Classic wow

>try playing this on EU alliance side
>SJWs everywhere, everyone hates each other, no community
>play on NA horde side
>right wing memes everywhere, everyone is helpful and friendly besides the people getting triggered

was it the region or faction that made the difference?

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The faction, easily. Alliance-niggers literally suck dick.

>want to play shaman because it's the coolest class
>don't want to play with underage edgelords telling each other their that the same handful of "jokes" they all know and repeat endlessly are frickin' hilarious

>it's better to play with people who share no sense of humor and are distant from each other

Try the other combinations and tell us

>being unfunny is funny xD
This is why I play a Paladin now even if I don't like the class.

>right wing memes

they arent memes though and right wing probably means genuinely racist

You sound like you play alliance in EU


I think they're just "tired". Tired of the same shit all the fucking time. Like, be racist see if I care but can you switch it up a little? It's literally just slurs and frogs.

so horde=incels?

The faction.

>act stupid
>"you are acting stupid"


I ain't racis, but
simple as'
Thrall bless

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Eu horde is the same tho. Alliance is full of battybois and zoomers

>be warrior
>get called to thank
>party consists of Paladino's healer, warlock, huntard, druid who tried to dps as bear
>warlock pulls mob
>druid bear, still
>let them die on purpose

Fucking zoomers I swear

Are you sure you're on the right site my dude?

Why is it always Yea Forums virtue-signaling 17 year olds that spam chats in all the games they play
Like, can’t you play a game without the need to receive attention? You’re like the new sjw from 2014
Like damn bro some of you guys make everyone uncomfortable in trade chat and don’t notice

Sorry, am ruining the echo?

did you not read the thread? the community is doing it collectively, its not a source of derision unless you get triggered like you

most of them don't really mean what they say, they are just underage beta males who found a sense of belonging in /pol/ and just want to fit in with their internet friends

If warrior doesnt pull mob off me I fear it and give 0 fucks ad to where it goes. I'll take you all down if you try to be a smart ass smug nigger, learn to hold agro or reroll.

>SJWs everywhere

checks out

You arent a tank you faggot shadow bolt spamming nigger. No one likes you queers

Funny thing is you probably hide your posts from your parents because they wouldn't handle their little angel posting racism well at all.

Maybe ask yourself that question instead, election tourist.


excuse me while i vent to my Yea Forums blog
>duoing with friend who supposedly has been playing since late vanilla/TBC
>refuses to run dungeons more than once
>refuses to finish all the quests in a zone if they are green
>right now refuses to run separate wings of scarlet monastery actually wants to wait till we can do the entire thing in one go

i want to fucking die and play solo
his build is such garbage that i would be levelling faster on my own, he's dead weight

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ask the same question to moot, who left because of people like you

remember ally bros
orc and undead niggers kill on sight
trolls and taruen let them be on their way


So, retards?

Nor are you if you can't hold agro

Retail if fucking dead already. I don't know why are they even trying to do a new expansion. It will be dead on arrival anyway because classic is TOO good

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faction, ally players are literal cry babies

Anyone else burnt out? I got 2 characters to level 37 (big mistake level two at the same time) but I'm just not feeling nostalgia for it or wanting to play anymore. It doesn't feel like vanilla did when it was released and that's okay. Just not for me anymore, and holy hell I forgot how grindy and repetitive old WoW used to be. It's sad because old WoW's pvp was by far the best and I love how fast paced/bursty it is unlike modern WoW which takes 5 years to kill shit and everyone having amazing escape/immunity abilities. I think I prefer everything else to retail but retail sucks dick right now. And XIV barely has any end game content. FUCK the MMO genre for now

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I made the mistake of naming my gnome mage Redpilled. I've been kicked from two groups without saying a word because of them screaming about alt-right shit


Asmon just got a binding POGGERS

>2 characters

Retard, I bet you played everyday and didn't show up to gurabashI even once

It seems 90% of the dungeon groups are spellcleave MAGE ONLY 1 LOCK OK.

same spot as me. I quit at level 44 because it's just too old. We needed classic+, not vanilla.

>less taxes is racist
Oh, thanks. I needed an intellectual like you to break down the racism in owning my labor.

>1 - 2% drop rate
>five guilds on the streamer server already have one half

ebin classic experience

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As an Alliance player on Stalagg, you can't even get past the entrance to STV let alone get to Gurabashi. Last night there were a group of 5 60s camping the quest spots of the zone along with about 30 other horde groups

Damn, I guess the other classes arent doing dungeons at all

You're a fucking idiot and i don't need to read another post about you to know that you are a fucking idiot

locks shouldnt pull groups. you are replaceable dps. just shut up

Wow, so smart!

Alliance is the tranny degenerate faction. Horde is mudhut islam faction, of course they call out trannies on a daily basis. Muslims throw gays off buildings, how is this not obvious to you?

Ya I'll probably consider coming back if it gets new content and QOL features that aren't dumbed down shit like modern WoW has. I love there's no transmog, I like PvP being fast, I like being able to explore, but there's some serious jank. I can't believe people are paying 15$ a month for a 15 year old game, incredible what Blizzard can get away with

Playing alliance on incendius will make a horde character on stalagg after a while because my other group of friends are horde on stalagg

The other classes are doing dungeons but taking five times as long to find people (especially rogues which are complete shit in dungeons til high level, OOO boy one cleave ability every 2 minutes) and they're also taking five times as long to clear. So ya they can choke on my mage cock

your friend is right mostly. only dm and monastery are worth doing multiple times. and monastery is so much walking i definitely get it.
on top of this, i would never run "yard/lib" as a tank. Not worth my time

If you're hoping to gank ally on Stalagg have fun because 90% of them level in dungeons and you'll be seeing nothing but fellow Horde going around questing. I'm horde on Stalagg and seriously see maybe 1-2 Alliance every 10 minutes and most of them get gang banged. There's barely any PvP going on because there's nothing but horde in every questing hub. At least for STV and Tanaris

I'm waiting for TBC, personally

Who said I couldn't hold agro? I clearly stated that faggot warlock kept pulling mobs so I let them die

We are playing the wow classic patch that nerfed all the dungeons significantly. My void walker can tank these instances. People do ubrs in 10 man's on this patch. People are furry tanking with 2 handers on this patch. You are out of your mind if you think you're special. If you can't hold agro you are quite literally retarded and I would sooner replace you with a mage then another tank

TOP1 pve retail guild lost terribly to some random private bois - how did that happened?
Retail bois told me that retail is harder than classic, yet their best players were wrecked in classic

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How are people this fucking autistic to have clear this in the first week? I'm a 50 rogue and I've played every day. Autism

I am good with that. This is my first time playing so I am mainly just questing and working with my friends.

abused raid xp in dungeon farming

>plays classic
>realize it's a buggy, toned down version for braindead morons who never actually played vanilla

>the community is doing it collectively
what are you talking about
there's always people telling you cucks to shut the fuck up and just play the game
Imagine a fat leftist virtue signaling in tradechat about how she supports this and that, I would tell her to please shut the fuck up and go talk politics somewhere else. That's how annoying you guys are.
If you feel the need to talk politics, go to /pol/. Or reddit, or whatever forum you want.

Could you project any harder?

Man, you got the redditourists all booty bothered with such an innocuous post. Well done.

why are they all gnomes and dwarves?
also method is a shit guild. they were always #3 to Paragon and whatever that #2 guild back in the day was.

Yea Forums is an echo chamber as well, who are we kidding here

Literally me. I played vanilla back in the day and was prepped to have muh nostalgia come back and memories of amazing PvP. But the grind to get there isn't worth it, holy shit am I thankful for how quick and brain dead retail WoW is for leveling.

Unironically looking forward to the next WoW expansion now that we've got classic out of the way. Praying it follows the trend and is decent like MoP or Legion.

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>getting uncomfortable by reading something in trade chat
you discord trannies get easier to spot every day

>tfw Priest has no cleave

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>he needs attention everywhere he goes
oh nooo! poor baby...
awww..he doesn't get attention irl or social media so he needs to spam his video games with right wing memes to get people to notice him awwwwwwwwwwwwww

>Mfw dual wield fury warrior
>Shit on all day because my spec isn't "optimal" but I prefer it for world PvP at earlier levels where a miss doesnt just mean death
>Also prefer love solo leveling with it and run full Scarlet set with rfd and SM swords
>Usually tank unless I find the rare group that lets DPS warriors in so brainlets don't notice my spec or dont care even when enrage goes off, I am passable enough to where people dont bitch either
>Mfw kicked out of armory group because someone goes "DW? Are you fucking kidding me?" from fellow warrior
>Level 34 WW axe baby who 100% got carried for the axe where as im level 36
>Even though I assumed I was tanking anyway why does my leveling spec matter
>Whatever, since im already in the SM area and offer to tank instantly find another group
>5 minutes later after the rest of my group shows up I see one of the people in old group /say lfm am armory next to the zone
>/Spit and run in with my group
>Got helm and Scarlet legs in those 2 runs
Imagine wasting time looking for a 100% optimial group for one of the shortest instances in the fucking game

Why do you subhuman wastes spam "LF1M tank" in world and trade then if you clearly dont need one?

Pls come tank my runs

>The other classes are doing dungeons but taking five times as long to find people (especially rogues which are complete shit in dungeons til high level, OOO boy one cleave ability every 2 minutes) and they're also taking five times as long to clear. So ya they can choke on my mage cock
you are such a child
I play rogue and I have no trouble at all finding groups. You know why? Because I made friends.
But even when they're not on I dont have to wait because instead of waiting for someone to invite me, I make my own group.
Its literally that fucking simple
Kids these days don't want to lead, they want someone else to make the group for them
Thats the biggest problem with zoomers

Fuck me, imagine being in the UK and saying something mean on WOW, that could get you fined or arrested.

You're probably 17 years old judging by the way you type and are probably a retarded retail fag who started playing in Cataclysm pretending to be in with the cool boomer crowd. Cringe

Wow is just generic garbage, like most American games.
Yay, another fantasy world with elves, wizards and orcs...

wow amazing research user, instead of trying the horde side on the same server you go ahead and change the entire region
>paying for 2 fucking accounts
just kys

Where you at, I dont pretend like im anything special just because I put a shield on sometimes.and dont give a fuck about how optimal a group is

>You're probably 17 years old judging by the way you type and are probably a retarded retail fag who started playing in Cataclysm pretending to be in with the cool boomer crowd. Cringe
Nice projection

How do I know you're not a 17 year old zoomer who started playing at cataclysm?

i like wow but im not sure if the vanilla grind is for me I do enjoy playing and grinding but its not clicking for me anymore and my friends arent playing as much. I think ill check out retail and see how it is if i like it enough ill push through classic for the free BFA

Retail anime tranny the post.

in theory if you wanted to level of a pally tank what level should you have consecrate?

>Play warrior
>Get asked by randoms "Tank?"
>mfw know I will never have to look for a group as long as im not complete dogshit at my job

I enjoy doing professions too much, was the same in ff14 with mining. Never really liked how herbalism gets you way more money than alchemy as I cant help but want to make potions out of everything i get to raise my alchemy up. Am I just not to the potions that sell well yet? I see liferoot sells for a good amount but what potion makes it so valuable?

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Mining is comfy as fuck when you hit the Alterac Mountains and can get intense if the opposite faction is mining your shit


Well I sure as heck am not on the left side

Im going to do mining on another character but on this one im doing herbalism and alchemy. I jusy wish the potions made proportionally more money than just selling the components

There's a lot of tools that joined classic. People were demanding lvl 15 for fucking ragefire chasm. But over all, the shitty private server elitism doesn't seem to be as prevalent as it could have been.

Have fun paying full price for a 15 year old game that won't get new content classic tranny

>MFW I did it with a bunch of bros that braved it day 1 at 11-12
>Didnt even wipe

Yes, the place that allows almost anything but CP is the exact same thing as all those sites where any wrongthink gets black sited.
Come the fuck on. Yea Forums may have its own culture and leanings, but it's the furthest you can get from an echo chamber. Talking to a group of friends is more of an echo chamber.

>Swoop in and steal someone's chest they fought their way to

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Shinining glorious Warlock chad here.
>Slaughtered every Ally that has tried to share my quest zone with me
>Just rampaged through badlands killing groups of allies with my bros, secured our questing spots and quarantined them off killing all alliance who tried to enter
>Friend gets killed by one of the huntards we were bullying
>I go on the hunt for him
>Find the little cuck shadowmelded trying to hide from me
>Tore apart his fucking asshole 1 vs 1, laughed at him, he resses, gets attacked by that big red vulture in badlands and dies again for like the 9th time by us.
Yeah I'm thinking no class will ever beat me from this point onwards. I've had to use Death Coil a whole 1 (ONE) time in PvP so far and the most sacrifices I've had to use are 1, when I have a whole other spare, I've not even came close to needing my soulstone, I've used like 2 healthstones in 30+ PvP skirmishes, I've got the highest level potions available to my level since I'm an alchemist with maxed out skill

Imagine unironically not picking Warlock. Imagine playing inferior classes that will never ever come close to killing a lock ever.


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In the past ally was all kids while horde was teenagers. It seems to be the same now but ally is all zoomer teenagers and horde is all 30 year old boomers

holy based

Congratulations, you picked Warlock! You won by picking a gamebreakingly broken class! Enjoy!

kill them all, no dirty beast niggers are allowed to breathe the same air as me

>what is night elf priest

kys false flagging mutt

I only kill alliance that steal MY ore. If you cant beat a level 39 Fury warrior for the ore you deserve to lose it anyway

fuck warlocks, can't wait until blizzard releases a patch which nerfs you fucking broken faggots
>hurr durr i'm gonna be harder to take down that a resto druid, im gonna shit out instacast dots and i'm gonna use 2 different kinds of fear on you and i can ressurect at near full health and mana if you do manage to kill me
Fuck. Warlocks.

>lvl 31 undead rogue
>herb/alch for swiftness potions
>imp sprint for slow/snare breaks

Literally ungankable because I know what I'm doing and the nolifer scrubs don't. Can't wait to hit 60 and become the ghost of stormwind,ironforge, and the deeprun tram.

>can't wait until blizzard releases a patch which nerfs you
LOL you'll be waiting for a long ass time cuck boy. That's never going to happen.

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>playing alliance
that was what you did wrong there

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>*insert name here is ninja looter*
>what did he ninja
>Never a specific answer or always a stupid one
that shit is so god damn funny

>horde: boomers, nostalgic fags, normiert right wingers, people who listen to metal
>ally: zoomers, new players, streamers, women, trannies, edgy political orientations
It’s like pol and int. Pol is nogs pretending to be white int is whites pretending to be black

>regular conversation on zeppelin
>eu, golemagg

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left wing = traitors who have no sense of loyalty
right wing = europeans who enjoy their own and each other's cultures and can stand together

Nothing is worse than priests though.

Shield once before they attack you, shield once that one breaks, pop a renew. Then they'll just shadow word pain you while afk wanding. Warlocks with void shield,healing potions, and health stone is pretty gay too though.

>walks away from you


god damn I hate faggots so much, when belfs are release please do yourself a favor and stay on alliance, we know you trannies want to look like something you are not but for the sake of community please stay quarantined on alliance with the rest of the faggot races, dwarves not included.

>What kind of chest you want bro

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>horde is for good players

The horde have the biggest carebear leveling zone that let's them level from like 9 or 10 to about 25, has dungeons for that entire level span, has more dungeon quests, has superior flight paths for all content, a teleporter to alliance dungeons, will of the forsaken, orc stun resistance, an aoe stun, and more I'm sure I'm forgetting right now.

People who play the horde are fucking children who need their crying asses carried by the game.

You are obsessed.

it's hard to tell at this point who is pretending to be a retarded sjw from the real ones
maybe it's just EU cuck hours, because the quality does plummet in the morning hours I've noticed more political bait threads and triggered faggots

You guys traded all of that for the biggest carebear AV

No self respecting right winger would play as a lesser race

>mining at 5:00AM when literally nobody else is on

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nobody is forcing you to play it.
fair enough but NO CHANGES FAGGOT

This V
Also redridge and duskwood feature no horde quests(except for the shit apothecary quest no one does)or bases, making their first 2 pvp zones mostly calm and safe(also only a short flight path from each other and stormwind in case 60s need to be called in).

>MFW nobody even mines in Alteric Mountains during prime time even in a decently high pop server

This shit cracks me up
>Everyone before classic comes out
"Man, chests used to mean something in WoW"
>Classic comes out
>every chest is full of snacks and maybe a shitty green boe


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Wetlands also has no horde quests at all and is the absolute best whelping farm spot

>Old game bad!

This argument has never had any merit. The nostalgia meme has always been overblown shit, no one is playing the game because it's old and they're a hipster. For the same reasons you like your furfag races and horrifically written story line, some people like classic wow.

>Alliance is so alpha even their sub-20 zones are contested

>the one BG horde loses is consideres carebear by the carebears

Dilate and cope you trannies.

>I gank people 5v1
>That makes me pvp god
Kek, gypsy mentality

OP is bait but
When did being a snitch/hall monitor on the internet become accepted?

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Yeah, those snacks and shitty greens were useful.

Saw somebody complaining yesterday that there are no Tanks for high level dungeons
I told them that all the high level tanks are already in a guild, and the pug tanks are only level 40 because nobody invites them.
I got ignored immediately kek


they literally are not

Screw that shit, there's 4 chests in southern STV I'd farm on an hourly basis, that's fair amount of free gold if you know when and where to be.

Because it's fun to watch ragers rage and rage more when they get banned for it. I intentionally egg on ragers and then report them in blizzard games because I know they will get banned.

Its an old art form known as "trolling."

>that's fair amount of free gold
I doubt that's even 1g for all 4 chests

Just dropped a Staff of Jordan on aliance Golemagg. I will wait till people get more money before selling.

Dust, healing between pulls, money.

Gold inflation hasn't kicked in yet, making the few silver from selling everything meaningful.

Those chests have a chance to drop a good spellpower ring you can around 10-15g on alone, the on level greens will be around 1g, a lot more if they're weapons. Then there's mixed healing/mana potions that you'll use.

They aren't that strong?
It's a dps class that wins by dots. While every other dps can burst them down.
While also trying to be tanky with spells and using cloth armor.

Locks are incredibly fun but by far not broken.
Just learn to control the fight and don't let them jump on you.

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alliance has the most streamlined baby zones, it's no surprise they were the world firsts on almost every server cause the quests were some of the most barebones first quests designed for the game

Sorry the chad warrior is coming through and pays no mind to cloth fags

>this cope

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>complete retard drooling retail babies sit and watch you die to mobs while standing right beside you
>or start escort quests without anyone else ready

>cant even sneeze in hillsbrad without getting ganked
Maybe if you are a dungeon only fag

Priest can't chase for shit bro.
you can just run off, even a warrior can escape them easily.

I know this was shit posting before but now there are more unironic posts like this. Something something acting retarded something something retards in good company.

Redridge and Duskwood aren't pvp zones. They're designed as Alliance questing zones ... that Horde can attack. So it's kinda like Horde gets to attack Alliance home territory. Whereas Alliance can't attack Barrens.

The world being built that pushes Horde towards being seen as the aggressive faction. Wonder if it was an intentional design choice.

I am the Allfather. Seek your messiah on grobbulus horde. Kill in my name and remember that I would never let anything happen to you.

And be prepared to not be invited into raids you useless faggot

>do quests in contested zone
>hordelets everywhere trying to gank me
>do 360 and walk away
>take cover
>finish quests while they search like ants when you piss on an ant hive

Hello stalagg bro. Too bad you're on the wrong side, but that doesn't mean our forbidden love can't bloom

user, pick any US pvp server, pick alliance, the blondest and most pale human. Slay horde mud hut niggers everyday.

stop posting anytime

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>Muh racism

>tfw going into Ashenvale for the first time

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The only way you beat a hunter is if the hunter was 3+ levels lower, or for some reason he didn't roll BM on a PvP server. That's like if I talk shit about beating up on a mage as a warrior. The only way it happened is if your story is about outnumbering and outleveling someone who wasn't trying to fight you anyway.

The fact that Garithos doesn't have a statue in Stormwind is a fucking outrage.

These hordlettes crack me up
>running to SM
>some horde rogue runs past me on horse
>dismounts to kill me
>some warrior tries to help his rogue buddy
>intimidating shout and walk away while laughing
>the rogue remounts and chases me down
>run into SMGY to get away
imagine actually playing horde

Then let me quest in peace REEEEEEEEEEE

>Lvl 29 undead rogue
>?? gnome mage on mechanostrider spots and runs up
>Stealth and sap
>Run across the river and head for tarren mill
>Mage follows so I pop sprint
>I run into the barn and restealth
>Mage runs in and wiffs his frostnova on the 2 guards because I've already climbed up
>leap down like a ninja and cheap shot him
>He noob cubes to break it and runs away

>and restealth
is this a rap chorus

If a warrior is doing world pvp why isnt he constantly in fucking berserker stance or speccing fury. Arms is fucking dogshit for leveling world pvp. Why wouldn't you want two immunities to fear or even 3 if you are an undead

Deviate Dilates are tolerated too.

Don’t play on meme servers who are ruining their fun and experience.

So if I go alliance, I'm a gutless tranny, and if I'm horde, I'm an undereraged edglord.
Did I get that right?

Why are you asking me?

*boomer edge lord
Everyone I met on horde was late 20’s nostalgia

horde are niggers. they play like niggers too.
alliance are trannies. they like pretty things.

Just a question as to how a god damn warrior gets fucking cucked out of a kill by FUCKING FEAR of all things. It just triggers me

>Good players
pick 1

>Quest in peace on a PvP server
user, on STV the V stands for fucking Vietnam and the trees speak mothrfucking orcish

been lvling a rogue and I'm nearing 60 now. I plan to finish it but I'm feeling like this class just isn't for me.
So I need some advice for an alt/second char. Which class would you say has most relaxed time in pve? I'm open to any kind of role really as long as I can just raid and do my part in pvp if necessary

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Warriors need 8 liferoot for their lvl 30 weapon quest.

>Level 30 weapon quest
>Getting on your knees and sucking someone else's dick as a chad warrior
no thanks


Frost mage

>picking flowers as a warrior

how are warlocks right now? cba sucking my own dick collecting soul shards and dotting 30mobs in dungeons but mage just feels so boring..

maybe a hunter? i'll mostly pvp though

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You can try shadow priest, it's like an easier warlock with less dot damage.

The hunter I killed was BM and was the exact same level as me. Post your name and server shitter, I will ruin any BM hunter near my level, you literally can't do shit against 2 sacrifice shields nigger.

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>Buying liferoot is sucking dick
No sir, im talking about the rest of the quest which you will be sucking a lot of dick to do just to get it done at 30

Huh, I didn't have to
Maybe you just like sucking dick?

>implying you beat a 40 elite as a pissant level 30 warrior who couldnt even hit his way out of a paper bag
So how did it taste?

eu horde is german faggots and femoids
t. eu undead

meh won't a be a semi supporter like decursing and healing in bgs, i just want to pure dps

It was easy
I got some other warriors and did it with them, then we invited a priest from the guild and he healed us for cyclonian.
Or you can try sucking dick like you want to... I wouldn't recommend it though.

>Been playing shaman to 40
>taking it easy, fishing and cooking as I go, ignoring the voice
>feeling like WF isnt all I was hoping itd be though
>Healing isnt the instant dungeon group it used to be and its making the voice worse
>That nagging voice in the back of my head has been getting so much louder every level
>Its been screaming at me to tank
>Finally break down and make a warrior
How bad is just leveling by tanking dungeons? I really just like tanking, dps warrior leaves me flaccid

>He thinks grouping up in an mmo is equivalent to sucking dick
are you retarded?

The only way to do it is 4 other warriors

If you get it at a level where you will basically contribute nothing to a fight then yes it is .

Has to be the server because on grobbulus alliance world chat you will see lots of (((goblins))) controlling the auction house jokes, orc crime statistics, etc.

You're so fucking stupid it's astounding. There are a thousand ways to do it, it's a fucking mmo not a linear game.

>Someone tries to steal my chest as I kill the mob
>Throw renew on them
>Keep pulling more mobs and dragging him into combat until he leaves

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Yeah like being carried by someone who isnt even on the quest while you are level 30 :^)

>How bad is just leveling by tanking dungeons?

You can't really.

What the fuck are you even talking about? You're literally just inventing shit to complain about you mongoloid.
>hurr durr if you get 5 level 18's together to run deadmines you're sucking fat dick durrrrrrrr

>DPS warriors seething this hard
we all know you were one of those chat beggers that asked for help with cyclonian, happens every single day

I'm done responding to you, you're either too retarded to have a conversation, or you're trolling.
Either way your life is pathetic and I feel bad for you.

The difference is those 5 level 18s in deadmines can actually hit the enemies inside where as your 10 levels below an elite level 40 ass wont hit it 1 out of 5 times

>shitpost around in chat on every starter zone
>noone minds anything
>eventually join a guild
>guild has a discussion who is the (((merchant race))) of wow
>not implying anything but it was Gnomeregan that got gassed
>sseth & co jokes all around
>someone was wondering is there already a

wtf I want to play wow classic now

Shadow priest isnt the semi-supporter build for bgs.

You have the choice to either be a strong 1v1 or have higher utility. Depending which talents you pick.

the downside to being a shadow priest is that you lack mana. But on the other hand you can mindcontrol people off lumber mill in AB and shit on most casters or rogues.

Better start spending that rage bar or your DPS is gonna start falling off. Sorry your demoshout got nerfed maybe next time little buddy

Huh? I'm literally the main tank in my guild. And I told you how I got cyclonian... Are you even capable of reading?
You realize you don't look like some super elite troll right? You're coming off like a 12 year old autist, who's too stupid to actually have a conversation with another human being.

>try playing this on EU Sneed side
>feed everywhere, everyone seeds each other, no community
>play on NA Chuck side
>right wing memes everywhere, everyone fucks and sucks besides the people getting triggered

imagine caring about racism unironically. go back to redbbit and neck yourself once youve arrived normalfag trash

Why not just be a tank shaman?
Then just dps at near 60.

>be on horde
>someone in chat goes:
>"The girls only guild: "Flat earth Society" is looking for members!"
>EVERYONE super fucking triggered and calling it sexist

>Huh? I'm literally the main tank in my guild.

That's why you bring a full group to fight it....
It's a single elite enemy and you're acting like it's fucking Onyxia.
Not to mention that 0.0001% of people actually fight it at level 30.

Yeah I'm done explaining simple concepts to your small brain. Good luck fighting hogger kiddo!

And what im saying is that people who do fight it at level 30 are deadweights that suck dick and get carried. There is a large difference between getting it at level 30 vs higher levels as far as effectively killing the thing and contributing goes

is there anyway to display health numbers for enemies through the default interface? or do i need an addon for something like that.

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Because I always tank. I tried to do something different this time around but when I dont tank long enough I get this itchy feeling like I want to tank. Getting a shaman to 60 and swapping to healing/totem twisting forever is going to just leave that feeling returning.

>be a bombastic orc warlock
>spot shitty allience gnome mage trailing rare quest mob
>let him slowly pick off the main mobs guards
>he eventually goes for the quest mob and trys to burst it down
>dive him and blow him out forever and for all time
>the mob death blows him
>take it for myself right after


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>Pls invite me to deadmines im level 12 I can contribute!

Nah, you're wrong, it's an easy enough fight at level 30 with a group of 5. You're still retarded

>rare quest mob

>right wing probably means genuinely racist


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Nah, my guilds done running DM and we're not going to run you through. Sorry kid

I play EU Alliance and I have not experienced this at all. But I play on an RP server so its only autists.

People were making tranny jokes yesterday in Darkshore.

According to this overcompensating sperg warlock is doing great for him. If you want spell dps AND to be great at pve play mage, otherwise go lock and compensate in PvE with skill


>asmongoloid cleared all PvE content as of 5 minutes ago

Not even a month and the game's been beaten by even the worst players. All those poopsocks playing 16 hours a day will be burned out before their first month of sub runs out.

A proper group of 5 people who are actually on the quest or people you have to pay off or butter up considering they stand to earn nothing otherwise

its kind of a cringe name but a good retard filter

>right wing means racist

Since when?

>Nah my guild is done carrying me through Cyclonian and we arent gonna carry you through. Sorry kid

>A proper group of 5 people who are actually on the quest
>or people you have to pay off or butter up considering they stand to earn nothing otherwise
Nah, most people will just help because they're cool and you're in the same guild. Not sure why you would beg/pay someone for it.

you also forgot a very obvious one
>You actually have friends to play the multiplayer game with, and they help you because you're friends

I feel like you've been living in a liberal echo chamber and actually have no fucking idea what "right wing" people say and do.

>Sense of community
>Healthy in game economy

But layering/sharding ruined of all these things.
People made bank on fucking arcane crystals and black lotuses abusing layering already.

>doing things for the fun of it
Except everyone is a fucking guide reader and you will get booted or laughed at for not following an optimal build.
Even guilds are actively banning "meme builds"
Also everyone is fucking AoE grinding on dungeons.

plez don't bring politics into my vanilla

You definitely have the ego of an alliance main tank i'll give you that

Since WWII

Huh? I already got WW axe like I said kiddo, I literally killed Onyxia an hour ago. Good luck with that deadmines group though man, might want to at least hit 18 before you run it, I doubt you'll get in at 13

how did this post trigger so many ledditors

Good luck with that dick sucking thing. Let me know how that goes.



You can't escape my priest /waving while you run away,

Blacksmith bros, is it worth getting Hammer of Exoertise? It’s pretty cool to get an epic before of 60 but is it worth the hassle?

>So casual he cant even 10 man deadmines at 13

the thing is, when you get burned out, there is no return

Not at fucking all do it anyway

You can't? Damn bro, that's harsh. I'm sure you'll find that 10man eventually


Old School RuneScape's success is all the proof you need that WoW Classic will be a long-term hit. OSRS came out five years ago and arguably had it's biggest year ever in 2018. If spergs can latch onto a 15 year old Java browser game, spergs will also be able to latch onto the most successful MMO of all time. If WoW Classic somehow fails, it won't be because of the community. This game is here for the long haul.

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You're keeping yourself from fun because you don't know how to hit ignore or leave channel.
The strawmen you built up suck, but you're just a pussy who is controlled by people he doesn't like.

>Want to find/make a group for scarlet monastery
>Not a mage, warrior tank, or priest healer
When do I kill myself

>MFW fight a bunch of green ogres for a while while mining as a warrior
>feel like such a badass killing 3-4 at a time
>Decide fuck it and go to Tanaris
>almost die to a level 41

How didn't they notice this earlier?

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They were intentional changes they tried to slip into the game and didn't expect it to blow up like it did

My friends and I are going Alliance to merge into another group of friends. I was a warrior on Horde, but now I can't decide if I want to be a human or night elf rogue female.

Only real reason I'd go human is for the sword skill so I'll probably land on night elf, but it's a hard decision.

Also fuck leveling a warrior again. got to 57 and I'm not going through it a second time.

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Jokes on you fuccboi I'm a priest also.
I'll dot your shit in and hope a stun procs.
Until ultimately nothing happens and we both just continue on.

Alliance has a significantly higher roastie ratio. This is where the real difference is.

More likely they were simple mistakes caused from using the information they had from the private server clients.

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go human for perception to fight other rogues.

>Streamer guilds given handouts from Blizz.

But playing human is so lame.

Classic is dogshit.

>no sense of community because layering
>economy fucked because exploitable layering
>leveling is fucked because exploitable layering
>full of guide readers who min-max or force you to minmax
>class and talent bugs out of the ass
>free lego handouts to streamers

imagine paying 15 burgers for this heap of garbage.

Childhood is finding night elves females hot
Adulthood is finding human females hot

I literally had the opposite expierence, everyone on NA servers was some kind of sjw or trumptard and on EU ones everyone is chill and doesn't give a fuck about anything

>not memes
>genuinely racist
They're called facts, user.

Thats how it usually goes, if you played p.server you´d know most of EU players are infinately superior to the trashtards that are NA creaturas.

And elves are for faggots.

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That's when bodies start dropping if they get too comfortable to think they can take my nodes.

Is sweeping strikes bugged with enrage like it was in classic?

Why can't whites stay in europe and leave native american lands?

now that the dust has settled is it good?

This but with my flower picking, I'll execute a nigga if he steps up to my flower

noep, half of the playerbase burned out /or will burn out before hitting 60 and the rest of the playerbase will die out because vanilla has no endgame

youre playing a fucking MMO, interact with people
humans need social interaction to keep back depression, if youre playing a fucking MMO and crying about people talking you need to reevaluate your choices

Whats funny to me about it is that after a week of constantly shitposting in /1 and /2 i finally got silenced for 24 hrs for calling a dude a pussy bht not for saying BRs are subhuman trash who need to be gassed like the jews. Really sets a perspective

My servers horde is exactly this, Im kinda confused how they get away with all the tranny/racist shit I see posted though. Im on a super popular server, GM's just dont give a shit?

is cooking worth leveling up if i have a friend who is a mage who can just give me mage food anytime he is on?

i got 2 Swiftwinds from chests within 2 hours of each other while killing centaurs in desolace. easiest 35g ever made

OSRS almost died until it got a content update. WoW Classic will have to compromise and do the same if it doesn't want 2,000 daily players.

foods offer buffs that are quite important end game.
Such as stamina, mana / health regen etc.

I agree OP. Lok'tar ogar, lets kill all those leftie ally

Demo Shout threat was much stronger on Classic than it ever was on private servers.

bros what are the options for server transfers? i rolled on a pve server because my friends were there but I'm tired of horde niggers stealing my mining nodes and going unpunished. can i only go to the deadest of dead servers? can pve transfer to pvp?

Shame they're all gonna quit before they can even finish the quest since BWL isn't out for another 6+ months

yea the buffs can be pretty good. have you been leveling yours?

#NOCHANGES I want a ghost town

but aren't horde literally niggers themselves though?

>can pve transfer to pvp?

Don't think you could for a while in TBC at least. Maybe I'm just remembering wrong.


fuck I'm only level 40 but i have so much gold and my professions are high i don't want to do it all over again FUCK YOU JACOB I NEVER SHOULD HAVE PLAYED WITH YOU ON THIS GAY ASS SERVER

I agree with you.
Frogs and n words are very boring now, not funny, old memes.

But you are still a faggot, I can smell it. Eat shit pussy ass bitch.

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EU horde is everyone who played Warcraft 3 because they know that the alliance doesn't matter for shit.

UBRS was always, always done in 10 man. Gl getting through Scholo/Strat without dying at least once btw.

They have talked about server transfers already and said theyre going to look into once people start hitting 60 and the implications of it affecting wow. It will 100% come, but you certainly wont be able to trans to a full server. Also, classic you could transfer but only pvp to pve.

UBRS allowed 15 people before DM came out, faggot

know of any pvp servers that have good faction balance but aren't too overcrowded or full of streamer zoomers?

The EU Alliance!
Actually, scrap that, it's just Alliance.

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Zoomer detected, I used to believe this shit when I was younger too.
Now I'm at bloomer age, and I can say user, please stop being a faggot.

I'm 60 and already bored af. It takes actually forever to find a dungeon. I've been on since 12pm today and it's now midnight, and even though I've been writing in the LFG channel all day about looking for multiple dungeons (scholo, ubrs, lbrs, brd arena runs, strath living), I've only found 4 dungeons all day lmao.

Maybe LFG was a good idea after all compared to this.

you can buy everything except the thing the troll drops the trolls are killable at level 32 just takes some time, only hard part is the elemental "any other warriors need wirlwind boss?" 3 wispers in 5 mins ez quest stop crying

That's only technically true. Strat/Scholo could also be 10 manned but UBRS was always done in 10 once people realized it was the optimal composition.

Doesn't this go both way? The sudden influx of calling people niggers and frog posting is a reaction to people getting overly sensitive to absolutely every little thing they deem offensive.
You figured this would be obvious by now but the constant "triggering" continues and reactionary retorts will continue as well.

I think Thunderfury might be a good option, med-high and hits full during peak hours. Which is what you should be aiming for in a server right now as things will certainly die down in a months time. You dont want to be left on a lonely server and from what I read, faction balance is decent.

Eerrm actually
You guys are just some rock guys or some shit
You also don't really matter? Cause like, you have never had to truly suffer or do anything of importance. So like, fuck off mon, ok? How do you think you guys had the time to build Stormwind? Yeah, that's right.

Get a guild and some friends. Dont look for randoms. This is exactly why people dont like lfg

Watch the second one not drop until a year later.

sounds similar to my current server which aside from being pve is pretty much perfect. I'll check it out, thanks.

>get invited to guild

i play a feral druid and unironically shit on everything i play against. I crit clothies for 50% of their health with ravage or ferocious bite(20% crit chance lv 35), 30ish% with shred.

Everything else i can kite to oblivion or heal myself 2 times while they are rooted effectively tripling my healthpool.

It won't last forever, but until people get high end raid gear druids are objectively the best pvp class as anything they can't fight directly they can outlast. Base stats are just too high.

If you are beating rogues the rogues are just trash, they should be able to 100-0 you.

Some players did
But you didn't have to
Economy wasn't ruined
Meme builds have guides too
Guilds that don't want em ban em, but there's so many guilds
Some people are AoE grinding dungeons
But most aren't.
Most don't give a shit about any of this.
Stop being such a doomer man, you are making zero sense.

But classic+ would be the same shit from level 1 to 60, just more endgame and builds.
Makes my dick hard as fuck

Game is dead in a month, screenshot this.

Terrible, unfinished, unbalanced, and shallow gameplay will drive everyone but the retarded away.

What a conundrum. Either
>classic dies from no updates
>nu-writers ruin the "lore" a second time
Warcraft never had a good story but fuck being the chosen one whose dick gets sucked in every quest. Less is more.

Can't check builds in vanilla
>These fakes are ruining the economy!
Can you at least play the game if you're going to shitposting?

>This salty retail poster

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It's already dying, wowfugees are slipping back into FFXIV talking about how annoying the questing was and how much they're looking forward to the Nier Automata raid. I was hoping Classic could keep them away longer but I guess I expected too much of Blizzard.

I'm not that much of a fan of Classic but FF14 is actual fucking dogshit. The classes all feel dead and there is basically no pvp.

The way you notice actual private server fags is that they don't fucking care.
They play fucking anything and anywhere.

Maybe so, but that doesn't change the fact that there are a shitton of wow players (both retail and now classic) that have migrated over and are now playing the game.

retail is better than classic

>This salty classic poster.
Get back in line.

like classic classes are any better lmao
>1 spec per class is viable
epic bro

Are the american servers just as racist as the aussie ones? I dont think you can compete with how bad the aussie ones can get lmao

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>the same tranny passposter here dilating about retail
>wowcg gets 100 posts in the time wowg get's 2

>new (old) game is more popular than old game
fascinating discovery
won't last long

But it was supposed to be dead before launch, then at launch, then a day after launch, then a week after launch. Face it, retail is pure garbage and you only like it because your entire life is pure garbage

what's a good east coast pvp server?

I still have active sub for about 15 more days.
game is dogshit my man.

>kid mad I didn't resurrect his ass
walk the walk bitch

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are you kidding me? classic was released for the exact reasons you described. peoples lives suck and they yearned for the past to feel better. nobody sane or normal played on private servers.