Monster Hunter

As long as the sword inside the sheathe is actually Brachy-like, does it matter what they stow the weapon in? Or is the blade itself actually just a big fucking unga bunga bone club with Brachy shit slapped on

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>Add all these rad returning monsters
>Recycle their turf wars instead of giving them some neat animations like Brachy boxing up the Rath with an exploding uppercut

It's the little things that sting the most.

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you're giving them too much credit Scimitar II

you think all those generic assets were made specifically for Iceborne? the whole room is an opportunity to reuse available assets.

Jesus fucking christ it's worse than I thought. I had this sliver of hope that it was just the sheathe that was BONED but god damn that's awful.

My original point still stands then ya fucking knuckledragging retard.

>How is charge blade? Are the new moves good? Did they (completely justifiably) nerf SAED? I've heard that elemental CB is now useful, what they do, tighten the phial explosion spread?
Do you even understand how to use CB, dumbo?

Alatreon is still the best

Ancient Forest is cozy as fuck

Japs really are the world's most lazy ass vidya devs.
Hell MH ran on ps2 assets for years, then on wii assets until fucking world. That like, what ~15 years and only 2 asset changes?
I can bash western games for being generic all day but they don't copy paste half as much as the island chonks. At least PCheat'll has mods I guess.

>Nami set looks amazing as fuck
>No transmog

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