*Makes a Ubisoft-tier open world but more empty and with worse combat*
*Makes a Ubisoft-tier open world but more empty and with worse combat*
Other urls found in this thread:
>doesn't want to buy the Switch
>doesn't want to emulate WiiU version
>cries on Yea Forums instead and is baiting for (You)
I love how assblasted Yea Forums still is over this game
>so starved for attention that OP has to make shitty bait threads about a years old game
OP. Please, for your own sake, get a better hobby.
It has Paya in it, so it's just right off the bat better than anything Sony has ever made.
Because the based boy reviewers can't stop being nostalgic about Zelda
based Paya poster
I owned this and Mario Odyssey and was bored to death. Fuck this crap and fuck the no tastes nigger brain defending these shitty games thinking that anyone criticizing them is a "snoytard".
spatoon, Mario kart and super smash Bros ultimate are legit 10/10 tho
>Post legitimate criticism
Why are Nintendo fanboys like this?
>over 2 years later
I haven’t seen any legitimate criticism in this thread yet, faggot.
People don't praise BotW for its world, or its loot, but for its approach to how the player interacts with the world. Giving the player some relatively simple tools and them emphasizing the interaction of those tools with the world elements makes it so the player feels like they're in control of their gameplay experience, and the game isn't trying to arbitrarily reel them back or decide for them how they should be playing. That's the sort of freedom that players truly value. It's a very well designed system that could use some better content to run through that system.
The legitimate complaints against the game tend to focus on ways where either the ethos of that system doesn't carry over, like randomly occurring rain deciding "Now you are effectively not allowed to climb for no reason", or where the content of the game is underwhelming. Chief among the complaints about the content is the loot system, or rather, the way the game tries to compensate for not really having a loot system. Because they didn't have a good way of rewarding the player for exploration in a tangible way, they created the whole weapon durability gameplay loop as a substitute, so that they could continuously reward you with the same stuff they'd already been rewarding you with by way of turning it into more of a rental.
It's a game that definitely doesn't live up to its potential. It's not quite a masterpiece, but it has the bones of one. Hopefully Breath of the Wild 2 will address these problems, and if it does, I think a lot of people will find themselves looking back on BotW in a more critical light.
>Post legitimate criticism
Why are Sony fanboys like this?
Link would be gay fi he didn't tap this
They are literally dying because of their drought, these shitposts are their last efforts until they become corpses laying in their basements.
>That's the sort of freedom that players truly value
Personally, I think other games did it better. Sometimes you need that feeling of a game pushing you back and limiting you. When you break out of its confines anyway, it makes it all the more satisfying. When the game rolls over for you and coddles you, there's no challenge to overcome, and there's less joy in victory.
One game in particular did this much better than Zelda, and it's a 10 dollar indie game no less.
They'll try harder next time
>Link would be gay fi
Which Fi is the gay one?
Yes, but you're still a snoy, so no.
bro. you really need to reevaluate you life man.
>shit dungeons
>shit bosses, where final boss ganon is same copypasted boss from the 4 dungeons with 0 personality
>shrines are copy paste boring puzzle rooms
>copy pasted enemies
>weapon degradation so terrible weapons last for one fight, always making you feel like using good weapons is a waste
>combat is pretty boring but not too terrible
lots of improvements to make here, hopefully botw2 is better in all of these regards
zelda team is pretty good with listening to fan feedback after all
a botw2 that improves on all these things will literally render botw completely irrelevant
>legitimate criticism
>When the game rolls over for you and coddles you, there's no challenge to overcome, and there's less joy in victory.
That's not really applicable here. The approach to freedom in Breath of the Wild isn't that the game does nothing at all to attempt to challenge you, it's that the game doesn't try to limit your options in how you complete that challenge. It rewards you for thinking abstractly about what you actually can do instead of whatever it is the developer thinks you should be doing. If there's a door you're meant to get past, and you find a way of going around it without opening it, the game doesn't consider that to be any less valid of a solution. There are still situations the game requires you to figure out solutions for, it just doesn't fret over what constitutes a solution as long as you get where you're supposed to be going.
>B-b-but Sony
Nintendies yet again proving that they're a rabid cult that can't take criticism
>it's that the game doesn't try to limit your options in how you complete that challenge
Unfortunately, that's a bad thing. It means you can trivialize most fights without even grinding for gear or items. Sometimes a game needs limitations. Think about it, if games were objectively better with less limitations, then why not just give Link godmode, noclip and permanent flight? These restrictions, like barriers, being able to die, and being bound by gravity, alone make the game much better. I appreciated the attempt at freedom, but it trivialized the whole game for me. Once I unlocked timestop+, the game was over. Literally everything was susceptible to it, and even if they were only frozen for half a second, all it took was one hit to perma-stunlock them. I was even pulling this with the endgame lynels in the frozen wastelands. Timestop->arrow to face->timestop-> rinse and repeat. I don't like that being an option because it made short work of what should've been obscenely hard monsters. AND I did this during a 3 heart run no less, which meant I could beat them without even getting hit once.
But you haven't presented any critique yet. Since I have actually played the game I have some negative points
- the breakable weapons become tedious
- more traditional dungeons would be appreciated
- More varied rewards for exploration than korok seeds would be nice
There, fucking easy you tard.
> More varied rewards for exploration than korok seeds would be nice
This could even be fixed if they just let you use korok seeds for something other than inventory. I don't get this idea of making them useless after you get 300 of them. Why can't they serve a secondary purpose? Is it so wrong for completionists to have something to look forward to?
Cope more Sonyfag, you lost
you are not really supposed to gather all 300
there are so many in the world so everyone can stumble over enough Koroks to expand their inventory without searching the whole world
I hope that the sequel will focus more on filling the Hyrule map with new and varied stuff to do, don't get me wrong I really enjoyed BotW, but when I finished the game I had a feeling that it was a very solid base to build on forwards, and that the sequel will only be better.
What if I WANT to, though? I thought the game was about freedom and letting me play it any way I want? The game has to spit in my face and tell me that this is wrong? If you're so adamant about them having no purpose, then don't have them in at all. Limit it to 300 and tell the player "you don't get a full inventory unless you search every nook and cranny." Stop with this spoonfeeding BS by just giving them korok seeds every 5 seconds. Make them earn their inventory space.
Combat is admittedly underwhelming as a rule, no matter what you're fighting. It suffers a lot from the loot system as well, since the fragility of weapons means you're encouraged to either fight things as cheaply and efficiently as possible, or eschew fighting entirely anywhere that it's not mandatory. Similar to the exploration, it's another thing where if you don't find it inherently rewarding in some way, the game is lacking a good means by which to incentivize it. In the context of challenges, I'm more focused on the shrines.
but you get a golden turd if you find all user, you earned it
>The game has to spit in my face
You got 3/4 letters right.
I wouldn't even be mad at this if you could at least sell it to some random NPC and get a cool gift.
I don't feel like watching it. What's the summary?
You've either never played a Ubisoft game, or Botw, or both.
Damn, Panzer Dragoon must be really good to get that high a rating with little reviews
Hi guys. Finished BoTW yesterday.
I liked it, despite the fact that the final boss was too easy. 8/10