Persona is a Sony series and will never leave

By the looks of it I wouldn't be surprised if that comes to PS4 too.

Not that anyone expected it to.

Whatever you can have your 1 censored game, theres tons of other games on Pc and Switch.

>wins EVO
>still no release

Whenever you think of the switch you will constantly think of how it got cucked by Persona 5

>Fatlus games releasing on more than one console

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Sony should just buy Sega already.

Man, you fanboys really want them to have a monopoly huh.


Sad, but we already knew.

I really hope we get this in America. I don't particularly care for Persona (I played 4 and 5, they are just not my favorite games), however I missed my chance at getting a white PS4 pro and new ones are way above retail price on ebay and amazon.

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