist+botanist+marathon runner+stealth+intimidator+detector set
Do the Lord of The Underworld Beckons, completeable in 1 (ONE) minute and netting you an ancient feystone each try AND a good chunk of MR boost

>retard is against something that was in previous MH games
>retard is against obvious QoL things

Based fucking retarded drone.

>raped by researchers
Don't be stupid, that's the hunter's job. That's the whole point of monster hunting.

Really? I've been playing mostly offline and my loading times and fps have been pretty solid

>>retard is against something that was in previous tendie shit which aren't real monster hunter games
>>retard is against obvious crutch set cop outs

>attack charm III
shit. what do I need to craft this?

Whose was it to put ancient forest in this game in the first place? It's a disaster.

No you didn't.

Saving the Blanka Ball x3 for Furious Rajang maybe
Having multiple dangerous as fuck moves where he starts by jumping now could be a bit much otherwise.

Damn need that Garuga greaves to replace Death Stench layered armor

You can already take 7 max potions already between the usual 2 and bringing materials for more
Mushroomancer was a lot better when inventory space was extremely limited and combines weren't guaranteed

undisputed best girl

Get rid of the Diver waist layered and say hello to Thermae layered set.

What's the incentive for doing tempered things in IB? I kinda got tired of them in the base game in doing the elders over and over again. After guiding lands, what else is there to do?

>MR Kushala Daora

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Better drops. There's no incentive NOT to fight tempered elders.

Materials to augment/custom upgrade weapons. Guiding Lands materials replace Streamstones basically.

Holy fuck the Narga LBG is a blast to use. It doesn't feel like you're doing retarded damage but you actually kinda are. Any other bowguns out there that feel this fun?

In HR I used the fuck out of the Dark Devourer because I love me some sticky shot but Pierce is turning out to be way less cheesy than sticky/cluster but still really strong.

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>there are things that fit the world and things that don't.
>Worldsperm thinks because MH got new graphics it can't have wacky monsters anymore and has to be serious and mature
You fags never ceases to crack me up.

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I literally started with MH1 retard. You have the reading comprehension of a toddler. I even referenced it in that post.

1. Because Microsoft also pays the ransom (mainly ads) while PC literally doesn't pay a cent.

2. No one cares about the Bone. Sony didn't want to lose the game to PC now that it's finally left Nintendo. Especially since there already is a Frontier fanbase on PC in Japan.

This is a fucking travesty. How the fuck is it even a sword at this point it's a fucking bone club. How is it going to apply slime/blast when the only slime is on the hilt? Jesus fucking christ for what purpose was this decision made and how do they reconcile it?

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>for what purpose

money. No, World selling like hot cakes doesn't give them the greenlight to go stupid with the budget for an expansion especially when a sequel is in the development.

Why? They'll give some stock response like
>gomenasorry art gumi was very busy recororing existing monsteru to make weaponu moderu prease understandu

I think we should spam Capcom to bully them into adding a Handler switch option. Serious Handler is so much better it's not even funny.

I'd rather have pub lass


By every definition eclosion can mean 'both to emerge from a cocoon' or 'to hatch from an egg', we've been over this.

I don't remember transmog in 3U or 4U

I will literally eat my nuts if Xeno doesn't get an event Quest or an adult forme somewhere down the line

Gotta go one step at a time, first push for the one that's already implemented.

Stop with this autism. It doesn't matter if Xeno was a newborn or a fresh adult, he wasn't at full power anyway.

lmao if she was to replace her role in the story and be the tutorial voice you'd hate her just as much.

Rajang is pretty grounded, it:s just an horned ape. Brachydios feels more like an outsider

And he never will be.
Shara Ishvalda is like his cooler cousin
>Uses vibrations and the earth instead of some boring generic shit like fire
>can make himself a giant golem
>has actually good music
>is a boomer dragon

>go stupid with the budget for an expansion
Bro they added a fucking customizable room with furniture which has no fucking impact on the actual game but they couldn't nice up the end game weapon designs?

That's because Anjanath is uncharacteristically boring even compared to the rest of World's newcomers.

Technically Brachy wins in his turf war with Azure Rath by damage done, even though I think Rath should outright job to him like a bitch.

Am I reaching by saying they had them both doing damage to each other because they were both technically a cover flagship monster of 3U?

It was more concerning post-game than story involvement, but even then being able to switch back and forth or just having someone that isn't a bumbling buffoon be your speaker for you should make it less grating. It's still a bandaid because god forbid the hunter has an ounce of personality, but what can you do?

Damage in turfs is irrelevant, because it's always 10% of monster's max hp.

>How the fuck is it even a sword at this point it's a fucking bone club.
It's the scabbard, you doofus.

Well, there goes my headcanon as to which monster is treated as the superior. Ah well, thanks for the info user.

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Hey whats the best hammer in MHW? I just beat niggergante and im using the diablos hammer.

>tfw pcfag
How is charge blade? Are the new moves good? Did they (completely justifiably) nerf SAED? I've heard that elemental CB is now useful, what they do, tighten the phial explosion spread?

They're also almost all recycled, if you've seen one Flying Wyvern vs. Brute Wyvern turf war you've seen pretty much all of them.

As long as the sword inside the sheathe is actually Brachy-like, does it matter what they stow the weapon in? Or is the blade itself actually just a big fucking unga bunga bone club with Brachy shit slapped on

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>Add all these rad returning monsters
>Recycle their turf wars instead of giving them some neat animations like Brachy boxing up the Rath with an exploding uppercut

It's the little things that sting the most.

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you're giving them too much credit Scimitar II

you think all those generic assets were made specifically for Iceborne? the whole room is an opportunity to reuse available assets.

Jesus fucking christ it's worse than I thought. I had this sliver of hope that it was just the sheathe that was BONED but god damn that's awful.

My original point still stands then ya fucking knuckledragging retard.

>How is charge blade? Are the new moves good? Did they (completely justifiably) nerf SAED? I've heard that elemental CB is now useful, what they do, tighten the phial explosion spread?
Do you even understand how to use CB, dumbo?

Alatreon is still the best

Ancient Forest is cozy as fuck

Japs really are the world's most lazy ass vidya devs.
Hell MH ran on ps2 assets for years, then on wii assets until fucking world. That like, what ~15 years and only 2 asset changes?
I can bash western games for being generic all day but they don't copy paste half as much as the island chonks. At least PCheat'll has mods I guess.

>Nami set looks amazing as fuck
>No transmog

Attached: dpkbeeqyzws21.png (705x551, 180K)

>waaa low poly weapon bad waaaaa
>waaa plz help modders waaaaa
off yourself, all of you, fucking double faced cretins

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Nami set?

Like fuck is it. The only good parts are the initial starting area and at a push the area near the shore. Everything else is a massively fucked up vertical shitshow.



Always funny to see the hardcore MH players butthurt over a not-flat terrain