Are the american servers just as racist as the aussie ones? I dont think you can compete with how bad the aussie ones can get lmao
Classic wow
>the same tranny passposter here dilating about retail
>wowcg gets 100 posts in the time wowg get's 2
>new (old) game is more popular than old game
fascinating discovery
won't last long
But it was supposed to be dead before launch, then at launch, then a day after launch, then a week after launch. Face it, retail is pure garbage and you only like it because your entire life is pure garbage
what's a good east coast pvp server?
I still have active sub for about 15 more days.
game is dogshit my man.
>kid mad I didn't resurrect his ass
walk the walk bitch
are you kidding me? classic was released for the exact reasons you described. peoples lives suck and they yearned for the past to feel better. nobody sane or normal played on private servers.